Tuesday Quickies
Taking a break from the 20 page paper of doom (draft IX,
due friday) to post a handful of things worth noting.
Vincent Janelle
is trying to round up a group of people to unofficially redesign linux.org.
Direct questions to him if you're interested.
Weez asked me to call
out for applicants for a few server openings on SlashNET.
Contact him for details.
Pez sent us A story about Quantum
Modems. It's worth a read for anyone seeking a laugh
(and if you, like me are writing a paper, you may need one)
Finally Mike Molloy wrote in
to give us a link to The Acronym Database
which tracks 53,000 acronyms. Guess I should go see if I can't
submit TMS and TCWWWTM quick a minute *grin*.
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