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The other option that I'm considering is upping the default threshold to +1. The result of this would be that the static article pages would contain only AC posts that have been bumped up a point by the moderator. I'm toying with an alternative to indexed mode that would clearly display the score of the posts, and that could be used as an easy index for comment navigation. But as it stands, the threshold will be upped rsn. AC posting will still exist, and be possible, but you'll need to go one extra step to view it. I know I'm being Mr. Evil to some people here, and we're throwing out several pounds of baby with the bathwater here, but I'm having a hard time seeing any other way to keep the default articles usable and useful for most people, while still allowing everyone to speak.
I want anyone to be able to say whatever they want, but I also want anyone to be able to choose what they want to hear too.
Comment display modes have been wiggled around again. I've set things up now to vary the mode based on the number of siblings a comment has. This means when articles are smaller, comments will be displayed in the old manner, but when they swell up (to 50 or more siblings) they'll display in the new LKMM. I think this is a pretty nutty way to handle it, but I think it will work. I probably need to label things a bit clearer and provide alternative links to the other modes, but that'll happen next time I have a bit to muck around in the code. In the meantime, constructive feedback is appreciated, and flames are routed to /dev/null.
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