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Movies Books Media Book Reviews

Review:Sex, Stupidity and Greed: Inside the American Movie Industry

Reviewed by Brent Dearth SSG is an exploration into that wonderful industry that brought us such winners as Lost in Space. Yep, you guessed it: rampant stupidity, greed, and sex, hence the title. As Brent says: "Have you ever wondered why so many films suck? Ever want the low-down on many of you favorite Hollywood stars? Do you ever question the existence of common sense? If so, this book is for you.". Check the full review below.

REVIEW: Sex, Stupidity, and Greed:
Inside the American Movie Industry
Ian Grey
(1997 Juno Books ISBN 0-9651042-7-3)

Have you ever wondered why so many films suck? Ever want the low-down on many of you favorite Hollywood stars? Do you ever question the existence of common sense? If so, this book is for you.

Rating: 10/10

Reviewed by Brent Dearth

What's Good?

How this book managed to slip past the publishing media moguls, astonishes me. Never has social assimilation through media been portrayed in such a beautifully witty manner. Ian Grey mixes comical anecdotes with dark harsh truths that expose the underlying deception, deceit, and disorder of the United States' number two export, (second only to military enterprise) the mass-produced interwoven entertainment industry!

Since I can remember, I have been avidly watching movies; some good, many bad. After a bout of the latter, I usually find myself pondering how Hollywood is capable of pulling off such immaculate, overly hyped, overly marketed piles of shit. This book makes an answer quite evident. Through satirical firsthand insight into the industry, this book breaks the masquerade of top media barons and their less-than-subtle uses of corporate tying, product placements, and censorship, in pursuit of the almighty dollar.

For those who think, this book can serve as a reinforcement of sanity...

What's Bad?

...For those who don't, this book may seem a servant of pessimism. As one who thinks, I cannot see any faults in this book. However, if you are naive enough to believe everything you are told, and truly uphold these beliefs in your heart, mind, and spirit...you will dislike this book. This book will NOT tell you the latest interesting gossip on Mel Gibson, but rather focus on his self-righteous, demeaning, homophobic tendencies. Now don't get me wrong. This book will not cause you to hate movies (I am still a movie addict), just question them.

Who should buy this book?

As stated above, anybody who wants to peer past the teeny-bopper facade of the American movie industry from disillusioned or virgin eyes.

This book is available at Amazon. (of course)

Still Unsure?

Check out this RealAudio or RealVideo clip of Richard Metzger (of Infinity Factory and Disinformation fame) interviewing Ian Grey

Table of Contents


  1. Waterworld
  2. Oscar Night, 1981
  3. Stupidity
  4. Raw Deal
  5. Sex
  6. Violence
  7. Gossip Time!
  8. Freaks
  9. Sex: The Sequel
  10. Techno
  11. The Independents
  12. Media Mauled
  13. One. Enormous. Audience.
  14. Corporate Structure Chart
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Review:Sex, Stupidity and Greed: Inside the American Movie Industry

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It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
