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Slashdot Updates 35

I added the Cheesy Portal Page. No you can't configure it- its just all the Slashboxes that you could possibly have on Slashdot in one gigantic page. Several folks asked for this, I could actually see it being kinda useful if you're on a fast connection and don't mind a huge homepage. Next, the Brain Power boys have their Neuro Network stuff live now. Its like $5 per resume and $10 per new affiliate. So if ya put 'sd' in the 'more info' blank, Slashdot gets to pay the bandwidth bill again this month. The search engine has been shaping up quite nicely too. Lastly, The moderator stuff is basically up to speed now. Several dozen jurors are getting randomly selected each day to moderate discussions. We'll see how it goes. Fingers crossed.
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Slashdot Updates

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I have over $10 million in venture capital I was told to invest in a portal site. Your site says it is a portal therefore, where can I send the check!?

  • OK, I know the Slashbox headlines come from the Netscape defined RDF documents [] which are on the remote sites web server. But how can you get the URL of the RDF file? Is there a default location that web servers are using? Is there a database of these suckers somewhere?
  • by Shaman ( 1148 )
    So Rob... code update? Once a year, maybe?
  • Cachedot, for the intended readeder (i.e. registered slashdotters) just did nothing. Cookie'd accesses are noncacheable, images/logos on slashdot are cached well even with Netscape disk cache too. So, in fact, using cachedot made the poor provider pay for twice the bandwidth, once for getting it from the real slashdot, then sending it your way.

    At least, that's how I always thought, but might be a bit different from the real story.

  • i don't see anything different, an I got one of those large bandwidth connections that I wanna soak up (say hello to DSL =^)
  • Just because I can't use it doesn't mean it shouldn't get fixed. Also, I tend to view the static pages since its so much faster (via index.shtml). If I ever want the dynamic page, I click on the slashdot logo and there's my page.
  • While we are into fixing up slashdot, could someone check the dns entry for cachedot? I can't get it to resolve for several days now.
  • I like the addition of the preferences link, which I think is new. I believe it has replaced the "user account" link. Its a quick shortcut to changing my preferences. :)
    Scott Miga
  • Wow! It's huge and... well, cheesy. It's like RedHat's cheesy portal only bigger (and more useful :-)
  • Rand is a little redundant on this page. :)
  • Um, yeah, but that's _old_ source... I want to know where the source that's _currently_ running is....
  • .... is a link to the most recent source code tarball.. Anonymous CVS would be nice, but I don't want to push it.

    Anyone care to join me in a 'free the Slashdot source' movement? (0.5 * ;)

  • Does anyone else notice that the Wired News slashbox seems old?
  • New Features are nice but (begin whining mode) "Older Stuff" has been broken for a week or so (as I view it with Netscape 4.51 on Linux). The links to yesterdays articles (by name, e.g. "Sunday", or at the bottom as "yesterdays articles") are off by one (Saturday, instead of Sunday). COuld this be fixed, too?
  • I wonder... if microsoft offered to pay slashdot for hits, if they'd get full story links advertsing for them?
  • Hey, I like this idea. Then again, I like most of your ideas. Whoever thought of nested mode for the comment display is brilliant. One click, and I (usually) have all the comments on one page.

    The Cheesy Portal *is* currently kinda ugly, though, ya gotta admit. *grin*

  • It only points to right now.
  • I am still giggling about that one.

    Is there any way to get that slashbox back?
  • Reminds me of a story last month, Slashdot Gets Slashdotted []...

  • Um... have you ever clicked on the "code" link at the top left of every page?

  • Does anyone know what happened to cachedot? Connecting to was much faster for me than the main site, but the past week or so I haven't been able to get through to it.

    % ping
    % ping: unknown host
  • The 'flat mode' hasn't worked well since the last big upgrade. In the past it was possible to look through the comment list, select a comment, select a reply comment, and then flattening that single subthread. Now I can't do that, if I want to flatten a subthread I have to select 'flat' mode for the whole thing and that's absolutely not what I want. That reloads it all and I have to start from the top, and then I have to go back etc. In short, reading threads easily is now a pain.
    Thanks for any improvements that can be done to this..
  • Ugh, it made me queasy. I guess if there's a demand for it, I there's a reason for it to exist. Me, I'll stick to the good ol'
  • how about a new feature rob... as shown on this [] artical, the second post, AC of cource, did several hr's in a row. while i know i can block ot AC's n suff, i still like to read the comments, sometimes no matter how annoying. How about a little control, such as having no three tags the same tag in a row... ex (hr)(hr)(hr). i know its filtering people, something i even hate doing, but in this case, i think you would agree, no ones needs more that 3 tags of just one object in a row....
  • is UGLY.. sorry, i know it's supposed to be silly and cheesy and all that, but could you at least make all the boxes not in one big line down the edge? make a table, already!

  • What happened to "Weather in Hell"????

    That was the best Slashbox ever... now my life is a little emptier...
  • Ah, who needs an excuse around here.

    I added the HTML below to my user space, and now I've got as much Weather in Hell as I can handle. Plus, it follows me all over /.

    Rats. I can't post HTML samples - they either hide or don't get promoted to the right characters. Substitute wisely...

    [center][A HREF=" r.html"][IMG SRC=" if" BORDER=0 ALT="The Weather in Hell"][/A][/center]
  • If you are signing up for the NeuroNetwork, please put sd in the more info field, otherwise SlashDot will not be credited. Putting slashdot or Slashdot's URL will not work either, you *must* put their partner ID which is simply sd.

  • by BWing ( 22774 )
  • Is it just my imagination, or has moderation almost ground to a halt. Most threads I look in have at most 1 or 2 3+ posts, some have only 1 or 2 2+ posts. I see lots of great posts (IMNSHO) at 1, and whilst first-posts and blatant abuse seem to be getting moderated down (mostly), there's lots of off-topic and trolls getting left alone.
  • That be some serious cheese -- gave me gas.

    What's the point with the cheesiness, anyway -- Trollng for Portal VCaps checks?

  • "Slashdot gets to pay the bandwidth bill again this month"...

    I've been quoted your ad rates... you can't be that hurting, man... (10 million impressions a month... at $15 CPM)
  • Typo - it's actually / [].

The fancy is indeed no other than a mode of memory emancipated from the order of space and time. -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
