Feature:Slashdot Comments
So we've got 2 problems right now, and both are related. The smaller problem is First Post Syndrome (FPS), but it really is just an obvious example of offtopic posting.
The Options
I haven't decided anything really yet. These are just the options as I see them.
Just Ignore It
Ok this is an option. Just ignore the problem and
hope it goes away. I'll put it to a poll. If the majority
wants me to ignore the problem, I will.
No Anonymous Coward Posting
This isn't really an option. I respect that some people
don't want to leave their names here, but if they want to
post, I want to let them. The restriction now is that
you don't get your name in the proper space. That's as
much as I want to do. It allows people to immediately
skip anonymous posts if they don't like them, but it
also allows those of you who don't mind to read them.
Anonymous Cowards can't post First?
This is kinda a nutty idea. Simply don't let Anonymous
Cowards post first. On a typical Slashdot article,
that means that ACs will have to wait only a few
minutes anyway, and the First Post problem would go
away, as most FPS comments are ACs. This isn't a bad
idea imho. But it really doesn't address the bigger
Filter Comments containing /firsts*comment/i
Frankly this won't work. If I filter out 'first comment', someone
will post 'f1rst comment'. Software could be used to intelligently
moderate a website to a certain degree, but it runs to high a risk
of deleting something valuable. Besides that, people would obviously
just play games to get around the automatic detection. About
30 people this week have suggested it, but lets be realistic,
it just won't work. Especially when every time I release the
source code, I'd have to rewrite the regex's because folks would
find new annoying ways around them.
Voting System
This is probably the trickiest to implement cleanly. What imagine
this would work like would each comment would have some sort of
score. Comments could be given points or have points removed based
on how many people vote somehow.
The problems with this system are many:first off, its a hassle to moderate, and most people wouldn't really want to do it. Second, it would be open to abuse. I don't want 'unpopular' comments to go away, just stupid ones. I'm all for disenting opinions: I don't want someone who disagrees intelligently to be deleted just because another thousand people think what they say is wrong. And let's face it, if anything pro microsoft was posted (even if it was true!) it would be voted out of the system in about 7 seconds.
More trusted Moderators
There already is a nice system in plce to handle comment
moderation (hell, most of you have seen the buttons when
we having some problems a few weeks/months ago). Currently
only small number of people have
access to do it, and we really don't use it much.. I
could find trusted people and give them access to delete.
This relies on getting good trustworthy
people. I know there are thousands of readers who would
fall in that catagory, however keeping a handle on all
these folks would be crazy. Probably a dozen people would
be enough. Perhaps each article would have a moderator
assigned to it. The moderator would be the only person
with the right to delete comments for that article. This
would allow us to distribute the email to the right people
easily as well. If "Bob" is the moderator on article Foo,
you can send email to "Bob" and not "Dave" or "Rob" who are
already quite busy doing other things *grin*.
Options to not display anonymous posts
This kinda has the same problems as any sort of changes to the AC
system. I want to let ACs post. I don't want to
muffle them, I just don't want anyone to make any mistakes
about the fact that they have 0% reliability. An option to
filter anonymous cowards would reduce the value of their
comments much more than the existing system.
So I guess those are the options. Something needs to be done. The simplest solution is to find a dozen folks, give them delete access, and hope they are trustworthy enough to not unfairly skew the comments. The whole goal here is to sift through the contents and pick out the good stuff (or at least, weed out the dumb stuff).I've recieved over 50 emails and MSGs today alone related to this problem. We need to work it out. What does everyone think?
Update: Ok, compiling the majority opinion so far, how about something like this:I pick a dozen or so folks (maybe more. maybe 50?) who go in and flag articles. If 2 moderators mark an article down, it disappears from the homepage, but can still be viewed on another page. Sound reasonable? This probably wouldn't be very hard to implement, it prevents 1 rogue from being a jerk, doesn't actually delete anything, and but still allows us to filter stuff out. Yes/No? Perhaps moderators can 'unhide' as well to provide some checks.
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