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Slashdot wins Cool Site of the Year 22

Several people submitted and emailed that Slashdot has won Cool Zine Site of the Year (the page says 1998 but that is definitely wrong- we didn't win squat last year *grin*) from Cool Site of the Day (the original one, not one of the trillion knockoffs) so thanks to everyone who voted for us. A few people emailed me to congratulate me. I guess get a statuette of some form that I can use as a commemorative doorstop or something. Neat. I'll post pictures when it shows up if I'm bored.
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Slashdot wins Cool Site of the Year

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  • by Erbo ( 384 )
    I always knew Slashdot was going to be big...and, unlike a certain ZDNet columnist who shall remain nameless, I don't engage in revisionist history...

    Kudos (and other granola snacks) to you, Rob, and to the rest of the Slashdot team! You deserve every bit of it.


  • Posted by PsychoPig:

    This is not a joke
    i have only been coming to slashdot for a while and i find it realy cool
    i think that u guys rock
    keep it up
  • Congratulations, CmdrTaco. /me thinks you've earned it.
  • And there are so many other deserving sites out there. Oh well.
  • I find it amusing that they are trying to make a flashy awards-type banquet for counter-cultural websites. Then they wonder why people didn't hang around afterwards.

    Oh, Robin Leach: I hope you choke on Mad Dog 20/20 the day the internet people become like Hollywood people
  • Hurray for the Cmdr, BSI, and all us silly bottom up nerd media lovers. We have hereby achieved the highest honor the internet has to offer. But, then again, it is the internet. Kind of gives you an obnoxious feeling of accomplished inadequacy, like stepping on an ant. But hey at least we got the ant with COOL! written across it's back.
    Let the world behold the power of SLASHDOT.
  • I knew this would happen...
  • by haaz ( 3346 )
  • Now that you've won why not take a vacation and close down the site for a few days to prevent it being overrun with tourists, and then, when they've all given up and gone on to some other flavor of the week, re-open?
  • I guess the link from CSOTD will make this a busy place. Hm. . .
    The Meta-Salshdot-Effect.
    I wonder if THAT will make it into the Jargon dictionary . . .
  • Either the clock is off (given the reply times I doubt that), or Slashdot is having articles queued for later posting (which could lead one to wonder why such would be needed/done... though I like having new articles in the morning

    either way, there appears to be a problem with the SlashCode

  • Chips and Dips has come a long way. Hey Rob you going to try to keep up your Window Maker and Enlightenment pages. Its been like two years almost. :)
  • I realy dont know how site that are crap survive
    yours is cool and well thats it !

  • The clock is wrong. It's only 2 a.m., not 8a.m.

    Go check out the translation of the German article yesterday.
  • will the endless stream of officially cool things never end? is there really so much demand for someone to decide what is cool in the world? when i think of that word, i get flashbacks to high school, and the cool people doing cool things with other cool people. sorta makes ya want to hurl, eh?
  • The Awards Show was lame at best. It was a Webster Hall.. and Robin Leach MCed the show. Nobody paid him any mind. Some guy from some local Silicon Alley music site (sorry, forgot your name) presented and accepted the award. I guess nobody in NY's Silicon Alley upper-crust reads Slashdot. Well, that's good for me! Anyway, I whooped and hollered when /. won, and almost ran up to accept the hunk o' plastic in Rob's name. But I was already a bit drunk on wine. There was then a paunchy ~40 year old male trapeze artist that made me a bit ill. A man in a blue bunny suit with his genitals protruding presented the awards. Very low nerd factor.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
