Star Wars Trailer-See it Today!
drix writes "Quite possibly the only reason any of you would even consider seeing Bug's Life (The Phantom Menace trailer) was originally due out November 20... this has gotta be the only time I've seen so many people excited about the release of a two minute film clip. Anyways, if you live in any of these cities, the force really is with you, because they're advance screening it tomorrow before and after showings of Meet Joe Black and I Still Know What You Did Last Summer. Is it really worth the price of admission?
" Yep, it might be time for a move tonight. Update: 11/17 09:10 by CT :
Michael Wilson wrote in to say that you can call 1(800)405-9800
for a free Star Wars poster.
Star Wars Trailer-See it Today! More Login
Star Wars Trailer-See it Today!
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