Internet Use Leads To Depression
Wade Naveja writes
"Study Links Internet And Depression according to
this Seattle Times story."
Allright, I think this warrants some discussion. Hit the
link below to read things that depress me about The
Internet, you can add your own if you're bored.
No doubt about it, Internet usage leads to depression. Either
that or anger. Examples:
- Email Marketing Works!
- Document Contains No Data.
- No Route to Host
- "Why did you delete my comment you sack of turd!"
- "Why do you use Cookies you sack of turd!"
- Email Marketing Works!
- Smurf attacks forcing sites to turn off ICMP.
- Web sites that don't let me use Netscape under Linux
- Email Marketing Works!
- 33.6 modems connecting at 19.2
- I'm sorry, we don't support Cable Modem/ASDL/ISDN in your area.
- Email Marketing Works!
- Embedded Midi in web pages
- You must download Plug-in foo to view this page
- Starting Java... segmentation fault.
- Trying to print out a page in a frame
- Trying to bookmark a page in a frame
- Trying to navigate a page in a frame
- Frames
- HTML embedded in email
- Server splitting on efnet.
- AOL Instant Messenger
- Firewalls and Proxy Servers
- "I got the first comment!"
- Your web page is cool, can I have the source?
- Will you help me set it up?
- For free?
- Dynamic IPs
- The Slashdot Effect nuking every site I post 5 minutes after I post it.
- and how could I forget, Email Marketing Works!
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Internet Use Leads To Depression
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