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Premiere Episode of Slashdot Radio:Geeks in Space 142

We've been working on this for awhile and we're excited to announce that the premiere broadcast of Slashdot Radio: Geeks in Space is officially online. We plan to do this weekly at first and pick up steam depending on demand. Essentially, hemos, nate & I sit in a bedroom at the Geek Compound and babble about whatever we think is interesting on Slashdot. Its available in Real Audio or as an MP3. Thanks to The Sync for setting us up with this. The link below has a few comments about what we're planning on doing.
  • We can't currently do real time. We're getting a faster connection run to the Geek Compound (Rock on Andover ;) and then we might consider it.
  • We can do call-ins, and will probably do it soon
  • Too long? Too short? We don't have any real limits here, so my guess is that in the future we'll talk until we run out of things to say. I'd rather do daily 5 minute broadcasts than a weekly half hour tho- I think the rapid nature of Slashdot lends itself more towards short bits anyway.
  • We didn't simply want to read Slashdot, so we go off a bit on tangents. We think it's fun, we hope you do too.
  • So anyway, you can email us with questions, comments, and suggestions, we're open to constructive criticisms. And we promise next week will suck less.
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Premiere Episode of Slashdot Radio:Geeks in Space

Comments Filter:
  • Posted by FascDot Killed My Previous Use:

    I DO have some problems that could be HTML related. For instance:
    • EXTREMELY long rendering times (sometimes several minutes)
    • Inaccurate page placement when using "back" (i.e. I'm not taken back to where I was scrolled to, although this works at other sites.
    • Too-often refresh. Every page I load is loaded dynamically. I can't think of a reason this would be HTML related, yet it doesn't happen at any other site. Given the slowness of /. and the rendering time mentioned above, I get extremely frustrated trying to do the simplest things here.

    "Please remember that how you say something is often more important than what you say." - Rob Malda
  • So are the hemos-erotic.
  • If possible, could you get them to put the Real Video files themselves (the .RAM, not the .RM) files on an HTTP/FTP server? I have access to a T1 link at work, but they don't like us running Real Audio/Real Video. Besides, I prefer to download stuff FTP, then listen to it, so that I don't get blarked if I have a bandwidth crunch.
  • Not just fists! Proverbial fists!

    Btw, what's the metric equivilant of that? Metaphorical ankles?
  • Remember - pants are optional!! muahaha
  • This problem is caused by hardware acceleration. either get new drivers or:

    hold alt - double click "my computer" -> click performance -> click graphics -> move the slider from full to none -> click ok -> click close -> click yes to restart.

    I do tech support. This fixes all scrolling problems with all software. Scrolling causes lots of new rectangles to be drawn. We all know that windows accelerators speed up rectangular blits. When the drivers suck - they choke on these blits.

    Of course, ymmv ;-)

  • VB-- I'm soso.. can write database front ends and simple programs.
    C-- just learning now(C++ structured programming), I'm not very good yet.
    SQL-- I know what it is. have written a query before.
    Powerbuilder-- Huh?

    I like to think i'm a pretty cool human being... geeky but I like beer :)
  • I've had some problems with slashdot not loading under the Win95 Netscape 4.08 (128bit) stanalone. It either goes away after the offending article gets removed from the / or somebody fixes it manually.

    I don't know if this is a problem with Slash or the input it's given. In any event, if you've got Slash to work more effectively, ring Rob up and offer to give him a hand. Remember: he can't even spell bayta.
  • While they havn't done a show in a fair amount of time, one of the best real audio show's about gaming is the pyropimps [].
    i would actualy go through their archive rather than listen to the latest show, although that is pretty cool too.
  • There just isn't enough bandwidth for video. I used to watch the Jenni show on The Sync, but I can rarely get video lately -- just choppy audio, and I have a 1/4 T1 in a major metro area. If this stuff starts to really take off, someone has to get serious about multicasting/mbone.

  • Slashdot in a written format is intelligent, and well thought-out. There is a large group of people participating, which leads to some very intelligent thoughts being expressed. But a call-in talk show may have a severe quality control problem. Ever watch that call in tech help show on ZDTV? The questions are often half-answered by someone who isn't really qualified to even understand the question. (And how many times have you said, "He wasn't asking about THAT. He was asking..." ?

    Of course, Rob isn't an idiot. But I would think that a call-in would have to be more, forgive me, Donahue style focused than Joe Random calling and asking why he's having trouble with beta drivers connecting to a proprietary storage area network on a version of Debian Linux that is four revs back.
  • Does this mean people will prank-call in to say "MEEPT!" and hang up? (:

  • Banshee under NT was locking solid for me whilst viewing Slashdot and various other TABLE heavy sites. Worked fine under 98.

    I upgraded the card to a TNT2 and that works fine. Someone mentioned that it may be because the Banshee drivers accelerate all windows GDI functions - but then so does the TNT2.

  • Well, I think the main problem is that it's not so easy to distinguish the voices from each other. This would suggest you alter the voices (wich I think is still more comfortable for you then changing your gender, as suggested somewhere else ;)) or you switch to video.

    Well, it doesnt bother me too much though... I liked it anyways...
  • I had a similar problem with Netscape 4.5 on Win95... if I scrolled down too far, it would lock the whole darn system. So far, my only *shrug* fix is to throw on IE 5.0...


  • by dAzED1 ( 33635 ) on Thursday July 15, 1999 @05:08AM (#1800939) Journal
    don't get a web cam. last thing I wanna see is you 3 runnin around in your underwear no offense, just my personal opinion :)
  • I'm thinkin this is gonna be a lotta fun... my only question is, Can you guys doin the talkin get moderated down for being offtopic?
    Oh yeah... call the pope some night.

  • my god you guys are nerds :)
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 15, 1999 @05:12AM (#1800943)
    Radio show? Fine. Just don't make it, as Jon Katz says, "as likely to see a Pokemon critter or digital camera" as a news story here these days. A site that focuses on news is good. A site that tries to be all things geeks is a site that does all things poorly.
  • Yes, get a web cam!!
  • Get rid of the tacky guitar riffs and other cheesy sound effects (it's beginning to sound like Off The Hook []).
  • Interesting to listen to the geek-lords talk about their opinions on latest stuff. Would be even cooler to get the realvideo version option of it. Recording needed more treble. Seemed very short.. but was ok :-)
  • Careful guys, don't give out your phone number for the show. Get another line or else you are going to end up with 13 year olds crank calling at 3am.
  • However, a couple of nitpics and suggestions.

    1) Keep the 3 of you on the show, but post sticky-notes all over the place that remind you that only 2 can talk at a time. It works.

    2) Ditch the guitar rifs and sound effects. Geek funny is a good thing, but try your best not to turn it into a morning zoo.

    3) If you're going to take phonecalls, avoid playing tech support. It just aint entertainment.

    Nice show..
  • that was really, really boring. get the free callers. get guests. get rms and esr to have it out. or something. because that was really lame.
  • Quality issuses aside (streaming simply sucks when more than just a few people want to see the same content at the same time) afaik Real Networks charges huge licence fees for their proprietary servers.
    While the semi-free MP3 format is the agreed-on standard, why not use GSM as an alternative format. The quality for speech compression is superb (with 11025Hz (2273 b/s) there is virtually no difference from an FM transmission), the format is free and supported by sox. (My own GSM-tools can be found here [].)
  • heh, do you really think they're that dumb? they may be dutch , but they're pretty smart :)
  • I checked it out, it was ok for a first try .
    Just dont let your new found fame go to your head you could end up like the media whore Emmannuel
    over at 2600.
    P.S Ditch the puke green background for geeks in space ,it's gross .
  • Plus, Real is a bunch of unrepentant spammers. They get your e-mail address, they'll send you their marketing crap forever -- there's no way to opt-out. (Not that having an opt-out vindicates spam anyway...)

    Please, please, please, Rob -- anything but Real.


  • I disagree! The post production SFX are a nice touch.

    I agree that taking phone comments is an excellent idea. Wish I would have thought of that in my college radio days. It certainly would have worked if we actually had listeners.

    How about a crossover to "real" radio? I'm sick of listening to those Motley Fool guys.
  • But how will he eat? And breathe? And other science facts?
  • Interesting indeed. No real problems for me on win95, 98, NT4ws, NT4server, W2KB3, RH 5.1, RH 6, Caldera 2.2, SuSE 6.1 or debian 2.0. Varying versions of netscape on all. Video cards range too. Voodoo3, TNT, riva128, i740, trident pci, s3 trio, s3 trio3d/2x, cyrix media/gx builtin video, crappy old isa tseng and trident vga cards.
  • Someone above mentioned this, but yeah, it sounds a lot like college radio. My roommate and I had a show for a couple years, and while he wasn't a computer geek, we were both lit-weenies, so it ended up sounding exactly like this, only with obscure literary references (and lots of hyper-obscure music, in the classic college tradition. Like covers of songs you never heard the first time by bands no one's ever heard). But it wasn't bad for a first try. I'm glad you did some post-production work, because damn, getting on the air live and being interesting consistently is HARD.

    Keep it up, you'll get better. And I love the Devo-esque theme music. You might want to go one more step and actually just use Devo for your theme, perhaps slightly modified...

    Are we not geeks?"
    We are Slashdot!
    Are we not geeks?


  • Posted by Ronin_Kitsune:

    I enjoyed it - but it did rub a current sore spot...when the hell is Real going to get G2 working on Linux - Thank god CDNOW now offers MP3's but I miss having RealAudio/Video.
  • The segue sound fx reminded me of Dr. Who. I'll be impressed when Sony markets K9.
  • But... but... Rob's a cutie!


    I'd say a few static "face shots" might be useful annotation to the audio content though. Perhaps the sort of "action poses" you see in print magazines?

  • by Anonymous Coward
    And every show will begin with the fifth or so caller just screaming "FIRST CALL!!!".
  • I found the original site painfully slow so I've mirrored the mp3 here [].
  • Repeat to yourself, it's just a show. The idea is to relax. ;]
    I loved that show.

  • Soundforge for Win95?
  • Too-often refresh. Every page I load is loaded dynamically. I can't think of a reason this would be HTML related, yet it doesn't happen at any other site.

    It's not, strictly speaking, as HTML issue. It's an HTTP issue.

    When a CGI program emits a page, it emits both HTTP headers (the most important of which is the Content-Type:) and the actual content (typically HTML, or Content-Type: text/html). There are several HTTP headers that can be used to control the caching behavior of browsers and proxies -- Expires: is probably the most powerful, but Last-Modified: is often easier to use correctly (depending on the content).

    If you're in Netscape, check out the various details under View | Page Info. It's rather informative about the aging information.

    When in doubt, if you're serious about your CGI development, you can telnet to the web server and issue HEAD commands manually to get the HTTP headers for your pages. Unfortunately, it's not at all easy to get the precise behavior of cookie-enabled sites (like Slashdot) doing this, since you'd have to manually encode and ship your cookie too....

    Slashdot seems not to use any of the aging headers when logging on to the main page as a cookieless coward:

    HEAD HTTP/1.0

    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 18:14:53 GMT
    Server: Apache/1.3.6 (Unix) mod_perl/1.20
    Content-Type: text/html

    Connection closed.
  • That's because northern Michigan is culturally Candadian.
  • Do all of Rob's posts automatically get moderated to 2? =)


  • Yea, geez, everybody who is anybody already has a 2 point auto-rating.. I almost feel embarrased now though by mine. Rob, shouldn't you have atleast a 3, I mean geez you are god after all. Note: this article is being posted as anonymous cause well, I really do have a 2 point auto and I hate to get banned for bragging. (btw the automatic moderation is created for having many post that get moderated up for the uninformed)
  • by drwiii ( 434 )
    Just got done listening to the MP3.. Nice show! The ten minutes passed by like it was ten seconds. (:

    What next? Slashdot Trading Cards []?

  • Here in Ontario Canada, I'm actually do a
    one and a half hour radio show with my girlfriend
    on all things relating to geekdom every
    friday... Technically, we talk about the news
    for the first 30 minutes (generally reading stuff
    from Slashdot and other news sites, but mostly
    here ;-p ) and then an hour of a particular
    topic (last week was history of gaming, this
    week, tomorrow, will be about, er, shite, we
    didn't plan anything yet!!) Anyway, you get
    the point...

    I wanted to write out some suggestions and stuff, since I've been doing radio for years now, I decided that'd be no fun - considering Slashdot's nature (geeky and anarchic), most of my suggestions would make things more boring... :-) Anyhoo, like someone else said though, try to get a woman on the show sometimes, it will really make a big difference (Just think, three men, alone, together chatting it up about stuff they like... we all know where that goes! Or not... *blink*)

    Anyway, hearing your voices IRL will definitely be cool... Er, now that I think of it, can I ask for permission to use the .mp3/.ra on MY radio show as the 30 minute opener? I'll plug Slashdot all you want (I do all the time anyway).. Would be cool to have more voices on air...

    Anyway, have fun on the air waves... There's -always- gonna be something to talk about... Just don't kill each other, and you'll be fine... GL :)
  • um, Dutch? it's Holland, Michigan. (unless there's a joke I'm missing)
  • Isn't there a way to do realtime broadcast of mp3s? This would probably cost a lot less than RealAudio, even if it does take a little more bandwidth to get a good sounding stream. It could be done with a 10Kbit stream, mono...

  • (the one about using speakfreely for callins)

    killer idea.
  • Comments:

    1. Too many people talking at once. It easily gets confusing.

    2. Cut down on the sound effects. Little bits to seperate segments is just fine, but gratuitous sound effects suck.


    1. Interviews with interesting people. Basically, if you'd like to talk to them, we're probably interetested in hearing them. Phone interviews aren't too hard to set up either, especially if they're really short. Geez, lots of people I'd love to hear interviews with post here.

    2. Deeper research on things covered on Slashdot. This is just something I'd like to see more of in general, in "print" and audio. For example, track down someone who lives nearby with an Aibo and borrow it. Play with it some and tell us what you think of it.

  • checkout, its a shoutcast lookalike, but GPL, and in my opinion more complete, and allows for live mp3 encoding and 'shoutcasting'

    -- Chris Chabot
    "I dont suffer from insanity, i enjoy every minute of it!"
  • I am glad you don't take yourself too seriously doing this new audio gig. It would be too much.

    Anyhow, it is an interesting idea to an under served audience but the content leaves a lot to be desired. See the content of the audio show is much like slashdot itself. Which for the main site is merely a collection of stories with terse commentary on them. This is great for a website designed to quickly wisked you off to a new site with the real dirt. But on a uninterruptable sound feed it adds up to the audienced being trapped in a one sided conversation ready to hit ^C.

    If you continue this type of programming I am sad to say it will not last long. I suggest either adding listener callin in some form. But at least be able to provide insight in a semi intelligant or grossly humorous fashion that isn't available on the website already. Otherwise I am going to flip back to regular radio.

    Maybe an in depth segment on Tulip Day =P
  • It was good stuff considering this was the first. But the starting music was a bit jarring....everything else was ok..Keep it going....
  • And I'm worse than Mike Meyers.

    this must be modesty. i don't think it's *possible* to be worse than mike meyers.

    rob, does this mean you'll go on to one day have a mini-me?
  • Holland isn't anywhere near the U.P, you know..I consider it to be closer to being Western Michigan. If they were saying stuff like "Why you no hello me when you know me so easy, eh?", though, then I'd start to wonder..

  • MEEPT!? Hanging up?

    I truly hope so. Like myself, this/these MEEPT'er(s) get rarely too insightful but that's kinda OK. MEEPTer(s) is/are part of us, for better and for worse.

    In fact, /. should try to get the original "MEEPT!" on tape for playback, say, every few minutes or so to simulate the printed /. experience.

    (Hey MEEPTer, where's I wanna buy a MEEPT! tee-shirt!)

  • You know, if this is going to be a daily thing, you are going to need mirrors, or else you are just loading down one server and frustrating everyone in the process, especially those getting .7 kbps. and getting knocked off 1/3 of the way in.

    People would have to really like it to put up with this.
  • Rob, I loved it (there, it is on topic now:)

    Do you (Hadean) have a site where I can listen to it? I live in Indiana so unless you have a clear ban AM station, I can't listen to it on the air. It sounds cool though (not much geekdom here in Indiana) :)

  • And you have to get Hemos a Garth wig. :-)
  • by Anonymous Coward
    GSM is the main method of compression in the speekfreely telephony sw (
    Would be really cool to call in via the Net!

    Maybe you could even use SF's multicast feature to broadcast.
  • 2 other guys an me run a Internet radiostation using realaudio for the past 8-9 months. So i could tell from the broadcast a few adjustments need to be made.

    (keep in mind this is for the realaudio)

    For audio:

    If you want to keep it low bandwith mono go with the 16k encodeing, the 8.5k sounds like your talking into a tin can. I could only understand 50% of what you where saying.

    Make sure you check your sound levels first before you start recording. I was watching the recording levels on my end and you where peaking alot (meaning it was all the way up in the solid red) at that point the sound got even more trashed.

    If your encoding to mp3 first then to ra, run it through a tape player or a cd if ya can to keep the sound "whole" instead of converting the file.

    The content what I could hear was really good tho i'm sure as many have stated before hand 2 at most should be talking at the same time, when you ad a third person talking at the same time trying to get a point across its hard to understand that person, but stuff like laughing is ok cause we get that point either way:)

    As for the videos... There about as good as ra gets you will have to play with the video settings to get a better grip tho the one with cmdr taco was better, With RA ya have to lose the sliding effects cause ra's nature to take shortcuts when rendering makes it real jerky. The question prompts durring the interview where ok they worked rather well.

    other than that it was a good first try (i have heard alot worse)

    If you guys (shashdot)would like more advice dont hesitate to ask you have my info

  • Posted by FascDot Killed My Previous Use:

    ...what are you saying? I know (some of) this CGI stuff you are talking about, but I don't have a sense for who you are blaming. Are you saying that /. sets the Expires too soon or the Last Modified too recently for us cookie monsters?
    In any case, it needs to be fixed.
    "Please remember that how you say something is often more important than what you say." - Rob Malda
  • Disclaimer: I hate Microsoft too, but I'm sensible enough to know when to compliment them for doing something right (rare as that is anymore). BTW: yes I know that IE doesn't exist for Linux, so I'm talking from M$Windows experience--which I know isn't applicable to everyone, but all I know (right now anyway) is M$Windows, so M$Windows I will talk about. :-/

    EXTREMELY long rendering times (sometimes several minutes)

    This is a Netscape thing. Hands down, IE renders faster than Netscape (so far anyway, but I eagerly await Mozilla 5 as much as anyone)

    Inaccurate page placement when using "back" (i.e. I'm not taken back to where I was scrolled to, although this works at other sites.

    No offense meant, but do you do any HTML at all? HTML has no control over how a back and forward button works in browsers. HTML is a markup language, not a browser specification! The explanation is simple: most other sites aren't nearly as complicated as /. is in HTML coding, so the browser can put you closer to where you were. Put 3 levels (or whatever) of nested tables, and good luck!

    Too-often refresh. Every page I load is loaded dynamically. I can't think of a reason this would be HTML related, yet it doesn't happen at any other site. Given the slowness of /. and the rendering time mentioned above, I get extremely frustrated trying to do the simplest things here.

    This is a Netscape thing. Since the page has so many embedded tables and so on, it takes Netscape a long time to render (or re-render) the HTML. IE, however, is much faster at rendering HTML, so if I resize, the page doesn't disappear to be re-rendered like in Netscape.

    So the claims of caching problems is waaay off. It's a software/complexity issue, not an HTTP issue. If you are really having so much trouble, use Slashdot Lite--that's what it's there for.

  • Keep doing this its awesome..

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Yep, I get that too with my Banshee, but only in IE. as long as I stay running Netscape (oh darn...) It works fine.
  • Slashdoted phone lines! Cool!
  • I think the idea of Internet radio programs using MP3 is great, because you can download them and then listen to them offline at your leisure (or in segments). Why doesn't Psuedo OnLine do something like this as well?
  • How about when you post the stories make a little voice recording or something while you do it ... and at the end of a couple of days / week put the good ones together .. slap it in mp3 format .. and then release it to the hounds.

    I'd like to see more of this for sure. Don't worry about offending people, keep throwing out your own opinions on stuff that's happening. Rob's bit about robots taking over the earth was good "duh?" Even if you just keep doing what you were doing in the last part of the clip..
  • Top X Reasons To Listen to Slashdot Radio

    -1) No one gets moderated down.

    1) Rob is cute.

    2) They're esoteric and hard to understand, but they're a heck of a lot nicer than Dr. Laura.

    3) It's geekish and anarchic, but c'mon, it's Slashdot.

    4) It's either Real or MP3--you can listen to it without AM/FM interference from having your case open.

    5) Hemos has a cool giggle.

    6) They talk about head-mounted displays, dancing in tubs of jello, pixels the size of fists, and English liters.

    7) I LIKE fractals.

  • Three people talking at once is too disconcerting to listen to. It would be better if just two of
    you did the show. It would be even better if one of you were a chick :)
  • it's MST3K.....! :(
  • ... until Hodgeson decided that 2000 was just too close. The original poster does demonstrate his ignorance, however. Gawd, I miss that show.
  • Yeah, you should follow the "obnoxious morning radio show" format...One semi-obnoxious guy, one very-obnoxious guy, and one female straightman. Woman. Whatever.

    Now the only question is, which one of you gets the operation? New Slashdot poll?
  • Dammit!

    You guys /.-ed the /. radio! AHHHHHHH!

    Whatever will happen to snackboy now? :-)
  • You will need a realmedia server set up somewhere.
    The licensing is the kicker. Even a 100 stream
    license isn't cheap. After you have a RA server to
    point a stream at, you just need a reliable
    connection to stream your content across to the
    server. You can do decent quality voice only
    broadcasts with a single channel ISDN connection.
    It's the bandwidth and licensing on the server
    that are super important. I will say though, that
    were I work we do not offer this as a product.
    We do have a deal with one special client that
    does live video and sound across a cable modem,
    but it's flaky. The server took about 15 minutes
    to set up on digital unix on our end. The cool
    thing is that you can get a test server with
    30 days worth of 60 streams for free.

    Hope This Helps
  • you know what to do
  • by asianflu ( 54533 ) on Thursday July 15, 1999 @05:31AM (#1801014)
    Like Howard Stern, has Slashdot become totally fascinated with itself? Can we expect to hear rob begging the geek of the day guest to show his transparent pilot case off to the web camera, whilst Hemos giggles insanely in the background?
    (makes mental picture)


    I think they should just run a linux phone in problem line..

    Rob: "Hi this is Rob and you're On the Air"
    Caller: "Hi Rob, first, I would just like to say, I really dig your show.."
    Rob: "Cool thanks, icq9 your friends to recommend us, now whats your problem?"
    Caller: "Well, Rob, See, this is kinda embarassing..."
    Rob: "Go ahead, you are amongst friends here"
    Caller: "Ok... the problem is, i cant hack my own sendmail files, but I cant admit it to my friends.. I wanna know, like, is this normal?"
    Rob: "Wow what a loser... hey buddy, dont bother us with this stuff, go call up cnet instead.."
    Rob: "You know.. everymorning, as I get up and turn on the ANDOVER NET TV channel, I think to myself, gee isnt ANDOVER NETWORK a cool thing to have piped to your 3dscope, and for only 9.95 world credits a month... I personally couldnt get through the slashdot day without ANDOVER NET, and i am not just being paid to say that, i really mean it.... and now over to hemos for todays regular tip spot on microsoft ASP-2003 programming"
  • Simple bumper music between segments is quite enough, thank you.

    Also: the sooner you can take live callers, the better. I hosted a few talk shows on my college radio station []. It was a lot more interesting when outside listeners called in to debate issues; without callers, my friends and I just ended up verbally harrassing each other on the air - while a lot of fun for us, this got boring to listen to very quickly.

  • Guys, you have a good idea, lets just see where you take it. I don't have any specific suggestions
    at the moment, still listening to the premier :)

    Keep up the good work!
  • only saw it few days ago.
    if I remember correctly maybe 0:00 or 1:00 Sunday nights on the Comedy channel.
  • I am abonafide Linux guy... Don't let the following dissuade ye in anyway... Geek to the core...

    But it just so happens I recently made it through an audition for a play (WOOHOO!) and then found out I couldn't make the dates (Bummer)... But now I find I miss the fun of theater...

    And other theatrical stuff for creative minds...

    So if you need some voice talent for your new audio creation, free O' charge, preferrably for humourous stuff...

    Send an email... Light a bonfire... Use the deep psychic gift that resides deep inside of us all and sizzle a few neurons for the cause of...

    Do you smell smoke?

    (first time poster... just in case the email address isn't in the post...
  • Oh, and what exactly is wrong with being Dutch?
    And anyway, Holland Michigan is AFAIK a US "spinoff" of the Netherlands (which, of course, rock).
  • I was having that same problem the other day...
    If you search for it through Freshmeat you can link right to the Linux Development page for Real Player and download the G2 Alpha for linux...

    Doesn't have the java inline viewer, but it will read the .ram files and use the links...
  • Hey, did anyone ever tell you guys that you sound eerily like the audio half of MST3K?

    Makes me want to play "Attack of the Killer Dorito Inspectors" as video along with your voice.

  • What's wrong with a V-chip there? A little electric shock can be quite . . . pleasant.

  • I'm glad people liked the show! Tens of thousands of Slashdot fans hit the site today. Here's the premiere day FAQ:

    1) We went with the lowest bitrate RealAudio and MP3 we could get away with and still have a reasonable sounding show, so that Slashdot fans in Zimbawe with 14.4 kbps modems could still enjoy it, and also so we wouldn't get too badly Slashdotted...

    2) Our servers didn't get Slashdotted, nor our bandwidth, but a router of our provider did! It kept running out of memory and resetting. Theoretically we had nearly 10 Mbps allocated. It started dropping routes at 4 Mbps, and even reset BGP sessions...

    3) This afternoon we were able to run the MP3 server across town to a building 100 feet from the MAE-EAST, and plug it in there...much better!

    Thanks for listening to the show!

  • Well shit, yer hired!


    We're just outside of Boston, and you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a company in need of programmers out here. But we need a die hard, I'm afraid. I'd be more specific, but I don't want to abuse Rob's discussions with attempts to snag me a programmer -;)

  • I thought my sound card was exploding or something when "the sync's" little intro came on.. especially how the volume swells... heh
  • heh, I dont have anything against dutch, I was just kidding.. as a matter of fact, I'm moving to holland in a few weeks.... hmm, wonder if I'll be nextdoor to rob's office so I can tap into his new T1
  • Ok here we go... hit the Mpeg player button and...
    Loved the "extasy" comment...
    Budget for nicknames?
    "This time all of our equipment works" Ahh some Microsoft compatable hardware found there way into the Slashdot compound?
    Hacked to heck in post production... :)
    When "certen people" lost there reading glasses I have to blow up the screen using ctrl alt +...
    I think now I'll call that "pixles the size of fists mode"...

    Me thinks Sony will need something more that "I love you" before they'll send you a screen...
    Threaton to do no more reviews if they don't give
    you the visor.

    Ohhh more people who like to dance nakid in jello.. we need some detox group for that...
    Jello dancers annonomous...

    On politics... Here is how that works.. they take a part of your brain when you run and if you win they take the rest... I lost....
    I understand now a days they replace it with a Windows NT but I put in for the new Linux port for Politicians...

    Jeff gets -1? Is that really nessisary [kissing up]

    I'm having mpg3 tech problems but my box is hacked to heck and I usually have lots of problems
  • I downloaded the mp3 and I almost the laughed myself to death. It was very funny. Keep up with this.

    I didn't test the realaudio stuff, but I could tell that the audio levels were to high and saturated.

    Cool sound effects. hehe. I love the part where you are talking about all the stuff you could do in post production :-)

  • I liked it, perhaps if the upped the sample rate a little it would be easy to listen to, you might consider doing higher bandwidth versions. What's nice about it is that it's just acouple of people talking, really pretty funy stuff. obviously theres no reason to listen to it for informational value, so entertainment is all there is. It might be nicer to only have one person talking at once, but its not really that impornant
    Chad Okere
  • Not bad for a first show. Really didn't like the cheesy sound effects though. Almost reminded me of Mystery Science Theatre 3000... and we all know what happened to them.

    FYI, I liked browsing to the web sites as you guys mentioned things. For example, I went to the sony site to investigate the head mounted display. Maybe you could have a web page to complement your show that had links to all the sites you guys spoke about?

    Finally, I think the thing that makes shows like Howard Stern a success is a strong opinion about something. Howeard, strongly believes that what he talks about is what people really want to hear. It doesn't matter if he's right or wrong, people listen to his show because he makes it interesting. I think your first show got off to a good start with that, but it's just something to keep in mind.
  • Dammit! And I was planning on talking about my genitals for the rest of the shows lifespan too.

    Ruin all my fun why don't ya ;)

  • Does anyone have a mirror of these broadcasts? I guess it's obvious that one or two servers arent going to need an entire slashdot crowd.
  • connection refused isn't much of a show..
  • by AdmrlBurrito ( 69013 ) on Thursday July 15, 1999 @05:51AM (#1801041)
    Either of you play guitar?
  • Yes, but we don't have enough inputs to wire it in at the same time as us.

    Soon tho ;)

    And I'm worse than Mike Meyers.

  • Uhm... Is the mp3 file Slashdotted, or is it on a port I can't access through the firewall here at work ? I can only get to the web via the proxy here, and that allows only connections via standard http or ftp ports. Any chance of a mirror ?

"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry." -- Chekhov
