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Star Wars Prequels Media Movies

Star Wars Episode I Pictures 50

An anonymous reader wrote in to tell us that Entertainment Tonight is gonna be running a follow up tonight on the prequels. This is all related to some major spread that is going to be appearing in an upcoming issue of Vanity Fare. I can't find much more concrete info beyond this, but it has been submitted quite a few times.
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Star Wars Episode I Pictures

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  • adder was caught uttering the following:
    "It says on that page that they're gonna have pics of 'Princess Leah, the Jedi Knight..." etc. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't Leah be all of a very young child at this point? (ie: Luke is the OLDER brother, yes?)"

    True, but that does not discount one of her ancestors being called "Leah" who was a princess and a Jedi Knight....
  • Posted by asymmetric_radicaltheory:

    As purveyor of all things SW. I believe that SW is about the plot, the myth. While some may argue, what sets SW apart from ST, it is that the movies are excellent as books. In fact, I would argue that the books are better, this is especially true of the novel version of the three made movies. ST books are just weak. Whereas as the Star Wars books, especially the Zahn post-movie books, are extraordinary.
  • Posted by asymmetric_radicaltheory:

    Amen, Insurrection was a decent comedy, but an annoyingly preachy science fiction/fantasy. Wasn't worth the ST name. Epi.1 can't be worse.
  • I'd really recommend buying the Behind the Magic cdrom for anyone itching for more behind the scenes info, clips, pics, etc. The two-cd set has a ton of info on the trilogy and the prequel, as well as the full video of the cut scenes from ANH. (Remember the lost Tochi Station and Biggs scenes?) Probably the best $20 I've spent in a long time.
  • Well from the sounds of it, boba fett will be in the second (and presumably third) prequell and will infact have a much larger role in the total arc than what we have already seen.

    you do, however, make a very good point. For some reason Boba Fett really captured the imaginations of many star wars fans, many of whom (I belive) want to see the character expanded upon. Perhaps it was something in lucases portrayal (limited though it may be) of the character that has caused this response... if that is the case (and if lucas ment to do that) than maby film students should take a closer look at the character because Boba Fett is certainly one of the most revered characters in the trillogy...

    thoughts anyone?
  • My friend in High School was an ardent Boba Fett fan. The reason he gave me referred to a scene that (supposedly) never made it to filming:
    We meet Boba Fett in a scene where Vader hires a bunch of Bounty Hunters. After Vader leaves, Boba Fett kills the rest of the bounty hunters.

    This has always made him seem more cool to me and explains why Boba Fett was hiding in the garbage as well when he saw the Falcon leaving for Bespin. Anyway, I don't know if it is true and recommend a grain of salt for all readers now.
  • >while Star Wars has the grim and apocolyptic view of the future.

    Actually, Star Wars does not take place in the future. Remember, at the beginning of each movie:
    "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."

    It actually takes place in the past...

  • That is, was the trailer broadcast on Tv and
    if so did anyone record it ?

    I know that it is downloadable from the web
    but those are very small.

    I would love to see it if available.

  • I liked it when Darth Vader wagged his finger at him and said "And no disintegrations - I want them alive". Looks cool, and has a tendency to disintegrate people.... ya gotta love it.
  • IIRC, originally Boba Fett was only available through some mail-order, collect X-proof-of-purchases scheme. I think that one had an actual working missle launcher on his back too. They later released one for sale at stores but I think it was a slightly different figure.

  • Well in the words of the Mad Hatter, he should "say what you mean and mean what you say." He said it was a view of the future, and he was wrong (and BTW, didn't the rebels win at the end? or was I watching a different movie?)
    Aaron Gaudio
    "The fool finds ignorance all around him.
  • *Leia* should not exist, perhaps they meant Queen Padme, Luke and Leia's (eventual) mother (I think).
    Aaron Gaudio
    "The fool finds ignorance all around him.
  • Leia - tried, but backed down at the threat of Alderaan's destruction

    Wrong! Darth Vader tried to torture Leia for the location of the secret rebel base, but apparently that didn't work. It was Grand Moff Tarkin (Vader's superior from A New Hope) who threatened the destruction of Alderaan, and nonetheless, Leia lied about the location base, so she never backed down at all.
    Aaron Gaudio
    "The fool finds ignorance all around him.

  • even if one did,
    would this be inspiration or derailment for actual research?

    Well we wouldn't know until it was proved successful or a failure would we?
    Aaron Gaudio
    "The fool finds ignorance all around him.

  • Well there's a trilogy of books that take place immediately after Jedi; I haven't read them but I'll bet the good guys (no longer the rebels) win in the end of that too.
    Aaron Gaudio
    "The fool finds ignorance all around him.
  • by adder ( 3667 )
    It says on that page that they're gonna have pics of 'Princess Leah, the Jedi Knight..." etc. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't Leah be all of a very young child at this point? (ie: Luke is the OLDER brother, yes?)
  • so do you think i should resumbit my proposal for a movie about the walrus-faced guy and his friend in the cantina? they looked mysterious, had the death sentence in twelve systems, and with the bionics available in the star wars universe, may have still been around post ANH. ;)
  • That lizard character looks like it's going to annoying. I can already see the fetishists fawning over the action-figure (whose arms, of course, do NOT bend at the elbows or knees) with a little lever in back to make his (?) ears flap up and down. Joy!

    The (bipedal) robot looks good, though. Nicely worn by time and the elements. This, to me, is one of Lucas' greatest contributions to SF film making, the idea of visually convincing the viewers that his scenes and characters exist (have existed) beyond the frames of the movie. Not a new idea to film in general, but never (successfully) applied to SF before Star Wars. His aliens break this pattern, unfortunately, and almost always come off looking like cute and clever Halloween costumes. Notable exceptions being the alien duo that harrass Luke in the cantina scene, and the Sandpeople (awesome!). The jawas, with their mighty sandcrawler, were also quite convincing.

    As far as making (only?) 3 more movies, well, I'll be pleasantly suprised if he makes it THAT far, let alone making 6 more.
  • Forgive me for asking, but why is he a moron for pointing this out? It seems to me that he is correct, or at least that his interpretation is valid.

  • Spelling errors must be contagious. It should be spelt Leia.
  • Oddly enough, after watching the last Star Trek movie I could help but think "Boy, I'm glad Star Wars is coming out soon."

    I've NEVER heard Star Trek classified as strictly "Fantasy" but always in the context of "Science Fiction/Fantasy". I'd like the people who've been telling you different and set them straight. And I admonish you for not telling them different. Whenever ST tried to do the fantasy thing it always fell flat because they HAD to explain it away using fuons or uberpowerful entities. Why? Because it was "Science!" fiction. If your rule of measure of fantasy being stories as having a utopian view of the world, there are a LOT of books/movies/etc. out there that needs to be reclassified.

    Let's just strip it all down to size. If you don't like the Star Wars hype, you can ignore it. At least it isn't as irritating as people trying to figure out ST transporters.
  • You know what film I hated? I mean really hated?

    The Godfather

    It wasn't even funny! In fact, I'd say it was the worst comedy ever made.

    But wait: was it a comedy? NO. Should it be judged as one? NO.

    What I'm getting at is that pidgeon-holing Star Wars as Science Fiction and then judging it as such, just because it's set in space, is a little narrow-minded, isn't it? Judge it on the basis of its intentions (i.e. to be a modern myth), and you might get a little further.

  • ET's article mentions that Boba Fett (the bounty
    hunter in stylish green aluminum) won't appear in
    this movie, "unforunately", like it's some kind of
    important omission. Apparently there are Boba
    Fett fans, which is a mystery to me. What's the
    appeal? The guy barely had a speaking part, never
    showed his face, and as far as I can tell, never made an important moral decision (since Star Wars is in large degree a morality play). Is anybody reading this a Boba Fett fan? Is so, why?
  • I agree.. I fell asleep during the Star Wars movies. Of course, I just saw them for the first time last year. Maybe the thrill in 1980 was the special effects, not the movie itself. I don't know. I think this new movie is going to be one I'll just skip.
  • Anakin is the primary in the film. As a child. Unless his powers extend into rapid sexual maturity, there's no way Leah's in the film. Not to mention a princess.
  • Wipe the spittle of your chin, indeed. I just hope
    that Episode 1 will be slightly better than Insurrection... (shudder)
  • How many other characters stand up to Darth Vader and don't eventually back down or pay the price?

    • Lando - tried, but backed down at threat of a Garrison on Cloud City
    • Leia - tried, but backed down at the threat of Alderaan's destruction
    • Han - sort of stood up to him, but only did so to save the others
    • Luke - lost his hand, eventually won out
    • Boba Fett - Did at least a few times and got concessions. If Han died during his torture, Fett would be reimbursed.

    Fett stood up to Vader with no consequences. That makes him pretty powerful. Of course, the lame "death" in RotJ would try to indicate otherwise.

  • This is probably what all the hubbub is about:

    Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The Taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute.

    Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to and from the small planet of Naboo.

    While the Congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace, to settle the conflict...

"I've finally learned what `upward compatible' means. It means we get to keep all our old mistakes." -- Dennie van Tassel
