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Star Wars Prequels Media Movies

A Quivering Mass of Star Wars 30

A number of people wrote in with the CNN report about the film reel that had been stolen, is now returned. As well, you can take the Jedi Eliteness test, to see how elite you are-Elyjah also sent us the Star Wars Cantina. Copacabana has never been the same.
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A Quivering Mass of Star Wars

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    How do you get a value of $60,000? First of
    all, movie reels are never sold to theaters- they are rented and must be returned after playing! So
    is the reel actually valuable in and of itself, if not played?
    I'd believe that the physical film cost a few hundred or a thousand, but anything over that would have to be due only to the content of the movie itself. So these turkeys stole the PHYSICAL movie, but they just tossed it in the woods! Can they be accused of stealing the INFORMATIONAL component of the reel- undoubtedly, the major portion of the price- if they didn't even have the equipment or the inclination to read it?
    Of course, the theater will get stuck with a $60,000 bill- or will they? LucasFilm will want it returned anyway, even damaged- and would they actually get it returned without some sort of compensation? So they'd have to give the theater at least some of this $60,000.
    Does LucasFilm eat the $60,000 then? Of course not! They don't rent out a single less reel as a result of this.
    So the only purpose of throwing numbers like that around is to come up with some phony legal reason for punishing some dumbasses. Fine to lie in order to do that- so long as we don't actually believe it! Personally, it bothers me, I think laws should be more honest.
  • Hmm.. That Cantina song sounds like it was done by Weird Al (but maybe it just sounds that way.. I can't seem to find any reference to the song on CDNow..)
  • Actually, I just read the write up in the newspaper. The $60K figure that has been bandied about is what the owners of the theater (a small 140 seat theater) estimated as their losses. The cost for a print of the movie is $2500. This sounds a bit low, it may well be $2500 per reel. I'll pretend that the Eau Claire Leader-Telegram is occasionally factually correct.

    At this point they're charged being charged with relatively minor crimes and are all ready talking plea bargaining.
  • by substrate ( 2628 ) on Thursday May 27, 1999 @08:27AM (#1876720)
    The film that was returned was useless, damaged beyond repair (I live in the same neck of the woods as where it happened) the local news said last night. In the news report they said that a couple reals were returned but one was retrieved from a field someplace. Their lawyer said it was just a prank that went awry. Maybe a bit of jail time will help them figure out a better prank next time...
  • too bad about the background image thing. Great idea though, close to the hearts and minds of slashdotters everywhere.

  • If you replace "Elite" with "3L33T", the test makes perfect sense.

  • Your post sounds like you assume the studio gets it's film processing for free, or that it is processed in facilities owned by the studios (and thus disappeared into the budget) but that's not
    how it works. Those prints are paid for, and they
    are rather expensive.

    A six-reel production release with a digitally
    mastered soundtrack costs a fortune.
    Agreements and antitrust compliance between studios and processing labs (and all kinds of
    other business relationships) create serious
    requirements for independent parties to be involved in the production of a movie (and be
    compensated over the table for their services).

    That's why you always see "Color by DeLuxe" or
    whatever, in the credits.

    If you want a price list, how 'bout html

    The minimum charge per foot, on prints from DeLuxe, is $61.00. Possibly, Lucas gets a discount. Maybe not. It's the distributor's
    problem. This is for 35mm. Perhaps it does not
    surprise you that there are so few 70mm and Imax

    Wish I could remember the feet per reel, or the
    number of frames per foot...

  • I've been hearing it for over a year on a Boston radio station, I'm glad I can finally have my very own copy.
  • Theft and destruction of a $60,000 object? Oh yeah, that's a felony. These guys are going to suffer for a while, if not in jail, then paying back Lucasfilm for the price of the movie.

    -S. Louie
  • If you'll check the website, you'll see not only is the song by Mark Jonathan Davis, but due to legal matters he can't put the song out on CD lest Barry Manilow's lawyers start breathing down his neck.

    You can still get it as an MP3, though (though not on the page cited in the Slashdot reference; you have to go to the other Star Wars Cantina page to get it.)
  • I meant to mention this song myself, but never got around to it.

    The interesting thing is that it's been getting play on my local radio station, Alice 95.5 FM [], lately. When I called them to ask who it was and on what album I could find it, they said it was "Barely Manilow" (which it isn't--as near as I can tell, "Barely Manilow" is the name of a font on some fonts download webpages) and that they got it off the Internet.

    I had thought they meant they ordered the CD off the Internet...but then, after a little websearching, I found the page and noticed that, due to legal matters, they can only make it available as an MP3 and such--it's not on an album.

    Which means that my local radio station downloaded an MP3 for the purpose of playing it over the air. Shhhh, don't tell the RIAA!
  • Yes, and the question about how many stormtroopers have you shot? There should be a choice for "none", as Jedi do not use weapons as clumsy or random as a gun. (It's in ANH, I believe)
  • I think Yoda would be very disappointed!

    I agree with Jerf - in fact, even the wording of most of the "correct answers" does not seem very Jedi-like. Would it have been THAT difficult to make a "test" that really made you think about the Jedi philosophy - or, barring that, some SW trivia?

    Hmmm ... that gives me an idea ... ;-)

  • by ToyKeeper ( 17042 ) on Thursday May 27, 1999 @12:12PM (#1876732) Homepage Journal
    For the mp3... [] (4.2MB, 192Kb/s)

    WAV version: [] (8-bit mono, 1.93MB)


  • Bah! You have to select the last option for all of them to be "100% Elite". What kind of Jedi says "since when did I need advice on battling evil?"

    More training the author requires. Yes, more.
    - Yoda
  • If I remember correctly from my projectionist days, 35mm film has 24 frames/second. The frames are physically about 1" in length, and a single shipping reel holds up to 20 minutes of film. So we get 2 ft * 60 sec * 20 min = 2400 ft * $61/ft for a total of $146,400 for Deluxe's lab to process 20 minutes of film.
  • I submitted this to /. a couple days ago...must not have made the cut:

    The JarJar Binks Dancing Death Page! []

    The first page is the heaviest - the rest load faster... and yes, I need a hobby...
  • But I heard Uncle Tom's Cabin kinda stuff...the good old stereotype - blackface in early Hollywood, Steppenfetchit kind of language. Yes. Very Very disturbing...
  • check out the background page

    The song was written, produced, and performed by Mark Jonathan Davis ( [mailto]
  • Natalie Portman?
    "Schwiiiiinggg!!! I will make her mine. Oh yes, I will make her mine." -- Anakin's World
    - - -
  • Actually, I am troubled by the Jar Jar character more than annoyed. It seems to me that Jar Jar is almost certainly based on racist stereotypes of Jamaican blacks. I thought it might just be me, so I asked a couple of friends, and they said they had been thinking the same thing. It's really kindof sickening if you pay attention. Especially considering that our kids are watching this stuff and internalizing it.
  • I agree.

    However, Lucas' hair fetish is borderline phsycotic this time. ;)(But thats what makes star wars so great, those little quarks).

    Although, in fairness to Fisher, some on the stlye might be lost in the 20+ years.

    It's RoTJ, not ESB.

    0 ~

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
