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Slashdot S2k Bug Causes Mayhem

Well due to an oversight in Slashdot's code, posting of the 2000th story has caused the stock market to crash, as well as causing Russia to accidentally launch their nukes. If only we had thought ahead, so many lives could have been spared. Oh wait, different 2k problem. Anyway, we set our daily hits record (224,000 hits in a single day) on wed, as well as posting our 2,000th story (this one!). It's been a good week, but now I'm moving Slashdot to a brand new 9gig HD, and then we'll be ready to move to faster bandwidth country and prepare for the 10k story bug which will probably cause a comet to destroy the earth.
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Slashdot S2k Bug Causes Mayhem

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