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Wednesday Quickies

Ok, we've got a buncha quickies all queued up, so here's my attempt at bringing that number down. First off, Dawn Endico wrote in to tell us that the last batch of the Mozilla Mail & News client has made it into the CVS repository. Next, Bill Rugolsky wrote in to let us know that SENSES and Mitsubishi have released the source code to Indy3D, their OpenGL benchmark test. Send them feedback, guys! Next, for the funny link of the day, Garrett Rooney sent us a link to this story about Steve Jobs meeting an over-eager security guard at MacWorld. Definitley funny =) Finally, on a related note, unity wrote in to tell us that Apple made a profit of US$101 million dollars this quarter ($.65/dilitued share). Wow, things are looking up for Apple!
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Wednesday Quickies

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UNIX was half a billion (500000000) seconds old on Tue Nov 5 00:53:20 1985 GMT (measuring since the time(2) epoch). -- Andy Tannenbaum
