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LinuxWorldExpo Press Information 16

It seems as if I only returned from the last LWCE, but it appears the new one is already underway. This time, we're moving out of our 10 x 10 hole, and will be housed in giant levitating portals, while Rob does his Ming impressions. Click below to get the real information.

-- IDG World Expo Provides Interactive Forum for Linux Community to
Share, Explore and Expand Ideas

Framingham, Mass. May 12, 1999 IDG World Expo, a business unit of International Data Group (IDG), the world's leading IT media and information services company, today announced that it will produce the second LinuxWorld Conference & Expo from August 9 - 12, 1999, when it returns to the San Jose Convention Center in San Jose, Calif. Building on the success of its first LinuxWorld Conference & Expo in March and focusing its efforts on capturing the growth of a revolutionary operating system and its technology, IDG World Expo continues to offer the Linux premier forum for exploring and collaborating on the development of Linux applications. Shattering event attendance records for this community by drawing more than 12,000 attendees, the first LinuxWorld Conference & Expo featured Linus Torvalds' keynote address, which attracted a crowd of over 6,000 attendees, a conference program that included over 50 sessions and tutorials, and an expo floor that hosted over 100 exhibitors. community thepremier forum for exploring and collaborating on the development of Linux applications. Shattering event attendance records for this community by drawing more than 12,000 attendees, the first LinuxWorld Conference & Expo featured Linus Torvalds' keynote address, which attracted a crowd of over 6,000 attendees, a conference program that included over 50 sessions and tutorials, and an expo floor that hosted over 100 exhibitors.

"The significant acceptance and success of the March show catapulted LinuxWorld Conference & Expo to become the largest Linux-only event. This demonstrated the community's strong desire to have a forum where people can exchangeinformation and discuss the impact and future role of Linux," said Charlie Greco, president & CEO of IDG World Expo. "IDG World Expo is proud to be a part of this community's exciting endeavor and honored to be given the opportunity to play a role in bringing the Linux community together."

For LinuxWorld Conference Expo August, IDG World Expo has doubled the exhibit floor size and has secured a roster of industry keynotes including Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux; Sean Maloney, senior vice president of Intel; Michael Prince, CIO of Burlington Coat Factory and such industry luminaries as Jon "Maddog" Hall, executive director of Linux International; and Larry Augustin, president and CEO of VA Linux Systems to moderate feature presentations.

In addition to keynote speeches and feature presentations, the conference is offering more than 35 sessions and 18 tutorials to teach professionals, users and developers what they need to know in order to run an organization with Linux technology. The five conference tracks will focus on business issues, Linux kernel internals, desktop environments, software development and system administration. Additionally, the exhibit pavilion will provide attendees with the opportunity to view demonstrations and ask questions about the latest Linux innovations.

Popular Attractions Return in August

Many popular aspects of the March show will return again in August, in particular LinuxWorld Expo Greenhouse, a designated area where small-startup companies can introduce products and services. Two industry-recognized awards presented in March toa large enthusiastic audience once again will be awarded. These are the People's Choice Award, where attendees and industry notables will vote on their show favorites, and the IDG/Linus Torvalds Community Award, which bestows $25,000 on a high school or college student who develops a program that improves the ease of use of Linux. A new addition to the August show that is sure to be a favorite is the Dot.Org Pavilion, where attendees can congregate to access the Internet, play video games and network with non-profit organizations. For More Information For more information or to register, visit the LinuxWorld Conference & Expo Web site at, or call 800-657-1474. For exhibiting opportunities, please contact Jim Donovan at 508-424-4814 or

About IDG World Expo

IDG World Expo, a business unit of IDG, is the World^Òs leading IT media, research and exposition company. IDG publishes more than 290 computer magazines and newspapers and 700 book titles, and offers online users the largest network of technology-specific sites around the world through, which comprises more than 240 targeted Web sites in 55 countries. IDG is also a leading producer of 168 computer-related expositions worldwide, and provides IT market analysis through 49 offices in 41 countries worldwide. For more information, please visit IDG^Òs Web site at

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LinuxWorldExpo Press Information

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    So is Linuxworld still a "trade show" and not an "expo" as the title shows?

    I'm not going back unless I can bring my family.. I wasted a few thousand dollars on the last one only to be greated by security and show "officials" that informed me that it was a 12 yr and older show.

    Too bad they had previously never put any of that information on their web site.. At least MacWorld I was able to bring my 3 yr old.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I did go to the management... they offered to refund the price of her badge! Gee, seeing how I preregistered us the badge was "free".

    I wasn't the only one to go to the management either.. I know of at least 3 other fathers that brought their children (most of them around 8 or so), and of course denied access.. They all had badges of course.

    Managements line was "Sorry, our insurance doesn't cover anyone under 12."

    Excuse me? Insurance wise what is the difference between a minor of 12 and a minor of 10, 8, or 3?

    Anyway... IDG management (I'm not blaming security, they were just doing as they were told) really dropped the ball. At least this time they state that children under 12 are not allowed.
  • Actually, if she had a badge, or even if she had been sent notification saying "you're invited here", it was illegal for them to refuse access to her once she arrived. The "access contract" was set once they provided paper notification that she was being allowed to go. If there had been prior notification during the sign up procedure that 12 year olds were presumptively ineligible to attend, the original signup would have occured under false pretenses, but by what you state this was not the case.

    Long story short: Shoulda gone to management :-)

    Once you pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend.
  • IDG has to deal with the Youth Culture around Linux, or else they'd probably be limiting to 16+, or even 18+. I BELIEVE that most non computer conventions are 18+.

    Anyway, the point isn't that they refund the badge. Once it had been issued under non-fraudulent conditions, they were responsible for either honoring it or refunding the entire cost of the mistake. It's that whole "bait 'n switch" thing--they got you to come because you thought you could take your kid, then placed you in a situation to either lose a serious investment or find alternate accomodations for your child.

    Of course, this wasn't malicious. I'm not from IDG, I'm just being realistic: this was a bureaucratic failure. Somewhere along the line the web site never got updated to read "no kids". It genuinely does cost more to admit children--we live in a rather disgustingly litigious society where parents will sue because their kid swallowed a piece of Trade Show Fluff. (WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GAVE A STRESS BALL TO A THREE YEAR OLD?!? THREE YEAR OLDS WILL EAT ANYTHING! I'LL SUE!)

    The Cuteness Razor(Attractive people get their way) combines with the Motherly Instinct(Children must be protected) to create some nasty rules for the Law Of Unintended Consequences to work with.

    Once you pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend.
  • Hi.

    I can't say what the next LinuxWorld Expo will be like. I can say that the first LinuxWorld Expo had an amazing air to it...a definite feel of something powerful and new. The entire Slashdot/FSF/Debian crowd was shoved in this little tiny corner away from the massive Alien Landing Zone(sorry guys ;-) of everyone else, yet somehow that was continually the single most active and interesting area of the entire show. From the genuinely egoless "stars" of the Free Software Movement to actually fascinating demos, LinuxWorld Expo in March was a commercialized trade show with that rare kernel of truth and beauty that turned out making the actual people and educational sessions quite worthwhile.

    The staff there, incidentally, is quite friendly. Their "bottom line" attitude is generally "if you have something to contribute, we'll support you." What more of a lesson could there be from a free software paradigm? :-)

    But that's just my take. YMMV, as always.

    Once you pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend.
  • God. I wish i could get to one of these things... When i started here, I was told that I'd go to expos and conferences.

    The extent of my off-campus, college/work-funded, experiences has been when they department ordered out for pizza.

    I hate pizza.
  • Linux Kongress is a European show. Not quite a balance, but from what I have heard it's definitely worth the effort.


  • Try about 350 miles apart... (I live in the SF Bay Area and recently moved here from LA)... I'll be at LWE... the last one was a blast. :)

Your code should be more efficient!
