Lost In Space (review)
We meet the Robinson's soon after. All geniuses. A physicist, a biologist, and of course the kid is into robotics as well as time travel. And that obnoxious girl from Party of Five.
So they need to go save the earth by finding a new place to live, but Gary Oldman sneaks on board the ship and sabotages a robot (Who cries "Kill Robinson Family!" over and over again in some of the funniest footage I've seen in ages) which backfires and the family gets 'Lost in Space'.
The rest of the film follows the Family and Oldman on assorted adventures with bizarre aliens (including an army of cool metal space spiders and a terribly matted overly cute little CGI guy).
The movie is terribly cheesy, and it's great because almost all the dialog is designed to be corny, and the actors deliver it in suitably terrible fashion. Contrast this with Independance Day where the actors all seemed to be acting as if this was a serious movie, while using their Mac Powerbook to send a virus to the alien mothership (presumably it used some sort of IRDA compatible Appletalk protocol).
Anyway, I say go see it on a big screen with a good sound system. But have a couple of beers first and you'll enjoy it much more.
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Lost In Space (review)
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