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New Star Wars Posters/Trailer Comments 75

Patrick Berry writes "The Star Wars Online Shop has new Episode I posters for sale. It looks like the 'teaser' posters are gone forever but these may stick around a while longer. " The teaser poster scam bummed me out. I wanted the picture with Anakin & Darth's shadow so bad, but all I got was a cheesy 8.5x11 drawn poster of Star Wars. Not even prequel related. But I did see the trailer B last night. It was much better than the first one. A bit of a glimpse into the plot, and most of the fx were much smoother. Plus comments about Jedi's coming in pairs (Emporer & Darth, Obi-Wan & Luke, and presumably in the prequel, Anakin & Obi-Wan). Some great Jedi fighting shots too. I'm just to stoked. Guess I'll have to order the poster.
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New Star Wars Posters/Trailer Comments

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  • If I had to guess, judging by the body of the person in #22, I would say it is none other than Anakin. There is a shot of Anakin in a black robe in the teaser as well.
  • The holographic robed figure is not Senator Palpatine, who is seen in the trailer talking to the Queen, but is Darth Sidious(sp?), a Sith lord who commands Darth Maul and all-around-evil-guy.
  • Posted by ThickAsTwoShortPlanks:

    "Note: At this time, we can only accept orders from customers in the United States or Canada.", declares

    Anyone got any ideas where the rest of us can get our star wars goodies from? Not only do we have to suffer you people getting to see the *film* before us, but we can't get the merchandise either!

    Of course, if anyone from the US wants to send me a poster all the way to the United Kingdom, I'll be happy to send you the money...after the poster arrives...

  • Posted by louie-dog:

    There is this director who does little films in hollywood. His name is Spielberg, maybe you've heard of him. He sat down with a Mr. George Lucas and watched this new silly star wars film. Apparently after it ended he turned to Lucas and uttered 3 words... "Oh my god." Last I checked this Spielberg person did a lot of amazing movies. I think he may know what he's talking about.
  • Posted by DratSomeoneTookMyName:

    I have put up RealVideo 5.0 and the MPEG version (as well as the Quicktimes) at: []

    Note: you'll need some real horsepower to view the fast bitrate RealVideos of the 480x216 version smoothly. My Pentium 200MMX and PowerbookG3 (250) weren't enough, but my dual PII 400Mhz was...

  • Posted by Bobafett32:

    Not only that, but Spielberg and many other directors were impressed by this that they wont be releasing a movies within anywhere from 1 week to 2 months after SWI comes out... And for all of you who say it is going to be a dissapointment, how do you know? I believe that it will live up to many and most SW fans and to those who aren't... You tell us that every director has ups and downs and I agree, yet can multiple directors (say about 5-10) of them be wrong? Or is it just that you don't like or can't comprehend SW so you do your natural reaction... Just talk like its no real big deal. If you do, you better wake up.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • What did you think you would find when you followed the link off the main page?
  • I never got mine. It's been 4 months.

    what's the 800 # again? i want to recall them.
  • Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to stupid comments.
  • > Enough Already! Stop these silly articles. > I am sick of seeing these "StarWars" articles > here. Isn't there anything more instersting to > talk about? This is sick sick sick. Stop it now. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to stupid postings. :-)

  • > Enough Already! Stop these silly articles.
    > I am sick of seeing these "StarWars" articles
    > here. Isn't there anything more instersting to
    > talk about? This is sick sick sick. Stop it now.

    Fear leads to anger.
    Anger leads to stupid postings. :-)

  • Natalie Portman is the girl. Real good actor. Saw her in Beautiful Girls, The Professional, and some Woody Allen movie where everybody sang a lot.

    So long as she doesn't break into song again, she should be great for the part.

  • Can anyone explain to me who that cute girl
    with the face paint is? At one point in the
    trailer she says something like "this is not
    what the people elected me to do". So, she's
    the Prez or what? How does an 18-year-old
    girl become president of the Republic anyway?
    Does anyone know what the deal is?

    The trailer confused me, but I still thought it
    was soooo cooool.

  • What makes you think he meant of the USA?

    /. is multicultural and multinational. Counting Star Wars, it's multiplanetary.

    - Darchmare
    - Axis Mutatis,

  • ...don't.... reply .... to the .........troll....

    BTW, wouldn't 'gnash' be a cool name for a shell? It could sort of tie in gnu, and ... ash ...? Hmm... Up there with vbsh (an no, I'm not talking about the Victorian beer)

    Well gnash it is. I'll begin work immediately...
  • Jackie Chan! By Far.

    But I digress.. love the new Jedi Fight sequences,
    and the effects look too sweet.

    Now to secure a good camping spot outside the theatre.


    "To be "matter of fact" about the world is to blunder into fantasy -
    and dull fantasy at that, as the real world is strange and wonderful."
    --Robert A. Heinlein.
  • Well, exam week is over, and I have some free time to burn! Why not do this with an inaugural posting on Slashdot (well, I've had my share of "me too":s, of course) about my favorite subject -- Star Wars. Below is a collection of my thoughts and opinions on some of the sights and sounds of the new trailer.

    Now please bear in mind that this analysis was formed using my own knowledge (which may be patchy in some places!) and own observations made by watching the trailer and teaser. In other words, this is *not* a spoiler, since I am as much in the dark as the rest of you.

    With that disclaimer out of the way, let's get on with the show (*firing up QuickTime viewer*):

    1. Okay, first shot. Transports advancing over a grassy ridge escorted by hover tanks at point. Notice the fleeing animals to the right!

    2. Second shot, panoramic view of what seems to be the royal palace. Beautiful waterfalls, btw.

    3. Assault force advancing on dome-shaped structures in the distance. What *is* that? It looks too small to contain cities. Some kind of natural resource?

    4. Large ship resembling a TIE-fighter but with a protruding nose flashes by. Is this a capital ship or a fighter? I am leaning towards the earlier, but I am not sure.

    5. Landing transport touching down in forest. Notice the numerous identical transports landing in the distance.

    6. Darth Maul speaking to robed figure. The second shot of this conversation shows you a bit of the robed figure's chin, which has led me to believe that this is indeed Senator Palpatine himself, later to become *Emperor* Palpatine of the New Order.

    7. Horde of droids turning to look at some intrusion. Notice the large hovering droids in the background, and the shape of their eyes (or ocular receptors in Star Wars-speak). We'll get to this later on.

    8. The Emperor as a hologram, speaking with the voice we all have come to love and dread!

    9. Large transports being unloaded from landing barge. Notice the domed front sections of these transports, and how they somewhat resemble old-fashioned steam locomotives.

    10. Orderly row of droids in front of domed structures. Here we also see the open front sections of the transports mentioned above, and in the first shot. Something strange is going on in the domes -- some kind of collecting of energy?

    11. Senator Palpatine looking somewhat disinterested. It appears that the good senator is playing an interesting game of deceit!

    12. Shot of Qui-Gon (Liam Neeson) and Obi-Wan (Ewan McGregor) jumping from a table, sabers at the ready. Is that C3P-0 to the left, dropping a tray? He seems to have a lot of plating on him, as opposed to later shots.

    13. Qui-Gon blocking a bolt aimed at him (or the CG-companion ducking behind him, don't know his name). Notice how the blaster bolt is deflected and hits the attacking battle droid -- only the most proficient of Jedis can do that (Luke just pulls it off a few times).

    14. Queen Amida (Natalie Portman) speaking to the Senate (I think). She seems to be speaking into some kind of camera, broadcasting her image to all members. It seems as if the queen has been exiled from her planet (Naboo, is it not?) by the droid invasion, but that she managed to escape and is now asking for help in the Senate (they don't seem very responsive though). Also notice the way the last "committee" echoes in the chamber, giving that much more force to her words (talk about a committee!).

    15. Strange aliens (similar to the companion of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan) kneel and deflect blaster bolts (presumably fired by the battle droids) while the back rows throw something into the air. There appears to be some large beast of war in the background, too.

    16. Larger shot of the Senate chamber. Lots of representatives from lots of worlds (a thousand thousand) around the galaxy.

    17. Artoo being hoisted into place in the Naboo starfighter. Can't help to think that this system is so much better than that used on the X-Wing and Y-Wing starfighter series.

    18. Queen Amida with a needle-like gun and for once without the fancy ceremonial make-up and clothing. I would venture this is where she is forced to escape from the invading forces, aided of course by Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon.

    19. I just *love* the fancy lightsaber techniques of Ewan McGregor! Go, Ewan!

    20. C3P-0 complaining about "dreadful starships". I gather this means that he was built on this planet, since he evidently never has traveled in space. This must be where he programmed those binary lifters! In addition, it seems as if he is not fully completed -- he is lacking a lot of plating. But Artoo is as feisty as ever.

    21. Yoda speaking to Samuel L. Jackson (don't know his character's name) -- the head of the Jedi Council on Coruscant.

    22. Black-robed figure extinguishing his lightsaber, a panoramic view of a desert landscape in the background. Gorgeous shot. The black robe, the elongated lightsaber grip and the red blade leads me to believe that this is Darth Maul. Also, Qui-Gon's and Obi-Wan's ship seems to be speeding off in the background. Along with the information in the teaser, I would venture that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon has been to Tatooine to find Anakin, escaping with him just in the nick of time (not before Qui-Gon having had to face Darth Maul briefly, though).

    23. Race on Tatooine. Notice how these "rocket sleighs" have their cockpits slung behind the two front engines. Strange contraption.

    24. Is that Jabba moving out to greet the public, presumably on Tatooine? Also, our beloved Bib Fortuna seems to be with him; strange, I thought the half-life of being a lieutenant of Jabba was way shorter than that.

    25. Gotta love those fighting scenes.

    26. What are those huge sea-monsters which seem intent on eating our heroes' starship?

    27. Enemy(?) starfighter firing over a large capital ship. Notice the red slits on the main fuselage of the starfighter -- very similar to the eyes of the large hover-droids in the beginning. I would say that this means that the starfighters are automated droids as well.

    28. Did I say Liam Neeson is looking absolutely *wonderful* as a Jedi Master -- tall, stately and calm, almost serene.

    Well, that was that. Comments, flames, suggestions are welcome.

    /Nick, Jedi Knight-wannabe
  • Despite the tag line ("News for Nerds"), /. really isn't a "News" site in the same manner as CNN, ABCnews, and such try to be. Rob et al do not claim to be unbiased - in fact, you can see sagan's bias off the top (he waves in front of everyone's face). If you want more "journalistic" news, go see another site.

    What /. is, and what makes it popular, is that it's a discussion site. Think of Rob, et al, as you friendly neighborhood moderator. Noone ever claims they're bias-free. It's more of an exercise in free-thought. If you want your thinking done for you, go see the traditional media, where they have decades of experience with packaging, presenting, and massaging your news for you (and of course, presenting it as "unbiased"). They just manage to politely hide their biases from the user.

    By the way, I don't buy the story about the competing site. Just who pressured him? People posting to the site? If you provide something people find useful, then, well, there you go. Obviously, not enough people thought he was doing a useful thing. Don't like it - vote with your feet (metaphorically speaking). And, noone is forcing you to read this. So don't bitch to me about how you don't have any choice. Of course you do.


  • Then use the new /. blocking feature to block out Star Wars articles!
  • funny, I went to see the Star Wars trailer last night, and stuck around to see Wing Command:) It was about the same with the people cheering and stuff... I was very impressed by the trailer... VERY cool. As for Wing Commander.... Well, it had more plot holes...
  • Go back to reading Slate instead! Who are you to decide what's appropriate or not anyway? I'm totally stoked for this movie, love /. for making me aware of recent super-cool net-events.

    Although I should thank was your last post right? WooHoo!
  • by mr2¢ ( 16489 )
    You got a poster of Anakin with Darth's shadow? Where and are they still availabe?

  • That's why he added the Custom Slashdot Stuff. Go make yerself a user, and check the "I dont wanna see no starwars" checkbox for yerself. Stop yer Bitchin!
  • As long as I've been reading /. (over a year), Star Wars has been part of Rob's content - it's stuff that matters to him, and as it's his site well, you know, it doesn't really matter if it doesn't matter to you. :op

  • A) The United States is not the only country that refers to their head of state as "President"
    B) Not every country that has a President has the same requirements for holding that office.
    B) The character in Phantom Menace is not a President.

  • I have an idea for Rob that would encourage whiners to register - Have the default view of /. be blank. In order to see articles, you'd have to register and select which ones they want to see. Then they might get a clue. ;o)
  • I was just wondering what it was. I ordered my teaser poster from the SW fan club and I got it three weeks looks beautiful, too.
  • to stoked? No! too stoked.


  • I love slashdot and I love Star Wars when the two mix i am very happy so slashdot every little piece of info you get on STAR WARS post that sucker up
  • Interesting concept. Sidious==Palpatine. It
    would explain how Palpatine apparently obtained such powerful Dark Side abilities so rapidly,
    as well as the relationship between the Emperor
    and Vader (Master-Apprentice).

    Dammit Jim...It's "U-N-I-X",

Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC
