The Danger of License Termination Clauses 141
Ray Dassen writes "Bruce Perens has written " Is Your Software In Danger of Termination? ", a letter about the problem
of termination clauses such as those in the
licenses of
Jikes and Secure Mailer. "
My 12 year old son bought 98. Bound by license??? (Score:1)
Here's from the GPL (Score:1)
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License.
license plates (Score:1)
Actually... (Score:1)
I disagree with Bruce about the termination clause in the Jikes license making the software non-free. It says that if an intellectual property claims "appears likely" then blah, blah, blah. It does not say that IBM gets to decide what qualifies as likely. They could claim that, but unless it could be proven true in court, I don't think they will be successful at terminating the license. This is far from letting the license be terminated at IBM's whim.
Actually... (Score:1)
Didn't the Pine developers at Wash U. try to retroactively revoke their free license when that project went proprietary? Do you know what happened with that.
Insist on genuine GNU GPL licensed software! (Score:1)
Also says this on their license plates. But what about the guys in the state penitentiary who are actually making those plates...? ;)
No way (Score:1)
It's very clear in this.
'may' terminate? 'initiate' a patent infringement suit? 'open source' software? Man, that's so unclear it's solid fog.
What you want is 'If you sue the author of any GPLed software for patent infringement, your license to use any GPLed software is revoked'. _That_ is clear. But I still don't want it because it's been damned hard enough to get people to appreciate the GPL already, without vengeful riders tacked on. Leave it _alone_.
Don't need written acknowledgement (Score:1)
I don't think you need written ack.
Here's why (I believe I found this at junkbuster.org): In order to get rid of junk mail, this guy set himself up a "company" (just filed the papers and forms, but didn't hire anyone) called something like "Ad Effectiveness 'R Us". When he'd get junk mail from people he'd send them back a letter saying "This is your free trial evaluation: I've reviewed your ad and found it to be somewhat effective. Further evaluations will be invoiced at $500/item. Receipt of further items by me will be taken as acknoledgement that you want a non-free eval."
Anyway, you see my point. The junk mailer doesn't have to specifically acknowledge the deal, they just have to have been notified that any future behavior will be interpreted as acknowledgement.
I agree! (Score:1)
*Damn*, I hate saying that, it's just so incredibly *lame*!
But yes, I agree totally. The point is
1). Stick with GPL'd code whenever possible.
2). Only use code which is licensed under an arrangement other that the GPL if you have an overwhelming reason to do so ( and preferably only if you have a planned emergency exit plan as well ). In short - read the fine print and pay a lawyer to check it. It will save you a lot of grief.
These days, most programmers doen't see much that's really bad about IBM and feel that they should be given the benifet of the doubt.
Sorry, but I remember the days ( late 80's ) when IBM meant IncontinentBowelMovement ( and a whole host of other insulting, derogetory terms ).
Right now, IBM is acting as the great crusader of open source ( BWHAHAHA! ). Don't believe a word of it.
Just 39 years of extreme cynisism gang.
vmailer and qmail (Score:1)
This isn't the way it comes across to me. From much of the Vmailer/Postfix/Secure Mailer documentation I get the impression it was always meant as a direct, targeted, Qmail killer.
Time for a new rider to the GPL... (Score:1)
New Hampshire (Score:1)
Also, I believe NH was the first state to have a state lottery.
Disagree (Score:1)
What this does protect is output created by the program's user with the aid of the program, as opposed to derived from the program. If I make an image in Gimp, the image does not fall under the GPL; if I compile a program with gcc, that program is not necessarily GPLed.
The conflict you see is that at one point the GPL says that usage is not restricted, then goes on to describe a case in which usage (or the output thereof) is covered by the license.
I'd hold that this case - the case in which someone uses a GPL program to output information derived from the program itself, rather than created or processed from non-GPL sources, such as system status or user input - falls under "copying" much more so than "usage." The user is using the program to copy itself, or a part of itself, and so the new copy falls under the GPL. It's the same thing, essentially, as if I use GNU cp to copy a GPL-covered source file - the new file still falls under the GPL, despite being the output of a GPLed program.
The issue now is whether 'falling outside the scope' of the license is the same as 'not restricted.' I'd have to say that it is. All software licenses are restrictive in nature, designed to take rights away from the do-anything-you-feel-like body of rights enjoyed by users of truly public domain software. The GPL is no exception; it takes away your freedom to take away the freedom of others. It restricts your right to proprietarize the software. The whole scope of a software license is restrictive, not liberating. The point of copyleft is to take the restrictive nature of a software license and create something that will be forever liberated.
So, if something is not restricted by a license, then it follows that that act falls outside the scope of the license. If the license says "not restricted" to some act, then it is in fact placing that act outside its restrictive scope.
I see no conflicts here, and I'd be interested to learn the reasoning behind a policy that would ban installations of GNU GPL-covered software.
Re: You misunderstood :-/ (Score:1)
What about the turnover rate of software? (Score:1)
I still say shrinkwrap licenses are meaningless. (Score:1)
IBM O.S. license (Score:1)
IBM has been so amazingly behind open source recently that it blows me away. They most definitely possess those who can hack(TM).
They have also been excellent net-heads, embracing apache, and linux as well.
They function in an insane world where any fool with a lawyer can create a load of grief for them. A nice boilerplate defensive license makes perfect sense.
Please, no courts (Score:1)
Have you ever been within smelling distance of a lawsuit? If not, read, for example, coverage of the Microsoft suit the DoJ's prosecuting.
I have a number of friends who are lawyers (and actually have working consciences!), and get the inside scoop from them about the operation of the law. As P. J. Plauger observed in an Embedded Systems Programming column, anytime you go to court, you've lost, regardless of the merits of your case.
If we accept licenses that allow courts to decide what the license language means (as a primary function, not just as secondary to deciding whether the license has been violated), we're signing our own death warrant. Anyone with a few bucks to rub together can bring all development to a complete halt at any time for any project using such a license.
qmail losing market share? (Score:1)
You are right. (Score:1)
7th circuit only; supreme will overturn (Score:1)
I can't. It's against company policy! (Score:1)
all bets are off (Score:1)
the ibm PC company refused to even preload OS/2 because it was in bed with MS and OS/2 threatened that relationship. the infighting involved between the software and hardware sides of ibm in past years is stupifying.
look forward 5 years. assuming MS gets off easy again with DoJ (not a leap is it?) and they get their iron fist around the pc world even further.... do you think for a second that some IBM suit won't trade away the yikes and/or any other wishy-washy licensing scheme for a big chunk o' microsoft pie?
i'm not saying ibm is gonna betray (honestly or dishonestly) the open source community due to such licenses this thread concerns, but don't rule out anything.
if there is a loophole, expect it will be exploited. and this loophole is pretty damn large.
Insist on genuine GNU GPL licensed software! (Score:1)
Freedom is worth far more than all of Bill Gate's M$ stock.
Live Free or Die (New Hampshire state motto).
Insist on genuine GNU GPL licensed software! (Score:1)
Perhaps not.... (Score:1)
the GPL
Shrinkwraps and UCC (Score:1)
Basically the current UCC proposal looks really bad for consumers, but very good for vendors. (big surprise there, I know).
My sympathy :-) (Score:1)
IBM O.S. license (Score:1)
Read it a bit more carefully, please. (Score:1)
But, even if we don't argue that point, contesting the likelyhood of a claim is an extremely weak defense. It's so easy for anyone to enter a claim in court that you'd never succeed in preserving your license from termination that way. Suppose, for example, that someone served process on IBM. That's cheap to do, and it would be incontestable evidence of a claim.
Please, no courts (Score:1)
This comment must be deleted within 24hrs. (Score:1)
Qmail (Score:1)
How to contact IBM (Score:1)
What about the turnover rate of software? (Score:1)
Let's not rule it out entirely.... (Score:1)
I would not have written this article if I thought the only worthwhile strategy was for us to turn our back on IBM and other large companies. It's not time to burn our bridges.
What about the turnover rate of software? (Score:1)
The fact that Sendmail continues to be maintained only assures us that its competition will be better, because we won't accept less from a new product than we can already from Sendmail!
Surely, both KDE and GNOME are both better for their competition, and we are better off because we have a choice between two products.
Time for a new rider to the GPL... (Score:1)
I think Stallman was once considering something like this. I don't know if he still is.
Don't worry (Score:1)
How do you feel about that provision as it exists today in the NPL draft?
This comment must be deleted within 24hrs. (Score:1)
Without that, Rob could have a nightmare on his hands.
Lets tell them whats up! (Score:1)
echo subscribe \
| mail jikes-license-subscribe@watson.ibm.com
I read the entries from time to time, and forward them as appropriate.
By the way, we are aware of of the concerns re the termination clause.
Lets tell them whats up! (Score:1)
echo subscribe | \
How to express concerns re Jikes License (Score:1)
Subscribe by
echo subscribe \
| mail jikes-license-request@watson.ibm.com
I can't. It's against company policy! (Score:1)
This comment must be deleted within 24hrs. (Score:1)
As for your penalty, one would need the written acknowledgment of Rob for it to be binding. OTOH, you can copyright your post to this public forum, thereby placing limits on any further repostings on another site.
Nothing more than a fair warning (Score:1)
IBM has done nothing more than give a fair warning here. Admittedly their language is vague, but its not IBM but the courts who would get to decide what constituted 'reasonably available' or a real change of an IP suit against them. In terms of the products concerned the chances of such a thing happening are almost nil.
Consider what would happen if a GPL'd product were found to violate some patent - the courts would insist of the deletion of all copies (or the payment of royalties) there as well.
There is a legal world beyond what it says in the license. Just because the GPL doesn't say anything about what would happen in the case of patent infringement doesn't mean it won't
Actually... (Score:1)
Section 4 of the GPL says that your license is terminated if you violate it, but the termination affects only the violator:
You are not bound by the GPL. But ... (Score:1)
The GPL addresses this point. You can refuse to accept the GPL. If you do, then you get the default under copyright law: no right to modify, no right to redistribute. See section 5 of the GPL.
You seem to think that the default, if you refuse to accept the license, is public domain. The law does not work that way. By default, if you have a legal copy of a copyrighted program, you can run it and make one backup copy, but you can't give it to anyone else and you can't make derivative works based on it (e.g. copy a piece into a different program).
Insist on genuine GNU GPL licensed software! (Score:1)
Live free or Die! Ha! Yeah, right... (Score:1)
NH allows beer and wine to be sold in grocery stores, which is a rare site in the Northeast.
They're Trying (Score:1)
If you don't like the license, and (this is important) you're in a job where this license affects which products you use, join the IBM license discussion list, and suggest changes that would placate you while allowing the IBM suits to cover their backsides.
IBM isn't offering things like Jikes because they've found Stallman's religion. They're doing it because, hopefully, they'll impress the programmers and sysadmins out there, who'll decide that maybe they should take a closer look at IBM's commercial offerings. This is how reality works. Most people need real jobs where they make money. Most companies need to sell stuff like hardware and software. We can take advantage of this. If they think that giving out code makes them look good, and maybe, in some nebulous way, increases sales, we can get some great free code. If we can convince them that with some teeny little license changes, they'd look much cooler (and maybe that'd lead to more sales), they're more likely to do it.
Don't spook the suits. They're not as thick-skinned as the average
Language not open to interpretation... (Score:1)
This type of language in a license renders it vague from the parties' points of view.
This means that to end the license would require courts and a jury to decide whether the relevant facts of the case fit into the box that the language in question seeks to make.
'Revocation will occur when event X occurs.' This is an example of concrete legalese.
'Revocation will occur if event X becomes reasonably likely.' This is vague legalese designed to give the licensor discretion (read leeway) to decide when to sue.
To avoid vague legalese, be sure that the license speaks in terms of 'will,' 'becomes definite,' 'is' etc. Instead of likelihoods, it should speak in terms of definite contingencies.
If one is careful of this, then the licensor and licensee can be sure when a term is violated or not.
Here is a simple test that one should apply to any term or provision in a license: "How many different ways can I violate this provision?" The closer the number gets to 1, the better.
Minority is a defense (may nullify contract) (Score:1)
If a child under 18 enters into contract, and is later sued for breach of that contract, the minor child can assert minority as an absolute defense.
Alternatively, a minor child may disaffirm a contract at any time. This is usually performed by a writing on the minor's behalf, or in court with a motion to set aside the transaction.
See Above (Score:1)
Shrink wraps and click-buttons are now enforceable. BE VERY AFRAID!
IBM means well, but: unlimited downside risk (Score:1)
Regardless of what you may think of Bruce Perens, he has hit the nail on the head. Most of us will concede that IBM means well, but nonetheless they have written a license that has unlimited downside risk for the end-user.
They have written a license with a clause that is not acceptable in free software---one which provides a strong disincentive to the end-user to get involved. No one says IBM has to play free software, but if they do, they should get some idea of the rules.
Rob Levin, Head of Operations
Open Projects Net
"Open source, open technology, open information"
Insist on genuine GNU GPL licensed software! (Score:1)
smithdog wrote: Allegedly found on a state sign welcoming motorists to New Hampshire:
Get real (Score:1)
Sucks to be you.
Now, people with logins...
You misunderstood :-/ (Score:1)
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
It is plain enough for me: the act of running the program is not restricted. The additional restriction to output produced by the program applies only to output that is a derivative if the program. Makes sense: you wouldn't want to make sensitive corporate information that is the output of some random GPLed program freely redistributable. OTOH if that output is work based upon said program that should be redistributable as per the GPL (the GPL is recursive!).
re: Wrong (Score:1)
surprisingly, i actually agree with their assessment of this case (even though the point was well made in the first 3 paragraphs but numerous pages followed
what's interesting to me is that the primary assertion is that the consumer has the opportunity to review the "shrink-wrap" license, and subsequently, if they refuse to enter the agreement, they have the opportunity to return the product, etc. if they choose to use the product after review, they've consented.
now, since that was a significant component of their argument, most likely being one of the most important factors in convincing the judge, how does this impact microsoft's recent slithering to get the EULA changed to avoid this "out-clause"?
this is a very interesting point to me...
would it continue to be defensible in federal court with this arguably critical concept absent?
your thoughts?
It isn't paranoia, it's careful reading of the GPL (Score:1)
The second part of section 0 first says:
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope.
Which might make what follows completely useless:
The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
As it previously said those activities aren't coverd by the license... Or, in other words - you're free to copy it but have no right to use it... IANAL but I don't consider their fears completely without cause...
I certainly don't claim that a court of law would judge it this or that way, I simply don't know
Has it ever occurred to you that God might be a committee?
You misunderstood :-/ (Score:1)
"Where does it say that I may use a GPLed program"
Nowhere in the GPL v2 does it say:
"You may use the program"
It only says:
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License;
So it depends on the local law wether or no you may actually use the program... Yes you have the rights to the 'output', but do you actually have the right to create such output? I certainly don't know. If I'd actually own a copy I'd be certain that I could use it freely, but it doesn't say that I own any copies on my disk -- It only deals in how I may modify and/or redistribute it! The normal case is that you don't own the software, you only license it. And the GPL doesn't say anything about owning/licensing the copy.. Again, I don't claim that it would hold in any sane court -- just that the GPL is more ambigous that it needs to be.
Has it ever occurred to you that God might be a committee?
Re: You misunderstood :-/ (Score:1)
IANAL, just uncertain...
Has it ever occurred to you that God might be a committee?
They'd never do that. (Score:1)
Has it ever occurred to you that God might be a committee?
Re: You misunderstood :-/ (Score:1)
Again, IANAL
Re: some other post by some AC
It's good that the GPL is ambigous!?
Has it ever occurred to you that God might be a committee?
Lets tell them whats up! (Score:1)
What about the turnover rate of software? (Score:1)
as a positive thing. Regular redesign from ground up is like a
prostate exam: it's a pain but it's good for you.
What about the turnover rate of software? (Score:1)
What about the turnover rate of software? (Score:1)
(or ingeneral copyright holder) decides to revoke its license, the
software will be obsolete anyway. And even if it weren't yet obsolete,
a OSS rewrite of revoked code would still be a good refresher for the code.
I further think that the threat of license revocation will force programmers
not to depend too deeply on that package in their software, thus
encouraging modular design. So in the grand scheme of things (i.e. ignoring
how much effort goes into programming), such licenses may not be too bad.
What about the turnover rate of software? (Score:1)
That depends on whether or not the software needs a redesign. One of the advantages of open-source is that, given the number of people working on a piece of software, design decisions that make it hard to maintain and/or extend get found and eliminated early in it's life. The result is software that doesn't suffer nearly as badly from rot as changes are made. The canonical examples would be BIND or the nigh-immortal sendmail
What about the turnover rate of software? (Score:1)
What would you change about sendmail's design? Yes the config file syntax is a bear. That's not a result of the program's design. Having had to hack local mods into sendmail's code before, I find it relatively easy to do so. To me, that's the ultimate criteria for a good design: someone who wasn't part of the design team finds it easy to modify the program.
Insist on genuine GNU GPL licensed software! (Score:1)
See http://www.corcraft.gov/ for more.
My 12 year old son bought 98. Bound by license??? (Score:1)
What about the turnover rate of software? (Score:1)
View of Free Software by the law (Score:1)
convince polititians that free software is
in public interest.
Imagine some of the United Nations institutions
officialy acknowledging
"Free Software is something that should be
treated in a way (by state laws) that its special
benefits for the society are considered".
So copyright laws should state that someone
violating copyrights with free software
cannot be made to pay big bucks - even
if he is ibm. He clearly should be stopped
infringing this copyright, but thats another
There should be other ways to protect programmers
of free software from being crunched in court by
big companies like charities who help in paying
lawyer costs (does something like that exist?).
Companies like ibm etc. should be aware that
donating for such things could do more for linux
and gnu and free programming than investing in
linux-companies (which is good too).
I fear the day when some company goes to court
and gets the judge to rule "ok, i don't know
if they are right, but we stop distribution of
the linux kernel until we get a final decision
(which will be in two years)".
OTOH, who will have the money to prosecute
violation of the GPL, BSDL, LGPL?
Time for a new rider to the GPL... (Score:1)
Insist on genuine GNU GPL licensed software! (Score:1)
Get real (Score:1)
Wouldn't THAT be funny.
Uh ? (Score:1)
all bets are off (Score:1)
Re: You misunderstood :-/ (Score:1)
don't license it you seem to be saying that anyone can do anything they want with it"
Yes, anything EXCEPT copying.
Re: You misunderstood :-/ (Score:1)
In the U.S. it is generally legal to do anything that isn't specifically illegal. It is specifically illegal to copy a copyrighted work. Anything you write is automatically copyrighted. Therefore it's legal to do anything except copy.
My 12 year old son bought 98. Bound by license??? (Score:1)
OTOH, if he turns out to make a great actor, you get to manage where his money goes...
If you ask me... which you didn't (Score:1)
Of course us You-Rope-Ians currently have the right idea.
Software Termination Licenses (Score:1)
If a person(s) sue IBM sucessfully over an intellectual property issue then the normal remedy in the case of a sucessful suit is the revocation of all existing software licenses unless the infringer agrees to make sutiable payments. There is no necessitity that the winner of such a suit agrees to license the property so that exisiting licenses can be maintained. Moreover, if such a suit were sucessful, without an indemnity from IBM every user of the property would be liable for damages and be prohibited from using the software. What IBM's license does it to prevent such secondary suits from occuring, e.g. you cannot be sued for a infringement under IBM's license.
This is actually better than most open source software. One more thing, in a contract the word "reasonable" has special meaning - in this case it means that unless the plaintiff has enough evidence to get a injunction issued IBM will not terminate the license.
IBM O.S. license (Score:1)
is an alternate way to protect themselves
against patent infringement violations and
the resulting liability.
Perhaps something along the lines of:
"if a party other than IBM is found by a
(what jurisdiction?) court to hold a patent
which applies to this software, then that
party may require IBM to pay fees for use
thereof. In this case, IBM may elect to
terminate this license."
This reduces the problem by:
1) Eliminating IBM itself from being
the hypothetical antagonist.
2) Requiring a court to demonstrate that
IBM is in violation before proceeding.
I think that realistically (1) is unlikely
since IBM is sincerely contributing to the open
source community.
(2) Allows IBM to get out of a tough situation
where they inadvertently violated someone else's
patent. I don't think (2) is likely to happen.
Any thoughts?
-- Idan
IBM O.S. license (Score:1)
makes more sense. The question of jurisdiction still remains, however. Any thoughts? Perhaps IBM's home in New Jersey?
-- Idan
Wrong (Score:1)
re: Wrong (Score:1)