Monday Quickies 45
Greyfox wrote
in to say that a chunk of gnew gnome stuff
is up. Full set of 0.99.3 tar balls for those livin' on the edge.
In a related bit,
GVeloper wrote in
to mention the new cross referenced gtk documentation
at GTK Dev Central
Several other folks have commented that yet another Linux Kernel
2.2 prerelease is out. Hit the mirrors if you want it.
My favorite BSD Equal Time activist,
Jesse Shrieve wrote in to
tell us that you can get metal FreeBSD squares
to attach to your cases.
maphew sent us a link to milo
which claims to be a telnetable TRS-80. "I remember when" yada yada.
That was my first programming experience.
Next, a few Slashdot bits:
Epitaph sent us a interesting little
piece of Evidence of the Slashdot Effect in Effect: The
results of a
Petition against
Canadian CD-R Tax.
rive submitted
a simple perl script that converts Slashdot Headlines to Window Maker Menus.
DGibson wrote in to
tell us that Slashdot rated Coolest site at Planet Click.
Last of all, insanity never stops:An anonymous joker sent
us a link to The All Squirrels Must Die page.
and William Tanksley sent us
a link to the shrunken heads HOWTO. Be
2.2.0-pre8 (presumably) (Score:1)
mentioned a 'release' pre8. There's a testing
pre-8 been around for a while.
very good at predicting kernel releases before
they actually happen these days..
Or does someone out there just constantly ftp
to ftp.kernel.org and check every few minutes
just so they can have a new kernel a few minutes
before everyone else? Is that the real reason it
got overloaded? Are these the same people that
always download the tarball rather than using
Fast! (Score:1)
Yes, it is. (Score:1)
ftp1.us.kernel.org, at least, has the patch.
Now's the time when the morons appear... (Score:1)
WTF is Goofy?
Oops, wrong thread
sarcasm or troll (Score:1)
TRS-80 Model III (Score:1)
Why not hack a very specialized minimal Linux kernel and support packages that run from floppies. TRS-80s are still useful as microcontrollers for discrete hardware - security systems, gadgets, and gizmos. All you have to remember is to ground them well and you're safe.
Now's the time when the morons appear... (Score:1)
Here come the KDE/GNOME flamewars, live from this thread...
Brace yourselves.
Publisher (Score:1)
Wow those faceplaces are nifty. Anyone know who they got manufacturing them? I would love to take one of my rendered pics and slap it on a few (hundred)faceplates... =)
Also, anyone know of a good poster production house? I have a 151 meg targa that's just iching to be hung on a wall.
TRS-80 (Score:1)
Got a Model III and IV. Model III has dual 5.25" floppies and tape, 48K of RAM AND... (drumroll please) a 640x200 extended graphics card
Publisher (Score:1)
Well, being the cheapskate that I am, I came up with a faceplate solution that works fairly well. I just print a bunch 1"x1" pics onto standard label stock and cover them w/ clear packing tape. Looks almost as good as manufactured logo, AND you don't have to pay to have it full color
What about GNOME 0.99.4? (Score:1)
--Phil (Maybe I shouldn't delete mail after I read it.)
Slashdotting that poor TRS-80 (Score:1)
Cross-Referenced Doco for GTK (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
TRS-80 (Score:1)
Slashdot effect another example. (Score:1)
not important enough (Score:1)
get shells (something like WindowManagers), and other goodies to hook up your desktop...
Trs80 Telnet - so what? (joking :) (Score:1)
on that note tho, we've had telnetd in lunix (no, not linux, lunix
(i'm also writing a grafical www browser for it, too -> check my www page at http://alih.wow64.org [wow64.org]
- Jaymz
TRS-80 (Score:1)
If I remember correctly, the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer refered to usually as a CoCo had a Motorola M6800 CPU in it. Or at least a chip from that generation of CPU. This is not to be confused with the M68000 series of chips which were entirely diferenct, thus the extra zero. 8-)
Die Squirrels (Score:1)
woo hoo!!!! (Score:1)
Kernel vs DES (Score:1)