Quickie Fu 100
b12arr0 sent us a link
to a quick little GNOME article.
An anonymous reader wrote in to say that
GNUStep.org has
had a major makeover. Nice to see that project still
alive and kicking.
chrisd wrote in to say
that VA has made its first acquisition:
possibly best known to most of us as the Beer Hike guys.
OGL wrote in to
give us the heads up to Linux Game
Tome for info about a a work-in-progress video game
starring Tux in a 3D environment. The screenshots alone
are unbelievably cool.
Brian Gue wrote
in to tell us of a new
a beer called Fubar. Why
not fubeer?
snorkel sent us
a link to yet-another-dancing-animal-page. This is the
Cow Dance
Vik Olliver wrote
in with the most impressive Linux Fan act I've seen (narrowly
edging out the dude at LWCE with the Tux hairdo). It is
of course, Husband and Wife matching
Tux Tatoos.
My largely tux based fashion sense pales by comparison.
WYSIWYG is just fine - NOT (Score:1)
Maybe when XML becomes the norm, making Web pages with an editor will be OK, but right now HTML is way to messy and no automated system can make a clean output of it.
Know your tag, know your CSS and use a text editor ! Designing a web page that way is a little longer than with an editor, but "debugging it" and adding PHP3/Javascript goes faster than if you have to mess with the output of a WYSIWYG editor.
Penguin Tatooes (Score:2)
http://www.hamsterdance.com (Score:1)
I've had a Tux tattoo for months! (Score:1)
Am I strange for knowing this since it happened?
Btw: Sup Jim
Is it just me, or is Tux kind of stupid? (Score:1)
A better link (Score:1)
It's still there...you've gotta go back a day or so, or try this link [happypenguin.org] instead.
The Linux Game Tome [happypenguin.org]
New Pole "how many tattoo's do you have?" (Score:1)
wow (Score:2)
Free those models! (Score:1)
What about changing a theme? (Score:1)
You *did* write the content in a nice portable manner, didn't you?
(!wysiwyg) != "by hand" (Score:2)
The *smart* way to produce pretty web pages that remain consistent across a site is to write plain HTML (or LaTeX or whatever) and use scripts to index/prettify/add sidebars/etc
If you don't want to roll your own, there are plenty of such tools on freshmeat.
Oh, and what's more, GUI != WYSIWYG -- with the number of browsers out there, all on different platforms, different screen sizes, different colour depths, different fonts installed, Lynx, IE, Navigator, Mozilla, Arachne, Arena, you'll never be able to do WYSIWYG HTML.
That said, something like Netscape Composer is a useful part of your toolkit for producing templates for the aforementioned scripts to work with (then edit it, then test it in Lynx, then WebLint it!)
What about changing a theme? (Score:1)
Probably a better idea would be using either SSI or WML.
WYSIWYG ends up sucking (Score:1)
In any case, when I load your page using NS 4.5 (not exactly a minority web client), I get a blank screen. If your GUI generates HTML that NS 4.5 can't display, then by definition it's broken.
Fubar != foo-bar (Score:1)
Journalistic integrity and objectivism (Score:1)
Charles Petzold has a Windows logo tattoo (Score:1)
I remember reading that programmer/writer/journalist Charles Petzold has (had?) a tattoo of the Windows logo.
Now, if you're a user, it's fine with me that you get yourself tattooed. But a journalist is supposed to be independent, right?
Besides, I also remember reading that Petzold was emberassed when it was exposed that he had this tattoo. I suppose he only wanted to show it to MS officials, as the secret ultimate proof of his loyality ...?
Fubar != foo-bar (Score:1)
Body mods? (Score:1)
fubar is not vietnam era (Score:1)
I thought they were butt cheeks too (Score:1)
GNU tatoo (Score:1)
I would actually get a tatoo, if I were a real hacker ... maybe one day. I wouldn't get a Tux tatoo though, especially not on the forearm (unless you like explaining what the hell it is to people all day).
The BSD daemon would make a great tatoo, but GNU would be the best ... it has a cultish aspect to it. Plus the GNU looks cool.
Tux kind of stupid? Tux rox! (Score:1)
Just what the world needs, more Canadian Beer (Score:1)
Ok, I'll admit. Most American beer is terrible. (Score:1)
That's not beer! (Score:1)
Gimme a good IPA or stout anyday...
Tattoos: Arms or Butt Cheeks? (Score:1)
WYSIWYG ends up sucking (Score:1)
Penguin Tattoos (Score:1)
Perhaps Bill Gates has secretly purchased all the tattoo ink companies in the world and put these people up with their Penguin tattoos in the hopes that all Linux fans would say "Hey that's cool" and run out and get a Tux tattoo. Meanwhile Bill Gates altered the ink formula in the worlds tattoo ink supply to include mind control drugs. Voila! No more Linux problem.
Don't Pass out Now. (Score:1)
I want their skin.
With a tattoo of an operating system, how could you ever build something better?
Fubar (Score:1)
Link /ed :( (Score:1)
Relevance, of course... (Score:1)
"Man könnte froh sein, wenn die Luft so rein wäre wie das Bier"
"We could be happy if the air was as pure as the beer"
Beer comes with warning label. (Score:1)
I'm not sure I would want to try it.
Incidently, looking at their web page, it seems the only people involved are: Imaging, Public Relations, Launch night, Merchandising, Print Media, and Support. No where do I see brew-master or brewer. I guess that is Molson's partial support.
"Man könnte froh sein, wenn die Luft so rein wäre wie das Bier"
"We could be happy if the air was as pure as the beer"
Chuck tattoos. help! (Score:1)
Then I thought "what if BSD suddenly goes in some horrible direction, to the point where I would willfully stop using it, like adopting the gpl or if linux/windows users started switching to it or something? What if I found an operating system that just blows bsd out of the water? Why doesn't BeOS have a cute tattooable mascot?"
And if I did end up getting a daemon tattoo, should I use the FreeBSD one, or the OpenBSD 3d-ish one?
Any thoughts on this? I don't have any tattoos at the moment - maybe I can just get an ambiguous tattoo in the meantime to help me catch the tattoo bug.
WYSIWYG is just fine - NOT NOT (Score:1)
I'd like to see CSS done by hand. Show me CSS that wiggles all over the screen like the customer wants, and done by hand, and I'll be impressed.
Chuck tattoos. help! (BeOS mascot) (Score:1)
I think they should genetically engineer a totally new mascot, leaving out all the legacy code in current life forms...
Is it just me, or is Tux kind of stupid? (Score:1)
Please help me! (Score:1)
I've had a Tux tattoo for months! (Score:1)
New Pole "how many tattoo's do you have?" (Score:1)
I have 4 and try to get 2 a year or so.
Joshua Curtis
Lancaster Co. Linux Users Group
Is it just me, or is Tux kind of stupid? (Score:1)
Call it blasphemy, but I always thought Linux should have a more "bad-ass" looking logo than a goofy penguin. I dunno, Tux just looks too benign and he'd look kinda out of place next to my tattoos of skulls and demons etc.
Besides if Linux ever goes extinct, maybe replaced by something better (hey it COULD happen), all these dudes with the penguin tattoos are gonna look kind of silly.
At least with a "bad-ass" mascot you'd still have a fairly cool tattoo even if it lost most of it's significance.
WYSIWYG sucks! - Not. (Score:1)
Penguin Tatooes - irony explained (Score:2)
If you know of a good GUI Linux website design program, we'd love to hear about it. Web page design programs don't cut it when you've got a site to design with a theme, and we've not found a Linux tool that's up to the job yet since we saw the light and decided to defenestrate.
GNUStep.org slashdotted?!?!?! (Score:1)
Thanks a lot, Slashdot.
GNUStep.org slashdotted?!?!?! (Score:1)
Fubar != foo-bar (Score:1)
Shush!!.... (Score:1)
Just Remember, the Dark Horse Ale and the Upper Canada Dark, that sucks...just leave it up here with us (hehhehehe!)
Please help me! (Score:1)
Hope this helps!
Fubar != foo-bar (Score:1)
Any beer that's had Molson near it can safely be considered totally FUBAR, so the name is appropriate.
Is it just me, or is Tux kind of stupid? (Score:1)
Otherwise Link and Mario are going to kick his ass all over the place.
Didn't I tell you? (Score:1)
this stuff on our hands &
foreheads didn't I?
Still don't believe me?!
*he he*
Tux... stupid... huh? (Score:1)
DreamWeaver (Score:1)
DreamWeaver 2 ain't perfect (and I am guessing that's not what they used - it doesn't plaster ads for itself in META tags), but it's a damn site better than FrontPage 98 et al.
Duff Beer (Score:1)
Fubar != foo-bar (Score:1)
Just my theories. No references.
Tux on the root window (Score:1)
So many things to code, so little spare time.
Tux kind of stupid? Tux rox! (Score:1)
AC's indeed...
1) Tux is cool. Almost as cool as the Dustpuppy. *grin*
2) The whole ethos of Linux is friendly, not predatory. Cute penguins, not eagles. Eagles may like killing things, but they ain't too bright.
3) There's already plenty of aardvark gone into Linux (ok, that was a *real* bad pun)
Ok - so if the MS logo was an animal, what would it be?
WYSIWYG sucks! - Not. (Score:1)
Fubar != foo-bar (Score:1)
Maybe... (Score:1)
I agree with you to some extent... (Score:1)
One question though: When did GNOME become a foot?
That GNOME article (Score:1)
This isn't a GNOME knock, it's wake the hell up... now to us geeks.. we may see something different here.. so that GNOME is better.. but users? hell.. to a user Windows incompasses(sp?) the OS, the GUI and the applications.. that said.. GNOME doesnt touch it.. granted it's coming along fast and great.. but from a USER standpoint that quote is BS.
Think about it.. lil user sees 'better than windows' all this gui and stuff.. so they go get it.. find out suree its pretty and got a great foundation.. but it sure isnt what they're used to, windows may crash alot.. but it is more or less complete.. and offers alot to the 'user'... you all should take a moment and look at things from a user standpoint.. different world out there.
Im not belittling gnome.. im just sayin a little modesty or something would be better... blatently saying something to the media that isnt thoroughly true is the samething another company does.. it gets people's hopes up for something new, improved and better.. only to get it and be let down once again.. only difference here is the user isnt paying $$$ for the let down.. and i for one care about the people, i care about their experience with what they use.. first impressions are lasting!
Just my thoughts..
i am not a writer, or speler =)
Chuck tattoos. help! (BeOS mascot) (Score:1)
How about waiting 'till O'Reilly does a BeOS book and adopting whatever animal they use?
Is it just me, or is Tux kind of stupid? (Score:1)