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Star Wars Prequels Media Movies

Prequel Trailer #2. Get it. 214

A bunch of people wrote in about it, but trailer #2 is out there-weighing in at 25 megs uncompressed, it's in Quicktime format, and supposdly takes a more general view of the plot line then the previous trailer did. Get it before the server dies *grin*. Update: 03/11 08:41 by H :The rumour is that this is the /last/ trailer before the release of Episode I. I'm salivating. Update: 03/11 08:41 by H : Does anyone else find as funny as I do that the bad guys seem to be named "The Federation?"
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Prequel Trailer #2. Get it.

Comments Filter:
  • Can you say that? Good..

    Does anyone use MP3 (the best (mostly) open audio format)? Yeah, but there are _tons_ of people that are scared shitless about it.. Almost all other audio encoding routines are proprietary or suck.

    For video, there's MPEG-1 and MPEG-2.. I really don't know why that's not being used more often..

    When a QT3 player gets released for Linux, I'll quiet down. Until then, this is STUPID.

    Also, just because MPEG-4 is _going_ to use QT as a base _sometime_in_the_future_, doesn't mean that it's going to help me at all _today_...

    If these pages ever load, I'm going to e-mail the system admins.. I'm pissed that the files are in QT3 format..
  • Umm.. With the MPEG version, what player does it work with? I couldn't get it to display correctly in xanim (all blocky and chunky 'n' stuff) -- I had to get mpegtv (which sucks, IMO.. SHAREWARE - eww..)

    just curious..
  • There is a command line player, mtvp, which comes with mtv. It is not crippled.
  • Joseph Campbell talks about George Lucas a bit in his books. They were good friends.
  • Here's a temporary mirror [] (few days or until i need disk space :P) with MPEG and MOV.. have phun.
  • Guess what....It IS the correct URL.
  • Ok, Dark City I can kind of see, but StarS#!+ Troopers!?! (a.k.a. Melrose place goes on a bug hunt).

    And what do you know of Wing commander? What you see in the trailers? I don't know about you, but I think a movie needs to be released before it can be considered the "defining movie" of an era.
  • Did anyone catch the underwater scenes?! Looks pretty good!
  • [] Snag it here if the big mirrors all go down *grin*.


  • Theres...too many...of them! Okay guys, only the first few people got a full download. Now I'm completely out of bandwidth and people are timing out. I suggest trying another mirror for the time being. Sorry :(
  • Get the mpeg version, its much less taxing on your system and looks nearly as good.
  • Posted by Forward The Light Brigade:

    I wonder what it is about Star Wars that makes it so good....

    ah who cares, it is, I am up before all the rest of you, can DL those files before the /. hordes take down the subnet...
  • Posted by Forward The Light Brigade:

    I am willing to mirror the trailer on my comp,
    a 10BaseT connection...

    if someone uploads it, that dir is world readable, you all can download it .....
  • Posted by Forward The Light Brigade:

    it is up
    it is here []
  • by gavinhall ( 33 )
    Posted by The [not so] Little Hacker:

    Boy...glad I'm part of the Generation right after Gen X...proud to be a part of Generation Y!
  • by Kabby ( 1265 )
    haven't had any problems with this mirror
  • If somebody can convert this to something usable on linux I can post it on a big mirror. Send me email.
  • Thanks, I'm getting 190k/sec In the next few minutes I'll post it to mangino/ []
  • Yes, that's fine if I wanted to know how a quicktime file is structured, but it has no technical details or algorithms to reproduce the codecs. With this information, I could build a mean-ass QT file parser, but I wouldn't know how to decode the infomation contained in it. Those codecs are closly guarded corporate secrets. I'm sure that Qualcomm, Apple, Sorenson and other will let you look at them, if you gave them a few million bucks.. :-)

    You can use the information in that and other publicly-available documents to start reimplementing the QuickTime API. Once you have the right portions of the QuickTime API reimplemented you can call Sorenson [] and Qualcomm and everyone else and say "Hey, wanna port your CODEC to Linux? It'll be simple if you already have it working with QuickTime!"

    This does mean that a lot of CODECs would probably be distributed as closed-source shared libraries, but to me that's not a big deal at all. And all but the most unreasonable Open Source purists will prefer such a situation to having no advanced CODECs.

    Really, I don't see why Sorenson or Qualcomm or Intel or anyone else would object to porting their CODEC if it wasn't too much work. (Particularly if Linux starts to gain significant desktop share.) But right now, there's no single solid multimedia target at all for Linux, so telling Sorenson that you want their CODEC on Linux would likely just garner you a confused look.

    (Incidentally, this same issue applied to widget sets and window managers is likely holding up a lot of commercial application development. Commercial developers with Mac and Windows products don't want to decide which of { Qt, GTK, Athena, Motif, GNUstep, ... } to use for their product. We want a single API for building applications with graphical human interfaces, and we want all of those applications to look and behave the same. In other words, we want a solid target.)

  • Wow, this site either has incredible bandwidth, or just hasn't got /.'d yet. I'm getting 100+K/sec download rates. I love my cablemodem.

  • Greetings!

    I just wanted to let you know that you can now download the Star Wars: Episode I "The Phantom Menace" trailer from our FTP site.

    Get the files from: []

    Please read the readme.txt and readme.AOL.txt files for updates and instructions for download.

    The latest trailer is much better than the first one, both in content and in video/audio quality. The trailer is in QuickTime version 3 format, widescreen. YOU MUST HAVE QUICK-TIME 3.0 to play it. I put a copy of the QuickTime installation program in case you want to download it from here as well. We also recommend that you use FTP instead of a browser because we're only allowing 128 simultaneous HTTP connections due to the demand we experienced already. Go to for other HTTP download sites. Besides, FTP is more reliable. We strongly suggest using the WS_FTP client. If you manage to get an HTTP connection, download WS_FTP from the same directory where the trailer is, then download the trailer with WS_FTP.

    Take care, and talk to you later!


    CIME Software Labs, LLC

    "Let's build something useful" -- Dennis Ritchie

  • by KrON ( 2656 ) has it :)
  • So far bout 7 gigs worth of movie has been moved
    off the one machine since 9 am and i havnt had any complaints.. My friends were able to watch it fine (i didn't watch it myself because i dont run windows) but if anyone who has any probs feel free to mail me..

    p.s. tahoes rox :)
    p.p.s if ya need me you can find me on EFnet

  • What's wrong with older versions of Quicktime (e.g., the Cinepak CODEC) that played fine on a low-end Pentium or less, running Unix, Linux, Win3.*, Win9*, WinNT, or MacOS? Why pick a newer version of Quicktime that only works on two OSes?

    Because CinePak blows goats. Hard. Really hard.

    Sorenson Video acheives comparable quality with about a tenth of the bandwidth. A CinePak movie that looks as good as a Sorenson Video with a moderate data rate requires a data rate about as high as the actual decompressed video does.

    On the upside, CinePak compresses well with our lossless compression and archival formats (.sit, .zip, .tar.gz, .bz, etc.).

  • I don't feel like finding the specific article to reply to, but someone complains about QuickTime not being documented in this thread. Nothing could be further from the truth; there are thousands of pages of documentation.

    http://deve ameset.htm []

    However, no, the modern codecs are not documented there. Those are proprietary software that Apple licensed from Sorenson (Sorenson Video), Intel (Indeo), QDesign (QDesign Music), Qualcomm (PureVoice), and Roland (GS MIDI).

    Anyone hoping to make a QuickTime player not supported by Apple that would play those modern codecs would have to negotiate licenses with those companies.

    And, yes, they would sue if you reverse engineered the formats.

  • by tgd ( 2822 )
    Uuuhhhh... that's all I needed, a reminder of CSH -- just enough to trigger a craving for a Nicks plate... damn seven hour drives.

  • by tgd ( 2822 )
    I asked them about fedex overnight once... they looked at me like I was smokin' crack.

    But you're right, 24 hours is too long. (Although a mistimed nicks run during a blizard turned a 6 1/2 hour each way nicks run with far too many people jammed into my car into a 20 hour roundtrip fiasco a few years ago... but I got my plate...)
  • by tgd ( 2822 )
    There's a good slashdot question:


    1) Yes
    2) No
    3) Huh?

  • I thought they closed the downtown one entirely... As long as one is open, I don't even care. :)

    Aw man, now I really want one. *grrr* Too bad I'm goin snowboarding this weekend or a road trip would be in order. :)

    I ran into someone in switzerland once who knew what Nicks was though -- you you never know. And anyone who doesn't know, should know. Stack of nicks plates, big bottle of Devils Springs, pile of misidentified DEC boards... its the makings of... um... well the old jake and elwood actually.

    Ah the good ol' days...
  • Up at 7:10 am and the frikkin fileserver "" is /.'d! It responds to pings, and there's a service listning on port 80. but I can't get _anywhere_ with it.

    If someone can tell me where/how to get a copy I can mirror it 10mbit...
  • I'm here in Pittsburgh :)

    I got it from at ~500 kps (not kilobit) and am about to post a mirror.

    Pittsburgh, 10mbit.
  • "You soon will be"
    "I feel fine!"
    "You're not fooling anyone!"


    Seriously folks I am getting 50 kps internally here. I should be okay for a while. CMU has a better cnnection than this but I only get 10mit to the dorms....
  • That you're the minority of 1 in this.

    Everybody on the frikkin _planet_ will want to see the trailer. That's why Lucas can make so bloody much money with these films. If it was only a couple of hundred dweebs, he'd be a poor man.
  • A big Thankyou goes out to you who ever you are at RIT. Me and my friends at "The big X" thank you. Oh yeah and I love your tag line at the end.

  • Well Mntl guess what ... it looks like your file is corrupt. I Had to install QT3.0 and it starts playing and then crashes right after it starts DAMN!!!!!!!! I was so psyched to see it ...
  • Thanks Kron ... I hope that you didn't get this from the other guy at RIT MntlFls... if so his file is corupt and yours will be to .. Thanks though .. I really want to see this. Long live CSH

  • Kron,
    Were you able to get this file to display? I think that it is corrupt. It (just like the other one from RIT) starts to play and then dumps. Has anyone gotten this to work?
  • My vote YES!!! Damn now I want one ... looks like I am going to have to go get one for dinner tonight. Did you hear they are closing the downtown store at 8pm now??? Tis true.

    BTW I think that 99% of the votes would be Huh??? Too bad the rest of the world does not know about Nicks.

  • I've got a UK mirror of the .mov running at http []
    :// Should be quick for all of you on SuperJanet :)
  • by nadador ( 3747 )
    Yet Another Mirror. v

    10Mbit, very few computers on this subnet. Pittsburgh.
    Andrew Gardner
  • I couldn't get to either with my normal provider. Then I used another proxy server (my work's ;-) and got to Counting Down [] where they mention several other mirrors.

    I got the trailer from the UK [] at almost 100 Kbps (kissing my ADSL modem right now ;-)....

  • Hehehe ;-) Zen rules!

    I wish I had a VCR back then... Anyone have samples or movies from the series?
  • Try this directory [].

    (Remove "x"'s from
  • I did and it just makes me want to see this movie that much more!!!

    I thought I could not be any more excited to see this movie!!

    I was definitely wrong!

    I can't understand why anyone thinks this movie could in any way suck.

  • Or any of the other (very nice) HiQ QT3 codecs...

    As for the apple bashing:

    I am peronally getting REAL FUCKING TIRED of you children and this constant stupidity...

    And folks wonder why I hate the Bottom Half of GenX (I'm 29, screw you TOO pal).

    There is nothing wrong with Apple, IBM, Intel, MicroSoft, RedHat, Caldera, Corel or anyone else having something Unique and Proprietary. Absolutly nothing.

    And as a *DAILY* LinuxUser (on Intel...doesn't yet run on my new G3) I have to tell you are FAR WORSE than the most Rabid Mac, AtariST or Amiga users I've ever met in all my years.

    What's WORSE is that you all seem to feel high and mighty over core OS technology that is over 25 years old, that has been done and done and done and done some more. To Death. The newest from scratch OS out there is BeOS, and ya' TRASH THAT TOO...

    I personally DO NOT GET IT. I'm using a slapdashed piecemealed Unix clone called Linux on a slow assed PII 300 Gateway that has a whole bunch of 18-22 year olds believing they are part of something *new* (huh?!?), but I can turn my chair a quarter of a turn and find a Sun, another quarter of a turn and find an sgi orgin. Two companies that have been doing it longer and better, but they get the bullshit from you folks too.

    Here's my expert opinion on open source: Find a Grown-UP real live company to manage some of you rude, loud-mouthed technoreligionists, THEN see how much broad market penetration y'all get.

    I mean for the love of God, a couple of days back I saw a bunch of basher messages because LinuxPPC was being distributed with MacWorld!!

    This is a BAD THING for Linux/OpenSource/slashdot weenieheads?!?!

    Whatever. Linux World Domination will come riding in on the bash prompt...


    You should be thanking all of these companies (Apple/IBM/SGI/Sun/Microsoft) who figured out 15 years ago what you nimrods haven't learned yet:

    The secret is to take all of your infinite cleverness and 'can' it so that everyone doesn't have to have a degree (or anywhere near it) to benefit from your wisdom.

    But you idiots are too busy arguing over which shitty FE/GUI is better for linux (or none at all) instead of figuring out how to make it a non-issue to the end users.

    I hope all the power DOES go out in will give you folks some time to learn people skills, cus' we're even meaner IRL...

  • The ISP says they can take it. Let's get it on! []

    Click on the Star Wars logo (borrowed from /.) on the main page. It will only be up about a week, so get it now!

  • by Relkin ( 5869 )
    Hey, a reason to get to work early.... God I love that 10baseT! Now I wonder which user's gonna let me use their 21inch monitor to see it.....

  • Actually, Williams style tends to follow more classical lines. There are no parts of Jaws that follows any StarWars like themes, nor are there parts of others (don't have my CD collection here at work). However, if you listen to Holst at all, you'll notice a striking simularity to Mars, hrbinger of war. I think Williams does great on composing the stuff for the movies though. I bet if I played a bar or two from almost any SW movie, you'd be able to place it :)


    "Windows : (n) Job security for Techs"
  • damnit

    stop that
  • If anyone is looking for a copy, you can get one at:

  • Who-Hoo! Its hauling ass!

    wonder how long that will last? :)
    The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
    ... and missing.
  • Well, I got it so I better try and spread the joy.

    its a cyrix 150+ on a 100Mb line to a T3, I wanna see it /.'d. :)


    The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
    ... and missing.
  • Thx. nice tag for you too :) I have yet to even look at the .mov yet... I'm at work and I don't think they would like that.

    my ftpwho is throwing some really strange crap out, but nobody has complained that its not working yet.... anybody know what this means?

    2544 ? SW 0:01 (wu.ftpd)
    2549 ? SW 0:00 (wu.ftpd)
    2517 ? S 0:01 (wu.ftpd)

    and keep in mind that the users are still xfering data.

    thx in advance
    The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
    ... and missing.
  • I havent had any time to look at it yet. They got me doing *work* here at work... do you believe it?

    I gotta get quicktime installed on my notebook before I can do anything anyway. I'll post another with what I find.
    The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
    ... and missing.
  • I just downloaded it again.. i'm gunna install quicktime and test it... for you brave souls out there you can just grab it again.

    I'll post my results
    The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
    ... and missing.
  • Who-hoo! this copy works (i never even checked the old one, i just overwrote it)

    well, sorry for the wasted bandwidth everyone who downloaded/started to download it.

    thats the way the packets fragment. Have fun /.'ing my 'puter :)
    The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
    ... and missing.
  • well, i posted a reply to my "fixed?" one but it seems to have fallen into the big bit bucket in the sky.

    lets see if this post works

    (oh yea, i tested this file and its ok... thx pong :)
    The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
    ... and missing.
  • both of them pop up at the same time... doe!

    well, at least they got thru :)
    The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
    ... and missing.
  • man, i wasn't hungry till i read that.... the 24 hour drive is too long tho... i wonder if i could get them to deliver? :)
    The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
    ... and missing.
  • that would be a cool vote, just to see how many people have any clue what we are talking about :)

    I've only been to the downtown store 2 times... i always seem to get carted out to the other one.

    now i'm really hungry.. perhaps i'll make a psudo-plate. Anybody got some used (yet filtered to remove the metal chunks) motor oil?
    The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
    ... and missing.
  • ftp to, port 1138.

    Trailer's in /pub
  • You rock!
  • Did I miss some news? When did the release date change from May 21 to May 19? That makes that Foxtrot cartoon incorrect...
  • []
    Located at Iowa State University in Ames Iowa.
  • Nope. Clones are just what it sounds like, cloned organic creatures (probably humans). If you've read the Heir to the Empire trilogy by Timothy Zahn (the best Star Wars books, IMHO), you'll understand. Interestingly enough, clones were banned after the Clone Wars because the accelerated grow-up process made them mad...
  • If someone wants me to upload a mov converted to mpg to their fast site, mail me at I'll upload from my t3 at work. The dimensions have to be changed from 480 to a more workable NTSC standard format due to the fact the mpeg-1 doesn't support the qt3 resolution.
  • I can't get stinkin quicktime 3 to install.. crappy apple software... :)
  • It seems that on /. that if a something is not Linux, or Linux compatible, it's crap.

    It isn't just about Linux. It is about formats that aren't compatible with any but two OS's. There are standards that are just as good as QuickTime that are open and supported by most every OS.

    Lucas could have just as easily posted an mpeg version *along with* a QuickTime version. But he didn't. Why: because MS has such a strangle hold on things that it didn't make sense for him to. (If MS decided not to use quicktime, I bet we would all be watching an MS only movie right now.) If monopolies would stop breaking standards with their own proprietary crap, then this wouldn't be a problem.

    But alas, the just want money and they take it from any sucker stupid enough to give it to them, and everytime that happens, they only get stronger.

  • It brings to mind a vision of a million geeks in Mao jackets waving Little Red Books, carting the running-dog proprietary OS users off to a re-education camp in the hills.

    We are about co-existance. All I want is the right to co-exist without having to give everything up.

    Open formats and standards are a way to do that. So that EVERYONE can exist. So that NOBODY has to be carted off. Giving people the right to choose what OS they run and still being able to communicate with other people.

    Companies like MS try to squash co-existance. And we will always be around to fight them.

  • Not only were they good friends but Lucas based starwars on the premise of a monomyth (an idea of Joseph Cambell) The intent of both the Star Wars and Dune series were to create modern myths.
  • is dead, too!
  • Episode II will deal with the Clone Wars, and with a grown-up Anakin (who at the end of the movie gets married to Queen Amidala), and his training to become a Jedi Knight. Boba Fett is supposed to make an appearance in this one.

    Episode III is Anakin's downfall and how he became Darth Vader.
  • Wow, it's still up. And fast too. Hmmm... wonder if I'll get it before the server's /.-ed.
  • It's not that easy. Quicktime isn't just apple's doing. It's about a dozen companies working together to produce the many Codecs that QT supports. So, it may be possible to get Apple to post thier specs, but not QualComm or Sorenson (who have video codecs in QT3) to publish thiers. The upside of this is that Apple is solicting the best technology for thier product and not falling into the "Not Invented Here" syndrome.

  • OS X Server does not support Sorenson, because it is not a desktop OS. It's only a server OS. In fact, Apple isn't even pushing it as a development platform. They would much rather have their developers be writing Carbon-compatible Apps at this point in time. Thus, complaining about having OS X Server not being able to run QT3 would be like complaining about Netware not being able to run QT3!

  • Yes, that's fine if I wanted to know how a quicktime file is structured, but it has no technical details or algorithms to reproduce the codecs. With this information, I could build a mean-ass QT file parser, but I wouldn't know how to decode the infomation contained in it. Those codecs are closly guarded corporate secrets. I'm sure that Qualcomm, Apple, Sorenson and other will let you look at them, if you gave them a few million bucks.. :-)

  • Fine, I'll download a 100meg high quality MPEG. Or apple could A) release the specs for QT3 so people could write their own players (yah right), or release a linux player. Either would make me happy. I hate the thought of rebooting into doze just to watch a trailer (i probally will though).
  • Then tell the lazy admin to add quicktime, shockwave, flash, and cosmoplayer to the standard setups.
  • Once again, I submit that The Phroputer [] has a mirror of the new trailer.

    You guys (and gals) did pretty good the other night getting my load average up to 2.5 with 55 connections. Let's see what you can do now that I have the REAL trailer!

    And ohmygosh, is it good!!!
  • I also have a mirror of the mpeg.

    The Phroputer []

    Come and get it!

  • Anyone got the trailer in another format? Can't find a playback utility for Linux that supports this codec.
  • AFAIK, the Sorenson compressor used in Quicktime 3.0 has the highest quality-to-filesize ratio of current video codecs. I'm sure Lucas was impressed by the quality change when he replaced the Cinepak Quicktime teaser with the Sorenson Quicktime teaser. Also, I'd bet green money that Steve Jobs did some lobbying and negotiating with Lucas to have the trailer in Quicktime only. I'm sure if Lucas hears enough complaints (HINT HINT), he'll release an MPEG version.

    As for people who are getting horrible frame rates while playing the 480 trailer, it's because the Sorenson codec is an incredibly processor-intensive compressor, and requires G3 or Pentium II to play back well. My poor little PPC-604 isn't even fast enough to handle the big trailer...
  • Ok, i guess you don't need a G3. I assumed you needed one to run the big trailer since my system right now is a 604 (not 604e) and runs at 180mHz...
  • How do those of you who haven't used Windows today seen this thing? The closest I've come is using mpegtv to view the mpg, but that's crippled shareware. Xanim (compiled with the extra codecs) can't view either the mpg or the mov. What did you guys do?
  • Woohoo! 10 minutes to download while I'm at work.
  • That you dweebs get such hard-ons for a f**cking OS KERNEL????

    That you dweebs get such hard-ons for a f**CKING BASKETBALL GAME????

    That you dweebs get such hard-ons for a f**cking VIDEO GAME???

    Eh, WTF do I care.
    It's cool as shit.
  • get it from
  • write it into a locally saved .html, view it thru your netscape. you wont need admin then.


  • I am posting a mirror on my server as well.
    Both formats.


  • i moved my trailer mirrors for all those who give a rats patoot.


  • Ian McDiarmid looks and sounds good as the Emperor. 12 years done him in too badly. Well, he was wearing his trademark cloak though...

    Did anyone else catch the scene right after young Queen talks to some sort of inter-federation council about the invasion? Did that not sound like the original Obi-Wan, Alec Guiness? Maybe wishful thinking on my part.

    Wonder why the ceramonial makeup the Queen wears; is it just makeup? Or does she really look like that?

    Ambivalence; I'm sorta glad they didn't spoil the new music for us, unless of course all the new music just happens to sound like the old music =)

    What is it, 2 months from now, roughly? 68 days or something?

  • Go to WWW.CountingDown.Com [] and its mirrors (Here's one) [] appear to have an MPEG encoded version already done.

    Advanced warning: this particular mirror is staying extremely busy: its been at the user limit for about ten minutes now.

  • []
    or []

    The server at []
    downloaded at 600 kbps; if my crappy computer doesn't work, try that one.

    ...didn't really want to use my computer today anyway...
  • Sorry, no mpegs.
  • Well my crappy little PM 7300/180, with that same 604 and zero ram -- well, ok, 32M, but these days that's zero -- runs the 480 fine. You don't need a G3. Of course if you try to run it with other things open it runs like mung. Solution? Quit the other programs for the 2:30 that you watch the trailer... simple.

    As for people who are getting horrible frame rates while playing the 480 trailer, it's because the Sorenson codec is an incredibly processor-intensive compressor, and requires G3 or Pentium II to play back well. My poor little PPC-604 isn't even fast enough to handle the big trailer...

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
