OpenSource Alternative to CDDB 141
RUAOK writes "I put up a page dedicated to creating an OpenSource alternative to the CDDB system. The CD Index project (working name) is already up and running, ready for CDs to be submitted. All the code and submitted data will be covered by the GPL to protect this from happening again. "
Ripping off CDDB (Score:1)
So I say we mine CDDB, or at least start with the last time we could download the contents of the CDDB (anybody?). Then if Escient decides to pull some legal crap we can pound them into the ground.
Can't photocopy phonebooks (Score:1)
The information in the database is something we might call "common knowledge" (IANAL). You can't own common knowledge, because it's pretty much public domain. Think of compiling huge lists of email addresses and putting a copyright on it. If the database were copyrightable it would only be if they put significant investment into it. And as far as I'm concerned asking members of the community to enter in data, or buying an established database does not constitute significant investment.
Financial Support (Score:1)
Here's a more ethical way to do it (Score:1)
Already done? (Score:1)
freecddb.freecddb.org (port 888)
Alternative to CDDB protocol (Score:1)
Recreate the CDDB! - It's alrady there. :-) (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
Yes, and cdindex suggestions. (Score:1)
On a different subject, I want the cdindex program to have a switch to just print out the encoded url, and not launch the browser. (I wouldn't mind pasting.) I've got a wrapper script to set up to provide netscape with a special environment, and it breaks the url-passing that cdindex relies upon. And it insists on launching a new instance of netscape, rather than passing the url to an existing instance.
P.S. I thought the "shameless rip" comments in the source were amusing.
P.P.S. The first CD I tried to index was the Steve Morse Band, an instrumental guitar/bass/drums trio. Would that count as a single-artist CD, or do Van Romaine and Dave LaRue count as "artists"? ;-)
Let's rip off the CDDB (Score:1)
> CDDB and re-uploads it to cdindex.
End users have no licensing agreement with Escient, so it isn't clear that there is any problem here.
Watch the use of 'CDDB' (Score:1)
The code wouldn't even compile on my system (Score:1)
to the top of the source file on my 2.2.2 system (yes I know I'm a version behind
I took this from the 2.0.36 sources. I'll e-mail them now and tell them.
Alternative to CDDB protocol (Score:1)
The idea revolves around using XML. The CDDB protocol is not very flexible - it allows you only to have a disc title, and track titles (and extinfo for each track - but that's unspecified). What we would have with XML is much more flexibility, so you can have a compilation CD and the protocol will support having a different artist for each track, and you can have lyrics in there too.
The whole system just works as a web server, the XML files are stored as their discid, so you request the file http://server.com/cdids/e453f35 and you just get the raw XML back. This is very easy for the applications to parse. We can also support http://server.com/cdids/cddb/e453f35 to return the cddb format for older player, but the XML format is more flexible.
The XML format also supports indexing and searching using sgrep or other freely available tools (e.g. harvest/glimpse can be easily adapted to work with this format). This solution is infinitely more scalable than anything based on a database backend (don't believe me? Why aren't any of the web search engines run on MySQL?).
Anyway, I think it's a good idea. I know Rob already has something working, but if this is to be a truly scalable solution, with lots of different servers, then it needs some extra thought IMHO.
If you want some further info on what I am thinking about, contact me at msergeant@ndirect.co.uk
They do *own* the data (Score:1)
GPL for server, not the protocol. (Score:1)
No! (Score:1)
Different discid's are supported by having >1 XML file for the same CD. No problem there. That's no different to the current scheme either.
Mostly what they did wasn't so bad. (Score:1)
most CD currently don't use this and almost no
program currently use this either, adding support for CD-Extra would be a good thing...
Content is Copyrighted. (Score:1)
This is a good thing, actually-- it can be used to weaken Escient. I work for a Record Company. We've already told Escient to either compete through quality of service rather than restrictive licensing, or remove our intellectual property from their database.
No, Record Companies own the data. (Score:1)
Pulling in the reins... (Score:1)
I would like to add that the folks at Escient do not appear to be music fans or record collectors. They do not seem to have any respect for the rights of the artists and labels from whose work they seek to profit. And they certainly did not consult with an attorney familiar with the music industry before attempting to execute their business plan.
Write your own (Score:1)
Hmm, now that I think about it, it might be nice if we had thumbnails of the cover art next to the database listings that are displayed on the web page. It would also be nice for "lookup then shop" kind of activities.
I wonder if the copyright holders would object to this form of free advertising? I guess we could always try it and then if someone objects, pull their thumbnail.
Financial Support (Score:1)
If this project succeeds, it'll need financial support for internet connections, servers, system administration, etc...
Add revenues aren't a bad way to go about it, and asking the developers "Pretty please, will you provide a button, plug this site in your About box or something?" sounds like a better approach than "YOU WILL DO THIS DAMNIT!" Maybe even make a deal with the advertisers to award developers for fully complying, like for every month that your player generates more than X hits, you get X gift certificates for CD's.
It pays to be nice about things like this.
The code wouldn't even compile on my system (Score:1)
One day, I envision most GPL'd software being released with non-linux specific code. But it may be a cold day in hell before that happens... (Oh look, it's 33 degrees....)
The real point is that with a little careful planning, OS-specific code can be greatly reduced, modularized, or even eliminated, making porting easier. I shouldn't have to look at the source code, and realize that it will take far more time than it is probably worth to port over, and that I have other things demanding my time (like writing that compiler, or working with NACHOS. Or working, or writing essays. Or posting on
Just remember that there are other free OS's out there (HURD, *BSD), and that just becuase you are running solaris or something else, doesn't mean you can't contribute.
Whee, that was fun.
Copyrights on information... (Score:1)
I do not believe that you can copyright a database of information. Especially in this case since the database contains information of artists and song titles which are already copyrighted by the perspective record label/artist.
You can copyright the presentation and format of the database, however as that is an implementation of an idea.
Anyway, I believe that the information which has been contained within the CDDB archives could be extracted and put into a new format for use with another project. I notice that CDDB no longer has this available for download, but they did six months ago and I would think someone has an old copy lying about.
However, I guess I feel this project is a waste of time and money. Unless you think you can improve this service somehow, I am unsure why you feel it is necessary. Remember you'll need dedicated internet resources to host this. How are you going to pay for that?
CDIN (www.cdin.org) (Score:1)
Please visit www.cdin.org [cdin.org] for info.
Caveats (Score:1)
Phone books and copyrights (Score:1)
If this goes to court, it will be interesting. Someone sold the database to Escient, and presumably the question would become whether that someone owned the data.
Who can say? (Score:1)
Case in point: Microsoft's style sheet patent.
Great idea... but... (Score:1)
.. aha (Score:1)
Great idea no buts!
Email To CDDB: Please remove my entries (Score:1)
To: support@cddb.com
Subject: Please remove my entries
I have submitted entries to CDDB in the past, however, upon checking your
web-page I see that you have added a section saying that any entries into
the database become your property.
I never have (and never will) agree to these terms. I added my data, in
good faith, with the idea that it is free (like speech) not restricted or owned.
Since this policy is different then it was when I entered CD data, I fully
expect you to remove all the data entered under my email addresses:
Thank you for your co-operation,
Christian Holtje
"There are monkey boys in the facility."
--Yoyodyne Comm System (Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai)
The Doctor What: "What, Doctor What" http://www.gerf.org/~docwhat/
docwhat@gerf.org (finger docwhat@gerf.org for PGP key)
Cover Art (Score:1)
Might be an easier solution with no copyright issues...
Access/response of cdindex... (Score:1)
I'm trying to submit one of my CD's, and after it goes to the "check for previous artist" page, I get a blank page.
Slashdotted again?
John Kramer
Escient pulling a fast one (Score:1)
Really, you and other are making a much bigger deal of this than it really is.
See post by krynos at the top of the page (Score:1)
You are a complete moron (Score:1)
Take a look at the post by Krynos, he is one of the original developers of CDDB. He explains things well.
Find the facts before you speak (Score:1)
MySQL License (Score:1)
MySQL is free for all use, you just can't sell it. So I could setup a CD indexing server and charge for each connection and still use MySQL for free. However, if I tried to sell a CD containing the CD indexing software, I'd have to pay the nice MySQL folks.
"That CD was not found" (Score:1)
Is there a delay in the database processing the
info that comes in?
Hmmm, reloaded too fast, eh? (Score:1)
Resubmit what's already on your system (Score:1)
Mailing list (Score:1)
I expect to have a list up by the end of the day.
Alternative to CDDB protocol - UNICODE (Score:1)
That ought to be good enough.
DON'T mail me (Score:1)
Wow! That's the Slashdot Effect in action. (Score:1)
I can easily see an order form for more memory & bandwidth for your server on the same form as the submit story page. Or a "minimal server requirements" section on the submit story form...
Maybe a
Protect yourself (Score:1)
However, unless the CDDB guys filed a patent a while ago, it doesn't matter because it's been out for more than a year now, and there's plenty of prior art. So this should be safe from new patents.
Escient responds to me, and other things.. (Score:1)
I would be flexible, find ways of extending my technology and resources into new markets instead of grasping at their "IP" as a would-be cash cow; that's a cowardly, static strategy. I would create a Nielson-like service that distributed special CD-players to certain people to collect playing data about CD's for market research.
That's their ticket to success - become the Nielson of CD audio data, collecting, interpreting, and selling reports on who is listening to what, when. All they need are broadcasting CD players.
Grasping too greedily has affronted the free software folks, and they may be losing their chance to build a unique market-research firm.
This who affair is an interesting object lesson on the whole "oh, who cares about licenses, it's free enough" attitude, too: sometimes, the slippery-slope suspicion is accurate.
Escient responds to me, and other things.. (Score:1)
Look,just because you make an investment doesn't mean that you have a right to a guaranteed return. I could invest millions of dollars in a device to sell oxygen, but that doesn't give me the right to make money of it by making it illegal to breathe free oxygen.
This has nothing to do with "beer/speech" freedom anyway, it has something to do with the ownership of community-created content and the fact that people believed they were contributing to a project that was less free than they thought it was.
Formats, protocols and backward compatibility (Score:1)
This way, we can accomodate old clients while the new clients arrive.
Just initial ideas/setups (Score:1)
As for MD5, it only being discussed. Nothing is hardwired for now.
If code is GPL, then my CD player needs to be GPL? (Score:1)
The reference libraries for database access will not be GPLed, for the reasons you stated. They will probably be LGPLed or something, allowing free use even in proprietary software. The objective is to disseminate the protocol.
Any full implementation (reference clients, server software, etc) will probably be GPLed.
Ripping off CDDB (Score:1)
Just initial ideas/setups (Score:1)
Escient pulling a fast one (Score:1)
Basically Escient, though not trying to restrict user access to CDDB, is trying to strongarm developers of CD applications that use CDDB into complying with their terms, which include displaying the CDDB logo each time the CDDB is accessed and prohibiting the application from using any alternative databases.
It's not clear at all whether they actually own the contents or format of the database in any meaningful way, as the original program (xmcd) which used the protocol is GPLed, and the CDDB relies on user contributions to work. We made the database, now Escient wants to take it away.
Why use a new format? Recreate the CDDB! (Score:1)
If someone wants to make a better format, fine, but anything that uses it ought to be backwards compatible with CDDB (which is one of the things Escient is trying to prevent happening). Then it could be pointed at either an "official" Escient CDDB server or a new database which uses the same protocol.
Where it could run into problems is from submitting entries which were downloaded from CDDB originally. It's not clear whether Escient can own those, but most CDDB users explicitly or implicitly agreed to their terms.
Anyway, my point is that backward compatibility is important. It should only be abandoned as a last resort. There are a lot of CDDB aware players out there already.
Competition (Score:1)
> Competition never hurt anybody.
It is the anticompetitive part of the original post that I find most disturbing. Escient is trying to exclude applications from using another database if they use an official CDDB one.
They may have a right to protect their data (thogh the fact that it all came from volunteers doesn't give me too much sympathy for their ownership of it), and I don't really think it's unreasonable that applications display the CDDB logo while accessing the database, but this anticompetitive part is what's way out of line.
For the most part, I think Escient has been doing a good thing making the database freely available, and I don't begrudge them trying to make money on it. But if they are too obnoxious about it, we won't use it anymore.
Can't photocopy phonebooks (Score:1)
IANAL, but my wife is a librarian who must deal with these issues all the time. If you want, you can go through and compile your own list and organize/present the data in your own way and sell it. The information itself is not under copyright protection.
"Man könnte froh sein, wenn die Luft so rein wäre wie das Bier"
"We could be happy if the air was as pure as the beer"
Re: Significant investment. (Score:1)
"Man könnte froh sein, wenn die Luft so rein wäre wie das Bier"
"We could be happy if the air was as pure as the beer"
Alternative to CDDB protocol (Score:1)
cddb data is protected (Score:1)
in other words, you need to stick a CD in the drive, calculate the cddb checksum, download the cddb info, calculate the cdindex checksum, and then upload the cdindex info.
but i don't know the cddb algorithm. maybe one is a subset of the other.
Two concerns (Score:1)
1) The project is using MySQL - it was my understading (after reading the MySQL liscense) that MySQL was not GPL and that it is only free for non-commercial use. Could this (or other restrictions) cause a problem?
2) I found this notice on the Cd Index page - "Note: The MD5 algorithm is copyrighted by RSA, but there are no restrictions on its use." This seems like a much bigger problem. Sure, RSA has no restrictions on its use *now*, but wait till CD Index is the dominate CD database on the net and its web site gets more hits in a week than most portals hope for in a month. You can be sure that RSA will want some sort of kickback then - even worse, all the data is indexed using their algorithm.
Escient responds to me, and other things.. (Score:1)
issue a good but. They have real concerns - not from the OpenSource community, but from the MS's in the world (IMHO).
here's what they had to say:
------------ begin snip ----------------
Hi Roger:
Here's the clear case. This clause helps protect our data aggregation from
being ripped off. We don't own the data (ie. a song title), but we do own
the service that provides the disc recognition and related CD data. We have
real costs associated with aggregating data and providing the service. Not
all of our data comes from contributions....a great deal of our data
submissions come from record labels and artists. This all costs money and
we need to protect it so that we can continue to offer the service for free.
-------------end snip -------------------------------
The GPL was never intended to limit this kind of business. In fact, it actually encourages this. (Make your money from the service). The whole thing is that we want them to compete on level and quality of service, instead of the exclusionary license.
They plainly admit to their stake in the IP. They're pretty cool with all of that. They just want some insurance to their longetivity (ie show us the money).
As far as a database backend, I think OpenLDAP is a better choice than MySQL. (Speed, and configureability). You could configure the attributes (fields) to the cddb format, and provide a cddb compatible server.
Also, OpenLDAP provides for replication and alot of backends. Very stable IMHO.
I think all of this could be worked out, but escient is at a critical point... they have to be able to say, We own something, and it's worth something, and someone can't just come and take it away. Personally, I think that they have such a 1) niche, and 2) recognition (cddb) that they are realy OVERLY protective. But, if it was your business (money) what would you do in their shoes?
to MySQL or not (Score:1)
The code wouldn't even compile on my system (Score:1)
Cover Art (Score:1)
On the other hand, a small (say, 64x64 - 100x100 pixels) icon of the cover art *might* fall under "fair use". You'd have to talk to a copyright lawyer, though.
The same applies to lyrics and liner notes -- they are copyright the original authors, and cannot be used without permission. And there, you don't have the option of doing low-res versions.
Some artists don't have a problem with their stuff showing up online (like The Residents, who's site I created, http://www.residents.com/), others are very uptight about it.
Cover Art (Score:1)
Same protocol as CDDB? (Score:1)
The new / extended protocols would better support more complete data such as artist for each track of compilations, release dates, country of origin, maybe liner notes, maybe links, maybe a voting system, who knows?
Bravery, Kindness, Clarity, Honesty, Compassion, Generosity
Protect yourself (Score:1)
They only own the data, and that's debatable.
Bravery, Kindness, Clarity, Honesty, Compassion, Generosity
Protect yourself (Score:1)
Bravery, Kindness, Clarity, Honesty, Compassion, Generosity
Caveats (Score:1)
There's only data that makes it from CDDB onto peoples local CD info caches. They put a CD into the drive, and retrieve the data. So people only have real CDs locally stored.
This data may or may not belong to Escient. If users were to upload that data to a free server that converts the data to XML, we should not be in any trouble.
Analogy: I can take the phone company's directory, reformat it, and sell it myself. The phone numbers are sort of public, but the directory is copyrighted by TPC. If my directory has enhancements, I'm entitled to roll my own. IANAL, of course.
Similarly, users should be able to voluntarily give us the CDDB data (which after all is actually owned by the artists and record companies), and we can enhance it by offering more fields to be filled in, etc. The enhanced data becomes ours, not Escient's, and we give it away with a viral free license (copyleft).
Bravery, Kindness, Clarity, Honesty, Compassion, Generosity
Here's a more ethical way to do it (Score:1)
2) Query CDDB
3) Upload results to new database while playing disc.
I don't think this would be legal under the license, since it contacts another non-CDDB database.
The code wouldn't even compile on my system (Score:1)
available in the 0.2.0 version on the website.
You can also now use '-l' to get the url line
without launching the browser (going to be
necessary for interfacing with scripting tools
or existing apps).
GPL? (Score:1)
Copyrights on information... (Score:1)
Portishead - nice choice (Score:1)
Jason Dufair
"Those who know don't have the words to tell
Throw away the shears and get out the lawn mower. (Score:1)
I *REALLY* like the XML idea.
cdindex (Score:1)
I think the above comment on the cover art is a great idea. The Music Match Jukebox already has this feature - all my mp3s are matched with their covers (ripped from CDNOW). It would be really cool of a cd player did this too.
- Jeff
Bah (Score:1)
Formats, protocols and backward compatibility (Score:1)
I'd love not only to get the tracknames, but
the lyrics too.
Wow! That's the Slashdot Effect in action. (Score:1)
If you love your source code, set it free!
You are a complete moron (Score:1)
However, I do have a problem with the part that states that you are not allowed to use the CDDB in conjunction with any other database. Sounds like they're trying to put a stranglehold on the market to me. Advertising is fine. Unfair restrictions to gain market share at the expense of everyone else are not.
Anyway... that's $1/50.
- Sean
Alternative to CDDB protocol (Score:1)
Recreate the CDDB! - It's alrady there. :-) (Score:1)
Try telnet freecddb.freecddb.org port 888
It's running version 1.3.1 of cddb and has about 120,000 CDs online but it lacks the web/cgi-interface.