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Star Wars Prequels Media Movies

Star Wars Early for the Rich 77

OG writes "If you have $500 burning a hole in your pocket (plus cash for a plane ticket to Denver or one of 5 other cities), you can see The Phantom Menace 3 days before anyone else. " The strange thing is that although I've been waiting years and years, those last 3 days are going to be the worst. Never seen The Daily Buzz before either. Pretty sweet site. Oughta make a Slashbox for it *grin*.
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Star Wars Early for the Rich

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    You think waiting three days is bad? SW-I isn't going to show up in Norway until late August :'-(
    Those three months are going to be total hell...

    Trond M. (trying to save up money for a planetrip)
  • : hello! you think the shareholders and CEOs care about some stupid kids shelter? they will put on a show because it makes them look good and increases profits, but other than that the studio is about making M O N E Y not about building a better society, not about being nice to kids and old people, not about caring about peoples feelings or any of that other garbage. its about cash, dollars, value, stock price, power, etc etc. dont forget that.

    Whats wrong with that?
  • CmdrTaco? Is that you?
  • by gavinhall ( 33 )
    Posted by NJViking:

    There's no way in hel I'd try to see Star Wars on opening night. May watch it a week after it vomes out. The movie theatres will be a mob scene!

  • Posted by Assmodeus:

    oh well...ill wait the 3 extra days for my tickets which i already have reserved :) ...one of the benefits of being good friends with the theater projectionists.
  • by Tim ( 686 )
    I live in Denver. Maybe I'll find $500 lying around somewhere...
  • How about Chicago? Need to have something in the midwest. Also probably some southern city -- Atlanta or Orlando maybe. And how about Boston instead of DC -- nothing ever happens in DC!
  • I'm guessing NY, DC, LA, but I'm at a loss to guess the other two.
  • what's your email address so I can email you a full transcript and capsule review the day after I see it?
  • If the money is going to local charities, does that mean that your Star Wars movie ticket is tax deductible? :)
  • I think there's montréal that will show the phantom menace the 19th
  • Can you tell me which set has a lightsabre for Skywalker? Thx.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • An obvious choice is SF, lots of theaters with history and SF citizens spent more on average for movies last year than any other US city.

    Openstep/NeXTSTEP/Solaris/FreeBSD/Linux/ultrix/OSF /...
  • Of course, if "CmdrTaco's hopes are up so high for this movie that nothing short of a drug induced expierence could fit his expectations", then all we need is to add another $50 of 'expenses', and we can read a review that goes "Th3 (olors! The pre1ty pr5ty col0rs! Moing! ^ll over! Fantasticic!"

    I'd pay. *grin*
  • I saw Empire the first day it came out... I remember tagging along with my brother and his friends to see it. I forget, but I also think I saw Jedi the first day it came out, too. There's an added excitement, I think, in seeing the film opening day. You get to hang out, waiting in line with other fans. There's the anticipation of wondering exactly what the film will be like. That, and no one can spoil the surprises for you.

    Not sure if I'll do it this time around. I tend to go to matinees more than anything else, since I hate crowds. But there's still something to be said for the energy of an opening day...
  • shit!
    maybe we need microsoft for something after all?
  • ah! but i am make an amazing simulation by putting my clock ahead!

    bah, who needs time travel.
  • man, you just goto the place and watch it 5 times.. then you get every little bit of it
    plus the wild crowd =P

    hell, i'm gonna go 5 times at least.
  • At least it's not a money grab by the studio. I wonder if they'll include those showings in the official box office totals?
  • Seattle should have it. It was given to children's hospital.
  • ...named Rob Malda (A.K.A.CmdrTaco) [cmdrtaco.net] to Denver, don't you think? [You don't think that he was REALLY going to get much work done those last three days, did you?]

    I can't pay the whole ticket but would be glad to put a few bucks into the pot...Under condition that he not be allowed to sleep afterward until he posts a full review.

    Naturally, Rob, something longer than "woo hoo" would be deeply appreciated....

  • Since I live in (well, near) Denver. But $500 is a bit steep even by today's ticket prices.

    Tell ya what -- any of you out-of-towners who are coming in to see it: spring for my ticket and I'll let you sleep on my couch. :-)
  • > The movie theatres will be a mob scene!

    The company I work for is actually thinking of buying out an entire theatre on opening night so we can avoid such a thing. Then our whole company would go to see it and we'd bring our clients and whatnot. At first I thought this was a great idea, but to be honest, I think half the fun of opening night is the millions of people you have to compete against to get tickets. Much satisfaction goes into that. Plus, who wants to sit and watch the movie with old people in business suits? I think I may take my chances going it alone.
  • But the mob is 1/2 the fun!
  • I live just up the road from Denver, in Boulder, and I think this is a fabulous idea. I'm convinced that they will sell every ticket at $500 and the money goes to charity. More movies should do this. 3 days isn't that big of a deal but it's just big enough that if you've got the money and you're a starwars super freak you'd probably spend it.

    I can almost see spending the money on it. Of course I hate to go to movies alone so that's an expensive date.

  • by Mr T ( 21709 )
    Impossible, this is probably going to be the greatest movie of all time. (With the possible exception being "Empire")

    This is going to be the Citizen Cane of the next century.

  • "or better yet, sucked"?!?! how can you wish such a thing for anyone? i agree, it would be ironic, but at what cost!? a whole generation would be deprived...
  • It would make sense for them to do this at the Coronet in SF. That's where they debuted Star Wars in 1977 and the re-release in 1997. That's where I'm hoping to see it, early release or not, because of the great seats and great sound system.


  • I got the Lego Landspeeder last week thanks to the nice folks at Waaal-Maart. The Lego Obi Wan looks strangely more like George Lucas than Alec Guinness, though.

    And the X-Wing fighter rules, too.
  • At least it's not a money grab by the studio. I wonder if they'll include those showings in the official box office totals?

    I'm willing to bet that after the umpteenth domestic million, a couple thousand dollars just won't mean much.
  • let them watch wing commander
  • Well at least you can get to see it in the best cinema in the world (I believe it is anyway). Besides, just think of the wait between SW-I and SW-II :o) That could be even more of a hell.
  • you seem to be the type of person that hates rich ppl for the sole reason that they have more money than you... I happen to know alot of very rich ppl that give ALOT of money to groups for good reasons
    one...my aunt happens to give over 10 grand a year to help out poor ppl what have YOU done! prolly not a damn thing but bitch about how ppl have more money than you.

"The Avis WIZARD decides if you get to drive a car. Your head won't touch the pillow of a Sheraton unless their computer says it's okay." -- Arthur Miller
