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Star Wars Prequels Media Movies

Yoda Furby 41

PsychoSpunk writes "Even more frightening than the original Furby... Found this story at Wired. Kind of frightening to think about if you've ever had the chance to actually meet a Furby face to face. It's enough to drive a man insane. Furby + Yoda = Dark Side of the Force? "
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Yoda Furby

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  • I'm not going to buy Yoda furby for *ANY* price if it's just going to die a horrible grinding death. But, if they fix the mechanical problems then... I'll get one.

    Oh, and a Tux the Linux Penguin version would be a smash hit! HEHEhehehehe....

    I bought an Tux the Penguin from a local store and had it for half and hour before my little neice saw it. I couldn't pry it from her hands.
  • According to Tiger, it's going to use furby technology, but be very yoda-like, not furby-like

    Personally, I think it'd rock...I'm gonna buy one.

  • All I want is an anatomically correct Princess "Heiaiwana" Leia blow-up doll. ;)
    Beer recipe: free! #Source
    Cold pints: $2 #Product
  • The best NPR April joke was whe one where they had the govenor of Arizona announce that a referendum had passed to make Arizona a new Canadian province...
  • Oh no! I'm afraid that your niece has somehow learned the principle of embrace and extend. She obviously got the embrace part down cold. Now good old Tux will probably be just another face in her stuffed animal collection. Hopefully with time she will eventually learn about "open source" stuffed animals and toys, and the benefits of sharing.:)

    Being an uncle is one of the best jobs in the world.
  • While I'm not a big fan of the whole Furby thing in general, anything that spouts Jedi knowledge and wisdom can't be all bad :)
  • by johnus ( 11641 )
    I was just thinking the same thing! I have one of the bigger toy R2's with the little opening doors on the front you can stick little removable arms into, and i was trying to figure out how to get him apart so i can add some lights or motors to him... that would be so sweet!
  • The Furbies are going to hook up with Lego Mindstorms and create SkyNet.
  • Oh hell, this is going too far, I am a starwars lover but a yoda furby is going too far, argh...

  • furbys at their worst:
    furby hooker network [].

  • When the Furbys were first launched, some people said they were going to try to figure out their IR communication protocol.

    Did anything ever come of that?

  • Hopefully it will answer all of the burning questions we've been having about yoda's anatomy.
  • For those who haven't seen it: go check it out []
  • Always two there are. A fool, and his money, yes. Be parted they soon will. Hehehehe.

    --John Riney
  • What next? A Teddy Ruxpin version of Chewy?
  • by ihxo ( 16767 )
    I would prefer a R2-Dw furby ..
    imagine you got an R2-D2 which can make noise or swing itz head sitting on your desk !!
    COOL !!!!
  • It was a while back but they were talking about the prequal trailer and people paying to see movies just to see the trailer and then walking out.. After the segment they do a segway and say "you're listen to all things considered" but instead of that they had Linda Wertheimer say "Listening to All Things Considered, you are." did anyone else hear it? It was in her normal voice (which made it even funnier) and you had to be paying attention to notice it (a lot of NPR listeners just kind of zone and absorb the info)

    I thought it was funny. Those crazy NPR folks, I love 'em but they're a little extra nerdy at times. I can be a hardcore ultra geek, and I usually am, but the NPR folks always make me feel like I'm somehow in the hep crowd of something. Just thought I'd mention that.

  • SkyNet came online in August, 1997. We're already dead. We've been nuked.

  • perhaps some haxoring with the AI will reveal the true form of evil, the Drunken Yoda!
  • If they will buy, then others will sell.

    This is indicative as much of the market as it is of the inventor...

    Unless, of course, if flops, which it won't, then it would show the inventor to be the heartless dolt that I (... and I hazard to say "we") believe him/her to be.
  • by Rombuu ( 22914 )
    Wow, I've never seen pure evil shrunk into a convienent doll size form before.
  • At last another useful invention!

    Amuse the kids with the new Yoda Furby, and when you get a flat - use Yoda Furby Force powers to lift the car and change the tyre, without having to leave your seat!

    My god, this is another case of OIA.
  • Mmmm, yes. Find your Furby. Take you to him I will. Hehehehe.

    You must confront Bill Gates. Your father he is.

    Look at my source code. Judge it by its size, will you? And well you should not, for my ally is a ninety-ton brontosaurus known as "Free Software". Hehehehe.

    Toys not make one great.

  • Will this thing have an IR port that detects that another Yoda is nearby? Will it start off speaking gibberish, and then slowly "learn" new words (that was a major dissapointment to me about the original furbies, the hype I'd heard had left the impression that the furbies really would be able to learn new words, rather than having a full vocabulary from the start and not being able to use it. I really wanted to see an evil, corrupting, viral furby created :> ). What sense would that make in the context of a Yoda doll? For that matter, what sense does it make to spoonfeed Yoda? It doesn't fit in very well with the characterization we're familiar with. Yoda is independant and self sufficient, not some little baby, cute though he may be. About the only thing left is the ability to sense when it's hugged or hung upside down, which also don't really fit very well in my mind. Other than that, it's just another talking doll, just like the Yogurt doll in Spaceballs, but without the pullstring.
  • I think that once people realized how limited Furbies really are, no-one really cared enough. They don't really learn new words, they just have them to begin with and slowly start to use more of them. Assuming that most people who cared think the same way that I do, the real interest was in figuring out a way to teach Furbies truly new words. Looks like the only way to do that is to make your own furby control chips. Sigh, it's a pity, I had mental images of that Halloween Simpsons episode with the evil Krusty doll ("Hello, my name is Krusty, and I'm going to kill you... that's right, you, Homer Simpson!").
  • Yeah!! And none of this is real!! It's all the MATRIX!!!
  • Is he involved with Star Wars?
  • Just think -- a little mechanical penguin that says things like, "Use the source".

    Now THAT I would buy! :)
  • I think I saw an RFC for "Furby Light Optical Protocol". It got slammed for having a stupid acronym.

    /* Dry humor mode OFF now */
  • That was a good laugh, thanks!

  • Those friggen things don't make much sense in the first place. Yoda's new words of wisdom are going to be "Flurrrbbt Diirrrupt Force" "Force Iiippptt iidd oouuupptt"
    With the marketing drive that movies have nowadays there is no telling what whacked out toys we will be seeing once this movie comes out. Something interesting to chew on though... Spielberg has forbidden any store to sell anything related to the new movie before the opening day. Those who do will be forbidden to sell any Star Wars merchandise.... FOREVER
  • Maybe they'll come out with a miniature death star, with a real working laser.
    Of course, with it's small size you could only take out small cities, but hey who's complaining?
  • Oh well, I mean Lucas. Lucas said that they were going to do that.
    I can see Star Wars fans now tracing my IP address and coming to kill me with lightsabers.
  • and people thought that the regular furbys looked like gremlins, i'm sure they will get a kick out of a little green rinkled version

    yipe, i'm still twitching
  • i dissagree, skynet would be prefible to Furby/Mindstorm. At least skynet just tryed to kill the human race, not liquify their brains
  • I thought this year's story on dog "bark-to-speech" hardware/software was pretty good.

    The NPR news folks are a pretty odd bunch. About 8-10 years ago, C-SPAN simulcast All Things Considered for about a week. I seem to remember them making faces and throwing things at each other, all while maintaining that calm, professional manner of speaking.

    On another note, our NPR station here is celebrating it's 50th anniversary this year, and as part of the celebration, Corey Flintoff will be speaking and performing a magic show.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
