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Fortune file for Open Sources 10

chrisd writes "As a service to my readers and the community I've prepared an Open Sources fortune file containing some fun quotes from the book. I only have 35 quotes right now but I'd like to expand it, so if you have a favorite passage from the book, let me know and I'll add it to the master file. And thanks for checking out the book. I've also submitted the file on freshmeat for later updates." Hey, its saturday. Plus RMS and Linus each have some gems in there.
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Fortune file for Open Sources

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  • Posted by Roland the Gunslinger:

    Or proofread, or something...sheesh
  • Some mistakes have been fixed, more later. Man you people like to bitch! But the reason I'm posting this is to say if you have found an author missing from the colleciton it's just because I wanted to get it out to the public not for any other reason. You will see quotes from all the authors in time.

  • Seeing the ke of kernel on one line and the rnel on the next is pretty annoying.
  • Of course, Larry Wall (of Perl fame) isn't one of the names listed in this topic, but he delivers some damn-fine quotes, perhaps none of them having to do with open source, but they're still good.

    http://student.uq.edu.au/~s343905/pub/lwall-quot es.txt
  • that old quote about berkeley, lsd and bsd.

    Ex Machina "From the Machine"
    xm@GeekMafia.dynip.com [http://GeekMafia.dynip.com/]
  • Remind me to come back to this in a few days to grab the more complete file, I definately need to find a way to work a random quote into my e-mail signature without making it even longer..
    Zephaniah E. Hull..

The herd instinct among economists makes sheep look like independent thinkers.
