Beastie Boys MP3s pulled by Capitol
Fwonkas writes "Not sure if this has been posted yet (holiday distractions and stuff), but there's more bad MP3 news. Capitol has forced the Beastie Boys and Billy Idol to remove MP3s that they posted on the web. "
They join Public Enemy now
with that distinction. The artists see where the future is.
How long before the record industry figures it out? Update: 12/27 07:37 by H :A week ago Friday (the 18th) the Wall Street Journal had an interesting article on the Beasties and MP3s. Check it out for more info-although that article was prior to this report. Afraid I can't find an online, non-pay required version. Anyone know where one is?
I deleted this article. It was totally a copyright
infringment and obviously shouldn't have been posted. Hemos
will be slapped with salami until he begs for forgiveness *grin*
Beastie Boys MP3s pulled by Capitol More Login
Beastie Boys MP3s pulled by Capitol
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