Star Wars Retrospective in NY Times 53
Lazy sunday Afternoon? Not for me. I'm fixing and scrubbing
code clean (it almost doesn't look like a certain italian
dinner in parts now). But If you need a break, (I do!) check out
the link that
desslok sent us:
its a nifty Star Wars Retrospective
over at the NY Times. Its quite excellent. Articles all the
way back to 1971. Worth a read for any self respecting SW
Admit it! You're worried. (Score:1)
I have a hunch this movie will suck. Flame all you want, but I know alot of you have the same sinking feeling in your gut. Uh-oh, someone finally said it. Yes, call me pessimistic, call me flame-bait...
Cyberphunks doesn't work at NYT!! (Score:1)
Lynx Cookies (Score:1)
And in recent versions, you can even check and cull your cookie jar (by pressing =, I think...). Pretty spiffy. And it's smarter about asking for confirmation that either NSC or MSIE: you can choose "yes, allow all cookies from this domain" and "no, forbid all cookies from this domain" instead of just yes/no each time, if you like.
Trailer, et al (Score:1)
Oh yeah, anyway, The Corruptor was good. Lots of explosions and stuff. And it has a cool car chase. See it if you like that kind of stuff.
Cyberphunks doesn't work at NYT!! (Score:1)
You're making a typo. :)
The login is cypherpunks/cypherpunks, not cyberpunks/cyberpunks. (Think crypto and it helps ;)
definitions (Score:1)
little quote... (Score:1)
I'm a cynic who has hope for the human race, although I look at human folly and sometimes I get very frustrated.
I'd like to know what he thinks now... (Score:1)
Obviously, everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion, but if I were recruiting film critics for my paper, I would probably test them to see how they rate The Empire Strikes Back relative to Star Wars. If anyone shared the views of that NYT guy, he/she would have a hard time convincing me that he/she wasn't clueless.
Ryano - film buff, Star Wars fan, in that order.
Well he's right (mostly) (Score:1)
In the Star Wars series, Han Solo isn't supposed to grok what's going on. That, of course, plants Harrison Ford squarely in B-movie territory.
And Canby did say that Hamill may one day be a movie star. (He caught adamwestitis instead, but that's not such a bad thing either (unless you want to be a Shakespearean actor).)
Old Flame? (Score:1)
Ok, I just read the review [nytimes.com] of Empire Strikes Back. I can't believe he hated it! He gave a glowing review to Star Wars too.
Now, what I'm wondering is, is it still within the realm of common decency to send him a little email about what I think of his review?
I better read his review of Jedi first I guess...
Old Flame? (Score:1)
Hey, I'd forgotten about that! See, now that I can respect. Randall (aka GWNICR) is obviously a thinking man and has some genuine concerns for the working spaceman.
Admit it! You're worried. (Score:1)
Yes, fascinating, hmm. (Score:1)
Prequel stuff (Score:1)
Login/Password combo (Score:3)
Yoda? (Score:1)
re: definitions (Score:1)
maybe (Score:1)
From what I've heard the acting of that boy (anakin (sp)) is really bad. The boy sucks, he's worse that mccalley calkin (sp; and I don't care). I just hope that the majority of the movie has more scenes with the true jedi's.
Oh, btw: Notice in the pre-quel trailer that the boy has a 50/50 polyester/cotton blend backback (including plastic buckle staps, etc; the kind that you'd buy for $20) but his closes are rugged knit cotton, ie circa 1800's peasant clothes. A bit of a blooper there...
maybe (Score:1)
the majority of the movie has more scenes with the true jedi's.
Of course, you realize that his acting has to be bad, to match Mark Hamill's. I just hope my dream of playing Anakin in the sequels comes true.
Flame Away!!
Old Flame? (Score:1)
Guy whose name I can't remember:"I don't know, I liked Empire."
Dante: "WHAT? What about Jedi?"
GWNICR: "Well, y'see, in Star Wars, you had the death star all finished. Nothing but storm troopers and empire types on the thing. So when Luke blows it up, it's like 'great!'"
Dante: "Yeah, so?"
GWNICR: "So in Jedi, the death star wasn't finished. I mean, there must have been all kinds of independent contractors and so on working on the thing. Guys with families and stuff. So when they blow it up..."
I can't remember the rest.
Anyway. What I found funny about the review was the comment that he could imagine Mark Hamill being a big star, but not Harrison Ford.
The one which really must be read (Score:1)
Old Flame? (Score:1)
Old Flame? (Score:1)
Lucas, my hero (Score:1)
his vision for this film promises to make it great. although they help, i think he could tell this story without any special effects (i think they are called books?), and it would still be great.
i plan to enjoy the countdown, and suspend disbelief, and to fight the tempation to critize.
Admit it! You're worried. (Score:1)
in the article, lucas correctly points out, that the special effects aren't going to be the deciding factor for this movie; that's not what it is about.
hell, i thought "Wing Commander" looked like it had good special effects, but I don't think anyone is rushing out to see that movie more than once.
by todays standard, the orginal SW's special effects are bad, and I will watch that movie ten times before I would go see a newer movie with better special effects, like "Independence Day".
plus, i think the special effects are going to be incredible...
Plenty of Reading (Score:1)
The one which really must be read (Score:1)
I'm trying to imagine a worse fate than being known for ages at That Guy
Who Panned 'The Empire Strikes Back'. The guy who pointed out that it was
'nice and inoffensive,' although 'not, by any means, as nice as Star Wars.'
The guy who claims that the only redeeming feature of this boring and
apathetic film is Yoda. The guy who describes Harrison Ford as 'cheerfully
nondescript,' but assures us that Mark Hamill will one day become a real
movie star.
Cyberphunks doesn't work at NYT!! (Score:1)
pwd: cyberphunks doesn't seem to work.
Or am i making a typo?
Prequel stuff (Score:1)
Admit it! You're worried. (Score:1)
Star Wars (Score:1)