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Television Media

Nerds 2.01 Coming Nov 25th to PBS

echo writes "Robert Cringely's original "Triumph of the Nerds" was an excellent history of the personal computer. Well, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer here on November 25th "Nerds 2.01: A Brief History of the Internet" will air. Also airing next Monday on PBS will be another Cringely special on Digital TV. I'm sure not going to miss either one of these if they hold up to the same standard that TOTN did." No kidding- the original was pretty darn cool. I hope PBS airs the original again soon- I always seem to miss the first part. Any readers got tapes they could send me? *beg* *beg* PBS should make them available as RealVideo. I'll definately try to watch the new version, I suspect most of you ought to as well.
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Nerds 2.01 Coming Nov 25th to PBS

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