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Star Wars Prequels Media Movies

Live Video Cam of Star Wars Lines 25

Vince writes ", "The Official Webcast of the Star Wars Lines" has live video of the Westood line, some funny new parodies, and interviews with the people in line. It's almost as good as being there. " In the meantime we can all run around the net trying to find those prequel mp3s. Why must I wait until May 4 for CDNOW to ship me mine? I need a T1! Update: 05/01 04:59 by CT : if you want more SW fun, check out this weeks Dave Barry column (thanks Johnath)
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Live Video Cam of Star Wars Lines

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  • Man, I just hope this movie doesn't suck.

    No, I'm not going to kill myself trying to get in opening night -- I'll probably go to a matinee on Wednesday or something. Don't worry, it'll still be packed to the gills.

    All of these folks who are getting their expectation so far up, though, are in for a bit of a disappointment. I mean, it's still a movie. I've talked to people who seem to think that this will be the one that will result in a "Book of George" being added to the Bible or that Christ will time the second coming so he can get in line for opening night...

    That said, I gotta admit that the trailers produced a level of interest in me that I've never really felt for a film. More than just being willing to see it, I'm actually wanting to. The interest around the office is interesting, too; after I first played the trailer, a whole group people started coming by and asking if they could see it, including our general manager...

    I just hope it doesn't suck.


  • Posted by My_Favorite_Anonymous_Coward:

    I hesitate to use my User name... but I'll bet any money with you (okay up to 50 bucks) it will NOT break Titanic's 600m record (domestic.)

    How many Geeks' repeat can make up those Minnesota house wives' contribution?

  • Rob, the link to CDNOW leads to slashdot, instead of I suppose.
    Scott Miga
  • and there have been people in line since early april...I'm not that devoted. but it does say that the episode 1 will be the biggest media event ever concieved of. there are even people in europe taking Travel packages just to see it because they get it later.
  • hype (n) : blatant or sensational promotion

    See Also: Star Wars Hype []
    See Also: Star Wars Hype (Revisited) []

    -- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?

  • Run do not walk to Barry,

    He will satisfy both the Jedi worshippers and the scoffers.

    Hellaciously funny column from a fun neutral point.


    And Most of all I thank God for my wacky schedule... (Yeah Baby Wednsdays OFF!! :)

    (5/19/99 = bliss!)
  • by PD ( 9577 )
    will be nothing at all. On the other hand, if the Star Wars movie sucks, make sure you're stocked up on rice, beans, lard, and water. You'll need it.

  • ARGH! It's too late for me, but save yourselves. There are spoilers at the end of the Dave Barry article (though suitably twisted).
  • Well, I keep thinking to myself that Star Wars is over-hyped and the madness that will be on opening night isn't worth it all. Then I see the second trailer again and I realize that I *have* to see this!


  • Silly people... Any Sci Fi geek worth his salt will have already played every string hes got to pull like a guitar at a salsa concert to get in the first showing at the local theater. I know I did. :) already have my seats reserved for me at the 12:01 am showing on opening day... :)
    No, I haven't bought tickets, that would be against the Lucas Edict and therfore Wrong(tm).
    *gloat* *dance*
    hehe, Actually everyone in the shop will be going so I pity the poor customer that has a complaint on that day. They're bound to have 15 enraged geeks with a zero-tolorance for stupidity for the day descending upon them with the 2x4 LARTs.
  • Don't geeks have higher incomes than teenyboppers or Minnesota house wives?

    Besides, I know geeks here who's goal is to make sure Phantom Menace beats every single box office record they have on record =)

  • You'll prolly have longer than 20 minutes in line to just grab tickets, if you'll see it the next day... I'd imagine plenty of repeat performers, as well as a fresh load of geeks who weren't willing to wait *before* the movie is out, but very willing once it is being shown =)

  • I'm guessing that by the time the movie opens, at least half the people in line will be lining up to see the next days showing?
  • It may be hype, but it's Star Wars and it's going to generate a lot of traffic.
  • Geez, folks, have you no sense of fun?

    Yes, waiting on line a month for a movie is crazy, that's the point. While everyone sits here and looks down their nose at Lincoln and the other guys on line, they're having a blast.
    A few celebrities (Jay Leno, Jake Lloyd) have made a visit to the line, they've got all kinds of free toys to play with from local electronics stores...and most importantly, IT'S FOR CHARITY.


    I'm sure they know it's silly, but you know what, in 20 years it'll be a fun story to tell. Embrace the silly stuff, there's not enough of it out there anymore. Those guys are having a blast, and more power to them.

  • how can anything be as good as people make this movie out to be I dont see how they wont be dissapointed
  • I thought that Dave Barry bit was pretty funny.

    How about a Dave Barry Slashbox?

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
