Competition for Jolt/Dew/Coffee? 215
bl00d writes "Noticed this advertised in "Maxim"
magazine, then checked out their website. The caffiene this
stuff is made with is 2.5 times stronger than that in Coffee/Tea/Soft
drinks. Their "Model" is rather scary, but the drink
sounds like the stuff for coding marathons." The scariest
part is the name: The stuff is called
Bawls. I guess its easier
than disolving penguin mints in my morning expresso.
Mmmm... guarana root (Score:1)
I'm still a die hard, though. Nothing's more intense than slammin a Dew. It's totally in my face. To the Extreme.
Instead of school shootings... (Score:1)
Reality Check here folks. (Score:1)
All I can say from the experience is that it was very hard to code when my hands wouldn't stop shaking... (I didn't OD. I just had a low body mass.)
Later on, I came to realize that I could not function (think) without consuming substantial quantities caffeine. My mind would just shut down. I couldn't add 2 + 2.
So I started adding up how much caffeine I was actually consuming. It came out to the equivalent of about 3 liters of coke a day.
I quit cold turkey. Had a really *REALLY* bad couple of days. And then things got a lot better. And for some strange reason, my resting pulse dropped from 110 to 80 all by itself.
Mind you, I still load up on sugars while hacking... I just make a point to use non-caffeinated fruit juices...
Still, I am constantly amazed by people who insist on taking the absolute maximum of a drug. The "Lets figure out how much will kill me and then back off a little" philosophy. Even when I take something like acetaminophen, I intentionally take half the recommended dose. That's enough for me. Why should I take more?
What's even better than colas (Score:1)
OH yeah, I was just kidding about that. But, this seems to be the mentality of "xTr33m
No offense, really, but I think, if you're tired, sleep. Wake up and begin coding the next day, espically if you are working for an evil corporation!
I always have fresher ideas after sleeping anyway, jittery hands, sweaty palms, and racing thoughts never help.
Not everyone needs to be a crack-head Microsoft coder! =)
Re:Gotta try...jolt and grain (Score:1)
Official drink of Microsoft?
Jolt tastes 'chemically' (Score:1)
----------------- ------------ ---- --- - - - -
What are you talking about? (Score:1)
Haven't you ever heard the saying what dosen't kill you only makes your stronger?
Some one else in South Flordia Reads Slashdot? (Score:1)
Re: Mixed with alcohol (Score:1)
Wouldn't caffeine and alcohol kinda cancel each other out?
Alex Bischoff
Re:Performance enhacment.. (Score:1)
Dexydrine lasts almost as long (8-10 hours as opposed to 10-12 hours) and doesn't have as many side effects.
They also make a time-release Ritalin which supposedly lasts 8-10 hours as well.
Also, these pills aren't cheap. 10 mg adderall pills run about $1/pill, but they definately help me focus and stay awake. They aren't that strong, I mean if I don't sleep, 10 mg of Adderall isn't going to keep me awake. Some people get perscribed as much as 50 mg doses.
Also, remember these are all amphetamines, which means they are government controlled and regulated. It is not easy to find a doctor which will diagnose you for ADD, I personally had to go to an ADD institute (basically shrinks) which ran $200/visit.
MORE Disturbing Marketing Slogan Possiblities (Score:1)
"We have the tastiest bawls on the market."
"Nobody will care if your breath smells like our bawls."
"Special flavor, limited time only. Salty chocolate bawls."
"A mouthfull of bawls in the morning can perk up your entire day."
"Tell your mom, you want some bawls."
"Tell your dad, your mom buys bawls when you go out shopping."
"Bawls, share them with a friend."
"Bawls, 2.5 times the active ingredient of the competition."
Hot Dog ventors crying out "Bawls! Bawls! Get your frosty bawls here!"
At McDonalds "You want bawls with that?"
At Burger King "The bawls combo meal, 25% more meat than McDonalds"
Imagine endorsements...
Dennis Rodman "After a hard game, there's nothing I like more than sitting in the locker room enjoying the refreshing taste of bawls."
Rosie O'Donnel "Bawls, I never tried that, but if Tom Cruise asks me, I might."
Jim J Bullock "Bawls! I've been a fan since day one!"
Michael Jackson "Um, Uh, Ya know, woooo, BAWLS! Hee Hee, BAWLS!"
Chef from South Park (Isaac Hayes)"Come on children, gather 'round and get a good taste of bawls."
Bill Clinton "I tasted bawls once or twice, but I didn't swallow."
I have to stop here or I'll go on forever.
Not root, berry (Score:1)
For me, ginseng has been my primary stimulant ever since my stomach complained about my consumption of latte and Jolt.
Coffee = life (Score:1)
I tried not doing the usual get-the-coffee-right-after-I-get-up a few days ago. Didn't get the legendary headaches, but I was an absolute dumbass. Forgot keys, wrote some REALLY bad code, and was generally useless. The experiment lasted until noon.
And what could be better than that smell right after you pour the water onto the grounds in the press?
Time for a fresh cup.
Maxim (Score:1)
As for the Bawls, I enjoy the amount of Coke I consume as well as its caffinated effect. This new drink seems to either remove one or overdo the other. Not for me thanks. Prediction: will recieve little to no shelf space in short order.
Re:Guarana Soft drinks have no efect (Score:1)
On the other hand, guarana root, available as a bitter powder, has enough caffeine to make cocaine feel like kids' candy.
Joao (That's Portuguese for "he who never sleeps")
Red Bull. It's the bovine's testicles. (Score:1)
* Taurin and glucuronolacton (natural and body-own agents, which serve as metabolism transmitters)
* caffeine
* b-complex vitamins
* carbon hydrates (carbohydrates?
This stuff is serious. I've had Jolt (bit hard to get in the UK) and Jolt has *nothing* on Red Bull. Two red bulls will get you 24 hour uptime with no concentration loss (drink when tired: repeat as necessary. Kicks in in ~15 minutes). I keep a can in the car in case I start to fall asleep on long drives.
With alcohol you get to be wide awake and drunk. Have too many (5 in one night) and from personal experience I got to be sick on a bouncer (and then got thrown out of the club, not suprisingly), went home with someone I really should have avoided, and then couldn't sleep for the whole night (no, it wasn't the girl... I desparately needed sleep at that point).
This and Pepsi Max (no more caffeine than normal cola as far as I know, but a nice taste) are the official drinks of the empeg, and they're always in my fridge
Re:Read the fine print: it ain't that potent (Score:1)
The amounts vary from country to country according to local regulations. Sounds an awful lot like pushing it to the legal maximums without becoming a prescription drug to me
Not new news, juvenile jokes aside (Score:1)
I was always under the impression that trendy beverages originate either on the east or west coast or in another country, meaning by the time it makes it to the midwest US, it's probably not really news. And I hate to say it, but Bawls has been fairly easy to find in Iowa for quite a long time. The real irony is I was just finishing off a bottle as I read this post.
Disturbing Marketing Slogan Possiblities (Score:1)
"Nothing like kicking back and wrapping your lips around some Bawls."
"Bawls... put them in your head(mouth,etc..)"
"Time to suck down some Bawls".
"Keep your hands off my Bawls!"
"To avoid leakage, please don't shake your Bawls."
"For the ultimate in refreshement, go out and grab some Bawls."
and so on. Someone must be on crack over there...
Oh god. (Score:1)
This is so awful... Terrible. Probably one of those products which will dissapear when people start ODing on it.
When will it be in variety stores :-)
Re:OD on caffeine? (Score:1)
Re:Oh god. (Score:1)
OD on caffeine? (Score:1)
However, speaking from experience, non-lethal doses (in the 500 to 2000mg range) can be extremely unpleasant. The hallucinations are very much not fun, and the cardiac arrythmia can be most disturbing. But at least it won't kill ya.
Big Fat Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, so don't even think of using this information as any sort of accurate reference. Don't even think about taking any kind of drugs based on my advice. You may wind up very silly-looking, very dead, or quite possibly both. I got this information from another possibly inaccurate source. Don't go messing around with your body chemistry and then come whining to me about it.
Off topic: Iowa? (Score:1)
Now, Jones soda, there's some good stuff. Green apple is my fave, with cherry a close second.
Re:Pepsi MAX (Score:1)
It uses the slogan "Maximum Taste - No Sugar". The taste is mostly aspartam, as far as I can tell.
/El Niño
Who's got Bawls? (Score:1)
And the company is good too. I saw this stuff advertised on TV a long time ago, thought it looked good, made a special trip to the store that they said sold it, and no employe there had heard of it. I send Bawls a e-mail, next day the local distributer calls me up, finds out what store did not have it, promises to make sure they will in the future (and they did start carring it the next week, I shop their all the time now). Plus, I got a e-mail from Bawls asking me for my address, I send it off to them, they send me a free 6-pack so I can try it out. Not bad for a little company.
Only thing i can say bad about this drink is it is not on sale enough. Most times it is selling for $1.29 to $1.39 a bottle, and when it is on sale it is $.99 a bottle. Plus, the stores that sell it around here are pretty stupid, when it is on sale the signs say "Bawls Water".
There name is great as well, once my motherinlaw was with us, we stop in at a gass station and she goes in wanting to buy some "Bawls" (I am sure you can see where this is going). She wonders around the store, does not see any and goes to leave, the guy at the counter says "can I help you find something?". Without thinking she just says "No, you dont got no Bawls." The guy got *pissed* and started cussing her out before she could explain. she just left in a hurry.
Great drink, just dont take one before bedtime.
Elwood (I got Bawls)
Re:Reality Check here folks. (Score:1)
Caffeine poisoning just isn't worth it in the long run.
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.
Gotta try... (Score:1)
Wired & wasted!
Re:Coffee replacement? Never. (Score:1)
ridiculous (Score:1)
People have always been proclaiming the death of coffe. "Tea is so much so and so stronger than coffee" they say. "Some stupid corporate bullshit soda is so much stronger than coffee".
I give those people my coffee. They fall down. They twich for a few moments before finally giving in to total cardiac arrest.
Do not fuck with me about coffee.
I repeat do not fuck with me about coffee.
Red Eye (Score:1)
Its the kind of thing i only take occasionally because i know anything this powerful has to be way addictive. Anyone know the effects of prolonged guarana usage?
Re:So it's OK to objectify women... (Score:1)
1) It's a new product trying to gain customers.
2) Their advertisers are as dumb as rocks
3) The product isn't worth my time if they feel that they must try to catch my attention with a barely clothed woman, probably because there product isn't that good.
And then I disregard the product entirely and move on.
Re:Pepsi MAX (Score:1)
Josta, reprise (Score:1)
Re:radiation? ---- ???; a more correct spelling? (Score:2)
I'm neither a chemist nor a cook but it sounds like the difference between melting and burning. Carmel is burnt sugar.
Re:Penguin Mints (Score:2)
Re:Performance enhacment.. (Score:2)
Definitely. That and Chromium Picolinate (sp?) was what I took to stay awake when I was a tape ape, mounting tapes all night long. Much less edg than caffiene, did not wear off nearly as quickly. But long term, it may have been just as bad for me, where I became very emotionally unstable, though severe depression did not help either.
Caffeine gives me a short boost in that hyperfocused attention span that I need when coding, but in the long run it's destructive. I've actually written better code when drunk, but that's not really well-accepted at work.
Re:Guanine isn't Caffeine (Score:2)
Re:Placebo ninnies (Score:2)
Rob, I think "coward" has lost its impact. How about Anonymous Waste Of Time?
Hangover cures (Score:1)
Heinlein advocated (in Job: A Comedy of Justice [amazon.com]) taking a shower as hot as you can possibly stand, then quickly throwing the temperature controls to ice cold. I've tried this, and it does seem to work, at the very least, it's like a reset switch for your nervous system. Try to keep your screaming down to a minimum for those who do have the hangovers though.
He then suggested a Bloody Mary for afterwards, and I believe that the axiom about the "hair of the dog that bit you" has been proven to ease hangover suffering. It had something to do with how the liver breaks down alcohol, and that the second stage of alcohol breakdown makes you feel crappy, but as long as you keep your liver doing some of the first-stage breakdown, you still feel okay.
Re:Off topic: Iowa? (Score:1)
Bawls's effect is not a jolt (Score:1)
Re:Just about killed me. (Score:1)
Re:Guarana Soft drinks have no efect (Score:1)
I wonder if the truck drivers and bikers know about this?
Re:Ginseng (Score:1)
...but you've tasted it?
Re:Gotta try...jolt and grain (Score:1)
Recipe: Equal parts grain alcohol, Jolt Cola
Purpose: For people who want to make really stupid decisions at double normal speed.
Re:Josta, reprise (Score:1)
I thought this stuff was just great. And it wasn't because of the supposed-aphrodisiacal effects of guarana, either. It was simply a good, fruity soda.
If you can find it, I'll pay for it + shipping...
Pepsi MAX isn't for caffeine mainliners (Score:1)
when i was in college, i used to go to my four-hour Electronics lectures with eight (8) cans of Jolt. I'd start out by chugging the first two before class started, then nurse the remaining six over the course of the class. on days when i felt i needed to "cut back", i substituted Pepsi for Jolt. did Jolt about three days out of five.
right now, i have between two and eight of those little "demi-tasse" cups of espresso every day...
hmmmm... maybe i'll cut back a little before i get cancer or something. nah.
The sheer thought of Josta again sickens me (Score:1)
Re:No Quakers here? (Score:1)
On another note, has anyone seen Bawls in Canada? I've heard Blue talking about it for ages, yet I've never seen it anywhere here. Not that I'm going to cry over it, I'm just curious.
Re:Disturbing Marketing Slogan Possiblities (Score:1)
"I really like to have some ice-cold Bawls with my Dicken's Cider."
Red Bull and co (Score:1)
of the "Energy Drinks", eq Red Bull. BTW the
original Austrian Red Bull can says "Do not mix
with alcohol" in small print. (Everybody does of
course) I think this is due to some amino acid
that improves alcohol absorbtion into blood.
God Damn my Bawls. (Score:1)
Remind me to avoid 4 million caffeine indulged fellow nerds next time
Re:Performance enhacment.. (Score:1)
However, I did jump a foot after a co-worker touched my shoulder to get my attention!
ps. I also love Bailey's and Coffee.
It isn't 2.5 times... (Score:1)
Ginseng (Score:1)
I've been brewing iced tea lately with Celestial Seasonings honey lemon ginseng [celestialseasonings.com] tea. It gives me a boost without getting me too jumpy. My hands start to shake if I drink too much coffee.
Been There; Drank That (Score:1)
It tastes better than coffee, has a cool blue glass bottle, is cheaper than crack [virtualcrack.com], allows one to walk around proclaiming that one has 'just sucked down some Bawls' and is otherwise pretty darn nifty stuff.
The downside -- you knew there had to be a downside, right? -- is that it's mucho very expensive a lot (for the cost of a 12oz bottle of Bawls, I can buy an entire pot of coffee) and is hard to find.
If you haven't had any Bawls, give it a shot. If you can't get it, you're not missing much.
Coffee + Water Joe = Zoinks! (Score:1)
Re:Gotta try... (Score:1)
I once consumed a bottle of cheap wine and a few litres of coffee in the same night. I stopped drinking (both) around 1:00am but was still drunk and quite awake at around 7:00am.
Which one are they competing with? (Score:2)
Not impressed.. (Score:1)
This drink sounds like pisswater compared to E-Maxx.. The ultimate beverage for programmers.
No..I dont work for them.
PROPAGANDA [themes.org]
Oh, *that* stuff... (Score:1)
Coffee replacement? Never. (Score:2)
Guaraná Champagne Antarctica (Score:1)
Even if it is
Coca-Cola is for soft drinks what rWindows is for OSs. Guaraná is the real thing -- just like GNU.
Re:Pepsi MAX (Score:1)
I don't know about Europe, but down here in New Zealand, Pepsi MAX is caffine free.
Re:Jolt tastes 'chemically' (Score:1)
Yeah. It's cola with a smooth, chemical taste. Oh boy. Pepsi forever.
Well, for pure, unadulterated chemical enjoyment, you need to get yourself some Tab...about $2.49/6 from your local Publix or Winn-Dixie (or Albertson's, if that's your thing). It is simultaneously so disgusting yet compelling that I must drink it.
Re:Some one else in South Flordia Reads Slashdot? (Score:1)
Ecuador (Score:1)
Re: Mixed with alcohol (Score:1)
Re:Guarana Soft drinks have no efect (Score:1)
if you do no want to sleep drink some guarana powder stirred in water . It will make you stay awaken for 3 or 4 days
Do you do this often?
So it's OK to objectify women... (Score:1)
What's with this whole retro-PC thing anyway. I'm starting to see it all over. I'll admit some the the PC stuff goes way over-board, but I don't think this is the way to get back at them.
I guess they're only targeting less than 50% of the population. That's marketing for ya.I'll stick with my mocha, thanx.
I've been meaning to quit (again). (Score:1)
Re: Mixed with alcohol (Score:1)
got the slightest sense of balans / concentration left.
caffeine... (Score:1)
staying up at night coding:
1) Espresso machine from Starbucks
2) Espresso roast whole beans
3) Burr grinder
4) Chocolate covered espresso beans
5) Penguin caffeinated peppermints
"there's too much blood in my caffeine system"
P.S. - it's spelled eSpresso.
Re:ADH (Score:1)
And no detoxification! Alcohol is a diuretic for a reason! It's a poision.
Don't get my wrong, I like alcohol, especially vodka, since you stay drunk for quite a while, and it has lesser diuretic properties.
Just about killed me. (Score:1)
I just layed down and forced myself to sleep it off. There was no coding that day.
Now, I just hang on the edge of an over dose of Penguin Mints. About 20 a day. If my heart hurts one day, I just cut back for two.
I don't think I need this stuff.
Re:Performance enhacment.. (Score:1)
Re:What's even better than colas (Score:1)
-is NOT-
Yes, I did that. No, I don't run Slackware, I just built my own install and happen to have been raised on Slack.
Mmmmm Diuretics... (Score:2)
Performance enhacment.. (Score:1)
When are hackers going to take up this delightful habbit? There are already a significant number of pot smokers amongst us, I think that's mostly just a social thing. Nootropics have been popular in some circles for a long time, I've never associated them with hackers since they are mostly just myths. Combine our love of caffine with the the demand for higher performance and we've got a community ripe for drugs. I've never taken EPO or doped but if you've got a marathon session coming up, doping and increasing the red blood count while injesting a good batch of some "high octane" caffinated beverage could produce better effects, you'd be perked up and you'd have more physical energy and energy to think with.
I've also known bikers who, for the final kick, take a couple shots of some triple strength espressor with a lot sugar (glucose) in it and a bit of rum "to take the edge off" After a really good solid caffine binge I tend to get a little twitchy, the rum sounds like a good idea, anyone do that? What you really want is alertness but you don't want that hyper caffinated feel.
Any ginko users? Have you noticed any difference in your mental stimulation? The only herbs I've really noticed a difference with is kava kava and St. John's wort, both of which are very calming and relaxing, a good cup of Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer Plus works wonders after a particularly bad day at work. I've taken ginko before but never noticed any difference, I don't take anything regularly though. I'd imagine that echinecia, ginseng, ginko blends on a regular basis and then some doping a few days before combined with a highly caffinated beverage with a little rum might be about the optimal drug induced hacking session without getting it to really serious stuff. Not that I would encourage that but it would be interesting to know if you ever need that extra "punch" for something really important (like when WWIII breaks out and the need *me* to write the new code to control the bombs or something, I sacrifice my body a little for that job...)
Re: (Score:1)
This stuff is digusting (Score:1)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Guanine isn't Caffeine (Score:2)
Xanthines are chemical structures related to uric acid. They are processed similarly (By the enzyme xanthine oxidase), so inhibitors of this enzyme are often used in the treatment of gout.
In any case, the xanthine we know and love, caffeine ((1,3,7)tri-methyl-xanthine), is an adenosine blocker. This is the inhibtory neurotransmitter we talked about earlier. It makes you tired. Blocking it makes you un-tired, but not necessarily stimulated. Caffeine is really an "anti-somnolent" rather than a true stimulant, but it can stimulate the release of adrenaline. Certain xanthines (theobromine, theophylline) are found in chocolate and tea, and as you pointed out, are less potent than caffeine. Dogs process xanthines much slower than humans - thus the chocolate toxicity (which sets in around 200-250 grams, it's quite a bit).
Cocaine works a little differently. It doesn't block receptors, it inhibits the reuptake of adrenaline and dopamine. By doing this, the brain is flooded with these "feel-good" monoamines. The addictive nature of cocaine lies in its dopaminergic quality.
So - caffeine isn't very addictive
New Snapple Drinks (Score:1)
Mt. Dew and Bacardi Limon (Score:1)
Re: Mixed with alcohol (Score:1)
Way old news (Score:1)
No Quakers here? (Score:1)
Re: Mixed with alcohol (Score:2)
or Jack Daniels and coke?
Re:Reality Check here folks. (Score:2)
Re:Mt. Dew and Bacardi Limon (Score:2)
Re:Mt. Dew and Bacardi Limon (Score:2)
What a *horrible* concoction this is!
Yeech, rather drink battery-acid, I think!
Comparable to Josta .... (Score:1)
They both have those dark-red guarana berries in it.
Pepsi recently discontinued it, as I am told (this was how I was introduced to it about a year ago).
Similiar in taste to Cream Soda, but definitely caffinated [sp??] ...
Josta never gave me a buzz, though (and I've never really cared for coffee, so it's not like I have a high tolerence for caffine).
I think their server... (Score:2)
Re:Performance enhacment.. (Score:2)
I've tried various combinations of natural herbs. The most intense I've found is a combination of Kola Nut and Ma-Huang (sp?). It's usually marketed as an herbal weight-loss formula. Popular brands of this mix include Thermalift, Twinlabs Ripped Fuel, and Formula One. While this formula is "herbal", it's basically a mixture of caffeine and ephedrine.
Sidebar: At one time, ephedrine was commonly prescribed as an asthma treatment. I'm asthmatic and actually took some as a little kid. My mom says I road my tricycle in a circle on the back porch for an hour straight.
By accident, I've found that the OTC allergy medicine Sudafed, combined with caffeine, has similar effects (on me at least). Of course, the other nice side effect I've found with both ephedrine and Sudafed is that they open up your breathing.
The downside of these stimulants, as some others have pointed out, is that the stuff DOES burn your system out. I've learned to save it for when I really need it.
As far as alcohol, the most pleasant natural "buzz" I've felt was coffee and Bailey's Irish Creme. I felt alert but not jittery. Personally, though, I would never use or recommend any alcohol before or during training or competition.
I've just tried three weeks of St. John's Wort and didn't notice any real difference (grumpy S.O.B. is my usual state of mind anyway). There seemed to be a mild effect with Ginko, but it could have been a placebo effect. I might give it another try.
Just my 2-cent ramblings. Thanks.
Unbelieveable jingles (Score:2)
Re:Coffee replacement? Never. (Score:2)
> coffee would become a thing of the past. . .
> I say now what I said then; nothing will
> replace coffee. Ever.
Coffee will always beat these drinks in the end
because they're proprietary; coffee, on the
other hand, is open architecture.
Not exactly "Open Source", but you won't get
sued for patent or trademark infringement if
you come out with a new coffee product.
It's nice to see open architecture succeeding
in the drinkware world.
Earl Higgins
Caffeine? Bah! (Score:2)
Guanine isn't Caffeine (Score:2)
When your neurons fire, they excrete, seemingly as a by-product, a chemical which has an inhibitory neuro-transmitter effect. There are receptors on your neurons which uptake this by-product and it makes it less likely for the neuron to fire. Caffeine resembles this by-product enough for it to lodge in the receptors, but not enough for it to WORK as a signal. So the by-product is less likely to be a signal to inhibit the neuron, and thus the neurons keep firing longer, until the concentration of the by-product is high enough in relation to the caffeine to have the slowing effect. The more caffeine you drink, the more of the by-product you need before your brain stops cycling madly on conections.
But if you test performance (in some way) of non-caffeine drinking people before a dose of caffeine and after, then give them the same dose for two weeks, and test them again, you find that the second test of the second set is identical to the first test of the first set. That is, they've completely adjusted to the caffeine.
So after two weeks of constant dosage, you're not getting anything out of it. You're only suffering the effects of not getting it. So the way to get a buzz out of caffeine is to not drink it when you don't need it. OR DRINK A LOT WHEN YOU DO.
But guanine (the active ingredient in guarana) isn't caffeine. It resembles it a great deal, just as the caffeine-like substances in chocolate do (there's also honest-to-goodness caffeine in chocolate). One caffeine-like substance in chocolate is much less potent than caffeine (7 times less?) -- but that's made up for by the fact that there's many times more of it in chocolate than there is caffeine.
So here are a few questions I don't know the answer for: how potent is guanine compared to caffeine per miligram? Is bawls quoting by effect or weight?
And, since guanine is related to caffeine and cocaine (this is a general description I've seen) does it have an addictive quality?