SCO claims to support Linux Development!
SCO is claiming to support Linux development with their
Skunkware program
which appears to be ports of Linux software to SCO Unix and
the claim that they are providing the Linux community with
UDI enabling software. Anybody know about this? This was
found on Linux Preview.
On a side note, Francisco Burzi
of Linux Preview would like people who appreciate his work
to vote his site the best Spanish Linux Project at
this poll. He'd also
like people to help build the Gulliver Linux Cluster
which will be a cluster free to anyone that needs the
compute power.
For the poll, you vote by mailing votacion@pc-internet.com
with the subject Voto por Linux Preview and the content
Mi nombre es: your full name here
SCO claims to support Linux Development! More Login
SCO claims to support Linux Development!
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