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Money Talks, Open Source Walks 49

Sandman wrote in to tell us that this morning Salon has released an article that talks about several Interesting Developments in the Open Source World resulting from the increase in money available to the movement. The most interesting comment is the bit about the colaberative effort between VA, Red Hat and LinuxCare on the new "LinuxSoft" company. Is there a Pink Floyd concert going on outside my window?
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Money Talks, Open Source Walks

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    "In Redmond, Microsoft announced that Free Software Foundation founder Richard Stallman had accepted the new position of Senior Vice President for Ideology."

    That part cracked me up. Suddenly I had a mental image of RMS at a microsoft press conference, his hands wrapped around a reporter's neck, screaming "IT'S WINDOWS/NT! YOU HAVE TO PRONOUNCE THE SLASH!"

    Or maybe it was just something funny in the muffins this morning.


  • by stevied ( 169 )
    In which case, my I _respectfully_ you need to review your list of friends? :)

    Having said that, some of this stuff is tiresome -- especially the really obvious stuff. What I'd quite like is to actually be taken in by something for a bit..
  • Ah April Fools day. The only true Internet holiday, no matter what race, creed, colour or cpu. Bring 'em on Rob, I'm still laughing!
  • Now I have Spinal Tap going through my head. Every time I hear that construct I hear Bobbi Fleckman's voice, and imagine that look of confusion on Ian's face.
  • by mackga ( 990 )
    I thought it was pretty funny. Open Bourse! Oh, well, a slow day here, so bring 'em on!!!!!!
  • ? Didn't that happen last year? He made it incredibly wide and the next day unveiled the version that scaled properly? (I hated it when everything was 600 or so pixels wide, if I wanted that I'd go to or something)
  • With MS's awesome legal power he would probably stick it to the fledgling LinusSoft and insist that it be called Stallman/LinusSoft!


    P.S. Actually, I do appreciate RMS and all he does. Just having a little fun.
  • Has been missed by everybody. Try,4153, 1014247,00.html

    It says that Windows 2000 will be out in October.
  • I don't know if I'm going to love today or hate it with a passion- the pranks this year seem to be taking on a ludicrous edge to them or an unduly aggressive edge to them.

    Today's not going to be a useful day, information-wise, in any case...
  • Wouldn't be the same again- wouldn't be remotely believable for the regulars that have been reading /. since it's beginnings...
  • Since Rob has been messing around with the interface, he should have picked this day to reveal "Slashdot's New Look", which would have included a hideous display and an almost unusable interface. Oh, and all the banner ads would have been changed to Microsoft advertisements.

    Btw, is any article posted today going to be remotely true, or is it going to be bad April Fools jokes all day long?

  • by haaz ( 3346 )
    Probably had better sound than when I saw 'em in 94. For some reason, where I was in the stadium caused the sound to be really muddy. :( It was very depressing!

    -- haaz, who didn't have that problem Ministry shows for some reason..
  • by N9VLS ( 8026 )
    This is getting a wee bit out of hand...
    I'm almost frightened to check any other websites for fear of spotting a herd of Spafford's USENET Dancing Elephants with diarrhea.
  • Ho hum. Oh, look, another phony story up on Slashdot.

  • The April fools stuff is fine, the problem that I'm seeing is that the real news is looking like April Fools jokes and not being taken seriously.
  • I believed it for about 5 seconds then realized what day today is.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I don't think I've ever tired of April 1st so quickly as I have this year. I guess it's inevitable that a news site like Slashdot will tend to concentrate the effect, but I think I've seen more fake news today than the real stuff. Most of it hasn't been very convincing, either - or maybe it's just that after the 15th fake story of the day, they become easier to spot. Limpest so far is the monitor cover one on ZDNet [], where I didn't even need to read the damn thing to figure out it was fake. Then again, it's on ZDNet, so that's no great surprise.

  • I must say that while the other 4/1 jokes were perfectly good jokes, this was the only one that really was funny. The Linus one was too serious to laugh at, although rather obviously not true. I'm still scared that UF/segfault/Bedope aren't jokes. The riot was obvious just from the title, and wasn't that great. This one actually made me laugh, as it did a good job of poking fun at the characters we see in every day linux life. I really hope that UserFriendly is a joke, though!
  • You have got to be kidding.... shouldn't this be on Up to the point where RMS accepts a position at M$ you may fool people... RMS work for M$ that's a hoot!
  • I'm gonna hope for the April Fools emails..... Otherwise, I don't like the sound of it.
  • You know, it doesn't evem pay to get out of bed on this day.
  • Many years ago on comp.os.linux.announce Matt Welsh made a post about Linux being ported to the Mac, (back when linux only ran on 386/486) nad that was truly one of the best Linxu related ones I ever read. It was just believable enough to start a flame war between mac haters and Linux lovers.

  • What in God's name would possess you to check something like that?

  • The funny thing is, just a couple weeks ago, I was thinking about this. If OSS really takes off, will we see companies releasing K-rad applications with advertisements plastered all over the source code, under some GPL-styled free-software license restricted only in that the ad space may not be removed?

    I mean, just think-- source code-- already you've got a very technically literate demographic there. It's the ultimate focused-marketing scheme!

    (P.S.: No, I don't actually think this has any chance of working in the real world }:-)
  • So far we have yet to see any legit news today.

    I would think that one April Fools day joke would be plenty.
  • I would buy one.hahahahah..
  • Sorry, that one's not even funny, just stupid. As if someone released a news story saying "President Clinton announced today that he was divorcing Hilary to marry Monica" HA! HA! HA!

    That's my opinion anyway.
  • What would have made this a better joke, would be if Salon had contacted CmdrTaco and had him actually set up a fake /.investment page. :-) but now that I've mentioned it....
  • at least the idea of Linus moving to Russia and working on a zippy new chip is plausible... this article was just ridiculous.

    It is nice to see some friendly ribbing from more mainstream media, though. Now all we need is for Billy boy to announce that all the bugs in windows NT have been fixed, and it will be a complete April 1st.
  • LinuxSoft, according to Torvalds, will experiment with a variety of business models -- including an innovative advertiser-supported approach, in which sponsors will pay to insert their messages directly into the program code. "We know that that's where they'll get the maximum eyeballs and best bang for their buck," he said.

    That's the first sign. The "John Katz stock tip of the day" was the clincher.

  • Is there a Pink Floyd concert going on outside my window?

    Hey, I once had a Pink Floyd concert going on outside my window. No, really. Dammit, I'm not joking!
  • I was planning on putting out an April Fool's story saying that a free operating system developed by volunteers on the Internet was threatening Microsoft Windows.

    But I figured nobody would believe it.
  • ..... that claimed Microsoft was releasing MS-Linux. Shame I lost the reference to it. *sigh*

    "If it's a bad idea, trash it. If it's a good idea, steal it and release the source code."
  • When I told my penguin the started waddling around and flapping thier wings... Then one started pecking at my wall... ;-)
  • This April fools sh*t is getting out of hand. I had several friends of mine call last night to tell me about all of this cr*p. I had to slowly explain to them that it was April Fools day. I am getting sick of having to explain to the fools that it's just a joke. We should be careful here, some people just won't "get" it. Someone might actually fly off the "hook" on this stuff.

  • you know, you're right. we should start by having the Onion [] shut down -- some people might take that seriously! after that we'll move towards illegalizing sarcasm; slashdot itself is a perfect example of how often people don't 'get it.' this will be part of a movement to remove the inefficient and harmful device known as 'humor' from the world altogether.

    -- neil

"I shall expect a chemical cure for psychopathic behavior by 10 A.M. tomorrow, or I'll have your guts for spaghetti." -- a comic panel by Cotham
