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Slashdot's One Hundred Millionth Page 90

It's Official: Slashdot served up its One Hundred Millionth page at 6:57pm Eastern. (It was a Mac user from cs.purdue.edu loading the homepage if you're curious). Thanks to the authors, story submittors, comment posters, and especially to the thousands of you who just keep reloading day after day.
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Slashdot's One Hundred Millionth Page

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    You should put up a sign like at the old McDonald's.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    CM> Thanks to the authors, story submittors,
    CM> comment posters, and especially to the
    CM> thousands of you who just keep reloading day
    CM> after day.

    Dammit Rob, you don't know how desperately true that is. SysV IPC shit won't compile? Time to debug. But first, I think I'll check on slashdot! Hey, look, a segfault. Time to hit reload on slashdot! At least I'm learning something; but it's still less fun than heroin. Meanwhile my project festers . . . but they paychecks keep rolling in as I seem like a Linux expert . . .
  • by BOredAtWork ( 36 ) on Thursday May 13, 1999 @04:22PM (#1892981)
    Woah... Rob, you realize you've got more hits than there are people in most countries? Me thinks you deserve a big pat on the back, along with Hemos, Nate, and everyone else who put in time/effort before the corporate sponsorship, ad banners, and Block Stackers existed.

    I normally don't presume to speak for anyone but myself, but I think I'm safe here, when I say, on behalf of everybody, many many thanks for all the hard work.


  • come on we can make it before 2001 :)

  • Sure. It'd carry an animated gif of Bill Gates getting creamed by a pie? chuckle.

    I want to die peacefully in my sleep as my grandfather did...
  • Posted by kenmcneil:

    This is fabulous! Sites like /. demonstrate what can happen in this global village that we call the net. The power of the network allows the entire world to meet on these forums (not all at once please). Few realize how amazing it is that a small group of very dedicated people can create such an amazing thing. As long as innovative and captivating services like /. continue to grow the future of the net, and the world, looks very bright. Thank you soooo much!
  • Posted by HolyMackeralAndy:

    Congrats guys, looking forward to another one hundred million. Thanks for bringing your services to us--Slashdot is my browsers start page....
  • Posted by Mike@ABC:

    Just wanted to add my congrats to CmdrTaco, Hemos and the crew. Slashdot is a great site, and for me, it's a great resource. My FUD-spotting abilities have increased tenfold since I started reading this site. And it's a great way to see what the true hackers and techies are thinking. In other words, you make my job as a technology reporter a whole lot easier. Thanks, guys. Beers are on me if you ever get out to Seattle!

  • Congrats /. crew and users! Best damn website I visit each couple 'o minutes each day.
  • Without /., I might actually get some work accomplished. As it is I just reload about 30 times a day.
    This is by far the best site on the web, and I'm proud to be even a tiny little part of it. I just wish I'd gotten off my ass sooner and gotten an account. As it happened I was 70 to late to get a 3-digit one.

    I say one billion on or about 9/2/01.

    Don Negro
  • Uh, we (large banner network, valueclick.com [valueclick.com]) do that in 5-6 days... (pages being gifs though)

    Obviously using Apache/mod_perl, FreeBSD, lots of Perl stuff, MySQL and other nice open source packages.


    - ask

  • One hundred hundreds = 100 x 100 = 10,000 = ten thousand. And the American system makes sense: 1,000,000 = 1 million 1,000,000,000 = 1 billion 1,000,000,000,000 = 1 trillion 1,000,000,000,000,000 = 1 quadrillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 = 1 quintillion etc.
  • Whoops! Let's try again:

    One hundred hundreds = 100 x 100 = 10,000 = ten thousand. And the American system does makes sense:

    1,000,000 = 1 million
    1,000,000,000 = 1 billion
    1,000,000,000,000 = 1 trillion
    1,000,000,000,000,000 = 1 quadrillion
    1,000,000,000,000,000,000 = 1 quintillion


  • by Matts ( 1628 ) on Thursday May 13, 1999 @10:47PM (#1892994) Homepage
    How about some proper stats, like say run analog [cam.ac.uk] on the site every night. I'd love to see more up to the minute stats, detailing things like hourly access and stuff like that. Analog is an amazing log analysis tool - check it out Rob.


    perl -e 'print scalar reverse q(\)-: ,hacker Perl another Just)'
  • As a CS Purdue Grad it's nice to see that it was my alma mater that got the distinction. Incidentally, I'm also a native of West Lafayette.

  • Yep, here we go again. One billion is 1,000,000,000, not:

    1,000,000,000,000 = 1 billion

    Quite a difference in the bank balance too! That would indeeed make really sweat about the billionaire Bill Gates. That kind of power would indeed prove someone was evil! Think he doesn't own your ass?
  • Actually the "ticker apps" don't read the standard webpage... they get an RDF file that *is* located on the server [and can be accessed via port 80, and therefore register in the apache log files...]

    so in theory the count is correct [of course you have to account for things like proxies, etc. so you may have more people reading /., but it's cached information

  • Absolutely!

    SlashDot is the first thing I do when I power up my computer at work, and the first thing I do when I greet my workstation at home!

    SlashDot.org 'kicks 'ash..
  • BTW isn't this just hits on the *NEW* slashserver?

    Thanks for
    a) introducing me to UserFriendly
    b) letting me know when to *avoid* ftp mirrors
    c) the occasional *amazing* technical discussion

    Heres to the next 1E8 hits

    Come the revolution, we'll need a bigger wall.
  • I know I've been guilty of atleast a couple reloads (more like 10-20 :) a day...

    Keep up the good work guys...
  • Yeah, and that would only be another line under the logo.

    Way to go Rob, et. al.
  • Congrats, nice number, but
    what is the total sum of
    slashdot uptime (age of site
    in total online time)

  • First off, congrats... I'm green with envy...

    I'd like to see a lifetime hit count / traffic / client count summary, perhaps broken down by month or even by weeks, for the lifetime of the site. I know ya'll all have much better things to do, but I'd like to see what the growth pattern has been and such.

  • Slashdot is one of only two sites I monitor daily. The other is Mac OS Rumors (macosrumors.com). So, it was especially gratifying that a fellow mac user made the score!

    Keep up the good work.
  • ...Slashdot can claim "over one billion served"?

  • Congradulations Slashdot, and to the Linux community, who made all this possible; especially the guys and gals who coded: Linux, Perl, gcc, Apache .............

    Break out the champaigne!

  • by i22y ( 10479 ) <mike@islerphoto.MENCKENcom minus author> on Thursday May 13, 1999 @04:27PM (#1893007) Homepage
    There is simply no substiture for Slashdot. Sure, there are other news sites but I don't know what I would do if I couldn't read /. in the morning...it would be like going to work without having coffee or taking a shower. Thanks to all of the crew at /. , you guys get serious props for making it all happen.

  • But what about those of us who just read it via gtkslash or other frontend ?? Apps like such don't register hits, but I suppose that many use them instead of loading a webbrowser.

  • Hooray for the Mac user... and here I thought that I was the only one. :-)

    No, really, my congrats go out to all of the Slashdot crew for these pages... you have given me many joyful moments of sheer procrastination. Nothing else on the web has captured my attention more than Slashdot.

  • That's really odd...all of the machines in CS here at purdue are NT or unix boxes...except for maybe a couple in sirius, the security research facility...other than that, I don't think I've ever seen any in there. Just think folks, it may have been the famous Gene Spafford who got the millionth one. :) I know he's a mac guy...

  • They were donated, I believe - even got flat-panel LCD's...if MS wansta give us stuff for free, I won't turn it down...

  • So what did this Mac user win?

    A shoppping spree at copyleft?

  • That's all I need to hear. Now that you've hit the big time, I want a divorce. I want half of your hits, _and_ the banner ads. On top of all that, I'm gonna get custody of the server too. That's what you get for linking to all those other sites behind my back you slut!!

    just kiddin,
    tell me when you got a billion, then I'll be impressed ;-)

  • There's a whole grip of us, man! Although slash is predominantly about Linux, there's plenty of cool threads for everyone here.
  • Just FYI, while ADFU doesn't run in this manner since they sell advertising directly, most CPM banner models MIGHT give you $2.00/CPM which is actually just $0.002 USD.

    I just wanted to point out that Rob and Co. aren't multi-millionaires (yet) from their hardwork at Slashdot. I wouldn't be surprised to see slashdot have a buyout attempt from IBM or Redhat for 15-50 million bucks though.

    It's all about the eyeballs.. :)

  • There is kinda, just select the Slashdot Stats slashbox, woa thats a mouth full, try it 3 times fast! ;)
  • I'm just curious. How many other sites can make that claim? (Hosted sites counting as separate sites, of course, which rules out Geocities.)
  • Well, not that I have anything against you or anything, but I'm talking about "real" web sites. (As in, [definition kind="pompous"]self-sufficient functional units of Web content[/definition].) Y'know, web sites, the kind where people go, browse around, download stuff, etc.
  • I'm just curious. How many other sites can make that claim?

    There's this Eudora website that I (occasionally get time to) work on that serves a few pages now and again...


  • by billybob ( 18401 ) on Thursday May 13, 1999 @11:52PM (#1893020)
    Umm, this is possible. edit your preferences and add for the sideboxs "Slashdot Stats" (or something like that)... its one of the checkboxes... it gives stats for each hour of the last 24 (as well as the total) and the total for the day before (not necesarily the last 24 hours).. all thanks to rob malda. :)
  • by Praxxus ( 19048 )
    I only reload umpteen times a day because I don't have time to put my own vehement opinions into words.

    Yet, oddly, I seem to have time to read others' opinions for 45 minutes at a time. ;-)

    Congadjimayshuns, Rob, et al! Keep it up for a few hundred million more.

  • you have NT boxen in your CS dept.? for shame.
  • has been, is, and will be. :-)

    ...at least as long at it stays as good as it is today.

    What about making a stat-page counting the different clients, OS, and top domains?
  • That is quite a quantity of pages to serve up, wow! I think it would be *really* interesting to see the amount of data that was transferred to serve up that huge number of pages... do you have access to any log that might reveal that?

    It would have to be a huge number. :)

  • I never got around to checking the stats when slashdot was getting slashdotted over the Hellmouth threads. Have you had a million-hit day yet?

  • You should of course mention that the british(non
    american more likely) has names for american billion and quadrillion

    1,000,000 = 1 million
    1,000,000,000 = 1 milliard (sp?)
    1,000,000,000,000 = 1 billion
    1,000,000,000,000,000 = 1 billiard
    1,000,000,000,000,000,000 = 1 trillion
    10^24 = 1 trilliard

    The american system seems simpler, but you have to learn more latin number prefixes. Luckily I don't have to count that high.
    Anyway it looks like the world is following american lead on this one, some european newsmagazines have changed over.

  • No one seems to be replying to posts on the second page of a popular article. I think this may be because the (1|2) at the top of the page does not stand out.

    Just a thought...
  • But what about those of us who just read it via gtkslash or other frontend ?? Apps like such don't register hits, but I suppose that many use them instead of loading a webbrowser.

    I'm pretty sure that gtkslash and related proggies DO actually register hits. They (most likely, I haven't looked at the code) connect to slashdot.org on port 80 (just like a web browser) send an HTTP request command (just like a web browser) and download the data that the server splurts out (just like a web browser.) They do different things with the data once they get it, but I'm sure they get it the same way, and cause the same type of server log/counter increment that CmdrTaco is using to count hits.

    Of course (as in the VMWare discussion page) I AM talking out of my ass, so... :-) But i've done a fair amount of network development and this is how I'd do it.

    "Software is like sex- the best is for free"

  • hey Rob, wouldn't it be cool to have a page relating Slashdot'history?

    And I didn't wanted to flood your E-mail with on more mail but "Happy birthday" and keep doing a great work.

  • billiard? cool. :)
    Losing your faith is a lot like losing your virginity
  • Kudos Rob, Hemos et al. Slashdot is my daily read, and I've also introduced a few paeople into it who, as I do, realise the value of this place. Here's to another 100 million more :> PS. Pity it had to be a Mac user.... JUST KIDDING.
  • Only thing is, Americans define a billion as one thousand million, whereas a British billion is one million million.

    Surely the British billion makes sense, as ten tens is one hundred. One hundred hundreds is one thousand. One thousand thousands is one million. One million millions should be one billion. Why have the USA broken the trend and gone to one thousand millions for one (US) billion? It doesn't make sense.

  • Maybe I should have been clearer, I did not mean 100*100 = 1000. I meant that when one gets to 999 where does one go? "One thousand", not "one hundred hundreds"

    9999 goes to one million, not one thousand thousands.
    So surely 999,999,999 should next go to "one thousand millions", not a new number, called a billion.

    And, to the post:
    Why is it so hard to comprehend that the Americans assign a new designator for each set of three zeroes behind a number...
    1 - One
    10 - Ten
    100 - One Hundred
    1,000 - One Thousand

    he/she's wrong by definition, 1 - One, then 10 - Ten, where are the three zeros after the first "1", eh?

    And to "more nukes...", yes, ;) but the Chinese know where they all are now: Story [bbc.co.uk]

  • ...if I hadn't quit the computer at 6:55 precisely (I remember looking at the clock while closing my browser)...
  • Just to say again what others have said and many more think...thanks Rob and the whole /. Crew for making this one of the best sites on the world :)


  • What about making a stat-page counting the different clients, OS, and top domains?

    That kind of stuff used to be on the "About" page, but it's been taken down for some reason. I say we bring it back!
  • Kinda wierd, I live at purdue...

    Of all the places that people read ./, my home town of about 60k people got the 100mil. :)

    I also want to say thanks to everyone that has even loaded once, and espetialy (?) to the writters, and contributers!

  • You misspelled "weird", "especially", "writers" and "contributors". Is that a new record or what?

    nope, not even close for me! :)
  • I'm not surprised...

    Keep it up guys -- this is one of the best site on the internet. I love it, and it would seem that everone else does too.

  • Congratulations and thanks, you guys are a great contribution and staple for the geek community.
  • Pretty sweet, I'm graduating from purdue with a CS degree. Can't fault the Purdue CS crowd for not knowing what's going on in the world, now can you?
    /. kicks ass

Almost anything derogatory you could say about today's software design would be accurate. -- K.E. Iverson
