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Batch of Slashdot Tidbits

First, since we have spare clock cycles and memory, I implemented a Comment Search Script. Use it if you desire. Next I fixed the poll booth comment glitch that was causing everything to look funky. Third, I changed the banner HTML to a never version using (Ack!) Layers/IFrames. The page renders much faster on my box now. If anyone notices browser incompatibilities, let me know (please don't email just to tell me you hate layers. I already don't have time to reply to all of my mail). Next up is a rewrite to a chunk of the homepage so it displays the last 24 hours of stories in the main space, and the previous 24 hours in the Older Stuff box. Hopefully later today. The mysql bug is still here, but I've got a cron job making sure we don't stay down for long...
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Batch of Slashdot Tidbits

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People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn't.
