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Live Nude Quickies 49

Nothing I like better than post X-Files quickies. Oh wait. That came out wrong. (rimshot) I should post some links quick to cover up my terrible joke: Eduardo Silva sent us a link to the online version of At RMSs Essay from Open Sources. It's on the past, present and future of the FSF. Jaws sent us a link to a Katz article at Mercury Center called The End of the Microsoft Age. Dan Guisinger sent us a link to some new Rio Accessories including a remote control that plugs into the headphone jack. Andy King sent us a link to the Web Reference entry for the Slashdot Effect Elphin sent us a link to a nifty poster of the Netscape color palette. GtHS sent us a link to an article that the trillions of you who continue to submit the hamster dance will like: It's the Penguin Dance. Pete Rijks sent us a link to the Scary Squirrels for all you conspiracy nuts. GTM writes The Net Wars Trilogy, a strange net parody of a certain trilogy you might like. baegucb sent us a link to another site on the hot topic of furby mutiliation. This time with a microwave. sent us a link to another scary patent. How does this stuff get in the system?
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Live Nude Quickies

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  • Makes you wonder, though, why Microsoft would apply for the patent?

    Probably a Microsoft employee having some fun in his off time got caught by one of those "we own everything you produce including your next five children" NDA's.

  • Posted by The Mongolian Barbecue:

    Why can't he post stuff like that to /.?
  • This is the third time the butt hinge has been mentioned on slashdot. It has already been mentioned in a comment and a previous story.
  • that would be RMS's article, not ESR's
  • I know I saw this patent previously here in Slashdot. Why, I printed it and had it posted on the bulletin board!

  • I love seeing /.ers get articles in the mainstream media :)
  • Makes you wonder, though, why Microsoft would apply for the patent? Are they having security problems? Or are they planning on unleashing a horde of thieves on their competitors and want to prevent them from protecting their doors? :-)

    Please don't take any of that seriously.

  • by zempf ( 4454 )
    The URL for the Rio accessories should be cfm (click me) []. This is why you make sure to close your HTML tags :)

    -mike kania
  • The only thing that sticks in my mind here is that Katz keeps calling the Internet a force in the 80's, with Gates standing atop it like a surfer on a tsunami. Surely he means the PC revolution of the late 80's and early 90's! Microsoft was never all that Internet-savvy...and the Internet, up until about six years ago was a quirky little community of colleges, defense and government sites, not a consumer one.
    It's true that Gates's image was perfect for the business culture of the era following the glitzy Reagan administration: Gates 1.0a seemed to be an unpretentiously oafish Ivy Leaguer, so bewildered by his sudden fortunes that he hadn't time to upgrade his lifestyle. Gates 2.1, on the other hand, has been recast as a sharply wheeler-dealer, the kind of person most middle-management types love to fantasize about.
    "He's!" I heard a suit once murmur, enraptured. "Never even takes time off! No wonder he made all that money..."

    It's interesting how we tend to see things... differently...

  • I know why they did this! If you're stuck in a room with these hinges on the door M$ will charge you big bucks to use the door to leave or you get charged to use the broken window!

    Right now I wish someone made Toilet Paper with Bill Gates' face on it. Cause the dingleberries are calling.
  • Sheesh! This is sad.

    That's a rip-off of the DEC Wars "trilogy" that you can find floating around at most UNIX humor sites.

    Boo! Boo! :/

  • The information in this patent is actually pretty useful. It's an idea of having a door hinge that can't be removed while the door is closed (you have to remove the flaps before you can slide out the pin, and you can't remove the flaps when the door is closed). I'm not a locksmith/carpenter/whatever, so I don't know how obvious this is. The fact that Microsoft owns this patent is interesting, to say the least.
  • But seriously, MS needs these to protect Windows users from getting up the butt whenever a new bug is discovered.

    Ex Machina "From the Machine" []
  • Ori-Chan Stallobi - Richard Stallman
  • there was something similar in the User Friendly strip already. All funny though.
  • I couldn't stop laughing. I really do hate those things. They are the most annoying toys on the market by far.
  • freedom is a road seldom travelled by the multitude

  • <irony>I guess a lot of sites would be willing to pay protection money for not being mentioned on Slashdot.</irony>
  • They have done MS Windows, know they will do MS Doors.....

    Where do you want to go today?

    You will go where I damm well say you can go, and we are making High security doors to make sure...

"Experience has proved that some people indeed know everything." -- Russell Baker
