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Star Wars in Egypt 32

jason writes "If you missed the Fox tv special about opening the lost tombs, you missed a great interview with Richard Hoagland, a complete weirdo whose site has some really whacked out info. My current favorite is here where he compares Egytpian glyphs to star wars and some modern implements of destruction. Some folks have a lot of free time. "
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Star Wars in Egypt

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  • Posted by Charles Bronson:

    Contrary to Hoaxland's and others claims, NASA DID go back and photograph the area where the alledged "Mars Face" sits and found, much to Hoaxland and his ilk's dismay, that it looked more like the face of the phantom of the opera than that of a normal man. Sorry, fella!

    As of yet, I have not found a substantial and/or convincing reason as to why the gov't, NASA, CIA, FBI and FDA as well as former Surgeon General C. Everett Coop would want to keep the existance of UFOs, Aliens, cattle mutilations and cities on Mars a secret.
  • by gavinhall ( 33 )
    Posted by planders:

    That's what they want you to believe.

    That's exactly what I'd expect you to say.

  • Anyone who puts a web page that bad on a second level domain is a complete wierdo.
  • "Complete wierdo?" "Whacked-out info?" This coming from the maintainer of Slashdot?

    Now, really.

    ;-) :-)

  • The special made it seem like the only real controversy in modern Egyptology was whether the pyramids were built by Martians or Atlanteans. The director of antiquities was visibly squirming at some point when he heard some of those theories. Apparently, the whole thing was funded by followers of Edgar Case (a real nut), who have thrown this money about in order to "prove" Mr Case's deranged prophecies.
    The style of the show was also surreal. It reminded me of the Winter Olympics... ("And later, we'll go to the burial venue, for a live preview of tonight's mummification competition. But first, Maury Povich, with a moving story about a Egyptologist who will touch our hearts...)
    But hey, can one really expect responsible journalism from FOX?
  • >It's truly a pity that Raymond Faulkner's "Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian" doesn't
    >seem to have the transliteration of the helicopter glyph.... I don't even know what its
    >Gardiner classification number is so I can't typeset it with HieroTeX

    In case you're curious, the current theory on those glyphs is that they're accidential. What happened is that a glyph was carved which makes up part of the "helicopter" glyph. Then later in egyptian history, they want to change the glyph to something else, either to change the name or whatever. To do this, they'd plaster in the original glyph and recarve on top of it. However, in the thousands of years since, the plaster has fallen out, thus giving us a glyph made up of two glyphs that are somewhat superimposed on top of each other and look like "helicopters" and the like.

  • It's truly a pity that Raymond Faulkner's "Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian" doesn't seem to have the transliteration of the helicopter glyph.... I don't even know what its Gardiner classification number is so I can't typeset it with HieroTeX
  • hehehe it's alot of fun
  • Hoagland is a lil wacky.

    But - if you're into that kinda wackiness, check out Art Bell. Late nite radio talk show with subjects ranging from Govt Conspiricies, to Alien Abductions, to Ghosts and Goblins.

  • Indiana Jones found Star Wars objects in Egyptian glyphs, too.
    Watch "Raiders of the Lost Ark". In the scene where they open the big stone vault with the Ark in it, There is a column behind Indy with carvings of R2D2 and C3PO on it...

    That's real Egyptian history, and it really has nothing to do with the fact that Geoge Lucas made both movies!
  • I make some work on Mars weirdnesses and I can tell you that "Truth is out there"
    However the real world may be much more monotonous than any X-Files episode. But not less interesting. There are many people who work on searching aliens, Life out of this planet, wierd theories that do not fit over a "standarized" (aka "official") conception.
    The works of these people are sometimes very serious. They try to deal with things that many academical circles consider "scientific heresies"
    I would recommend you two sites to visit:
    However what about Hoagland and conspiracies? Hoagland can be considered a whacko. Maybe it would be better to consider him as a smart "hoaxer". In fact he brings out several facts that in reality are quite important. However he always deturps things into crazy interpretations and false conclusions. I cannot trust a word of what he writes. However I know that a lot of things that he brings into his crazy stories is based in these "hidden truths". In one word he desinforms.
    Yes there are truths that some people try to shut down. But also it is usual that the origin of these things do not come from governments or state institutions. It comes from people who try to hold up theories and ideas that are bound to fall. Theories that many people spent their lives, efforts, dreams, nightmares and illusions. Theories that some people consider they should exist to "preserve society, religion and Science".

    Any ideas that go against these theories are frequently attacked and sometimes in a very dirty way. I have been testimony of such situations. And I have been victim of one such situation.
  • Sound a little like Stargate SG-1 anyone? Where is Jack O'Neill when you need him? :)

    Egyptian history has always fascinated me.
  • That's exactly what they want you to think :)
  • Few techies seems to be interested in archaeology or ancient history, but I have been fascinated by the stuff since I was in grade school. Perhaps it was Indiana Jones that tuned me in...

    Anyway, there are theories and some evidence that there was contact between the Americas and Africa/Europe. Although you won't find mention of it in any "standard" archaeology or history books (it goes against the grain!), several archaeologist have actually found ancient Egyption artifacts in Mayan and Aztec ruins. I only have one URL on the top of my head. Check out [] - it is a bimonthly zine on pre-Columbian inhabitation of the Americas and international trade in ancient times.

    One thing you should always do is to never just blindly accept whatever you are taught, whether in school, in "accepted" books, etc. Challenge the system and find out whats real for yourself. After all, if you didn't you'd probably think MS software was great :-)
  • by Otto ( 17870 )
    Hoagland is really out there.. I listened to him a few times on the Art Bell show, and he has some strange strange theories.. He basically takes everything that happens at all and forms cohesive nonsense out of it.. it's actually really facsinating how you can pretty much take anything and wrap it in a conspiracy. :-)

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