Hump Day Quickies 51
Stephen Adler wrote
a follow up to his article on the Slashdot Effect on the
Meta Slashdot Effect.
Its the effect of the article about the effect. I found it funny.
Cheshire Cat sent us a link to
Allcam.com which is a
Yahoo-style page devoted solely to web cams.
James Morris sent us
a link to
Linux Australia which
has another tux logo.
Jeff Hartmann sent us a link
to a cute little
Ice Penguin
from Michigan Technological University's Winter Carnival '99.
Surprised someone sobered up long enough to make it. MTU has a great campus though they
need something besides snow cows.
netweasel sent us a link
to an
Apple Ad that you will
Patrik Rådman sent us a
"pootified" version of slashdot.
Adam Muntner sent us
something that we all need:
Virtual Crack
zzg sent us a link
to a bizarre page of cool stuff like
ion guns and plasma pens
(oh my)
hahaha... (Score:1)
SCENARIO A - You pray to God to place a gun or other protective device within your reach. God does not answer. The intruder now is breaking down the only barrier between him and your family - the bedroom door. The children are screaming, your wife sobbing. You have let them down by listening to the media and the do righters. You have no defense, they now will pay the ultimate price for your ignorance and gullibility.
The funeral is unbearable. In your sadness you become angry and ask yourself WHY? Why did the Kennedy?s, the Schumers and other anti gun whackos have the right to deny your family the right to life? You soon realize that these same people live in secure protected compounds, some with armed guards and high tech security equipment. What right did they have in denying you a viable means of self defense?
Since when are 'whacko' militia folk so enterprising?
----------------- ------------ ---- --- - - - -
virtualcrack (Score:1)
I think slashdot's readership is just a little more mature than that. Of course, after seeing this post
No Subject Given (Score:1)
Oh no.
Virtual Crack (Score:1)
Heh, I like this. I have been hubbified.
/. effect is all to real... (Score:1)
ARGH!!!!! the
virtualtoke (Score:1)
Or maybe it's because, if it weren't for the U.S. War On Drugs that hasn't benefitted anyone except the DEA and law enforcement (thanks to the wonderful world of "asset forfeiture"), not to mention the companies that make the black helicopters that we send to Latin America, the U.S. wouldn't have a problem with crack today. The absurdity of a world where something like crack not only exists, but flourishes (in the inner cities at least), bespeaks of an absurdity one usually only sees in Camus novels, not in real life.
So chill out, take a virtual toke [virtualtoke.com], and try not to get all hot and bothered when someone exercises their First Amendment rights in a relatively harmless (and humorous) way.
Tux with nipples! (Score:1)
Of course... (Score:1)
That could get pretty tiresome after a while. Maybe he'll try to see how long it takes for the recursion to stop, and for people to lose interest in reading papers on meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-slashdotting.
Explaining the Mystery (meta-/.) (Score:1)
From the Meta-SlashDot Effect article:
There is a second resurgence, on a much smaller scale, two day's later which peaks at about 9:30am, with an abrupt fall off and then a re-resurgence around 6pm that day. This is seen in Figure 4. plot. The author scanned the various Linux news web pages for posting of the
I would bet that this is the explanation of the mystery spike: when a story falls off the bottom of the main page, it appears at the top of the "Older Stuff" sidebar, where it can be seen by people who had missed it previously, exposing it to a new wave of hits.
I know the first thing I do when I load
David Gould
Poot? Dialectizer! (Score:1)
Ask Swashdot and Qwick Winks!
Poot? (Score:1)
It *IS* funny! (Score:1)
so does alcohol, but drunkeness jokes are still damned funny! Besides, who has died from *virtual* crack recently?
>Do you really want your site blocked by parents concerned about their children?
Maybe, that would stop the 14-year-old AC posts
>I think you ought to offer an apology.
I think you ought to get a life, and if you don't like crack, don't smoke it. Its that fscking simple
Ion s etc (Score:1)
Poot? (Score:1)
As the saying goes, "Men fart; ladies poot."
virtualcrack (Score:1)
As for parents wishing to ban their kids from sites, I'd say thats a bunch of BS. Parents, Filters, nor software programs will EVER stop an intelligent teenager from visiting anything.
Regarding the titles... (Score:1)
virtualcrack (Score:1)
As a publisher, you have a responsibility to draw a line between what is funny and what is just plain offensive. If you don't then people will just stop visiting your site. Do you really want your site blocked by parents concerned about their children?
I think you ought to offer an apology.
virtualcrack (Score:1)
Anyway I thought offensive comments were supposed to be moderated. So much for that.
I'm still laughing at your reponses BTW. Fuck you too!
virtualcrack (Score:1)
It's quite pathetic to see parents so insecure in their own ability to raise kids that they fear a 4 day crack binge by little Johnie or Sally at the mere mention of the word....."crack".
CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK and double CRACK!!! Hey kids, I'm smokin crack here! It's fun!
virtualcrack (Score:1)
No he doesn't, don't be absurd. He can choose to do so, but he's certainly not obligated to. Offensive is a subjective term.
Speaking on behalf of MTU's men.. (Score:1)
Wide-body Tux (Score:1)
The Ice Penguin at MTU looks a little 'wide' (not fat like he should be, heh), but then again, it's snow/ice, and from my experiences with MTU, I really doubt the person(s) making that were totally 'there' when they were doing it :) Still looks good though, kudos to them.
My site contains 100% GPL'd source code
MTU Sux (Score:1)
in one year. One thing that Dean of Students
Martha Y. Janners and Asst. Dean Tyrell used
against me were postings I had made more than a
year previous to mtu.flame. She was telling me
that I was an angry student and needed counseling.
Totally clueless staff.
I hate that school. Advice to prospective
transfer students and seniors in High School:
Dont go there. The Library sux hardcore, they
blow money on stupid s--- like a whole new
building for Fine Arts (at Michigan Tech! while
the CS department, Physics Dept, and Math Dept
take up 1 floor each on one of the smallest
buildings on campus). Its cold snowy and they're
transfering to semesters which will screw up
all the students currently going there.
Speaking on behalf of MTU (Score:1)
As far as the ratio went, it wasn't MSU, but my friends & I all seemed to do alright. If you consider 4:1 is a population ratio, you actually have a near 1:1 ratio once you take out the social misfits. (Not to dis on them, they're part of tech's charm)
-TF (Class of '92)
Speaking on behalf of MTU (Score:1)
Actually it's a better ratio than that, but we're still not like most universities...
meta ./ effect article ./ed: server not responding (Score:1)
Intentional humor?
PootOS (Score:1)
Back to toking on my virual glass dick...
Jason Dufair
"Those who know don't have the words to tell
Sheesh! (Score:1)
I just added the "Australian Tux" link at the top of the page - its not usually there.
Speaking on behalf of MTU (Score:1)
Poot was a hoot. (Score:1)