Cringely's take on "Pirates of Silicon Valley" 79
whitefox writes "Robert X. Cringely gives his two cents on the TNT movie. He makes an interesting point against the sloppy screenwriting and how most people will accept the movie as the truth and never know the "real" history behind the biggest fortune in the world - not like that's ever happened before. "
Steve Jobs (Score:1)
Age old story (Score:3)
This always happens when a community starts to embrace its own unique stories. I mean, do you *really* think that Odysseus was really out adventuring that whole decade? (I have it on good authority that he actually spent the better part of those ten years recovering from the party they had after sacking Troy, which rates as one of the top three parties of all time).
Who do you believe? (Score:1)
Cringley comes across as someone who was probably asked to do the movie, but declined.
TOTN (Score:3)
Many people (including my mother) watched Pirates and were intrigued. I told them to watch Triumph to get the real (and whole) story, but a non-geek can not seem to commit to a loooonnnnngggg docu about computers. Sigh.
Marketing 1, History 0
Cringely misses it, this time. (Score:1)
this time it's more like a cry baby responce.
Based on Woz remarkes the TNT film was probably a very good prtrail of those early days. He really liked His portrail and Jobs. He also notes that they get some stuff wrong, mostly technical and time fraim mistakes, but does that really matter?
I should note that I didn't see the TNT film so maybe I'M wrong.
BTW, you guys better check Woz.org again, he added a LOT of cool replies to emails including a lot of Apple history scoops and insights. And some stuff about his other projects CL9, the USfests of 82 and 83. And meaty stuff about blue boxs and the like..
gets better everyday.
( my music [mp3.com])
History & History (Score:1)
"People who think they know everything are particularly annoying to those of us who do"
Woz liked it, and that's good enough for me... (Score:2)
Anyways, his basic take has been that while they certainly mixed up times and places, they did accurately portray the personalities. He even said that yes, he would skip the meal at those fancy shin digs and go to Dennys later. He didn't know how they knew that. It cracked me up when he said that in the movie, and I busted a gut when I found it it was actually true.
General public sees Bill as a sociopath? (Score:1)
I didn't watch the movie, myself.
Yet another whining Hollywood wannabe... (Score:1)
Was Steve Jobs really that bad? (Score:1)
When Cringely makes comments like "And I'm the guy who knows it all. If you happen to be a friend of Oliver Stone, please give him my number", it makes me wonder if he's just bitter about not being the one who got to tell the story. He knows all of it? I doubt that.
Re:Cringely misses it, this time. (Score:3)
But it was HISTORICALLY inaccurate. They changed a lot of things to make the story work. And Cringely is right to be concerned that people will start to take this version as fact.
While the Apple guys were portrayed accurately, the Microsoft side was both weak and inaccurate. I'm not saying that because I think Bill Gates should have been portrayed as a monster or something. Hell, I like the man -- as long as I don't have to use any of the software his company produces. I respect his business abilities, even though they don't mesh with my personal philosophy on software. I would have like to see more about him and his personality.
Finally, what I felt to be the big moment of the whole thing -- when Bill tells jobs that he too is a thief, is completely baseless since Apple licensed the GUI stuff from Xerox for cash and stock. I could just chalk that up to historical inaccuracy, but when the culminating point of the whole movie is based on something so false it raises concerns.
All in all I think Cringely makes very valid points. Comparing Pirates and Triumph is probably a mistake since they have different intents and different audiences, but it's important for people to understand that they completely warped history to get the ending they wanted. Sure the characters were presented accurately, but things just didn't happen that way.
Re:Who do you believe? (Score:1)
Re:Who do you believe? (Score:1)
Revionist history (Score:1)
Pass I have lived here since 1963,Silicon Valley needs urban renewal,not cringley,not Steve jobs.
Re:Was Steve Jobs really that bad? (Score:2)
As for cringely, i think he's just mad that triumph gets no recognition beyond geeks, where pirates was aparently popular among those "normal people." He's just jealous, that's all. And with regards to the historical inacuracies, it's a movie, not a documentary, you know "base on a true story," those types of things are never perfectly accurate. Real life seldom makes a good story, or atleast a good story that can be compressed into a 2 hour (probally more like 1 when you factor out the commercials) period.
Re:Triumph of the Nerds Video (Score:2)
Or if you live in/near San Diego, get it at the Store of Knowledge.
My mom's opinion (Score:2)
She was brought aboard apple in 1987 when Apple was phasing(sp?) out the Apple ][ series and trying to convince people to buy these new Macintosh's. Her job was to sell to school districts and to convince them that this was the way to go. Then last year, she was laid off due to the downsizing of the education sales force.
When all is said and done, she says she really liked Woz, that he was indeed a kind human being who was into the art of being a geek, and that Job's was an "arrogant SOB". Plus I got some pretty cool stuff out of growing up in a house where I had lots of cool hardware around me, and going down to the engineers area at the Apple offices was always fun. Plus, I got a dollar bill signed by Woz, which, if you know the story about Woz and $2 bills and the US government coming after him for defacement, it was pretty hard to convince him to sign it. And I got a little nameplate from one of the original Lisa boxes that I have taped to the front of my new G3 (which, incidentally, runs Linux and not MacOS).
Grapes that sour are hard to swallow. (Score:1)
wine much? (Score:1)
Pirates was actually better in my opinion because now my friends and family have a much better understanding of why I have so much contempt for Gates and Microsoft.
Quoting my mom, 'wait a minute... you mean bill gates didn't invent windows?'.
Confusion between Art and History. (Score:1)
People have got to "read between the lines" and understand that Hollywood tells stories. The purpose of art is to entertain, not tell the truth. Know the difference.
The atmosphere was more relevant than the facts (Score:2)
Re:Was Steve Jobs really that bad? (Score:1)
As far as your comment about acid....the first thought that came to my mind while watching that scene was "So, that's where the idea for the iMac came from." I could almost picture him having a "flashback" during a board meeting, saying stuff like "I see green iMacs, and blue ones, no not colors, FLAVORS! Yeah man!".
Most Likely (Score:2)
(1) "Steve Jobs and the NeXT Big Thing" by Randall E. Stross
(2) "Apple (The Inside Story of Intrigue, Egomania, and Business Blunders)" by Jim Carlton
You can check the reviews at Amazon.
Re:Nope, Next was a disaster. (Score:1)
Try using an eight year-old PC for useful word processing, browsing, news reading, etc.
Yeah, right... chalk it up to bad marketing (Score:1)
at work we have had NeXTstations since they debuted; and none have caused any problems... well, the rollers on the printers are starting to go; but after nearly a decade, that is to be expected.
PostScript is pretty sweet as well. And the origin for graphics was in the lower left corner, where it should be for the positive axes. Diagram is the best for flow charts, love the drag n drop. And aplha blending that everyone is so nuts about -- developed on the NeXT. DOOM and Quake -- developed on NeXT. Carmack himself has many times evangelized the NeXT.
Maybe you couldn't get a handle on CMYB or have something against the M68k. But hey, anything that runs on BSD (4.x, if I recall), supports networking out of the box, and runs for years without a hitch can't be all bad.
At the moment I am in love with Window Maker, cause it looks like the NeXT, and OpenStep is too expensive.
A. MullinUmm... he's not a real doctor, either (Score:1)
Re:Age old story (Score:2)
Re:I hate Robert X. Cringely (Score:1)
And John Sculley didn't look at all like that actor who played him--I had hoped to see a lot more of the John character (note that I'm calling him a character).
It's not so much the content - but the character. (Score:2)
Although the "film" is technically inaccurate and has a garbled, misleading time line, it shows quite well the content of the charcaters hearts. Even if the "non-geek" viewers out there think its fact (which they polly don't because most people are smarter than that), they still leave with the sence that these two guys (Gates and Jobs) aren't wonderful people that we should admire. I think that is the real point of the piece and I'll wager that a good number of the "non-geek" community realises that.
Give them a little credit - will ya. Most people aren't that stupid.
Re:Cringely misses it, this time. (Score:1)
As I said, I didn't get to see the TNT film yet. But the part about Apple stealing the Xerox GUI is definetly wrong or a least inacurate, since there was a agreement between Apple and Xerox (which IMHO even Cringely misses, or at least downplays, in TOTN. Kind of makes me wonder why XEROX didn't sue MS too (or did they?).
The web site of the TNT film has made some serious mistakes too. I noticed in Steve Jobs Bio they say the NeXT folded in 1993, This is not only wrong, but it also shows how they totaly missed one of the dramatic moments in Apples history, the 1996 Apple aquisition of NeXT and the return of the other steve to that computer/fruit company.
( my music [mp3.com])
Re:Confusion between Art and History. (Score:1)
Besides, comparing something as sublime as a Shakespeare play to the disjointed mass of confusion that was Pirates is just silly.
Second part of column-AOL & Hughes (Score:1)
Re:Who will play Linus Torvolds in the Sequel ? (Score:1)
Oliver Stone is no Hero of Truth (Score:1)
Talk about a pact with the devil. Cringly spends all that time barfing on PoSV for it not getting the story right and bending the truth when in fact Oliver Stone, his supposed saviour, has done more to bend historical truth like a prism than anyone in recent memory. Just look at Platoon (depicts 1 unit causing all of the attrocities comitted by U.S. troops in Viet Nam), JFK practically makes Oswald a working class hero and implicates L. B. J. as architect of JFK's assination and finally Nixon (portrays this Republican Hero as a theif and liar and rasist - wait he got that one right!)
History is such a wonderful study and a terrible tool. The way people feel a need to rewrite history to justify their current posisision is terrible. I remember in High School learning about the Ionian Revolt against Persian Tyranny and what a wonderful and grand struggle it was. Later in life I found out that the Ionians wanted to replace Persian Tyranny with Ionian Tyranny...
If you want history - don't expect to get it from TNT.
Re:Cringely misses it, this time. (Score:1)
Re:Was Steve Jobs really that bad? (Score:1)
More like 1.5. A typical 1 hour show has 46 minuts of running time. I belive the running time of a 2 hour TV movie is 96 minutes but I am not completly sure.
Re:Umm... he's not a real doctor, either (Score:1)
All this dissembling, as well as the revelation that Jobs was stingy with the stock options, makes me wonder if my favorite part of TOTN was true. "When I was Apple employee number 12, I helped the company move out of this garage. Steve came out and explained that the company was short on loot, and asked if he could pay us in company shares. But I held out for the money."
Chris O
Could/should have been so much more (Score:1)
Gates gets much less screen time than Jobs (maybe because he never had an illegitimate child) and as a result even his landmark deal to provide IBM with an OS for their Acorn PC project (misrepresented in the film, since it was IBM who came knocking at Gates' door, not the other way around) gets less play than it deserves. The timeline and staffing of the early Microsoft is also very fuzzy, as is the whole move of M$ from selling programming languages to selling OSs and applications. No mention of Traf-o-Data or the fact that Gates was making money as a programmer when he was 12, either.
IMHO, "Triumph of the Nerds," though a documentary, is a far richer and more dramatic offering. PofSV might just as well have been an entirely fictional story "inspired by actual events."
Re:Jobs: 5 hits, 2 so-so's, 1 lemon (Score:1)
The NeXT hardware is some of the most satisfying computer equipment I have ever owned. Some things might have missed a little (like the dustdeath-prone optical drives and the megapixel displays that run out of juice after about eight years), but those are oversights, and not significant design flaws. The cube was a brilliant bit of hardware that did away with the floppy drive in what, 1991?
Steve isn't a designer, but he is a vision machine. His visions aren't always perfectly implementable, or successful, but they almost _always_ change the way things are done.
Look at all of the PC cases with ugly translucent cases. And have you noticed all of the USB devices that are in clear blue plastic? Do you wonder why?
whining makes no points (Score:1)
Cringely complains about accuracy, yet my recollection is that Mike Swaine had a hand in the writing of the book.
I anticipated revisionism, but found very little, and none of it critical to the story. I expected a pro-Apple slant, and didn't find that, either.
The story showed that both Jobs and Gates are driven and not very nice people. Few could argue that point.
Also, as Woz found little to complain of (and he was clearly much closer to the story than Cringely) I think we should write off these rants as being just a tantrum.
Pirates of Confusion Valley...(arrrr) (Score:2)
Was the TNT production completely and utterly correct? Probably not. But what is except reality itself? But was it entertaining...? AY! There's the rub. And yes it was. I thought so anyway.
The kryptonite comments in the article just plain threw me off.
Re:Cringely misses it, this time. (Score:1)
Microsoft was a "two bit" company at that time. They were a decent sized microcomputer software company, but microcomputer software was a small market. Bill Gates was never going to get rich selling ROM BASIC and compilers to OEMs and geeks.
Re:TOTN (Score:1)
Cringely makes some great comments. I agree with his opinion that, because of Pirates, it might be the last time the "mainstream" crowd gets to see anything about this subject. Hopefully not. (And, hey, remember all of those disaster movies that came out last year, culminating with Armageddon? Hmm....)
Nevertheless, I think that Woz's approach to giving his feedback was much more interesting to me than Cringely's, in that it was more personal. Woz must have received hundreds of emails about Pirates, many from geeks who haven't seen Triumph. He gracefully answered many emails, offering insightful information about the portrayal of the subject found in Pirates.
I'm not saying I liked Pirates, but I was glad to be able to have my mother learn more about the subject. Believe me, I corrected their mistakes. I also showed her Woz's site. Maybe Pirates wasn't accurate, but I think my mom has a pretty good understanding of the story now.
Re:Nope, Next was a disaster. (Score:1)
Re:Umm... he's not a real doctor, either (Score:1)
Re:Pirates of Confusion Valley...(arrrr) (Score:1)
As a columnist, he tries to mix a distinctive style or voice into his essays: the kryptonite thing was part of that. He wasn't trying to prove that Pirates was inaccurate; to see all the inaccuracies, you could read his book, or read Fire In The Valley, or see his documentary. He was just letting you know how he felt about it, in case you were curious (as I was).
Try reading some of the his other columns there, like his explanation of the Ponzi Scheme of ISP funding (the first one about Cisco, about a month back. I'd give the URL, but pbs.org appears to be semi-down.)
(BTW, his former employer, Infoworld, fought with him over his name, with the result that there are multiple Cringelys out there. The real/original one can be identified by the middle initial, "X".)
Triumph Video Available at PBS Home Video (Score:1)
Re:Nope, Next was a disaster. (Score:1)
excuse me? (Score:1)
> histories, eh? "It takes one to know one", and
> all that.
... hrm?