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Stanley Kubrick Dies 88

Anthony Fuentes wrote in to tell us that Stanley Kubrick is dead. The director of so many amazing movies including The Shining, Clockwork Orange, Dr. Strangelove, and of course 2001: A Space Odyssey. He truly was a genius. He'll be missed.
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Stanley Kubrick Dies

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  • From Yahoo News []

    Warner Bros. Co-Chief Executive Officers Daly and Semel said in a statement that they were ``deeply saddened by the loss of Stanley Kubrick, a towering figure in the world of film and a deeply loved and respected member of the Warner family for nearly three decades.

    ``Stanley's unique vision and protean abilities as a filmmaker have fascinated and inspired audiences and colleagues for almost a half-century; we join them in extending our heartfelt sympathies to Stanley's widow, Christiane, and his daughters, Katharine, Anya and Vivian.

    ``We were fortunate to have screened the just-completed 'Eyes Wide Shut,' Stanley's final picture, last week. It is a fantastic movie and a fitting close to a tremendous career. We look forward to sharing this movie when it is released as planned this summer and believe that it is a tribute to a remarkable and unforgettable man. We will miss him very much.''

    There was also another news release I saw elsewhere that said Eyes Wide Shut would be released as scheduled in the U.S. on July 16. So we will get to bask in the Masters magic one last time.

    His body may have gone but his spirit will live on as long as there are people who love true artistic genius.
  • We'll meet again
    Don't know where
    Don't know when
    But I know we'll meet again
    Some sunny day.....

    (sung by Vera Lynn at the end of Dr. Strangelove, for those who didn't know already)
  • That's not the point. Kubrick maintained strict control over his films. He would reject a print because the color balance was wrong in a single frame. Now that he's dead, who will get the final cut of "Eyes Wide Shut?" That is the issue.

    With Stanley Kubrick alive, no one would be allowed to touch it. Now that he's gone, will the studio butcher it to placate the Ratings Board? Remember the studio cut of Terry Gilliam's "Brazil?" I shudder at the thought of someone touching Kubrick's last film.
  • I had just seen "Clockwork Orange" this last week and "Dr. Strangelove" today. I guess I have been subconciously gearing up for "Eyes Wide Shut".

    I am saddened to hear this news.

  • No, that was Ridley Scott's movie. I can't give a source, but I have heard it stated that, in Kubrick's opinion, Blade Runner was the most beautiful movie ever made.
  • isn't good enough for ya?

    Maybe that wasn't rude of you, just ignorant. Kubrick wasn't the kind of guy to have an official website, though.

    Here's the Yahoo list o' Stanley Kubrick fan sites, if it helps: /Filmmaking/Directing/D irectors/Kubrick__Stanley/ []
  • Weird... I could swear that link in the original posting was to a different article from BBC. In fact, I remember it was linked to the article "Movie pioneer Kubrick dies" and not "Kubrick: A film odyssey". So either the BBC changed their pages or somebody changed the Slashdot link. Oh well. Whatever
  • my list of favorite movies looks more like a listing of stanley kubricks life works -- i too will miss him. thank you mr. kubrick.
  • Well, 'tis slightly evident by the quality of the grammar and so on that whoever posted that drivel is a little lacking upstairs. I'm normally not one for personal attacks, but this was ridiculous. Oh well. I personally have highly enjoyed the couple of Kubrick movies I've seen. And I was looking forward to Eyes Wide Shut...I'm glad to hear it'll still be released. Now if he had the final cut ready yet is still to be seen.
  • It's time to mourn the passing of another great director. *sigh* We've had Akira Kurosawa and Sam Fuller die within the last couple of years. Now Kubrick. Hopefully Bergman will stay with us for a while.
    The question now is, what will happen to Eyes Wide Shut?
  • Clockwork Orange is the best film I've ever seen, and 2001 made people think about time and space. IT is a sad day.
  • No one's yet mentioned this one, but it's one of my favourites -- a beautiful film, although it may have lacked the grandeur of 2001 or the apocalyptic subject matter of Dr. Strangelove.

    *lifts morning coffee cup* Here's to you, Mr. Kubrick. Ya did good.
  • I think that Blade Runner IS one of the best and most beautiful movies ever made - but I would be hard pressed to choose between it and 2001.

    Symphony: dah... Dah... DAh... DAH DAH....
    Timpani: DUM dum DUM dum DUM dum DUM......
    (My imperfect attempt at Thus Spake Zarathustra)

    Dave: Open the pod bay doors HAL.
    HAL: I'm sorry Dave - but I can't do that.

    IBM := ('H' + 1) + ('A' + 1) + ('L' + 1);
  • Lots of famous people falling down dead these days...
  • I have to respectfully disagree with you. Although Kubrick is one of the greatest directors, my vote for the best goes to Akira Kurosawa. Unfortunately, Kurosawa and Toshiro Mifune (who appeared in several Kurosawa films) also recently passed away. Kurosawa films that I liked the most are, "Rashomon", "Seven Samurai", "Yojimbo", and "Ran".

    The following is some info for those not familiar with Kurosawa's films. "Rashomon" showed a rape and murder thru the perspective (flashbacks) of several of the participants. The storyline in "Seven Samurai" was reused in the "Magnificent Seven"; hired pros come to protect a village from bandits. "Yojimbo" was the precursor to the Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns; mysterious loner appears in a town with two warring factions. "Ran" was King Lear set in Japan.

    Please don't get me wrong, Kubrick was great. IMHO, Kurosawa was just a bit better.
  • This is the Yahoo story about Kubrick [] from Reuters. Warner Bros. states "the film was completed and was shown to the two top executives at Warner Bros., studio heads Terry Semel and Robert
    Daley, and to Kidman and Cruise last week in London. 'It will be released as planned in the United States on July 16,' the spokeswoman said."
  • 2001 was one of the first memorable movies my father took me to also. Kubrick has been a director I've watched ever since. I guess it's an inevitable result of aging, but I'll miss the creator of such films as he has mad...

  • I will miss him too. BUT I think Alfred Hitchcock was the greatest director of all time.

  • come on!, we all know the only real reason people went to see 2001 was because they were high :-)
    That and Fantasia...
  • I've got an extra copy on videotape (vhs).
    Still in the wrapper and everything...
  • I AM Stanley Kubrick!
  • Is there a link/homepage for this?

  • If you actually bothered to read the link in the original posting, you would of already known that.


  • He's in a great movie called 'Bad Lieutenant'. In one scene, he pulls over these two girls and shoots his wad all over the side of their car.. Pretty cool movie(and not just b/c of the spank). That scene is prolly only in the NC-17 version though..

    Spankmeister General
  • I have not seen every Kubrick film, but every single one of those I have seen (Dr. Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange, 2001, Spartacus, and Full Metal Jacket) has been truly excellent. He was a genius, and it will be impossible to replace his style.

    I think it's time for a rerun of Dr. Strangelove, just for old time's sake. First Akira Kurosawa; now this. What's up with all the dying?
    Kyle R. Rose, MIT LCS
  • What's going to happen to Eyes Wide Shut? But worse still, now he will never be able to make the science fiction film, AI, that he had been planning for so long. What a loss.
  • Posted by killa hertz:

    Tonight I will lay in bed and cry.. I will cry the tears or remorse and lament. When I watch "The Shining", "Clockwork Orange", and the good ole Doctor, it will never be the same. He was a legend that will never die. Thumbs up Stanley, you did good.
  • OK. Just found a better article about this on the AP Wire site ( According to Warner Bros, Eyes Wide Shut will still be released on July 16.
  • Your post is a joke or satire, something like that... Is unbelievable that anyone could think of Stanley Kubrick has a massive brainwasher, a brainwash don't let you think, and Stan's films really put the watcher to think, he was too busy creating really good films to take care about that lousy objective of brainwash people. After all, that's the work of the mainstream media, to suppress the reasoning of people, so I think if you want to find a brainwasher is more easy to find it in Spielberg, Dreamworks, WSJ or in The New York Times than in Stanley Kubrick... And about "Clockwork Orange", the message was quite the contrary.
  • Ridley Scott dircted Blade Runner. He's still alive...
  • This is a sad day indeed. I think it's time to dig out Full Metal Jacket, another masterful piece by Stanley Kubrick.
  • He will indeed be missed. What else can be said.

    And yes, he has made my world - and many others - who appreciated his works - a better place.
  • Let's not forget Lolita, which would have to be the second best movie ever. Second of course to ACO. :)
  • I was searching around the net for an mp3 of the
    sound track to 'Dr. Strangelove' as that story was being posted.

    The first movie my father took me to see was 2001.
    (he didn't go to movies much and we saw only the best of the best.)
  • Huh? He was, AFAIK, not involved with that movie at all.
  • damn, your right. I thought this film was going to be made. I read a while ago that Kubrick was working on it. Anyone else know anything about it's fate?

  • next weekend... i'm doing it with about 6 friends...we're going to watch

    The Shining
    Full Metal Jacket
    A Clockwork Orange

    it'll be an all day thing. if we get a bunch of groups everywhere to watch them next weekend, maybe we can channel his spirit! (or not) :)
  • Kubrick gets my vote as the greatest director of all time. I've been salivating for months at the thought of seeing his new movie "Eyes Wide Shut". A Kubrick film is simply not to be missed. From "The Killing" on through "Full Metal Jacket", every one of his films is solid, and most of them are masterpieces.

    When you look at his films it is hard to believe they were all done by the same person. They are all so different in subject matter. "Dr. Strangelove", "2001: A Space Oddesy", "Spartacus", "A Clockwork Orange", "The Shining". This man has a truly amazing collection of films. The common denominator is that they are all spectacularly great.

    This is perhaps the greatest loss in the history of film. You will be missed, Mr. Kubrick.
  • :(

    I love his films.

    He'll be missed.

  • I must commend the policeman who reported his death. "Stanley Kubrick, I'm afraid to say, is dead. His family wished someone to report his death to the press." (Emphasis mine.)
    Now, how many times in the last few years have we heard "passed away" (a low-class euphemism, similar to "little girl's room" for Women's Lav) or "passed" (which sounds like he passed a stone, a test, or merely the Bar). A man is dead. We want to say so. Turning the event into a kind of nebulous "time to remember" (something like "...we are here to celebrate a life", right?) doesn't make up for the fact that we aren't going to ever see the remastered 2001.
    Damn, I'm gonna miss him.
  • I can't even begin to count how many times I've seen FMJ and 2001. You've done good Stan, you'll be missed.
  • Ironic such should be posted.

    Love of him or hate him, Kubrick at least had the integrity to put his name on what he believed him.

    But then, it's obviously microencephaloid drool, so why bother to respond?

    I have my own answer.

    The World is a little worse off today, because a director who dared to make us think for ourselves a little is gone. He was the antithesis of what Hollywood has become, although the filmic-illiterate would have you think otherwise.

    Kubrick made films that matter. Even if the anonymous poster above *had* posted a name, it would be fogotten sooner than this morning's coffee.

    Kubrick lives on in his films.

    "Gentlemen! You can't fight in here--this is a War Room!"
  • How about listing all the movies *you* have written, produced, or directed? Or at least some indication you have an idea what actually goes into a movie.

    Some people truly have no taste.
  • Sorry Stan. You'll be missed.
  • Kubrick's favourite film was David Lynch's "Eraserhead".

    Source: "Lynch on Lynch". Faber & Faber. Edited by Chris Rodley, who also edited "Cronenberg on Cronenberg".

Human resources are human first, and resources second. -- J. Garbers
