Fortune file for Open Sources 10
chrisd writes
"As a service to my readers and the community I've
prepared an Open Sources fortune file
containing some fun quotes from the book. I only have 35
quotes right now but I'd like to expand it, so if you have
a favorite passage from the book, let
know and I'll add it to the master file. And thanks for checking
out the book. I've also submitted the file on freshmeat for
later updates." Hey, its saturday. Plus RMS and Linus
each have some gems in there.
Spell Check (Score:1)
Or proofread, or something...sheesh
Some .... (Score:1)
And word wrap the fortunes. (Score:1)
Larry Wall (Score:1)
BSD / LSD (Score:1)
Ex Machina "From the Machine" []
Mmmmmmmm (Score:1)
Zephaniah E. Hull..