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Important Slashdot Info (Please Read!)

As I'm sure most of you have guessed, I'm heading to LinuxExpo. In fact, the Suburban will be loaded with me and 4 friends in about an hour. MapQuest says 16 hours- Jeff says 12 *grin*. I'm looking forward to seeing those of you lucky enough to be joining us down there. And now the important part:I beg everyone to keep email to me to a bare minimum- I just can't handle the 400 emails/day I usually get while I'm down there! Use the Submissions Form for stories, and we'll try to keep the news flowing (plus updates from the front!). But if you email comments, questions etc, I'm not going to be very responsive for the next 72 hours, so wait a few days and make life easier for both of us *grin*.
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Important Slashdot Info (Please Read!)

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The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. -- Niels Bohr
