Tuesday Quickies
Matthew Tebbens wrote
in to tell us that he's revamped
Pretty cool.
Ben Hutchings wrote
in to say that supposedly RH5 has been ported unofficially
to the Amiga? Any word on this?
Dave Whitinger (of
Threepoint fame) wrote in to warn us about his
Low Bandwidth News List.
1 message/day like 0xdeadbeef.
Christopher Gutteridge sent
us the nuttiest thing I've seen in some time:
The Visible Mars Bar Project
is one of the coolest pages I've seen in awhile. Nate and I
were gonna do a Bananna awhile back, but just never got around
to it. Definately worth a gander if you're familiar with the
visible human project.
Seth Vidal wrote in
to tell us about
netwinder.org, Corel's new
site dedicated to Corel's Uber Geeky Linux NC.
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