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Slashdot Mainstream References 74

Several folks have written in to comment that the Feb issue of Wired (7.02) has the "Slashdot Effect" listed in the jargon watch section. An anonymous reader noted that has an article about domain disputes that mentions Slashdot and the whole mess from ages back. And finally, Time Digital has an article that refers to " Slashdot Longhairs" (along with rapid apple partisan and java futurist) to describe how biased MSs recent DOJ witness sounds. I don't have long hair. Do you? Thanks to Matthew Rose for that one.
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Slashdot Mainstream References

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  • I do have long hair see pictures []
  • Yeah, my hair's a bit long at the moment...but only because I need a haircut.


  • Here's a scan of the Wired reference [] for everyone out there that's smart enough to not buy Wired. ;>
  • until I realized my hair is long, I have a goatee, and I cause the proxy cache at work to fill with Linux-related sites. In fact, I have often driven to the top of the most-requested site list. Hmm...I need some boots.

  • Posted by Charles Bronson:

    I must be the only Slashdotter with a pompadour, button-up collared shirts and not a single pair of blue jeans.
  • That's odd, I've never seen a physics or math grad student typeset their thesis in MS Word. Maybe they should reformat those equations so they can use a professional word processor instead of that wacky longhair TeX crap.


    You're full of it.

  • I think we should "Slashdot Effect" the person's mailbox who came up with "Slashdot Longhair". I guess it's better than "Linux Hippie" but not by much. :)
  • Lets see:

    1) I have a high and tight hair cut (no long hair here).
    2) Wear T-shirts, Blue Jeans and boots (to work no less!)
    3) Ride a new Harley (99 Fat Boy... oh yeah! I wish it would freaking warm up outside so I can ride.)
    4) Run Linux because I have no tolerance for machines that crash. I have work to do, and rebooting is not what I consider an efficient use of my valuable time.
    5) Oh yeah... and I'm not a hippie. Since I spent 10 years in the Infantry... I think that rules out the tree hugging hippie label.

    So.. I guess the Berkeley grad, pony tail wearing, goatee sporting, berkenstock wearing hippie Sterotype doesn't fit here either. (I hate stereotypes.) Even though I've been hacking since I was eight (which was a VERY long time ago, lets just say that 50 baud was FAST back then.)

  • Hair halfway down to my butt when let loose, and I'm 6'1" so that's a fair ways... ;)

    ... and is it just me, or does everything Kubrick make indicate that he's Schizophrenic? Tunnel vision, stark contrasting colors (everything he does is predominantly white, black and red)...

    -- (remove the SPAM-B-GONE bit)

  • I don't own a pair of jeans, but I tend to wear long pants all the time. My hair is cut short, back and sides. My beard is usually clean shaven, but often I forget so it grows a bit of stubble.

    I am a Linux zelot, but I know there are other OSs out there, do I fit?
  • The computer world slavishly follows Microsoft, which tells the users what they really want in their software. But we are just ourselves, we use and code what we want.

    In the same way, shouldn't we be free from caring about stereotypes that say geeks MUST/MUST NOT have long hair/worn T-shirts/glasses/pocket protectors. Just be yourself.

    And I DO have long hair.
  • A lot of truly proffesional writers wouldn't dream of using Word (or Word Perfect, or StarOffice) - they are too display oriented. I'm a new proffesional writer (first book in production now) and I'm using Nedit on Linux because all the text is written in XML, so a WP isn't much use.
  • I think "slashdot longhair" is about the best non-derogatory description of a Linux fanatic I've ever seen. :-)

  • I AM the Duke of Chichester!
  • long-hair, boot clad, linux freak

    That's me.
  • is like 96 NT severs (Quad Pentium Pro 200 Mhz Compaq's with 512 mb ram) giving them triple redundancy. Actually, that wasn't fair, 24 of those servers are SQL boxes, (It's all super leet ASP you know) most of the rest run IIS. A true sign of a efficient OS.

    This is not FUD... There is an enlighting article somewhere on that describes the "technology" behind the site. (I read the URL in col.advocacy, do a dejanews search if you want to be amused) Quite embarrsing if you ask me.

    (ok so maybe it was "only" 76 NT servers, still a ton of them tough)

    g0 (Their firewall is a single Unix box)
  • "I'm a new proffesional writer" who could use a new professional spell checker. But at least you misspelled it consistently.
  • So much for the output of mindless news droids
  • Reasons to have long hair:

    1) It's pretty.

    2) It's sexy. It attracts MOTAS. (Members of the appropriate sex.)

    3) It feels nice to brush it.

    4) It gives your SO something fun to play with while you're sitting at the computer ignoring them.

    If you get it trimmed a few times a year, and use conditioner when you wash it, it's not even a pain to take care of, and it looks MUCH better.

    I've seen very few geekboys who didn't look better with long hair. Some geekgirls are better off with it short, but not many.
  • () short hair and haven't shaved in a week or more
    () long hair and haven't shaved in a week or more

    There's a difference between having a beard or goatee, and being a lazy slob.

    I used to be a long-haired slob, but then I up and went corporate, so I became a short-haired clean-cut type. Then I left corporate america for a small business as the reclusive sysadmin, so now I'm a scraggly-haired-haven't-shaved-in-a-week guy wearing dockers and sneakers. With white socks, even. Yechh.

    /me thinks it's time for my annual clothes shopping expedition.
  • Then we could find out how many of us really have long hair.

    Paradise: gcc, a 12 pack of Josta, a pile of cds, and a long weekend.

  • Got long hair, a beard, T-shirt and jeans, and drive a motorcycle... Guess I'm not an optimal spokesperson from Linux towards the corporate world :)
  • The poll should NOT lump beards and goatees together. A beard is a mature, well developed statement to the world, while a goatee is a sorry excuse for not shaving properly :) (no offense intended)
  • * Extra protective layer under motorcycle helmet

    * Great for storing pencils, twinkies

    * Hides pallid complexion from sitting inside all day

    * Contact with industrial machinery gives reason to sue manufacturer for large sum, allowing for purchase of new alpha-cluster

  • C'mon we need to settle this before the nickname sticks ... ;-)
  • I hope your tongue was firmly in your cheek when you said that CS/Maths majors don't care about clarity or sense . . .

    CS and Maths majors' writing styles, in my experience, tend to be crystal-clear to the point of tedium. There is no choice when using an inexact medium (English) to convey precise meaning.

    Secondly, for a touch typist, typing \emph takes less time than Control-B. I've generally found, however, that most Word users will use the mouse to format text - a far slower process. I'd say the LaTeX approach is pretty efficient, by comparison. Wouldn't you?

    I've also noticed that most people who use Word for their theses/dissertations don't use it effectively. They will spend hours at a time propagating formatting changes that should have been encapsulated in a style. If they're not even using the tool they have in an efficient manner, how can they even evaluate whether the alternative would be better?

    By the way, you might want to have a look at LyX [] - a tool that promises to combine the best of LaTeX and a WYSIWIG word processor.

  • > Not all Linux users / slashdot readers look like Berkeley

    > computer science graduate students! :)

    I'm working on it... ;>

  • I'd pay cash money for a t-shirt with a tasteful slashdot logo on the back and "Slashdot Longhair"
    lettered on the pocket.
  • 6) no bed-hair, hat-hair, or for those lucky enough, "I just got some"-hair.

    7) if completely shaved, MOTAS constantly want to rub your head.

    8) Won't accidentally look like Sebastian Bach or other washed-up 80's rockstars.
  • I got very short hair (where is the "hair length poll"?), wear jeans and t-shirts (in summer) or leather and boots while riding any of my 2 motorcycles.
    I am a Linux advocate but also work with Macs. I also HAVE to work with Win often because the customer always has to be pleased ;-)

  • I guess I should bathe less regularly, then.
  • Got long hair, no beard, T-shirt and jeans, and drive a Beech Sundowner ... I'm probably not an optimal spokesperson for Linux in the corporate world either. But my company has mostly moved over to Linux, and will be completing the move before 2000 -- more and more managers are able to see the substance beyond the stereotypes. Those that can't lose financially .

    Just to keep the stereotypes aive and annoy the Microsoft Suits even more: "Viva la revolucion!" :-)
  • ROTFL! A great idea! "Embrace and Extend" a negative and insulting stereotype into a good natured, humorous jab at oneself, removing all its teeth. Absolutely brilliant! :-)
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Y'know, when I ponder the terrible might of the /. Effect, I'm really impressed by this site and its maintainers. Almost every day, another site or two goes down simply because Slashdot mentions it, but the avalanche that brings down those sites all come from here and this Slashdot bears it all every day without any great complaints. I think that's really amazing. Kudos to the guys running this site.

    Now if only we could pass Team Evangelista... :)
  • It's better to have hair, than none at all.
    I am female, I have long hair and I read /. every other day and I have no problem with it.
  • Looks at himself in a mirror: long brown hair, flannel shirt, t-shirt, cords that are way too big and purple, 2 year old "all-terain-sneaker" (i didn't know what it meant then and i don't now), and a really messy looking goatee(sp). Yah, I guess "Slashdot Longhair" adequatle describes me. I didn't earn the nickname dirty by being a clean cut preppy type. Slashdot Longhair: it's a generalization, but sometimes it fits.
  • hoo-yah!

    Love it, endorse it & second the motion. Proceed to a vote ...

  • Please give me your E-Address so I can send you a self-portrait. :)

    Sorry to push this in your face, but I'm bitter. We just lost our hoops game to @#$#@ wisconson. I hate red. I really do...
  • I am also a slahdot longhair

