RootFest 99
appleman writes " RootFest
is a conference for the computer underground, as well as the computer
security professionals, engineers, networking people, feds, script kiddies, and anyone
else who would like a chance to meet people and learn.
When: RootFest 99 will be held May 21-23, 1999.
Where: Minneapolis, Minnesota at a yet unannounced hotel. We are thinking the
Best Western next to the Mall of America but no firm plans have been made.
What: An elite conference to learn all about computer security, encryption, and other
elite stuff.
Who: All the computer underground, computer security professionals, feds, network
technicians, script kiddies... you get the idea.
Why: To party and learn new stuff, and visit the famous Mall of America.
Planning for RootFest is just starting to get underway. We have ton's of activities
planned for everyone, including speakers, contests, and games. We would like to have
everything finalized by the first of the year."
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RootFest 99
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