Quickies Catch Up
Finally, a few minutes to clear out the submissions
box. First up
Dave Whitinger wrote
in to tell us that Three Point's news has expanded in 3
lists (Press, Security and Software News).
Han-Wen Nienhuys sent us
a link to a project he has been working on called
It is a sheet music layout program ala TeX. Looks pretty
excellent (if you're into that sorta thing :)
Bill Lynch wrote
in to warn us that Dave "Zoid" Kirsch (Linux Quake Port Guy)
would like some comments on support of linux libraries.
Stomped has a link to Dave's
.plan file.
Albert Strasheim wrote
in to plug a
Linux t-shirt design contest.
Winners get Amazon credit and free shirts, so you designers
out there may want to hop over (wonder if I should submit DFTP:)
Brian Vincent sent
us a link to something from Graphon called
that accelerates X apps 300-1000%. AIX and
Solaris already use it, but now there's a linux port.
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