Beware of the Quickees
Rob Kaper sent us a link to
something you might have missed on Freshmeat.
It's a nifty site that is tracking Server uptimes.
El wrote in
to send us a link to
"Penguin Lust" which I found silly enough to post.
Josh Baugher sent us a
link to the so called Christmas Document
that you might find amusing.
Quazi sent us a link
to a ZDNet IE5 Review
that normally wouldn't deserve a glance. But
apparently a Slashdot fan was involved.
Or just as likely, they wanted some hits and figured that
this publicity might send some clicks their way *grin*.
iota wrote in to send us a link about
Mexico using Linux in schools and saving themselves over a hundred million bucks in the process.
Mark Woon sent us a link to
a funny BMW ad poking fun of MS.
Lastly, worth noting (and based on the submissions box, and
my msglog, a lot of you did) Red Hat has
updated their website with a cleaner, and frameless design.
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Beware of the Quickees
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