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Friday Quickies

Gary William Flake has written a book entitled ``The Computational Beauty of Nature: Computer Explorations of Fractals, Chaos, Complex Systems, and Adaptation.'' The book's companion website is located at here. Art & Math can work so well together sometimes. Tom Murphy sent us a link to Chris Wenham os OS/2 E-zine's rant on Conspiracy Theories anf the FSF. Mentions Slashdot for some reason too. alank sent us an article on free software that you might enjoy. Gunfighter wrote in to say that recent User Friendly strips will be of interest to Red Hat users, Finally W. O. Frobozz sent us a link to an article about Gary Kildall of CP/M and DRI fame. Worthwhile read.
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Friday Quickies

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I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them. -- Isaac Asimov
