The Last 10 Minutes
Nicholas Petreley writes
"Though NC World may have closed its doors, we have published one last article, The Last 10 Minutes. This article attempts to analyze the contributing forces that are likely to make Windows NT 5.0 a disaster of patchwork programming. We put together this last installment in our Next 10 Minutes series in large part because links to our previous stories from Slashdot and Red Hat helped make the series extremely successful. (Thanks a million, Slashdot readers!) Unfortunately, we didn't get to publish the number of installments this topic required. So this last installment is a bit rushed and compacted, and it lacks the polish that would normally have been added by Kane Scarlett (a spectacular but unsung hero of NC World, Kane had a hand in every word of every issue). But I hope you'll enjoy reading it in spite of the rough edges - whether you agree with our conclusion or not. Thanks again for your support.
". Thank you Nicholas! I'm glad Slashdot could help, and only wish we could
have done more. NC World was an excellent mag, and I'm sad to see it go.
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