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Do Geeks Need College? 359

Manuka writes "Salon has a neat article debating the issue of whether college is worth bothering with for geeks." The article references an old Slashdot thread and throws out some interesting comments and statistics on the subject.
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Do Geeks Need College?

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    I'm in college right now... I get free internet access. I get a paper when I graduate. Wow... That's not the important parts. I think it's important (or at least benificial) to go to a liberal arts college. It helps you to think in a more broad, open way. Rather than being so focused on just computer science you can rely on your understanding of psychology, history, science, etc. I really think that college can help a person to be a better, well rounded problem solver. Maybe it isn't necessary but it's helpful.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    This article will generate two kinds of replies:

    1) I don't need college. I'm too smart for that. (Insert list of people who didn't go to college, but make "Millions of Dollars(tm)")


    2) College is important. It helps you become well-rounded. It provides the opportunity to learn new ideas and work on your discipline. There is much more to life than just bits and bytes. (Insert description of shallow bit-oriented geeks who let life pass them by).

    There, that should about cover it. Why don't you save bandwidth and post to another article that covers _new_ ground --like KDE vs. Gnome ;)
  • I think this article affirms that the most important part of college, with respect to the IT industry especially, is the emphasis on the learning process. I believe that college is useful (thus the reason I plan to someday finish the degree I started before I dropped out and became a sysadmin ), but not for the common reason. The experience I gained while studying chinese lang & lit is more useful in my everyday work than my IS related classes were, because it was learning a new way to look at things and an indirect emphasis on how to learn.

    College is useful for learning other perspectives, be they language, art, music or interior design related, as long as the student studied the process of how to create music or whatever, not just rote memorization of the traits thereof.
  • That must be why I like PBS.. I don't particularly care for a lot of the classes at my University (the professors are getting worse -- pathetic..)

    I personally went to college to learn more about computer stuff and I'm getting tired of the other stuff (IMO, I have to do way too much math.. I'd probably prefer being forced to take more history and whatnot..)

    I guess I probably just should have gone to a tech college (but they way those ads go, they sound like they teach people that don't know anything about computers how to use them.. Besides, I'd rather be learning about UNIX at a University than NT at a tech school..)
  • Absolutely. I learned a hell of a lot more (at least I felt that way) in high school, with teachers that were getting paid far less than they were worth. I had to start paying for school to see how bad things could really get..
  • I went on college because I wanted to learn more about programming and computers. My high school didn't have much in the way of computer courses -- 'Computer Applications' was the only one. That was the class where the first week was spent telling you how to select text in a word processor. By going to college, I was hoping to understand more about what was going on 'under the hood'.

    It doesn't seem to be happening.

    Probably my greatest shock in college has been how bad the professors are. Many of them can't speak english very well at all (I wouldn't complain if the accents were slight enough so I could actually understand them, but I can't), and the Teaching Assistants are even worse! Even American Profs and TAs really teach very well -- I'd rather be back in high school!

    I didn't come to college to drink, either. It's the most common form of social activity around here -- I'm sorry, I never got into that, and I probably never will. Yet, the social (drinking) part of college is one thing that people hold up on a pedestal.

    College should be a place where people go to learn how to change the world, not become accustomed to the awful parts of it (drugs, bureaucracy, violence, rampant stupidity, etc.).

    College has a great potential to do good, but it's not doing that (at least not where I am). Students and their families put forth good money so that the students can learn, but we're not learning.

    I am still in college, but I'm definitely feeling stuck. I want to change how things are going on this campus, but I don't know how (and I'm only one person). I'm not sure how things will go for me in the near future -- maybe I'll actually manage to change something..
  • You're saying that, instead of going to college for four years, I or anyone else, at the ripe old age of eighteen, could have somehow secured a $150,000-a-year job? What could I have told them? "Hi, I know how to set up Windows and Linux, hire me to admin your SGI Origin boxes, please!" Yeah, that would have gone well.

    The average sysadmin salary in the United States, as mentioned in an article posted earlier today on this very site, is $62K. You're saying an 18-year-old could conceivably make more than double that -- nearly triple that -- with little to no actual experience or college education? Do you have any evidence to back up that claim?

    - A.P.

    "One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad

  • Namely, that an 18-year-old kid with absolutely nothing on their resume would be able to get any sort of work in the first place. I sure as hell wouldn't hire one. I pity those who do.

    As to my "assumptions", the SGI admin example was just that -- it was by no means the only type of work an 18-year-old could never hope to secure.

    As for the age I chose (18), that's generally the year most people in the U.S. graduate from high-school and either go to college or begin their working careers.

    At any rate, I find it next to impossible to believe that the opportunity cost of going to college in lieu of working could possibly be $600K for anyone, and even less believable that someone could take this to be the status quo.


    "One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad

  • I left high school and managed to get a great job at an ISP as a programmer and sysadmin based on my UNIX knowledge (which I'd not have had Linux and FreeBSD not existed at the time). I'm sure a diploma will probably mean something some day, but I'm currently too busy making money to even worry about it.
  • I really am surprised to see the article present the unquestioned assumption that the reason for college is to enable you to succeed in a particular career. This is a technical/vocational school vision of college that I do not agree with.

    I was a finance major, and that degree helped land me my first job. So from a voc-tech perspective, college helped me wonderfully. My first employer would never have considered me without a degree. For a more pure programming role, having a "resume" that includes hacking accomplishments in high school might be enough to get your foot in the door. Once you've been in the work force any period of time, the college degree drops off the recruiting radar scope. Some employers probably care that you do have one, but few care what it is in or where it is from. Even for one that wants you to have a degree, you can save money by getting it part time at a local college instead of spending big bucks on a full time four year program at a prestigous university.

    But I am not satified with the voc-tech view of school. I very much have a vision of the university providing a undergraduate with a classical liberal arts education that enriches the mind, imparts a basic body of knowledge all educated people should have, and prepares the person for a lifetime of continued learning. I wish I had been more oriented towards this when I was in school. Fortunately I am an extremely strong self learner and so today I am able to educate myself despite not getting the best general preparation for it in school. I would like to see this more emphasized than the "learn these skills and you can get a job" curriculum the Salon article seems to be talking about.

  • This gets into my idea of home schooling vs public/private schooling:

    There's more to school than just an education.
    Social interaction with others is one thing. Some of this interaction (SOs, drinking buddies, etc) is good and can last for many years. Other interaction is bad, but you learn how to deal with that interaction. If I didn't go to college, I would not have many of the experiences Ihave now, and I would be less prepared for what the world has to offer.
    There's also things like internet connections, access to hardware and software you may not be aware of (we used AIX for a while), dealing with deadlines and timetables, and the general well-rouding of education that you can't get anywhere else. As an example, I've taken a bit of interest in the Civil War due to an elective I took. It's now a bit of a hobby for me.

    Where I went cost a lot of money and I'll be paying it off at about $500/mo for the next 5 years, but no matter how much my checking account scrapes bottom to pay it, I do not regret it for a minute.
  • Posted by fatdragon:

    If you look at the backgrounds of German and Swiss managers, you will notice that many don't have college degrees but yet get promoted to senior positions in management and IT. The reason being is that in these countries, the university system is really more like 6 years of a BA and an MA combined learning academic topics like art, philosophy and such along the line of training future academicians.

    Many people in Europe undergo apprentice programs where out of high school they work for a company and given an equivalent but focused education in what they will need to know in banking, IT, technology etc.

    That's OK, but if you look at the background of senior managers and fast track techs, you will see they are adopting the US model of hiring college educated people to fill their ranks. In fact, foreigners come to the US because are colleges are so much better.

    Sure as a talented engineer you can code brilliant programs or draft elegant designs but chances are you will always be a member of the drone class unless you have a management degree of some sort to show that you can work with more than code but also with people.

    If you want to start your own company, banks are more willing to loan you capital if you show that you have a degree and have a plan. College also allows you to develop networks of friends, colleagues, and future contacts that might come in handy one day.

    If you just want to be a tech then Devry and Chubb gives great specialized knowledge and skills. However, if you want to do bigger things than you will need the credentials as a stepping stone to be given more responsibility within a shorter span of time.

    A college education doesn't guarantee success, watch Reality bites for a view of the real world, but without it you are making your life more difficult.

  • Posted by Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters:

    A few other posters have gotten at some points I think are important, but there seem to be a couple others not yet addressed.

    I would agree with the notion that schools come in different types; or most especially, that students come in different types. Probably more than just the two (good versus bad) that have been suggested. I would suggest at least three:

    1) Schools (and students) that are devoted to sex, drugs and parties.

    2) Schools (and students) that are diploma mills, and merely glorified technical training.

    3) Schools (and students) that have a genuine interest in learning, thinking and understanding.

    These are not discrete categories, but they *are* trends. The same schools, and the same students, can be more than one to different degrees.

    The point of dividing it this way is obviously to emphasize the virtues of number 3. Learning--really learning and thinking--about art, history, philosophy, social sciences, nature and physical sciences, language, literature, and lots of other things that have little to do with programming and IT give a person a better life. That is the bottom line for me; it doesn't matter how nearly so much you get paid, or how good a programmer/designer you are.

    Number 1 is not a terrible thing either, although I guess I would have found it so if not for the number 3 bit. Being mid-30's I feel positively old in this context, so I hope I can be avuncular in my advice here :-).

    There are two things I would like to add, one of which others have written, more-or-less, the other that I really have not seen mentioned.

    On the first thing, I really do think that knowing about literature, linguistics, philosphy, history, and other humanistic areas makes me do a much better job in IT than most people who have been narrowly technically focussed. Not just me, but whoever is broad in her knowledge. I probably cannot pound out code, or memorize APIs as fast as a lot of technical people... but I am a lot more likely to understand organizational dynamics, collaborative processes, the real uses of software systems, how to write documents people can read, the trends that are likely to happen in IT, and a lot of more "human" aspects of IT. Again, not just me, despite the first-person tone, but anyone with broad humanist learning. I do not think the best use if a college education is learning the specific technical skills you'll need for a job, and will change in a few years anyway. The best use is learning all the stuff you WILL NOT learn, if not in college/university.

    The thing I have not seen pointed out in this thread is the shocking degree to which the possibility of obtaining a humanistic education has diminished HUGELY and RAPIDLY in the last decade. (That's the whole old-fart-at-34 thing). Increasingly, universities and colleges have turned themselves into "profit-centers" that operate as degree mills, and/or extensions of corporations to provide adequately trained monkeys to perform narrow technical tasks. Humanities faculties, funding, and enrollments have shrunk enormously... except in a very few very expensive colleges aimed at the very rich.

    At the start of the 1980s, when I started college, all the "University of ----" schools in the US states mostly provided decent, broadly humanistic educations (at least for those who sought them out). By now, someone starting a college/university who doesn't have enormous family wealth to spend $30k a year, will have a hell of a lot harder time finding that sort of thing. It is sad and tragic... and I really do not know what the best option for someone turning 18 today would be. "Be born rich" is always good advice... but that turns out to be too late for most people. I guess the second best is "shop around for one of the few remaining good public universities."

    Yours, Lulu...
  • This is based wholly off of observation and not actual experience (as in actually attending a post-secondary (tertiary?) educational institution), per se, so please bear that in mind as you read this.

    That being said, the largest reason I see anybody getting a college degree is to potentially make more money. No one gives a hoot anymore about doing a job they love as much as a job they can hopefully tolerate and get paid a good wage for. Why do you think there are so many truly unqualified people with good paying positions out there -- especially in tech-related fields?

    Computer technology is the boom at the moment. It is very profitable, and every schmuck out there with enough dough to get into a college or university that offers even the barest hint of a CS/IT/[insert current acronym] program wants to cash in on it. That is very saddening as I am someone who can't really afford to attend the school I would like (there's some truth to that saying, "it takes money to make money") and who actually loves technology and science enough that I spend most, if not all, of my free time learning and absorbing everything that I can. And from some of the people I've known, I'm doing a better job at teaching myself than many colleges out there are teaching their students.

    I love this stuff. I'm never going to worry about not having that piece of paper as long as I can do what I love to do because chances are, if I'm that driven by it, I'll do something with it anyway. College degree be damned; I can be successful in all the ways that matter by doing it my way.

    Of course, I could just be suffering from acute over-confidence and megalomania. :)

  • Likewise, picking your field is important. If you choose incorrectly, you will be forced to work your butt off learning things that just don't interest you. Don't be afraid to change fields once you have already enrolled; it's better to lose a year than to stick with something you don't like and lose four years. It will still be worth it.

    To take this one step further (and assuming you want to go into CS), it can be important to know which college the CS department is associated with. If it is with engineering and all you want to do is program, you're probably going to end up with a bunch of classes you don't want to take. At my school, CS was part of the college of science, which made them rather independent, since CS has few practical similarities with the other sciences.

    Personally, I thought school was quite worthwhile. The classes were okay....sometimes I learned something useful, and other times I didn't really learn anything at all. There were a few things (mostly computer theory) I thought I would never use, and since then have found some of these things quite useful. I would have been happy to skip some of the non-computer classes, but many of them turned out to be rather helpful as well.

    But the most worthwhile part of college was the things outside of class. I think college teaches you a lot about people, and yourself, that you don't get nearly as easily from the workplace.

    As somebody else already mentioned, you can't expect school to make you a good programmer. They can teach you the techniques, but they can't give you the desire or talent necessary, just like no amount of art school could possibly make me an artist. Programming is an art of its own.

    You'll have (hopefully) 40 years to make big bucks in the workplace....taking 4-5 years for college won't hurt. And (if you're going to the right school, etc) it will be some of the most enjoyable years you have.


    I wonder if I should emphasize that a little more... Web design is a mix of art and tarditional design. (come to think of it, art is redundant, tarditional design is based on art)

    I find no surprize that an interior designer made the transition to web design, since those fields have a lot more in common then web design and computer science. Designers (interior and otherwise) are trained to recignise the humon facotrs that make things both useable and nice, comptuer science people are trained in making a computer work. Web design is not a programing task. Not that interior design will give you everything you need to know about web design, but the underlying theorys are the same even if they are applied much differently, while the underliying theory of programing is not the same.

  • I have two views.
    One I think it would be sad if we lost all those bright College students that work on some of the more cutting edge projects. These are the guys that make new technolgy.

    However.... I have noticed that alot of programmers coming out of college have no idea how to really write code. They seem to have a better understanding of how to use a IDE. I have a friend that is going to the same college that I sorta went too. He has told me that you don't have to take ASM, Pascal or C anymore. Those course were replaced by Microsoft Visual Basic. Seems that the course completion rate was too low with the Pascal and C classes. So instead they moved the IS dept to teach VB since Students had a better completion rate.
    I have to wonder where this will take software when Students come out of school only knowing how to use one kind of product.
  • Im sorry man... I dont want to belittle anything you have done. Im sure you have worked your ass off at all of youre jobs and I have no doubt that you are quite skilled

    but anyone who makes that kind of money and doesnt consider themselves lucky for it might just want to take another look...

  • I got an excellent, well-rounded liberal arts education because I went to a small liberal arts school, and because I took the time to better myself as a person, not just as a computer geek. I took courses in philosophy, religious studies, sociology, and (human) languages in addition to science and math.

    Then I went to grad school. The place had a great computer reputation, but for undergrads it was a horrible place to try to grow into a living, feeling person. But you could get your BS or BE, and you could get "C++" on your resume even if you were an EE because that kind of buzzwordism drove the undergrad required course list. It wouldn't have been too much better than that for me as a grad student, if I hadn't taught low-level programming courses (fundamentals!) and if I hadn't done a project leading to a thesis.

    It helped--and still helps--that I can write well. But spending my college years growing, and the crystalizing experience of doing that project and thesis, got me where I am.
  • In "the arts", soul and style are more important. You know (by now) how to be exact and specific when programming, but that exactitude doesn't help you design or code well or cleanly. Your education should not give you much concrete experience, though you should get yourself some while you're there. It should not waste time teaching you ephemera like Solaris administration GUIs or MySQL syntax when it can teach you operating system and database concepts, and let you figure out the particulars of Solaris or MySQL on your own...or not, if you wind up in an AIX/Oracle environment. Heck, I learned SunOS administration from using Linux and paying attention, and now look how different Solaris administration is!

    I would also submit that a pure administration job doesn't demand what they'll teach you in a good CS program. Web application development (not just pages, but the stuff that gets content into a database and from the database onto the page), they can teach you useful principles for. Designing a web server from scratch, they can teach you the basics and you can research (gasp, horrors, a library!) the details you need.

    Or you can just fake it, peek at the Apache source when you get frustrated, and generate an unmaintainable mound of garbage that may sort of work, but not well. There is good business value, as well as good hair preservation value, in knowing what you're doing before you do it.
  • True, none of the knowledge I use in my software programming job was gained from any of the classes I took while getting my degree.

    But that is not the only way to measure the worth of college. I think the overall experience, personal development, and *gasp* gen. eds. were overall worth every penny I paid.

    And the only reasons to take Computer Science over some other (right-brained, say) major is if 1) you like the classes (like me), or 2) feel the need to convince an employer that you know computer stuff.

  • True, none of the knowledge I use in my software programming job was gained from any of the classes I took while getting my degree.

    But that is not the only way to measure the worth of college. I think the overall experience, personal development, and *gasp* gen. eds. were overall worth every penny I paid.

    And the only reasons to take Computer Science over some other (right-brained, say) major is if 1) you like the classes (like me), or 2) feel the need to convince an employer that you know computer stuff.

  • True, none of the knowledge I use in my software programming job was gained from any of the classes I took while getting my degree.

    But that is not the only way to measure the worth of college. I think the overall experience, personal development, and *gasp* gen. eds. were overall worth every penny I paid.

    And the only reasons to take Computer Science over some other (right-brained, say) major is if 1) you like the classes (like me), or 2) feel the need to convince an employer that you know computer stuff.

  • The CS program at the college I graduated from did a much better job at preparing sutdents for real-world software development than it did for academic persuits. ...which is either a positive or a negative depending on what you want to do.

  • I attended college for three years before being forced to drop out because of an illness in the family. I was forced to go to work full-time. Today, now five years later, I earn wages at the top of my field, being flown from city to city because my computer skills are in such high demand. Where did I get those skills? High School. I had a fantastic High School program that taught me college level programming concepts. I took my Advance Placement test and tested out of two years of college Comp Sci courses. My college degree, however, was in English Literature--not Comp Sci.

    So, am I an example of succeeding without a college degree? Yes and no. I had very little "college" training, but my teachers in High School gave me excellent training that was on the level of the first two years of a Comp Sci degree. I also had to literally work my way up from the mail room to high-level consulting. It took me five years to get here without the parchment. In those five years, I had to prove myself over and over again. I read book after book, training myself in methodology and then putting it into practice in the real world.

    From my perspective, I went to college--self-taught, self-motivated. It wasn't accredited, but then it didn't cost as much either. Not everyone can/should do that. But let's not exagerate college to anything more than it is--learning and limited experience in the field. Some can do without the organized environment that college provides (some actually do better). Some need the structure--not that they can't do it on their own, but that it just works better and faster for them.

    From someone who hasn't finished his bachelor's degree, I'd have to acknowledge some hurt feelings on the behalf of the "uneducated" minority. Time and time again, I have had to fight my way through a gate guarded by a degree-bigot. Someone who assumed that I was an untrained underachiever riding the coat-tails of the IT shortage. That's annoying and demeaning--especially since many times my experience is equal to or better than their experience.

    A college degree would have made my life a lot easier in some ways. It would have given me good experience in a diverse range of areas. But I've done that on my own now. Granted, it was probably harder this way. But I have read the same books Comp Sci students have read, and I have applied it in the workplace. So, one way or another, I received the valuable experience needed to do my job.

    I just did it a little differently than most. As I do all things.

    Point? Look for the experience and the training. This can come through college, college and work experience, or work experience alone. What counts is the ability to get the job done--and that ability does not solely depend on college training. There are many ways to get the training and knowledge. College is one of many, and for many, it is the easiest and best way. And that's all it is.

    "Doubt your doubts and believe your beliefs."
  • I would again caution against over generalizations. People mature at their own rates. Many mature in college. Some mature before college. Some mature much later. A college education is not the key to becoming a diverse and well-rounded individual.

    I agree that college provides many diverse opportunities for self-improvement. However, the process of becoming your true self should not stop in college, either--and therefore, college is not a requirement to personal growth. It is one of many tools/paths that help in each person's journey of growth and life.

    Many people are forced through a death march of studying and test taking in college. Their only free time is often taken up with simply trying to relax and decompress. So while being exposed to so many opportunities for growth, many college students are unable to take advantage of these opportunities. They take courses on philosophy, but barely remember or comprehend them. They are asked to read some of the greatest literary works, and they can only find the time to skip around to prepare for an exam. So, some opportunities are taken advantage of. Some are only half-realized. Others are completely missed.

    Let's not denounce the non-college course in an attempt to prevent others from making stupid mistakes (i.e. dropping out when college is a good thing for them at that time). For many, there have been very rewarding and paradigm-shifting experiences outside out of college. Reading the classics on your own is also a great "poor-man" method to attaining the college intellectual experience. In many ways, it can also be superior, allowing you an opportunity to think for yourself and come to your own conclusions.

    College is a good "thing". But it is not a required "thing". It is a huge decision that requires careful thought and evaluation. But then life is full of huge decisions. You will make a mistake eventually. The important thing is to learn, learn, learn through everything you do.

    Then again, if you want an experience that will help you grow personally and learn responsibility, you could always try marriage ;-)

    "Doubt your doubts and believe your beliefs."
  • Speaking as a geek who didn't go to college "because it wasn't necessary", I think it is necessary unless you want to be restricted in your choice of jobs and pay scale.

    It reminds me of how black people would tell their kids "You have to be 3 times as good as white people to get the same pay|respect|etc".

    Except, without a degree, it's probably more like 5-10 times as good. ;)
  • Anyone can code and everyone does, just like basketweeving.
  • by Stu Charlton ( 1311 ) on Monday April 12, 1999 @11:16AM (#1938669) Homepage
    First off, I want to second Chris Thomas' comments about college.. there really ARE two types, and even though most type 2 universities aren't always perfect [mine isn't], it's better than everything else out there.

    Now.. I enjoy university a lot, but I tend to have a different perspective towards school than my peers - many of them are in it for the paper and don't see the point of the courses that we take. ..however, I see every reason behind the course curriculum, and see what I can benefit out if it - usually concepts I wouldn't have the time or energy to learn on my own w/o assistance.

    I enjoy what I'm learning because I know it *matters*.. if people in school actually remembered the concepts during a concurrency or OS course, they'd be considered expert programmers (compared to the majority).

    Of course, the down side to my enjoyment of school is that I tend to get crappy marks in areas that I'm less passionate about.. CS. I love CS. I ace CS all the time... Math. I like math, but I'm not good at it, and it's pulling me down. So I'm faced with the threat every term of being bumped out of my honours degree to a general degree e... The question is: do I really need MORE CS courses, or have I learned enough that I can just take the easier degree & get out?

    I really like higher education, but I think it always comes down to personal choice.. if you want to have a career doing web development, don't go to college. But don't cry if the economy turns sour and you wind up unemployed. If you want to be an expert programmer in enterprise systems, or distributed systems, or graphics, or.. etc, college will do you good, and it provides security.

    Soon, having "a job" isn't going to matter as having a "career" and a way of distinguishing yourself from your peers. You have to be able to say - "THIS IS ME, This is why I'm the best at what I do, and this is why I command a high salary." Otherwise your voice will be lost in the herd, and you won't stand out. Contributing free software is uplifting, but not very much so when you're forced to settle for a poor salary because you're just "another C programmer" or another "VB programmer"....

    The only way to differentiate yourself is through knowledge - and higher education is one way (not the only way) to get it. I think in future college/univeristy may become obselete because of the rampant incompetence of the majority of them, but that doesn't mean that "higher education" will die - it will just take other forms.

  • definitely.

    my degree is in mechanical engineering, which isn't terribly relevant to my job as an rdbms programmer, but the things it taught me about engineering principles, honed my problem solving skills, taught me about rigour and formal proof &c &c.

    and of course, the staff and the facilities exposed me to things i'd never have been able to try otherwise.

    not to mention the social aspect, and the opportunity to up sticks and move to the city...

    if you're wondering whether or not to go to college, my advise is skip the big bucks for a few years (it's not long really) and just learn and enjoy yourself!
  • Speeking as someone who droped out half way threw a BA, I would say Yes it is. Those first 2 or 3 jobs will be much easer once you have that university time under your belt. Also I found some of the Stuff I learned in classes (Both CS and Physics) has been very useful over the years.
  • Speeking as someone who droped out half way threw a BA, I would say Yes it is. Those first 2 or 3 jobs will be much easer once you have that university time under your belt. Also I found some of the Stuff I learned in classes (Both CS and Physics) has been very useful over the years.
  • It's also a filter used by many employers. If you didn't bother with college, why should the employer bother with you? You, as a non-collegiate are far more likely to be a waste of time for an interview than a college grad. Of course there are exceptions, but no one wants to dig through a pile of rubbish just because there *might* be a gem in there. This might be less of an issue in silicon valley where tech jobs ads make up the bulk of local newspapers, but will certainly hurt you if you ever find yourself in a more discriminating environment where the employer has more luxury to pick and choose.
  • by Frater 219 ( 1455 ) on Monday April 12, 1999 @11:05AM (#1938674) Journal
    Don't go to college to learn to be a better geek. Academic computer science won't turn you into a system administrator, Web designer, or Perl hacker. You won't learn how to optimize a kernel configuration, recover files from a crashed disk, build a fast database, or tell your boss nicely that his ideas about information technology are stupid or violate the laws of physics. You may learn a lot of good theory -- but you could pick that up elsewhere, too.

    Go to college to learn about culture, or history, or philosophy, or literature. Go to college to sit up late nights screaming at your best friends about what an idiot Rene Descartes was. Go to college to watch your best friends do the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Go to college to find out what the hell this postmodernism thing is that Larry Wall's always on about. Go to college to refute postmodernism, and to be called postmodern for doing it. Go to college to meet people who will be impressed with your intelligence instead of thinking of it as threatening.

    Don't go to an easy college, and don't go to a place that lets you get by doing nothing but technical stuff. Go to a place that makes you do a lot of heavy reading and writing. Take tough courses. Learn to write well; not only will it help when your boss asks you to document your project, but it'll also help you sound better on Slashdot and USENET. Don't scorn "well-roundedness" or "communications skills"; the stars of geek culture are no bunch of illiterates.

    Study music. Music, as Pythagoras demonstrated, is a form of mathematics, and musicians, like hackers, keep pounding on their work in search of the Right Thing. Study psychology and sociology. They represent our attempts to figure out how the systems called the human mind and human society work, so that we can make them work better.

    Read Nietzsche. Refute your parents' religion. Then refute your refutation.

    Get into politics. Which politics don't really matter -- be a socialist, or a libertarian, or even a Republican if you have to. Go to activist events. Take politics courses. Insist on bringing up free software in the middle of your classes. Derive the Debian Free Software Guidelines from the works of John Locke.

    (Damn. I'm rambling. I sound like that fake Kurt Vonnegut graduation address email forward that whoever-it-was turned into a song. Use sunscreen.)
  • You're right, but I think the old "Yale, frat-boy, pay $25,000 to take X number of classes Y of which you don't actually need, care about or even attend only to end up in debt for the next 5 years" style of education is out... I personally dropped out of High School in grade 11, mostly because I have issues with authority ;)

    Regardless the choice has served me well, but I also understand that my education will never be over. Without sounding too much like Frank Ogden, It's a new age (no crystals, but still, a new age) and with that there should be a new way of getting an education.

    The future; picking up a formal education as you go, coupled with work experience. How could you beat that? In ten years when I'm hiring, it'll be hard to impres me with fraternity alignments, or even a full diploma. I'd want to see a combination of documented skills and past experience.

    Kinda ironic though, since I was hired because my cover-letter was amusing and I suspect for no other reason. topic.. On another note. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to puke internal organs if I hear one more Dead Poets Society, John Hughes style reminisce about University being "the best years of my life!" I haven't had the best years of my life yet, and if I did, they wouldn't be the 4 years that I would have spent drinking beer and handing in forged essay papers! No! They are gonna be the Porche years... I'll enjoy those.

    Ok, I'm done.

  • I've been thinking about this a bit. My younger brother dropped out of college arguing that they (college) are hopelessly out of date in CS and that real work experience is more important. Below are some points that came out during our arguments.

    What matters -- education or experience?

    These days employer pays more attention to what you can do prectically, not theoretically. Therefore work experience gives you more points. On the other hand, there are a lot of people who's looking for the job and potential employer quite often gets alot of resumes. It's pretty hard to figure out who's worth what, therefore there must be some formal creteria to filter out resumes of "unfit" candidates. In my experience almost every employer I've seen would not pay attention to a resume without words "B.S" or "M.S" or something like that. If you happen to live abroad and want to find a job in US, you'd better get at least B.S. Otherwise it will be quite hard to get in.

    If you've got an interview with potential employer, then experience plays most important role. To get an interview, your resume should pass through some kind of filter and that's where you'd better have a degree.

    Education per se

    That is true that educational institutions quite often lag behind current technologies. On the other hand, there is not that much conceptually new stuff invented lately. Technology does change pretty fast, but science behind it evolves significantly slower. Therefore, in my opinion, it pays to spend some years in college studying basics. It's sometimes surprising to see someone who claims to be a software developer and who never ever read "The Art of Programming".

    I've spent 6 years getting my degree, and I really think thet it was well worth it. It's not that they've made me learn a lot of stuff I will probably never use in my life (Physics of high energy particle detectors anyone?), the point is that they've taught us HOW to learn, how to get through tons of information and gather all those important bits. Consider college years as an experience in information processing and practical application of cognitive sciences (besides beer drinking and all other fun stuff). :-)

    Another point that was not obvious at all to me when I was a teenager is that I really didn't know what is it I want to do. I just didn't have enough information about world around me. It's a catch-22 situation - you do not know what to learn because you know too little, and you know too little because you do not know what do you want to learn. The funny thing it that I was pretty sure that I know everything (well, almost. I didn't know how does that feel to spend 25hrs a day at work.. :)

    All in all, education is the basis for your future development. Don't neglect it just because you think you already know everything and you don't need the rest. Try it, you might like it after all.
    Let's not forget that there is a lot of interesting things besides computer in this world.

  • do geeks need high school?
  • If Gates had attended College or got some higher
    degree we would in all probably have:

    1. Windows more stable and usable.
    2. Respect for the Law and other companies

    Bully behavior might be successful in the US market place but it surely is not good for the society at large.
  • That's a good point brought up in the prev. post. Uni/college is a place to meet other people who are passionate about their education. Well, ok, that's a stretch, since I was just hanging on by a few threads at times...

    AFAIK, I'd still be a Microserf, seeing these CNN stories about linux, and wondering, "what a fad." I wouldn't be reading slashdot. Because I wouldn't have met a friend who was one of two linux users I knew at the time.


  • Overall, I found the article an interesting read, but it was pretty much a basic top of the surface sort of article. However, the comments about people with non-technical degrees I found especially true.

    I guess I can consider myself fortunate when I look at the fact that I was one of those people who had a chance to skip college and go right into the business world two years ago, but I didn't and I think its the best choice that I've ever made. I've also been offered the chance to do a co-op for a semester at some fairly good companies but turned those down.

    Why? Would be the obvious question. There is something that most geek don't notice, there is a hell of a lot more to college than simply the studies. In terms of what you learn at college, only about 10% will be from classes. The rest you learn from people.

    You will never be more free than the age of 18-23 when you are in college. You have pretty much no one to answer to and its a great time to explore. By passing that up and entering the work force, geeks a missing a lot.

  • The article also contends that colleges are unable to keep up with the proliferation of programming languages and technologies driving today's job market, and thus do not outfit their students with the necessary job skills.

    Which is why I appreciate my University course so much now. Yes, it taught me Pascal, C and Unix, but it didn't concentrate on them. They were a means to an end. It could equally well have taught me FORTRAN, Ada and VMS (actually, it did...) and still have achieved the same goal -- I learned how to program. It didn't matter what language or OS were used, we learned platform neutral stuff like general OS theory, compiling techniques, algorithms, cryptography, regular expressions etc. Things that apply irrespective of the OS or language being used.

    No, you don't need a University education in computing to get a good IT job. However, I believe it puts you in a much stronger position than those without...

  • You can go pretty far in the industry with no degree; CS, EE or otherwise. However I think most real geeks won't be satisfied with just a lot of money, and will one day wish they could get something like one of those cool Transmeta jobs.

    I just left a $60K/year job to go back for my CS degree and back to eating instant ramen as my only meal of the day. I think it's worth it. Please tell me it's worth it :)


  • Yeah, this sounds vaguely familiar. I used the college as a springboard to obtain access to resources I couldn't have obtained otherwise. Information about programming languages and methodologies that the industry was going towards.
    Access to the Internet, and all the information it brought to me.

    The only thing of use that I directly got from College and my professors was critical thinking- a couple of them were REAL teachers and taught me to think for myself and how to learn the things I need in life on my own.
  • Interact with people who have different interests, interact with people of the opposite sex.

    That's a joke. When I was working on my engineering degree, I thought the world was 90% men and 10% women, with 0% women taking engineering. Four years. Hell. The bright side was there were few distractions, unless you count the bell curve: all of us were focused. It made the competition brutal.

    Learn to get out and experiment with 16oz physics. It made college life more bearable.
  • you end up taking an engineering position with me as your boss- all woman, extremely attractive and a determined, strong engineer. You feel stupid, frustrated and intimidated. Not a good life.

    We have a (black) woman engineering manager at our manufacturing plant who has been with us for a year. The change was dramatic as we now have someone who will tackle all problems and impliment quality solutions. Before, the engineering department was "hard of hearing" and we had rashes of "science experiments" that were creating endless loads of scrap to the huge dumpsters. If you want someone who will listen, I'd recommend hiring a sharp woman and back her all the way.

    She is highly determined and works people hard, but never places blame when bugs need to be worked out. Working in an environment like this may be stressful, but very rewarding and fun.

    Did I mention we have a woman plant manager? We have 450 employees and the turnover rate is low (most retire or die before they quit.)

    Be receptive to a woman boss. They have vision.
  • I learned more in first 6 months of work than in 4 yrs of school.

    I thought the first year of college was not going to teach me much exept how to heat networks of resistors and was quite boring; however, the next few years took full use of what I thought was worthless. Building amplifiers and logic circuits turned into state machines and then 8 bit computers built and programmed from scratch. College gave me the theory and time to become an expert and specialize in the engineering area I was good.

    I also worked through college. Work also gave me opportunities, but it was the novelty of my skills I gained from college that opened doors at work. The degree also adds value when things like downsizing take place and they had to score our backgrounds in different areas. Believe me, a college degree really counts!
  • >Why do you think it will be valuable when you are 45?

    Because it taught me an appreciation for a wide variety of things. I read books. I studied Sociology and Anthropology. I debated with others. I met people from widely varying disciplines.

    College is an experience, not a means to a finite end. If you want a degree just for bottom-line $$$, you're missing the point. College should teach you to learn, and to love learning because it makes you a better human. I use my degree (chemistry) in my job in the sense that it taught me how to think analytically, and that makes me a good programmer. But I use it more often for the esoteric appreciation of the finer things in life that it gave me. That will still be there when I'm 45, and I'll appreciate even more then.
  • Wow, I find the exact opposite. To me, experience is much more important than a degree. *Much* more. A degree is good, of course, and gives you that extra edge in estimating if you know your stuff... but if I see someone with 10 years experience, I assume they learned how to do their job pretty well. If they can show me that in an interview, they get the job.
    Of course, I imagine in PHB-land, this may be different. Luckily, the world of CS is vast, and you can avoid PHB-land if you want to. Anyone who hits the glass ceiling can and should give their walking papers. Too many startups out there (like us!) need good people, they can go somewhere that *will* appreciate them.
  • >If college were cheap and fun, everyone would be
    >doing it.

    Whoa, that would be a tragedy. An educated public, how... revolutionary (I mean that in every sense of the word, I feel leftist today ).

    *sigh* We need to change our viewpoint. The fact that people consider it a "piece of paper" is pretty sad, because that's not what it's meant to be. But it seems as if that is what it has become in a very real sense.

    Why do some of us get MSCE's when we hate Windows NT and know that that cert means nothing? It doesn't make WinNT behave any nicer for us... we get it because jumping through that hoop is a neat trick that impresses some people who don't know what a stupid pet trick it is...

    A degree, by itself, has no meaning. It's a tool, you get out of it what you put into it.

    If you have a PhD, but you're a schmuck, don't expect me to treat you like anything but Dr. Schmuck, esq.

    If you're a hippie with no shoes, but you can hack C and talk to me about Milton and Kuhn, you're a pretty cool guy in my book. I might want to work with you.

    Forget about all the rest of it... just try to pursue the goal that makes you a better person. If you're two years into school and still have no idea why you're doing it, drop out. Life is too short to waste...
  • If people knew better how to open doors to the kinds of jobs they want, then your argument doesn't work. The reason why a college degree is needed is because everybody acts the same--like a herd of cattle. They send out resumes (moo!). Not to managers they know, or to managers who know them, but to some faceless HR dept (moooo). Of course a degree is handy then. How else to tell apart the Bovines?

    So how to get a job then? How does RedHat hire folks? Do they put ads in local papers. No. They hire people they know. They don't scrummage through thousands of resumes looking for Linux kernel hackers. They turn to their employees, who say "Sure, that blizzard guy knows this stuff. We should hire him". The idea is that they hire people who they know can do the work.

    Get good at what you do. Find companies that do what you do. Let them know who you are. Then a degree is just a piece of paper.

  • The question I used to ask in the days when I interviewed job candidates was to write a routine to print a number in octal. The answer was to be in Pascal or C (printf was allowed!). You'd be suprized how many graduates, some with masters degrees, didn't have a clue. Ugh...


  • by richieb ( 3277 )
    I don't know. Until at least the end of this year (1999), COBOL programmers are very busy and doing rather well.


  • What sort of degree would you want for someone in this so called WEB industry? The ability to type? Clearly design is not primary as we can see from the high quantity of really nasty looking poorly behaved web pages. Clearly no technical skill is necessary as there is negligible difficulty in producing web pages that are no more than glorified word-processed desktop published contentless dribble.

    I'd suggest literature with a minor in art history. Perhaps then so many Web pages won't be so ugly and so poorly written.


  • The original test was in Pascal and then later we added C. The intention was for the person to write a routine like you did, and we also gave a hint with the explanation of the "mod" operation (i.e. N mod 8 gives the lowest order octal digit).

    There is a very clever recursive solution, but any routine that had a loop got a partial credit.

    BTW, the test taker was given a Pascal (or C) manual.


  • I learned most about software design in my Abstract Algebra classes. How can you expect to be a programmer without understanding basic mathematics?


    P.S. My degree is in math.

  • Where are the geeks who fancy themselves Renaissance men?

    Hmm... I majored in math, minor CS and music. Currently reading for fun: "Practice of Programming" and "War and Peace".

    I suspect that you are misjudging Slashdot posters.


  • Have you looked at Or read the book? Or read Jakob Nielsen's pages on Web writing and usability? How about all of Donald Norman books? :-)


  • The person who was tested was given a Pascal or a C manual to look things up. The test was just one of the things we gave to potential applicants, especially ones that just came out of college.

    Another problem on the test was to write a routine to find an item to a linked list. Even more college graduates failed this one.


  • I have no idea how someone's ability to write "printoct" means they can help me with my carrier class switch (hint, if we need to print octals there are library functions for it).

    The test was just a step in a process of interviewing. The ability to write such a function tells us little, but the inability to write one after having gotten a CS diploma tells a lot.


    P.S. Last time I used this test about 10 years ago and at the time I was working for a bank.

  • You don't need to go to college for most occupations.

    But if you skip college, you probably won't be a very well-rounded individual. You probably won't have very good critical thinking skills. You probably won't understand philosophy or history much. You probably won't be able to write well.

    A liberal arts education is the most important thing you can get beyond whatever specific skills you need for whatever job you happen to have. If you don't go to college to get this education, you probably won't get it at all. But if you do, then fine, you really don't have a need to go to college, beyond being able to get certain jobs that require it for no good reason.
  • No, no, not a dropout. I've got a BA in English Lit., some art theory classes under my belt, ten years of freelance & professional graphic design in print (I started in High School) and a thorough knowledge of HTML. Yet i've found it surprisingly difficult to get work in web design. If anyone has something, let me know, hm?

  • College did two things for me. First, it gave me a piece of paper. That's probably not very important in the short term, but when I am 45+ I will probably find it more critical.

    Secondly, it gave me free (well, very expensive free) and unlimited internet access, which put me in the way of things like Linux. *That's* where I learned the most.

    Oh yeah, college also helped me build up a tolerance to stupidiy and beuracracy. That will be critical as I enter the real world.
  • Certainly details like GPA don't matter much after the first job. But as I get older and work my way up the line, at a number of companies you can't cross thresholds without the degree. I'm not saying those are the best companies to work for... but they certainly exist. I don't want to be told that I can't become the Senior Software Engineer because I don't have a piece of paper, and that is corporate policy.

    Eventually a number of my brain cells will die, and I may have to be put into management. They like paper there ;)
  • LOL... I already sent Rob a message asking for a spell checker. In an informal environment as such I think we can work around minor misspellings, and focus on the big ones. Like the word millennium. Two L's, two N's.
  • I agree to some extent, but I think there's a third possibility. I went to a state school that's very good in CS (it's in the top 10). Although on average the courses were useful from a pure intellectual perspective and on the whole interesting (the CS courses anyway, not the core requirements), they were not relevant to the real world and had very little practical applications associated with them. This is fine if you want to do CS research or something similar, but not all that great if you're looking for a professional career outside the educational system.

    It's just a personal gripe. I do have a job in the CS field and it's fine, but I believe I got it mostly on the merit of what I did as "hobbies" not as course work. The piece of paper with the official degree on it was useful to the HR dept. of where I work, but that's about it.
  • Well, as I said, this is merely my opinion, but I'm not sure just what benefits college has for the average geek. I'm currently a freshman at Miami University [] in southern Ohio, and am majoring in systems analysis. While my courses have helped me to learn more about C++ programming and other useful stuff like that, I've also found that there are a lot of "liberal education" requirements that seem quite useless to me. The common argument for these courses is that they help to "broaden my horizons" by making me study things other than what my major is related to, such as chemistry and psychology. However, I feel that these are the type of things that high school is meant for. I always assumed through my years of schooling that once I got to college I'd be able to focus solely on my major, since I'd taken years and years of English and history and other such courses. However, that is not the case. I'm still forced to take courses that (I feel) don't really benefit me in the long run instead of courses that could be better suited for my major.
    Another point that the article makes is that the curriculum has a hard tinme staying current with the day's technology, and I am also finding that to be true. One of the important parts of the curriculum here is COBOL programming. COBOL? While I have little real-world experience, I really don't think COBOL is one of the things that employers are searching for on a college graduate's resume.
    I dunno, just my two cents.

    -mike kania
  • college taught me cs history that helped me understand where we've been.

    it taught me theory that made java old hat when i first saw it four years later.

    it taught me practical things, so that the technical side of developing was easy.

    it taught me subjects outside of cs, which sadly included ethics. (sad that it was outside, not that it was something i learned)

    it exposed me to other cultures, and other people.

    i suppose it would be better to say that "i learned," rather then "it taught." college provided me with access to those things, it was up to me to take them.

    it might not be for everyone, but i find it interesting to note that bill gates dropped out and has spent the past 20 years reinventing the wheel badly. linus completed his degree and (due to licensing issues) recreated a well known wheel and used it to sringboard experiments in not very well known wheels: scheduling, memory management (well researched in low memory eras, but not well covered in high memory situations) and smp.
  • by kevin lyda ( 4803 ) on Monday April 12, 1999 @10:20AM (#1938708) Homepage
    college taught me cs history that helped me understand where we've been.

    it taught me theory that made java old hat when i first saw it four years later.

    it taught me practical things, so that the technical side of developing was easy.

    it taught me subjects outside of cs, which sadly included ethics. (sad that it was outside, not that it was something i learned)

    it exposed me to other cultures, and other people.

    i suppose it would be better to say that "i learned," rather then "it taught." college provided me with access to those things, it was up to me to take them.

    it might not be for everyone, but i find it interesting to note that bill gates dropped out and has spent the past 20 years reinventing the wheel badly. linus completed his degree and (due to licensing issues) recreated a well known wheel and used it to sringboard experiments in not very well known wheels: scheduling, memory management (well researched in low memory eras, but not well covered in high memory situations) and smp.
  • I've found that the farther you get
    away from your early 20's (as oppossed
    to away from college for those that
    didn't go...) the harder it is to
    move from job to job without the piece
    of paper.

    I've got many friends who didn't go that
    can't move to better jobs or other
    companies due to the lack of paper.
    That isn't to say they aren't great
    engineers - just that they have a
    harder time commanding decent pay at
    new jobs because of the lack of a college

    Your mileage may vary.
  • I suppose. Still:
    o College is _way_ overpriced and inefficient
    o They don't understand customer service
    o The most important thing I got out of it was my campus computer lab job and access to the net

    I was able to grind my own keys after some time as a locksmith's apprentice, and now I can unlock some pretty sweet doors.. ;)

  • I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Without exception, code I've seen that was written by people with some sort of formal training in programming is superior (and sometimes massively so) to code written by completely self-taught programmers. Without exception.

    I'm very close to finishing my own degree, and I am determined to finish. It's a sign to potential employers that I have recieved formal instruction over a certain skill set, and that I can finish a big project that I started. Plus, it will open more doors for me than might have been open without the degree.

  • College should be an enjoyable experience. I can't understand this attitude that one doesn't need it or want it.

    I loved my college years and I would not trade the time spent there for any 9-5 job.
    9-5 = yuck.

    Secondly, most of you guys are going for tech degrees which are, frankly, boring in terms of the curriculum you can take; most of those degrees are pretty much mapped out for you with no room for philosophy, music, literature, languages. Technical folks seem to completely ignore the liberal arts curriculum, which is really what an education is all about.

    Please read Allan Bloom's Closing of the American Mind for an excellent analysis of education today. If you hate college, or are a technical person, please read this book.

    College is most definitely neccesary. Well, if you are interested in learning anything, anyway. You can certainly learn programming and computers on your own (I did; I didn't study anything computer related in school), but you'll be cheating only yourself without a liberal education.

  • I was a Classical Civilization (Latin) major as an undergrad. I took very low level and basic 1 computer related course (Electrical Engineering, actually). I then worked for a year at a Talent/Literary Agency. I'm now working as a developer at a defense contractor and simultaneously in a Master's program in CS.

    I can't compare myself to someone who did not go to college, since there are none employed here, but I do notice that I grasp certain concepts much faster and sometimes in a different way than some of the straight EE/CS grads, mostly due to my language and Humanities background. It's not all positive, since I do need to work harder to get the initial concepts, but things like requirements, OOAD and algorithms are just clear, logical, and distinct writing -- that is to say, they do not differ drastically from good writing.

    I don't think that a discipline -- be it science or humanities -- can advance or make major developments solely from within. New points of view -- wherever they come from -- need to address old problems; someone who is trained in a discipline is also trained in a certain way of looking at problems. It's only when an outsider tries to understand a problem that you get a truly new point of view. That's not to say that EE and CS grads are not useful or productive with respect to advancing CS -- far from it. I am talking more about broadbased interests and experience than education. You can be a CS major, for example, and still enjoy reading Classics, just as you can be a Classics major and enjoy programming; it is this cross-disciplinary approach that leads to revolutions.

    So, I guess what I'm saying is that no matter what you major in, or even if you go to college (which I highly recommend), you need to be aware of the big picture of the world, and have interests outside of your work. The worst engineers here are some of the Electrical Engineers who are only concerned about their small component, with little or no concern about how the widget fits in with the
  • I've hired a bunch of computer-oriented employees, and find that many people entering the job market have a slightly skewed perception of their degree's value. They try to find the degree that will give them the maximum number of facts that will overlap with the facts they think they need for a desired job. They don't realize that any job worth doing will not be based on a static pool of facts or abilities. Those are the 7-Eleven jobs. They barely pay anything.

    Employers want people who can learn, who are flexible, and who can gracefully handle getting dumped with a bunch of work, when machines are down and customers are screaming. Unfortunately there is no degree in this. There are, however, killer degrees which drown you in work. Employers realize that anyone who made it through this type of degree had to at least perservere in the face of a gigantic mountain of learning, lectures and labs.

    Someone who never made it through one of these degrees may do just as well at a job, but it's a bit more of a crap shoot, unless you can find a parallel, concrete achievement that shows their tenacity. Employers often take the easy way out and just insist on the degree.
  • OK - my bias: I'm a SysAdmin. Most of my friends are developers.

    My overall experience is that I (and most of the good sysadmins I know) have a far larger repetoir of computer knowledge than the developers I know. The distinction here is breadth vs. depth. Sysadmins tend to be a huge repository for bits of knowledge (most admins I know are excellent at Trival Pursuit), since you never know when that little tidbit is going to be needed. Developers are by their nature more focused and tend to ignore info that isn't really germaine to their job. It's the old generalist vs. specialist argument.

    I'm not saying that I'm better than the developers, or that my knowledge is somehow more valuable. It's important to do my job. Theirs is important to do theirs. We couldn't switch positions and do anywhere as well in our new places.

    And yes, I can tell a good developers from a great one, and have no problem identifying a poor one (he's the one standing in front of my cube all day).


  • College is a nice place to start from ground zero if you have no experience in coding (or some other computer tech pursuit), but no amount of schooling can give you talent you don't have in the first place.

    In my career, I've seen plenty of people with degrees (some advanced) in the field who couldn't code their way out of a brown paper bag. I've also seen people with training in wildly divergent fields, indeed, some with no degree at all, who were and are outstanding software engineers. The only common threads I've seen is that you must have the talent for it, and that you have to love it enough to work your tail off.

    In my view, most CS departments are set up to train people to be CS grad assistants instead of software engineers in industry. In my opinion, schools should offer degrees in software engineering in addition to those in computer science. It's important to face another fact as well; 5 yrs after you get your degree, if you expect to continue to glide along on your knowledge that you gained in school without continuous self education, you're going to be dead meat in the field. A degree is a START, not an end unto itself.

    Also, for the previous poster that said his degree would be important when he was 45. It's a lot more important at the start of your career than when you have experience. I haven't been seriously quizzed about my educational status in at least 7 or 8 yrs.

    Also, in keeping with my comment about talent, I'd also love to eventually see apprenticeship programs for coders. I'm sure there are people out there with the talent to do coding or other computer tech tasks. There are certainly opportunities for people, and I don't think a 35 yr old should be expected to quit his present job and go to school full time for 4 yrs to check them out, if they display the talent.

    Just my .02
  • by DH1 ( 10825 ) on Monday April 12, 1999 @10:32AM (#1938739)
    College is a nice place to start from ground zero if you have no experience in coding (or some other computer tech pursuit), but no amount of schooling can give you talent you don't have in the first place.

    In my career, I've seen plenty of people with degrees (some advanced) in the field who couldn't code their way out of a brown paper bag. I've also seen people with training in wildly divergent fields, indeed, some with no degree at all, who were and are outstanding software engineers. The only common threads I've seen is that you must have the talent for it, and that you have to love it enough to work your tail off.

    In my view, most CS departments are set up to train people to be CS grad assistants instead of software engineers in industry. In my opinion, schools should offer degrees in software engineering in addition to those in computer science. It's important to face another fact as well; 5 yrs after you get your degree, if you expect to continue to glide along on your knowledge that you gained in school without continuous self education, you're going to be dead meat in the field. A degree is a START, not an end unto itself.

    Also, for the previous poster that said his degree would be important when he was 45. It's a lot more important at the start of your career than when you have experience. I haven't been seriously quizzed about my educational status in at least 7 or 8 yrs.

    Also, in keeping with my comment about talent, I'd also love to eventually see apprenticeship programs for coders. I'm sure there are people out there with the talent to do coding or other computer tech tasks. There are certainly opportunities for people, and I don't think a 35 yr old should be expected to quit his present job and go to school full time for 4 yrs to check them out, if they display the talent.

    Just my .02
  • by Christopher Thomas ( 11717 ) on Monday April 12, 1999 @06:55PM (#1938745)
    Ha. Here we have to take circuit analysis regardless of whether we're doing Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering! That means an entire semester wasted analyzing non-DC circuits, when the time could be better spent playing Xpilot... er... admin'ing my very own Solaris/X86 box. oops :) The other black mark is that all courses are done in Java now, when 1% of all applications are actually written in it! Unfortunately the "useful" alternative would have been C++^H^H^HVisual C++... :(

    Oh, I had to take non-DC circuit analysis too; transient signals are very important in integrated circuits, and integrated circuit design is a part of Comp. Eng.. However, I didn't have to take some of the hairier Elec courses, from Fields and Waves on up.

    We have the good fortune of using C under Solaris on Sun workstations for most of our programming work.

    What I really want to do is design an OS that will blow Microsoft out of the water. Of course learning how the CPU decodes a machine-language instruction through a microprogram has little to do with this (too low level). Neither does anything having to do with Java (too high level). Methinks I should have been a Computer Scientist, but there probably isn't a scholarship for those.

    Actually, both of those are at least tangentially significant for OS design. Comp. Eng. should cover OS design, as it falls right in its area of influence (the layer where hardware and software meet). Comp. Sci. would teach you OS design, but there would be a vast amount of high-level and theoretical stuff thrown at you as well. Comp. Eng. focuses more on practical application, as opposed to the high reaches of theory (though we still get a bit of it).

    For OS design, I strongly recommend the excellent textbook that we had in our OS course. Assuming it hasn't changed over the past year or so, it is:

    William Stallings

    Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 3rd Edition

    Of course, that only coveres half of the OS (the kernel). For driver programming, I'd suggest finding semi-decent documentation on Linux drivers and picking apart drivers in your own copy of Linux. BeOS is another good platform on which to learn driver development; there are a few good reference sites that cover its driver architecture.

    There are a lot of aspects of OS design that I would have taken quite a while to find out about on my own. I know what a page table is now, and how several process scheduling algorithms work, and the merits and drawbacks of each. As well as a large amount of low-level detail about what's involved in implementing a microkernel, c/o the labs we had to do. I could have picked up all of this by spending a year taking apart the Linux kernel, but out in the working world, it's hard to find the time for major undertakings like that (I know, as I'm working now).

    In summary, I was given useful information about this in my CE courses. My sympathies re. NT and Java :/.

  • by Christopher Thomas ( 11717 ) on Monday April 12, 1999 @10:37AM (#1938746)
    From my own experiences and what I've heard from many others on Slashdot and elsewhere, I get the impression that there are two kinds of college or university.

    Type number one is a place where people go to drink and have sex. The professors range from mediocre to truly incompetent, and nobody really learns a whole lot even if they do pay attention in class and do all of the coursework. People who have been through one of these colleges generally say that college is a waste of time. In a college like this, I agree - it is.

    Type number two is different. The professors actually know what they're talking about, and many are quite bright indeed. The coursework is actually challenging. No matter how smart you are, you'll be picking up new concepts and then working your butt off to prove that you understand them. The courses that you are taking are relevant to your chosen career and teach you things that you will use after you graduate. You also learn how to learn, as many others have pointed out. I have the good fortune to be at a university like this, and it has proven invaluable for my work in the software industry.

    A complaint that I sometimes hear from people who don't like college is that none of the courses are interesting. IMO, this isn't necessarily a problem with the college (though it can be for the first type of college). I was very lucky, and chose exactly the right course stream; my courses match my interests almost perfectly. But, if I'd chosen Electrical Engineering instead of Computer Engineering, I'd be stuck doing analog circuit analysis when what I really want to do is design ICs. This would not only have presented problems after graduation, but would have made my coursework alternately difficult and boring.

    My advice for those pondering college is to think carefully about what they want to learn about, and to pick a good school at which to learn. This might mean a hideously expensive school, or it might not. However, if you pick a bad college or university, your time there will be a dead loss.

    Likewise, picking your field is important. If you choose incorrectly, you will be forced to work your butt off learning things that just don't interest you. Don't be afraid to change fields once you have already enrolled; it's better to lose a year than to stick with something you don't like and lose four years. It will still be worth it.

    If you do find a good college or university and manage to get into a field that truly interests you, then IMO you will almost certainly find post-secondary education to be worthwhile.

  • Despair not, valiant college student, for thou are on the path most righteous!

    The one thing that seems to be missing from these discussions is this:

    You're not there to learn useful skills. You're there to learn to think.

    ASM on s 68k is BS, sure, you'll never use it. But you need the concept of assembler, and that 68k is as good a tool as any. I learned on a VAX, seen any around?

    Come for a little walk with me...

    But now, with my VAX ASM experience, I see the value of Hungarian notation, and I see why it's worthless in C++. I know that this is not critical knowledge, but actually it is. In the 'real world' we write more documentation than code - sad to say. If we're lucky, we get to write the docs that dictate how we write code.
    Shmoe #1 writes: We should standardize on Hungarian notation because that's what M$ uses.
    Shmoe #2 (me) writes: We should use human readable naming conventions, because we can write maintainable code that way, there is no learning curve required for the naming convention, the IDE will keep the data types and function return values straight for us - in short we do a better job faster.

    Manager calls both Shmoes into office - Explain this difference of opinion, he says.

    Shmoe #2 can talk intelligently about the value of Simonyi's notation, and why it is not applicable (but only habitual) in a high-level language like C++ and especially our language du jour Java.

    Shmoe #1 can only say: It's what M$ uses.

    Shmoe #2 writes draft that get's read by upper management --> name recognition.
    Shmoe #2 gets to be team leader (bonus!)

    All because Shmoe #2 had to learn assembler on the VAX, and knows that when you only have one data type, naming conventions matter, but when you have lots of code, readability matters.

    So, even though it seems like BS now, it will prove very valuable after you earn your B.S. And those things that seem like useless drivel now, will click into place, at the most unexpected moments, and pay off in spades.

    So suck it up, log off, and get your arse to class. You're missing drivel that might save your job someday.
  • Tuche'..

    You're right, but there's a reason for it being expensive - it keeps people out, leaving only those with the means (or excellent grades) to even contend for the degree.. It isn't fair, or right, or anything, but neither is evolution, or big rocks falling out of the sky. It just is.

    And as for customer friendly... Well, FEH!
    Zen buddist monks are not consumer friendly, neither are dojo masters, drill seargants or the tutors of world class pianists. They turn out champions by making them overcome adversity.

    If college were cheap and fun, everyone would be doing it.

    Some people lack the grades, and can't even get in - and a good thing, since the world can only support so many pointless grads.
    Some can't hack the pay - for those that are able minded it's truly too bad. I've seen briliant minds flip burgers, it's a shame. Those that smoke their Pell grants deserve to dig ditches.
    Those that have the grades and the money, but do not navigate the burocracy well, well, they're probably better off dropping out and becoming experts in their own right. They may bet branded as non-team-players by their managers, and as anit-social by their coworkers, but they have absolute respect as alpha geeks in the office.

    In Europe (Eastern) where higher education is purely merit based, there is a true tragedy. Many Ph.D's are working as salespeople and plumbers, because anyone can get an education if they want to. Here in the US, if you can't pay, you can';t play, and this acts as a safety valve to curb Graduate overpopulatioon.
  • Since you left school before getting the degree, you can not speak on the value of having one. Having the degree is not the same as going to college for 3 years.

    You can run a marathon in the best time ever, and stop 10 feet before the finish line. That way, you know how tough the run is, but you just don't know how that medal feels around your neck.

    If you spent $60k on 3 years of school, don't ever attempt to manage money. You can go to a state school at half that amount, and have much less anxiety about walking away from it without actually finishing the job. At $10k/semester, if you quit before seeing it through, sorry to say, you changed jobs a week before deadline. You should have felt that things were not right after the first semester, rather than beating your head against the wall of the Ivory Tower.

    Don't ever admit it to an employer, they'll see you as a quitter and as someone who doesn't have the guts to follow through with a committment.

    If daddy had given me $60k for school, I would have had a Ph.D. to show for it, and I'd be set for life - I'd be able to pay him back in a year, and still have my bills paid.

    As it is, I worked full time while taking full time semesters, and am now working on a Masters in CS. My employer knows that I'm stubborn as hell, and that education means the world to me. My signing bonus included full graduate tuition in one the country's best engineering schools. If I didn't stick it out as an undergrad, I'd never have this option.

    It is not judgemental and shortsighted of an employer to look for a degree - it shows a desire to learn, and more importantly it shows fidelity to commitment.
  • You, my friend, sound socialist - That's a compliment. Yes, you're absilutely right, giving everyone the opportunity to realize their potential is best for society in general.

    Unfortunatelly, I don' think the human race is quite ready for the world on the other side of that door. I know I'm not.

    There's just not enough money to reward all those brilliant minds - unless you're willing to live on satisfaction alone. I'm not, I like toys. :)

    You mention bad times. Who makes the decision which neurosurgeons should flip burgers? Do they do it for the same pay? What about the career burger flippers? Where do they go?

    It's not fair, but the financially selective US system works. Well, at least it worked for me. I hope it works for everyone. But I also hope no one ever gets cancer. All I can do is care for me and my loved ones. If I can help someone I feel is especially gifted, I will, but not at the cost of my kids. I mean, even if they're stupid, they're mine, right? I need to do best by them.

    I intend to make a lot of money in my lifetime. When I'm done, I intend to set aside an account to feed a scholarship for other former hasbeens that didn't quit. That's my contribution.
  • by jabber ( 13196 ) on Monday April 12, 1999 @10:24AM (#1938762) Homepage
    Is not very important to you. It's just a piece of paper, right?

    I have a little metal ring in my pocket. On it are flat little piece of metal, with teeth. Worthless and useless, right? Too thin to cut food, too thick to pick your nails. Oddly, they fit locks. I can easily get into rooms and cars that are otherwise inaccessible to me.

    I can secure my house against thieves, get into my car and drive myself to my job. I can get into my office, in which lay confidential and propriatary materials. I can check my PO box for mail.

    I wouldn't have any of these things without my keys. And, I wouldn't have any of them without my degree.

    A college education opens doors.

    It teaches structured thinking, but most geeks already have that skill. We've argued the value of a college education and the experience of University ad nauseum here on /.

    It turns out that it's a unary argument. One can not make an informed decision about it, since you either do or do not have the experience. A comparison can not be made, since it would be like men trying to compare their experience of manhood with the experience of being a woman. We do not have the means to be objective here.

    But, without a doubt, that little piece of paper opens doors. Some people without it get quite lucky, but they are a significant exception to an otherwise unnoticed majority. Most people who do not have the degree, do not get as far as those with the degree. It's not flame-bait, it's fact.
    Without a degree, you start as a tech, and you need to prove yourselv constantly, to advance. With the degree, you start at a higher level, and if you continue to prove yourself to advance, you advance faster and higher.

    Bill Gates' success not withstanding, a significant majority of executives, CEOs, CIOs, managers and others who make lots of money, is college educated, (sadly) with business degrees that exceed the Bachelor level.

    Get your keys. You don't have to use them, you can still use a crowbar or a credit card to open those doors, but keys make it a) easier, and b) socially acceptable.
  • There are three aspects in evaluating college education.
    #1. The value of education without reference to practicality.

    #2. The value of the degree as representing that education.

    #3. The value of the relationships one forms in the process of getting #1 or #2

    In the case of most people, the education has a value as experience but that never relates to financial benefit...

    The other 2 items are where the financial value can be measured..

    The top tier lawschool average salary after graduation can be $30000 dollars greater (or more) than the second tier school.

    The reason for this is that when someone hires from a school based on the degree they are saying "I need predictable value based on my investment. As I see 0 job experience I need to evaluate based not on any qualification but on the statistical likelyhood that someone from a school I am familiar with as a good school will be like the majority of other people from that school.

    I am a high school and college drop out who gets hired by people who are looking for things that NO ONE ELSE HAS DONE. Finding someone who is educated in doing things others have done is of no worth.

    While a college education might benefit me (by giving me a broader range of experience and skills including communication, and more contacts with people who might hire me or contribute talent in my projects) it is not a good indicator of my core value, which is technical in nature and yet is not expressedly formalized as an engineer or other professional might be.

    In truth college has many merits, but few are financial. I have always considered my college education a luxury that I could seek when my financial responsibilities were relatively settled. I enjoy learning and enjoy being in a group of people learning. However I don't see how my philosophy degree would help in anything beyond bio-ethics (which I dread)...

    What sort of degree would you want for someone in this so called WEB industry? The ability to type? Clearly design is not primary as we can see from the high quantity of really nasty looking poorly behaved web pages. Clearly no technical skill is necessary as there is negligible difficulty in producing web pages that are no more than glorified word-processed desktop published contentless dribble.

    The fact is that it isn't surprising that people are evaluating this talent as not requiring college. What is surprising is that people think that a task that will eventually be simple enough for a 5 year old to do, is also a good career choice...

    As to the comp-sci degree, I was told 10 years ago that it wasn't a good criteria. I was told the masters was the lowest level one should consider as showing some merit in the field...

    I thought this might have changed when I stated this recently to a number of my peers (I am modest to include anyone really as my peer... Although I hope that when I am tried for whatever they catch me at, that I will be able to have ya'll exclusively on the jury...)

    The response was, are you kidding? A masters is worth garbage...

    So I gather it is still the same...

    As to college as a source of a free internet account... That is like saying your car came with a free radio antenna...

  • I never finished although I worked very hard at it. In the end the lure of the real world and projects overseas took me away from school and I never returned. I regret not finishing my CS degree yet at the same time I know that the best course of action is the course I find myself on. The opportunities presented to me now have absolutely nothing to do with my education and my lack of a formal degree has not been criticized by anyone from venture capitalists to my business partners.

    I think school does different things for different people. There is no real 'universal constant' in terms of what is best. For entrepreneurial people college life will never be enough and they will know that. However, there are tons of people who don't have that drive and whose sole goal is to 'learn that computer stuff' so that they can get a good secure job with benefits. This is especially true as CS becomes more a of a business style major with people involved who have no passion for it and just want the big jobs that everyone says 'knowing computers' will give you. This was the worst things about college, dealing with the fruits who were involved in CS purely for the financial aspects.

    That said, the 3 years of college I did attend really taught me a lot and got me started. It served as an introduction to how things are 'supposed' to be done. I have always written code but the concepts and styles I was introduced to in school have left a lasting impact. Its like literature and writing in a way, you have to know whats been done to do your best work and college is a great venue to learn about what others have accomplished and give you building blocks to construct the future with. It showed me a deeper level of understanding and also gave me a map of the landscape. The concepts I was introduced to are concepts that would have never shown their ugly heads to me otherwise and I have benefited greatly from them. The mind boggles at what I would have seen had I finished.

    So, different strokes for different folks I think. A lot of it depends on personality type and individual drive/motivation. Me, I enjoyed college and want to finish but I know that my path to success has be driven more by my internal drive, ambition and intelligence then a document I recieved as credit for time spent.

    Lastly, I bet Salon wrote this article specifically to get a Slashdot effect going :)
  • I started playing with computers in 6th grade, and by the time I graduated high school, I knew BASIC, 6502 assembly, and Pascal, and had quite a bit of programming experience.

    But I lacked any theoretical framework.

    College changed that. It gave me the big picture. I could see not only how things worked, but why they worked that way.

    Of course, I also learned a bunch of new languages, and was exposed to new OS environments, but I would have picked those up on my own eventually. I don't think I can say the same of the theoretical understanding.
  • There are already several excellent comments on the value of college, and probably many many more who write in to add support to the belief
    'I don't need college, I can learn anything I want to about programming in the real world'

    That's true, if programming, by analogy, is a skill no higher than a technician; someone tells you what they need and when, and you do it.

    There are absolutely lots of things that cannot be learned except by college, unless you are a genius along the ranks of Feynman, Newton, or Einstein. If you were that smart though, you'd probably in college with 2 or 3 degrees, right?

    I'm not trying to insult people who haven't gone to college(yet), I'm making a point to those people who are considering and wavering. As mentioned in other posts, there are plenty of things you learn in college that isn't taught, ethics among them, but there are just as many things you won't be able to figure out in the real world. Predicate calculus, program correctness, and big O complexity. Or semiconductor physics, and why transistors act the way they do, and how an entrepreneurial physicist/engineer can take advantage of their quirks and unleash the next big(say a thin flat light cheap LCD) thing on the world. Or even math, and alternatives to 2d linear algebra; 3d or 4d math...

    The best things one learns are from classes not related to your main interests, but from which if one makes the effort, can be applied to your main interests in new and uniquely satisfying ways...

  • College is useful. Technology courses in college are less than useful. The point of college is not to learn specific facts -it is to learn technique, a mode of thinking, or a style. This is why I am a philosophy major instead of a CS major -because this is how philosophy students and professors approach college. Is doing exhaustive research on a paper discussing the disparity between the fictional Socrates and the historical Socrates useful because of what I said in my paper. Of course not, but the process of writing, researching, and defending one's work is. (the CS classes I take for my minor in computer science don't get this; instead the classes and assignments concentrate on making us do a problem a certain way, instead of allowing us the freedom to discover our own methods {which is why I got into Linux in the first place})

    Am I going to become a philosopher? It's not likely -my plan is go to graduate school for IS--, but the process of studying has taught me, most how to adapt.

    (on a more abstract level, I think sometimes that the entire system of undergraduate majors and Pre- tracks is a silly, stupid process which prevents many people from getting an education)
  • CS in college does not teach you how to program in C/C++/Java/Pascal/Whatever. You should consider yourself fortunate if the technical skills you picked up in college classes permits you to instantly take up a job. College teaches you the CONCEPTS of programming. You achieve a breadth of knowledge that prepares you to learn whatever skill is necessary.

    You are taught programming languages in college to provide a platform for studying the deep concepts of software development; algorithms, lifecycles, teamwork, and design patterns (to name a few)

    If you want to be hired out of college, then during college you should be teaching yourself current languages. The only mechanism that a college provides for gaining vocational knowledge is the coop/intern program.

    I'll probably get flamed over this remark, but I haven't met a programmer who does not have any formal college CS background who is worth a damn when it comes to large application organization, the discipline is just not there.

    Anybody can throw some lines of code together and accomplish a takes a rigorous background in CS to start thinking in terms of design patterns.
  • I'm not sure what they're teaching in colleges these days, so I may be off base...

    You get a CS or CE degree for more than just learning a programming language. First of all, you learn *how* to program in a way that "Sams in 21 Days" just can't teach you. You learn core skills such as designing hashes. And very importantly, you're forced to study topics that you otherwise would not. You also attain (depending on the college) a real education.

    If you're skipping college to startup your own business, go for it. This will give you more education than any college ever could. But if you're skipping just so that you can start work as a developer, think again. Take that job, but take it part time while you're attending classes.
  • College is critical for life perspective. This cannot be underestimated in the face of money or fame. If you talk to almost anyone in mid-life now, they'll tell you that they envy college students because of the exciting access to information, intellectual resources, social scenarios, and freedom of choice. These things diminish quickly as one enters the "real world" and gains more responsibilities than just ordering the pizza to sustain an all-night frat house Quake game. In college, students must take all the oppurtunities presented to them and mold themselves into better, more prepared people for the real world. Would any of us say that Bill Gates is exactly a well rounded individual??

    Many people who leave college early to pursue high-powered technical positions argue that they can always go back to college, but that these computer oppurtunities are fleeting. Well, not to keep harping on perspective, but give me a break! First of all, most will NEVER go back to school, because they've moved to a new stage in their lives with new responsibilities that make it too difficult to be a student again, and they've lost all those oppurtunities to study outside their field, to meet other students, and have the college experience that we all know and love. Furthermore, the computer industry will ALWAYS be there. Make yourself into a better, more intelligent, more qualified person now, and oppurtunities will come banging at your door. If you want to advance through the ranks, and really make a difference in the industry, it will help not only to have that piece of paper called the diploma, but also to have so many of the skills that paper should represent for you.

    Work hard and study the industry, and hold down god jobs while in school, but don't drop out. It's too good an oppurtunity to miss.
  • Three major reasons:

    (1) It's fun! You get to lead a (mostly) independent lifestyle, meet friends and chicks, and have free time to do interesting things.

    (2) It'll improve your thinking. I tend to believe that education's value is not in acquiring information, but in training (think gym) for the mind. In college you'll be forced to think in a more-or-less organized way about more-or-less different subjects. Majors do not matter -- some of the smarter people I know took classics as majors.

    (3) That piece of paper that the college gives you in the end is quite important. Other people tend to be very disimpressed when you cannot produce it.

    The major qualifier: all this applies only if you go to a good, preferably a top college. Going through a top 10 college is very worthwhile experience. If you college didn't make it into top 200 or so, don't bother. Read books instead.

  • I used to think that a degree didn't matter in the slightest. However, after working with a number of programmers with no degree (or a completely irrelevent degree), it does seem to make a difference.

    Especially if they're in a leadership position, like a team leader or manager. Programming is rarely about coding nowadays, and although I know enough people who spent their early years in their bedrooms coding, I don't know of anyone who spent them learning about software engineering paradigms.

    Sure, most of the time at Uni is completely and utterly wasted.. I'm not sure any of the lectures I went to actually taught me anything. In fact, most of them 'un-taught' me. However, the process of doing coursework and team projects taught me a lot more than I thought.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Some schools suck. Some don't. But all are useful. Even if you don't learn a thing and spend all your time partying, you learn something. College isn't just about book learning. It's about learning about life.

    Case in point: me. MIT makes us take 8 humanities classes in order to graduate (among other general requirements which are common across all majors). I got talked into taking a music history class. That class changed my life and opened a whole world of possibilities for me. I'm still a CS major, but I plan to minor (or at least concentrate) in music, all due to this one class that I took more or less because I "had to."

    I'm currently taking a writing class (again, one of the core requirements), and it's really opened my eyes to a lot of literature (I highly recommend Moravec for those geeky types).

    Sure, I do a lot of learning in my field as well, but if that's all I got, I'd feel a bit cheated. After 2 years here, I can say with confidence that I feel I have grown as a person, and I'm only halfway done.

  • Like the majority of college students, I went right to college from high school. In retrospect, it would have done me no harm whatsoever to have asked my college admissions office to defer my admission for one year (or two) so that I could have done something -- worked, volunteered, served in the military, what-have-you -- which would have given me a taste of the real world before I went to college. My understanding is that most colleges are relatively generous about granting such deferments; high school students who are confronting this dilemma might look into it.
  • This is a big pet peeve of mine. Years ago, I entered college as a Computer Science major. I went through the entire first semester never using or even seeing a computer. The Engineering department felt it was more important that I get a solid foundation in traditional engineering skills -- so I took courses like "Engineering Drafting".

    Well, at least I could DRAW a computer.

    I ended up changing majors and eventually graduated with a Political Science degree.

    Five years ago, I happened to find a course catalog for that college. I checked the CompSci program and found that C programming was a GRADUATE course. You had to pay them for four years to get a degree, then pay even more to learn how to do anything USEFUL in the real world.

    IMHO, the real problem is that colleges are trying to gouge their students. They are using the prestige of being a college to overcharge people, waste their time with pointless courses, excuse horrible instructors, and generally treat students -- the people PAYING their salaries -- like dirt. Maybe it's time for them to wake up, look at the real world, and ask if what they are doing is relevant.
  • by AaronW ( 33736 ) on Monday April 12, 1999 @10:20AM (#1938859) Homepage
    College did several things for me. I was a geek through and through prior to entering college, but college opened up whole new avenues for me that there is no way I could have explored otherwise. Things like building a microprocessor would have been out of the question, or playing around with GL on an SGI (prior to Open GL).

    Many of the things I learned in college were invaluable, besides just that piece of paper. Other things were not very valuable. There were a number of classes that were basically a waste of time, but that was just preparing me for the real world.

    Perhapse it depends on the college. I just interviewed a new college grad for an entry-level embedded programming job, yet the grad couldn't perform simple things. I asked about the difference between a linked list and a binary tree and how they relate to Big-O notation when searching. No answer. I asked the grad to write a C function to convert an integer to an ASCII string. Again, the grad was at a total loss.

    For those who say they got nothing out of college, either you didn't want anything out of college or you were some super genious before entering. Either that or you went to some brain-damaged college.

    Prior to college I had done a fair amount of programming and exploration. I knew 80x86 assembly cold and all the main data types used. In college I was able to greatly build on my experiences. Also, that piece of paper has been useful since it allows me to get a lower insurance rate.
  • I can understand if you're frustrated that college graduates can't write a routine to print a number in octal, but if you're only allowing them to use printf, that's insane. College isn't a place where a student should learn all the useless minutae of various languages -- that's what reference manuals are for. College is more about theory than "practical knowledge", and I doubt knowing how to use printf to print octal numbers even counts as "practical".

We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
