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Custom Slashdot Update 105

Logged in users will notice New Options on the Preferences Page. (non-logged in users should go to the Accounts Page and login). Last night I added the ability to filter Slashdot on Author, Section and Topic for all you Katz haters. Today I added an option to configure how much news you want on the homepage. Tonight I finish configuring of the grey boxes on the right hand side of the homepage. Its actually working nicely: I've got a picture of Dust Puppy, the JenniCam, and a couple forms for my favorite search engines. You can even have a custom block for your own bookmarks if you really care. If you have URLs to sites that have open back ends that we could import useful stuff from, let us know. We've already got our favorites in there, but we could do anything that makes sense so send in suggestions- preferably with parsable back end pages or perl scripts to make it easy. Having a fast server is cool. We can do much neater things. Update: 03/11 02:18 by CT : Did I mention you can now disable comments? *grin*
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Custom Slashdot Update

Comments Filter:
  • by Pug ( 21 )
    Just set the score level thingie to "1".
  • These numbers have always been around. I'm 59. Yeah, baby!
  • by Gleef ( 86 )
    One of the first personal webcams. Probably the first to be in a bedroom (well, a dormroom) 24/7. www.jennicam.org [jennicam.org]
  • What's the JenniCam?!?!
  • It looks fine in Netscape, but in Lynx the columns of checkboxes are all one column, with the Author/Topic/Section labels at the very top of the single column.
  • by drwiii ( 434 )
    Now to come up with a better name than "Custom Slashdot"..

    Super Slashdot: The Immortal Portal!

  • I already have one up and working internally. The article parser is written in perl, and it spools into INN directories. It parsed the flat 1000+ comment GNOME story in about 5 seconds.

    Don't want to take away from the /. advertising click-throughs by making it public-access though.

  • The only forseeable problem with canceling or updating your own posts is that any follow-up/replies to your post would be out there in limbo.
  • I'm 476. :-)
  • And what exactly is the problem with kids hearing fuck?
    If I ever have kids, they can sit on my back while I'm humping my spouse...

    So please stop the pathetic attitude :)

    No pun intended.


  • Why not a completely user-configurable filter? Then any user could customize his list of thing he didn't want to hear about, and that could range from curse words (whatever the user thinks that term might include) to idiocies like "MEEPT" and "Red $at"*.

    Such a configuration process would also require people to type the words they didn't want to see, which I, personally, would find to be ironically fitting.

    * Regardless of any other opinon I may hold about Red Hat, that's just a stupid term. There is no "S" in "Red Hat", guys. If you really want to insert currency symbols, try a Euro...
  • Rob, Any chance of updating the source?

  • I think these new features are turning /. into a portal of sorts. Heh, someone mentioned it a while back but its worth repeating...my ass is a portal.
  • Check it out at http://www.jennicam.org/ [jennicam.org]
  • Posted by Anonymous Cool Dude:

    What if we could config to remove the gray boxes, lefthand links, top topic icons and (best yet) banner ads?

    We would actually be able to fit more than 3 headlines on the front page!
  • by Vorx ( 876 )
    My ass is an Immortal Portal!!

  • The checkboxes seem not to be working - at least for me. Filtered out a couple'a things, saved user, went to the dsp, and while the number of articles was right - 20 down from 30 - the sections I checked to exclude were/are still there. Maybe I'll logout and come back later.
  • I don't care what Hemos says Rob, you're doing a great job.
  • 1091, baby...;)
  • by mholve ( 1101 )
    I like the filtering options. Don't need no steenkin' portal, but otherwise very nice!

    Wait, was there an AC filter?

  • Put a lock on posts w/replies attached.

    But then, if it was your post, why not? Delete the whole tree - or perhaps put a threshold on the feature so that if there are more than X number of replies, it locks.

  • Oh right! Doh! Thanks... :)
  • by dcp ( 1250 )
    looks broken.
    It changes me to a different used ID, and dosn't give me any options

  • Called up my page just to see that I'm 8639.

    At least I've got the right name when I go to set preferences. Different number on that page, though. Hmmm...
  • That's the problem, I've got /.#8639 and /.#1282.

    Or maybe it's just my split personality. At least I'm (we're?) not lonely.

    Nice jacket, but why do the sleeves wrap around back?
  • This is the first time I have logged in in months. Just checkin' it out. Go Rob Go.
  • Rob, you are my hero.

  • You got a new box to handle an increase in traffic, and you're gonna start using the extra CPU time for this custom /. stuff? Geez, no wonder computers today feel as fast as they did years ago, the "creeping featurism" syndrome attacks all of us equally....
  • by Draco ( 1804 )
    Heh, "My Slashdot" Maybe we can suck in the local
    weather and stock quotes, local theatre listings, and wired headlines.

    Ooh... everyone can pull down the ZDnet, wired, cnn, etc headlines and then submit them to /.

    I like it!
  • Yeah, that would be actually useful.

    And this may require some extensive work, but I'd like to be able to edit or cancel my posts.

    And while we're at it, how about Gnus-style adaptive scoring?

  • Yeah, or people who flame Katz. :-)

  • Let's see how interesting Slashdot is when I remove all Linux- and Linux distro-related articles.

    Timur Tabi
    Remove "nospam_" from email address
  • Is there any way I can obtain a complete list of all articles from a particular Slashdot editor? For instance, I think nothing that JonKatz has posted would be of interest to me, but I want to see all of his stuff to be certain.

    Timur Tabi
    Remove "nospam_" from email address
  • I tried index.pl and I still get Star Wars articles even though I filter them out.

    Timur Tabi
    Remove "nospam_" from email address
  • Very nice, except: I set my preference to flattened mode but I still get threaded mode in Ask Slashdot.
  • heya rob, thank you. this is great how i can scroll down the page and not see 400 absent-minded AC comments about nothing. maybe this will force more ACs to get accounts? who knows, but its great! :)
    scott miga
  • hrm, i wonder if it would be possiable to eliminate the index.pl off the custom slashdot and have it so that when someone accesses /. without a login, or they arent logged in, then it would just show the default slashdot, otherwise, if they do have an account, they will see their custom modifications. just an idea? :)
    scott miga
  • Tried out the Katz filter. His article disappeared but his name was still there - three times - on the index page.

    Maybe a curse filter is the answer.

    Regards, Ralph.

    P.S. Kinda odd this filtering thing. Previously we've all been looking at the same /. We didn't all read the same parts but we knew they were there. What if Katz starts openly promoting bestiality and child sex the whole time and I don't know anything about it? I innocently tell someone I read /. and they call the police ...
  • Uhh, like....


    or something.
  • Would it be possible to use the information files being maintained for the unofficial Netcenter channels [netscape.com]? That would immediately provide a bunch of different options.

    Another option is to define some simple format for headlines and URLs, and allow people to say "OK /., show me the displays from URL1, URL2, URL3." That way, anyone could create their own list of news items and just publicise the URL for displaying their info.

  • You have done a great job with this.

    World domination is at hand!

    Kudos to you and yours...

  • just click on my user info... you'll have "Frédéric not found"...

    i'm NOT Frédéric but Frédéric !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • You used the word "leverage". Corporate mind-slave pig-vermin! Running capitalist dog! ;)

    Seriously though, is anyone else as irritated by that whole "lexicon-de-corporation" as I am? Leverage, paradimgnnghnm, processes, you know... all those words Dilbert makes fun of.

    I actually caught myself using some of that stuff the other day, and had to wipe my mouth out with communist propaganda leaflets. They tasted like vodka for some reason.

  • You're ignoring the bandwith saved by not sending articles to people who don't want them. A little CPU time for a little bandwidth. Seems a fair trade to me.

    I wonder what percentage of the users are ignoring Katz? How about the star wars stuff? Quake? Humor? Demographics could be cool.
  • I'm logged in and it knows who I am but I can't
    set my comment filter level, filter authors, or filter sections. Hmm..
  • I just found out that the different userID is a cachedot problem.....so try it out on the real deal....

  • ...that changing a curse word to something other than a curse word is just silly. So what if the kid hears "fuck" instead of a bleep? The effect is the same. Only someone raised without ever hearing a good cussing-out would not know what the bleeps and asterisks are being substituted for.

    Of course, now that I think about it, the censoring is probably a bit of psychology in action. Perhaps the silly bleeping sound reinforces the idea that the censored words are "bad."

    Hrm... *ponder* I'd still rather make my own choices as to what's a good word and a bad one. If you're concerned about your children, sit down with them and explain why curse words can be bad. Or change the damn channel.
  • I would like to have a thread-sorted flat mode(i hate clicking all the time, but I like to follow the threads). Can we have it possibly?

  • Yea, I'd rather get all the info from nntp. Then I'd let Gnus do it's job and be able to read this stuff quicker. And it'd be a lot easier to keep up with new replies to articles I've already read.
  • Hura for Rob!

    It can only get better from here on.
  • by Davorama ( 11731 )
    Well, zapping StarWars worked for me but I did have the wrong ID and blank page that the first
    poster in the thread described.
  • by Diz-E ( 12353 )
    This stuff is great. It's cool to see Rob getting better at this. NO MORE KATZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • by noy ( 12372 )
    good job, dOOd!
  • www.slashdot.org/index.pl is the URL you have to use. I think the default is index.shtml and that's why it doesn't work.
  • What are all the Katzenslammer Kids to do now? How dare you remove their favorite whining subject. Why, we might even be forced to read some intelligent discussion now. :-)

  • If you're really that concerned about it, as the Rob's post on the front page says, you can just disable all comments. You wouldn't have to deal with any of the "annoyances(sp?)" that you listed, try it sometime.

    My site contains 100% GPL'd source code :)

  • Seems to be working perfectly now, maybe it's been fixed, or it's just local to you?

    My site contains 100% GPL'd source code :)

  • I'd like to again suggest the double-gatewaying of Slashdot articles to a NNTP-style discussion area. Someone brought up the notion that this would mean losing HTML posting or reading capability, but to be honest, I wouldn't mind; I'd probably be using Netscape to read it anyway and Netscape interprets HTML just fine...and if not, I'd put up with it.

    Also, I've noticed what might be a possible bug. I have my threshhold set at 1 in my user-defaults page, so I miss out on a lot of the flamewars and such...but I find that when I click on the "Down One" link, due to wanting to read a thresh 0 post, it stays right at threshhold 1 even after reloading the page. Could you do something about this, Rob?

    Kudos for all the other great stuff you've done, though!
  • ...not original source articles (though that would be kinda neat too... :)
  • Mark,

    I have to agree with you. Now I hope my boss does not see this :)
  • I don't like the new /. look, I love it. Kudos to the entire gang for all the work done. I especially like the new spacing for the stories. It somehow seems uncluttered and more aesthetically pleasing.
    KUDOS & Thanks.
  • cry, my filter doesn't work, I still see Jon Katz on the front page :-(
  • by Kerosene ( 18371 )
    Nope, doesnt work for me either, i get a blank page for the preferences... oh well. im using netscape 4.05...
  • www.myleftasscheek.com [myleftasscheek.com] is a portal.

  • test post; please moderate down to -20
  • What/where exactly is the homepage?
    (where picture of dust-puppy, jennicam, etc. are)
    It's true that I'm a /. newbie and a dolt in general, but the answer isn't obvious to me.



  • yup. sorry. Just reread it. I thought it said
    "finished", not "finish".
    I'm a dolt.



  • Works pretty well. Now I can actually log in and post messages, like I couldn't before :-)
  • go to user account, enter your login in the box and click the mail passwd button.
  • I think CT is planning on finishing that stuff up tonight. Hopefully we'll be able to play around with it tomorrow. Keep up the great work Rob!

    "1st Rule of Programming: Don't be a dumbass."
  • Where's the advertised "user space" check box? Am I just blind/stupid or is it just not there on the preferences page?
  • by szivan ( 21549 )

    Yup, I tried to filter out StarWars and it's somehow still there

  • I think the new set up with Slashdot is wonderful. This is not a complaint in any way, just a suggestion. You've offered filters for topics, for AC's, for authors, etc. but one filter that I think would be a great addition is a filter that removes any stories or comments that contain curse words in it. I know everyone has his or her own interpretation of curse words, so maybe a two level deal. One that takes out just the major words (b*tch, *ss, f*ck, etc.) and one that is stricter (damn, hell, etc). This would help clean up slashdot and make it a more....informative web site.
  • It's not a matter of if you know that f*ck is fuck (if you read what I said you'd see I already covered that it would have the same effect) its just a matter of how people percieve it. Its about as effective as beeping over a letter in a cuss word on a movie. You know the guy said fuck, it has the same effect, but at least the kids (and everyone else) didnt have to hear the whole word fuck. Think like a teacher/principal not like a person. heh
  • Actually that sounds like a very good idea to me. (ironic, but good) It allows not only curse words to be filtered but objectionable words and also users in general that do annoying things like type MEEPT alot and generally dont have anything worth the bandwith to contribute. (sorry meept, but you're a perfect example) Now I know that there is the case (10%) where someone does annoying things, or curses, etc but still has useful information in the message but nothing is perfect. I'd rather see no cuss words and lose about 1% of relevant useful comments, than have 5-10% of what I spend the time downloading be useless information. I can get plenty of that elsewhere on the net. heh
  • I see your point but do you see mine? Like I said think as a teacher not as a person. Personally I don't really care if I see a cuss word or not. I would like to be able to get rid of them, but if I cant it's not going to make me stop coming to slashdot.

    But let's face it... people as a whole are stupid. No offense to anyone here, but as a whole people are stupid. We had a school have to rewrite their entire marketing campaign because they said that they could help students prepare for a career and the people felt it was the parents who should choose a child's career not a school. It was something that would help the kids in their career but the people as a whole are stupid and don't want it.

    So what I am saying is I know that an * or a beep in a cuss word is kinda senseless, you know that it is senseless, but the people as a whole (perhaps a better word is the community) doesn't see it that way. They find it as being an appropriate alternative. OF course if they always got their way we wouldn't know what its like to touch, talk with, kiss, or interact with the opposite sex, we wouldn't have a clue what sex was, we'd think babies came from storks, we'd never be in a fight in our life, and the worst word from our mouth would be "Golly!". heh

  • That would be really nice. Even nicer if you could have the stories posted there and then all replys would be attached to those. Best still if you could download it all to your drive so you don't have to wait for each comment to load (for those of use with slow connections)
  • Hey, I just created an account... Whoopieeee!!!

    Yea, doesn't have much to do with anything, but how do you create a new comment? sometimes I don't want to reply to one, but create one... hmmmmm... maybe I'm just blind.
  • Yeah I'm having the same problem...I can't filter out the book review or for that matter anything on the right-hand side at all :(
  • I see that someone has been very busy...

    I'm impressed with the new options...
  • 1478 in fact... gee, is this going to be a new form of elitism? What's your /.#?


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