Hellmouth Website 130
Lavos writes "Seems that Cliff Bleszinski
has started a website to share even more school horror stories. It's 'partially' inspired by Jon Katz's essay " (Lavos is one of many who wrote in with this lead.)
"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
space in database vs. space in shtml? (Score:1)
However, I do think it's cool that you've worked out the frequency of comment posting for slashdot
Re:Regenerating /. MySQL articles from .shtml Arch (Score:1)
Re:A solution (Score:1)
Are you mad?!
Let's see what competitve sports teach... winning fairly, losing well, social/team involvment, excercise, hand-eye coordination, physical training...
Competitive sports are very important to a rounded education. It's when you get Billy Bob Football player and his football-or-die coach together that things get troublesome.
Everything in moderation.
A song on the subject (Score:1)
"The lie, Mr. Mulder, is most convincingly hidden between two truths."
What's up over there? (Score:1)
Re:What's up over there? (Score:1)
Incidentally, I'm currently studying at a university in Britain, and I can tell you it's not a place I would like to spend my whole life in. Discounting the dreadful weather (compared to sunny Mauritius) and awful stacked-aginst-one-another houses (in London), it's the whole rotten culture that gets to me. The media is (in general) invasive, hard-nosed, downright unethical in some cases, and worst of all, omnipresent. You can't escape it. They basically promote a mentality of agression and intolerance, especially between men and women. This is especially obvious in the adverts. From what I've seen and heard, all tends to indicate that it's much worse in the States.
Re:More the other way around (Score:1)
Ah, another thing. Find out what Mark Twain (allegedly) said about Mauritius: it might explain a lot of things.
Um, whatever. (Score:1)
Perhaps what gets to me is the fact that the myriad of responses here on
The short and sweet of my response: I applaud Cliffy B.'s valiant attempt to persuade us to jettison some of our baggage. Perhaps an administrator or one of those who tormented us will happen across the site and feel a twinge of guilt (yeah, right).
To those of you who don't believe: f* you. Have a nice day.
Whoopeee!!!!! Third Post!!!!! (Score:1)
Re:stop the torture -- easy! (Score:1)
Oops:Not just Ugly (Score:1)
With any luck... (Score:1)
People throughout this discussion are saying 'shit happens, they need to stop whining.'
Unless you aren't paying taxes, and never plan to send your kids into the public school system, you should be very, very concerned. After four years in the army, I found the school I was working at to be much more addicted to authoritarian nonsense than all but my drill sergeants from basic training and one really rotten commander I drove for briefly until he fired me for 'smiling too much.' No one in the army, for instance, ever told me 'because I said so' was a reason. It's even considered bad form.
The high school, on the other hand, was a different story.
I'd sit kids down, get their referral forms, and go to enter them in the database, and I'd see 'defiance of authority' as the offense they committed. The question that always came to mind was 'Well, was the authority being legitimately invoked?' I knew of one teacher who'd call kids 'trifling idiots' then boot them out of class for telling him it was wrong to say that. That was 'defiance of authority.'
It seems that if we're going to hope to produce children that eventually amount to a thing, and who can participate in a democratic society with any ability or usefulness, we're going to need to get it through the heads of insecure adults that those kids are going to have to be allowed to protest them from time to time, and be gently taught the limits of that protest, and how to discern and deal with occasions when an authority figure is wrong. If we can't do this, it won't matter if the crypto's free and the guns are plentiful, because no one will care to use them in defense of liberties that will have ceased to matter. There's no need for a Big Brother when the population is self-pacified from an inability to think critically and occasionally argue, impolite as it may be, with someone who's claim to 'right' is never questioned.
It's fashionable among some to imply that speaking out against injustice is whining, or a sign of weakness. If anyone's weak, though, it's the ones who never develop the moral courage to say a thing while people in authority abuse their positions and others without recrimination.
I'll take these 'whiners' over the characterless sheep any day.
Re:stop the torture -- easy! (Score:1)
Re:stop the torture -- easy! (Score:1)
I finally snapped after 1 month, smashed his head through my locker in front of his friends.. when the principal said anything to us in his office I said... "keep him away from me or I'll do it again, I'm sick of his crap" (yelling this at the principal as he wouldnt stop ranting)
he left me alone (and his friends) for the next year... then he smeared himself all over the pavement on his new motorcycle (No tears from me)
the trick is to beat the hell outta your tourmenter... Adreneline is a wonderful tool... and remember
Note: this has been the only person I have ever hit.. from then on... noone would even think of bugging me...
If you walk like a victim you are the victim...
respond like a vigilante once and they will not try to victimize you.
I was thinking Lithium and other heavy drugs...
Put them in a comatose state and all will be fine...
All kidding aside...
There is alot more to this than drug them up....
How about anger management for the jocks,trenchcoats,buzzheads,worms,nerds,dweebs?
how about some serious help for them?
Nahhh... they're "normal" let them be....
(Normal kids dont torment, like the idea of killing, or kill people... Phycopaths do these things.... it's simple..)
Now, if they are pushed to feeling like they have to kill to protect themselves? that is dilliousionment and acute paranoia brought on by many things... and it NEEDS to be treated.
and if the cause is external you have to REMOVE the cause (Put the jocks in a room and remove all the air... JOKING.. I hate jocks to begin with... mindless morons they are)
the whole key is to eliminate the school officials that Yell and scream, and put someone in there that will actually care about and help these kids...
You NEVER see a shooting at a private school.... I wonder why....
EVERYONE hated you? (Score:1)
this is a typical paranoia behaivoir. I'm sorry but the concept of this dead on line with a mential disorder.. my son,12, is just now normal.. I have him on Lithium and several other heavy drugs to keep his paranoia down... without his drugs he is highly phycotic, under the bed screaming that everyone is tryingto kill him/ hates him.. it starts mild... everyone at school hated him... first the kids... then the teachers...
NOTE: there might be a few that hate you... but the majority couldn't care that you existed or are even breathing let alone take the time to hate you.
please... seek some professional help, you will feel much better if you do.
Wow! that's NUTZ! (Score:1)
Every one of the "troublemakers" at your school..
I'll bet dollars to donuts they have a mential problem that needs to be repaired...
Re:The epitome of stupid... (Score:1)
If something or someone else bothers you, you escape it, or destroy it. Take your pick. I really dont see why this is such a hard concept to grasp for some people.. Its like they think they have no other option but to sit there and let people beat on them incessantly.
Too much Barney, I guess.
Bowie J. Poag
Re:Jesus... (Score:1)
I say we blame high schools too. If they didnt exist, Columbine would have never happened. Yeah, thats the ticket. Duhhhhh.
Somehow, somewhere, about 10 years ago, the American public stopped looking at morons and idiots as exactly what they were -- morons, and idiots. Suddenly, they're became "misguided youth", "victims of the media" or "troubled children".
We are totally incapable of living with the idea that some individuals are just plain fucking stupid. Thats the most disturbing realization thats come out of all of this.
Bowie J. Poag
Re:The epitome of stupid... (Score:1)
"Oh, my teachers are so unfair to me!"
"Oh, my school is run by people who abuse our rights!"
"Oh help me, they've hurt my inner child!"
The 90's are over. We can all quit whining now.
Bowie J. Poag
Heheh.. MOooo! I'm the Columbine Cow! (Score:1)
Bowie J. Poag
Re:What's up over there? (Score:1)
Re:Absurd (Score:1)
Re:Wow! that's NUTZ! (Score:1)
Why do you insist on blaming everything on low self-esteem? "We're miserable because we don't like ourselves, we beat up on people because we don't like ourselves, we act up because we don't like ourselves..."
That only works for about half the cases available. Self-esteem boosting is apparently effective because the mind says, "See, we did this, so where are the results?" But if you look at the entire results, you see that boosting some egos was too much, and some of *those* kids turned into bullies and braggarts.
It is important that a person feel good about him- or herself, but the greater importance is to have an *accurate* opinion of one's value and capabilities. Placing value on creative thinking and hard work is important, and encouraging these abilities starting from a very early age. But one should also know one's limits, and how to get around them.
Re:Lets Milk The Columbine Cow (Score:1)
good attempt (Score:1)
Here's an idea: If you're disillusioned with attempts to let the oppressed have a voice, why not set up your own site like this? Then we can all complain and be miserably happy.
Just my $0.02.
Re:why all the negative comments? (Score:1)
Talking about problems help a lot of people. Sharing stories of how someone fought back(not even physically) will give more kids out there the courage to stand up for themselves. Standing up to this type of abuse is very difficult for some people. Not all people think alike, and everyone has different priorities. Telling someone about what is going on may seem to them worse than living with the abuse. Depression is one of those things. Something I know from experience. Most people hide it until they actually try to kill themselves. Then they are put on medication, or some aren't alive to be treated.
Getting up and moving on IS a GOOD thing. It's just that some need the support of other people who have been through it to get over it. Your last two sentences are probably the best advice you can give. The only thing is getting people to stop thinking things will only get worse. That is why this site can and will be helpful to many.
Maybe I missed his point, but hopefully I made a few good points on my own.
Re:Jesus... (Score:1)
Maybe i'm misunerstanding your use of 'stupid' here, but there's a big problem with your logic -- not all killers are dumb. That's not to say genius=isanity because everyone knows that's not true.
What America (and maybe the rest of the world, i can only speak for the sick portion i live in) refuses to admit is that everyone has potential to become a killer. Not everyone will snap, obviously, but those kids didn't do what they did because they were stupid. (they couldn't have)
It won't always work. (Score:1)
At the onset of adolescence, my entire peer group decided they hated me. They resented my intelligence, my honour and honesty, and my freedom (I did what suited me, openly obeying my own sense of honour rather than the rules). To be sure, I was arrogant and unapologetic for the ease with which I surpassed all my peers in all fields but sports (at which I was merely above average), but I never went out of my way to put my classmates down (until I was already fully unpopular and facing attacks on a daily basis; then I became I full-fledged jerk toward them).
In my case, I always fought back. I wasn't sneaky about it either: if someone hit me while the teacher wasn't looking, I'd hit him back whether the teacher was looking or not.
It didn't help, they just ganged up (once I reached an age where there were no lone bullies who were more than double my weight). Not just in 2s and 3s, but in big groups of 10 or 20, bringing in cousins and friends from out of town. One person would get my attention, three would tackle me from behind. I'd end up bloody and bruised and limping, but there'd still be split lips and black eyes on my attackers. If I could do nothing else I would spit my own blood in my attacker's eye.
It's a miracle I didn't kill any of them. I certainly thought about it, even made plans about how to get away with it. I had fantasies about torturing people to death with power tools, about crippling them and dumping what was left at the hospital so they could live out a miserable life in pain.
Part of the reason I made it through high school without killing anyone is that I started training in martial arts. I always had both a humanitarian philosophy and strong sense of honour, so I wouldn't really torture someone or even hit them from behind, but martial arts gave me a sense of my own strength and convinced me that it was not cowardly to avoid a pointless fight you can't win.
In my last year of high school, I didn't get in any fights at all. Part of it was that I was avoiding fights even in the face of blatant provocation, but part of it was the way I dealt with my last few attackers; avoiding their assaults without injuring them with such ease that they were humiliated.
It is not simple violence that is the solution, but sometimes the skillful and appropriate application of violence can be useful. Usually, though, there are better ways of dealing with the situation.
Psychological help (Score:1)
Personally I think this way of dealing with interesting children is sick and disgusting. It's so much like Brave New World as to be extremely frightening.
Re:Don't give the troublemakers attention (Score:1)
Re:The epitome of stupid... (Score:1)
Interesting that you mock that. When I was in high school, I could nothing to people that abused me. Couldn't fight them, couldn't get the adminstration to deal with them, just couldn't stop them. Well, I graduated, and in my first semester of college, some of those guys decided to continue to harass me. So I called the cops on them (what they were doing WAS in fact illegal on the books), we had a talk about the situation, and I haven't heard from them since. Problem solved finally.
My point? What exactly changed from when I was in high school to college? I was 17 when the above incident happened, so it couldn't be that my rights are waived before the age of 18, otherwise the cops would've said "Tough shit, kid." I've been in public education in both instances (public hs and state university), so I know I was covered by the same state laws. So why all of a sudden do I have rights now? It's because public primary schools would violate those rights, either by action or by disinformation (never once in government did I learn about personal rights, call it a flaw of my class).
Whining about people that abuse your rights? I hope you do, because if it can happen at my old high school, it can happen to another.
--Jack--Re:Lets Milk The Columbine Cow (Score:1)
Immature and childish? (Score:1)
I'm not sure I agree with the Hellmouth thing on the whole, but where are you getting "Immature and childish?"
The Spirit of the New Age (Score:1)
Seems pretty apropos here and it reminds me of something its frequent quoter, Noam Chomsky, had to say about schoolyard abuse. I can't find the exact quote now, but he roughly said that a weaker kid on the playground got beat up one day by a bunch of stronger kids because he didn't stand up for him. Decades later, he still regrets and feels ashamed by that failure.
So I ask those who "have heard enough" (obviously meaning that you really don't care about others who are weaker than yourself)... Where is your sense of duty? Of compassion? Of shame? Have you any?
Re:why all the negative comments? (Score:1)
Re:Admit.... (Score:1)
Re:What's up over there? (Score:1)
It might expose what workers, families and children all over America already know: we're engaged in domestic class warfare. And as long as there is enough panic, destruction, confusion, blame, disillusionment, misery and *above all* polarized, anti-governmental and anti-political attitudes, the power class is ensured that they will continue to stay on top. Anti-political sentiment is the nail in the coffin of the lower classes (meaning the bottom 70-80% of America at this point, and rising fast), because it ensures that people will fail to utilize the *sole* institution in which they have a voice - government. Given what we see around us, I'd say things are going pretty well for the power class. And the wanton violence and abuse in the workplace and schools is the sound of the social fabric being torn apart (or rather shredded, as it's already been torn by preceding decades of class warfare). I think any observant kid who hasn't yet had a decent "education" can tell you what's going on in the US today.
Let me make this clear, I'm not saying that class warfare has the sole purpose of causing high school violence, or even that it is the direct cause of it. What I *am* saying is that high school (and workplace) violence is the fully expected side-effect of social policies carefully constructed by the ruling class to divide and conquer (economically) the rabble. The US has sophisticated technology and is arguably the most free society in the world, but socially we are one of the most backward ever. Perhaps French philosopher Jean Baudrillard said it best when he called America "the last great primitive society". All the freedom, democracy, power and technology in the world doesn't ensure social justice. Just look around on the streets here. Are these the conditions one would expect in the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world?
What can we do about this? Well, if you're American and of voting age, you can commit yourself to getting out and voting in *every* election for the best third party candidate available. As long as the power class holds the strings via the Republican and Democratic parties, we will all continue to lose and conditions in the US will continue to get worse. If you think about it, you really have no other choice.
One small mistake... (Score:1)
Re:A solution (Score:1)
A BETTER solution... (Score:1)
All of your points would apply (except for the ones I mentioned); winning fairly, losing well, social/team involvment, and hand-eye coordination. Add to that the chance to learn robotics and AI, maybe learn RTLinux, and applying logic/thought to solving a problem.
It wouldn't have to cost a lot of money, either. the individual robots could be built either out of Legos or scrap wood/metal - Legos would be a better choice, for the educational reuse and discount possibilities - but I wouldn't rull out homebrew stuff, either...
Sightless (Score:1)
Unlike the direct followups on Jon's columns, which had a sense of personal healing about them, I can't see this new site as a positive place for kids to gather and unload about what troubles them.
Andover or Rob? (Score:1)
Looks fine to me... (Score:1)
Re:Don't give the troublemakers attention (Score:1)
Ah, right genious...and the natural solution is not to FOUND OUT WHY, but to unilaterally scorn and ignore. Good job. No wonder public schools and people in general are more fucked up than ever.
Maybe we should drill holes in their heads to let the "evil spirits" out, eh?
Re:Don't give the troublemakers attention (Score:1)
Re:Wow! that's NUTZ! (Score:1)
...That were most probably caused by others with institutionalized mental problems conditioned and condoned by society. ALL THESE people can't simply be having chemical imbalances! Don't just treat the symptom. These kids are acting perfectly NORMAL to the environment they are subjected to. Cure the environment.
Re:stop the torture -- easy! (Score:1)
I fully agree... (Score:1)
Would high school have been hell if I'd been both a geek and unable to defend myself? You bet. I have absolutely no respect for those of you who just say, "it's not my problem". It is your problem if you let this sort of thing continue. Somebody might mow down your kids if he gets pissed on enough. Then how would you feel if administrators and police told you that, "it's not their problem?"
Don't give the troublemakers attention (Score:1)
Re:interesting (Score:1)
Still, it does finally bring some attention to the underlying problem.
Who cares? (Score:1)
Big problem (Score:1)
My High School principal at an assembly at the school claimed "I have more power then the police"
and elaborated by saying he could search students, their bags, bodies and lockers, without warrants, or even evidence. This attitude is just wrong.
Most children/young people do not have the confidence to stand up and do what is right, I did quite often and I got a LOT of trouble for it.
Things as small as pointing out the teacher is wrong. Teachers who think that they are somehow child experts, and can just disregard whatever the parents, child, or real doctors.
Maybe if enough people make statements, either through articles, protests, complaints, or even violent statements, maybe enough people will acknowledge that there is a problem and do something about it.
I don't necessarily condone violence, but really what other choices are we giving this kids, when they know they will be killed if they continue to do nothing?
Re:interesting (Score:1)
Re:Jesus... (Score:1)
It'd also have to be carried and readily accessible, most likely; a weapon in a locked desk is useless if the owner is prevented from approaching it.
Hmmmm. Anybody know how whether and how much training is required before (guess this would mostly be a per-state thing...) permits are granted?
Jesus... (Score:1)
interesting (Score:1)
Re:The epitome of stupid... (Score:1)
But maybe that's what you want.. destroy individualism and all the problems will go away. That, if anything, is a childish mentality.
Making excessively "cool" sites legible (Score:1)
The global "suppress animations" click-box is nice too; banner ads stop being a nuisance, and the entire page still loads (unlike the last version of Netscape I used, which would stop loading the page if you did alt-V A to shut them off).
Now if it would only stop leaking memory and munging all its windows after you have about 15 open... (Bugs? In M$ products? Perish the thought! ;-)
Re:Hinterland moments: the humans. (Score:1)
The current state of many US high schools closely resembles the pecking order in prisons. The stronger "prisoners" dominate the weaker, and this is tolerated by the "guards" so they don't have to stick their necks out to keep the bullies in line. IMNSHO, that's plain wrong. The teachers and admins can always suspend or expel the bullies. Jocks, to name one problem group, only have status because the school (through the team) grants it. If "jock culture" has centered on assault&battery as recreation or a rite of passage, it's high time to purge the adherents from the hierarchy or eliminate HS sports entirely and get rid of the sponsored "gangs".
Let the SOB's take the football money and spend it on real wages for math & science teachers, to get the classes up to college level. That's what we need.
Sigh. (Score:2)
High school was, and still is, hell for alot of people. The fact that our politicians immediately seized on the opportunity to "profile" geeks and outcasts rather than identify the root of the problem is evidence of why sites like this are necessary. There are several support groups that have already sprung up to address these issues. Hopefully, in time, they will form a grass-roots efforts to help sanitize our schools' policies. I, for one, welcome it. My high school experiences were less than memorable, and I'm very, very happy that I graduated before the columbine hysteria.
Now, some quick Q&A, because I already know how this is going to be taken:
"It's only 4 years, what's the big deal?"
The ages of 13-19 are the years that the vast majority of kids develop their outlook on life. If they're spending that time being beat up and oppressed... well, you do the math.
"I never had any trouble in high school, what's the big deal?"
Thousands of people didn't get in a car accident today because you didn't either, right?
"You suck! Die you commie bastard!"
Another victim of public education, I see...
Why do politicians pass legislation like this?
Good question! It's because it makes for "good public policy". It sounds good, like a title for a book. And alot of people only judge a book by it's cover. And besides - minors can't defend themselves politically(can't vote!), so what incentive to politicians have to protect their rights?
Re:Jesus... (Score:2)
A website is an excellent source for this kind of information. It will help people deal with this kind of abuse without bothering anyone else. Hardly something to complain about, doncha think?
Meanwhile, Jon Katz' legacy grows.