Feature:Obscurity as Security 192
Obscurity as Security
Disclaimer: The author of this paper works for Microsoft, but his opinions may not be those of Microsoft. In fact, they aren't. The author hereby declares that nobody important is even aware of his existence and that the closest he has ever come to plotting with Bill Gates on the Master Plan was when they used adjacent urinals this one time. The author did not peek.
0 Introduction
With the popularity of the open-source mindset, a general contempt has drizzled upon all forms of obscurity. The concept of security through obscurity (STO) in particu lar has been decimated. Security through obscurity, which relies on the ignorance of attackers rather than the strength of defenders, is dead in all but practic e. The victory of the opposing full disclosure approach is so complete that proposed ta ctics die at the mere hint they are a form of STO.This paper suggests security through obscurity can and does work in certain strictly limited ways, and should not be eliminated unthinkingly from the admin's arsenal. It further implies that the boundaries between STO and 'real' security are blurry and deserve evaluation. However, this paper in no way proposes obscurity as a method for keeping secrets in the long term.
1 Full disclosure does not apply to instantiated data
Instantiated data - the data used by specific instances of an algorithm - do not fall within the scope of full disclosure. Were this not so, then even the simplest password would violate the ban on security through obscurity. Passwords are secrets known only to their creators, and password entry is commonly obscured, as in the case of the 'shadow' login of UNIX. While the login protocol may be open, passwords themselves are a form of STO, with obscurity localized in the password string.Instantiated data are exempt from full disclosure because the risk from their failure is limited. When a script cracks a password, the damage done to the secure system extends only as far as that password's scope. The cracker cannot use the compromised string to gain power directly in another system, even if that system runs the same password protocol. Nor can anything be inferred about the value of one password merely from the value of another with equal or lower permissions.
A similar example of instantiated data obscurity is the private key that forms the basis of asymmetric cryptography. So obscure is this information that it is rare for even the owner to be familiar with its precise value. But such obscurity is a necessary element of modern security schemes. Strong security does not eliminate obscurity - rather, it localizes obscurity to instantiated data. The phrase in cryptology, 'carry all security in the key' might be better phrased 'carry all obscurity in the key'.
2 Full disclosure does not apply to time-limited secrets
Secrets that expire after a short lifetime can be protected by a wider array of techniques than long-standing secrets. The defense of information that will be irrelevant in a matter of hours or days may not warrant fully peer-reviewed security. Consider the famous Navajo code-talkers of World War II. Among the Americans coordinating the at tack against Japanese-held islands in the Pacific were a number of Navajo Indians, who spoke a slangy version of the complex Navajo tongue. Commands from HQ were issued through these code-talkers, who encrypted and decrypted with an alacrity that belittled the automated methods of the day. This is an excellent example of time-limited security through obscurity. Secret languages are excellent security in the short-term, but however cryptic Navajo may be, it is a code subject to human betrayal. Use of Navajo against the Japanese much beyond the 3-year window of the war would have been unwise. But because the secrets of American strategy in the Pacific were irrelevant after the conclusion of the fighting, the long-term weakness of obscure Navajo as a security measure was unimportant.
3 Obscurity serves as a tripwire
Perhaps the classic example of wrongheaded STO is the administrator who modifies his web server to listen on a nonstandard port - thereby confusing attackers, as the theory goes. Considering the degree to which tasks such as port scanning can be automated, the naivete of this defense seems plain. The cracker might be forced to check all 64512 unreserved ports, but eventually the concealed web server will be found. This appears to be a weakness of STO, but if manipulated correctly, it is in fact a great strength. Imagine that our same admin had also invoked a tripwire script and set it to listen on one or more unused ports. When the tripwire is probed with a SYN packet from a cracker trying to locate the web server, instantly the system goes to full alert. The packet is logged and the admin's pager sounds like an alarm.Such tripwire approaches work because they do not expect obscurity to keep information hidden. Rather, they obscure information as a ploy to force invaders into showing their hand. Because the obscured implementation differs on each system, crackers must resort to guess-check scanning before attacks can commence. But tripwires are deployed throughout the system, anticipating this very move. Running an automated kit suddenly becomes a risky proposition, and even talented crackers must gamble on, for example, whether 'root' is really the name of the primary account or merely a hotline to the authorities.
Lighthearted implementations of this approach are a staple in the popular "Indiana Jones" films. In one scene, Jones is confronted with a hallway of lettered tiles, all seemingly alike. To cross safely he must step only on those tiles with letters corresponding to the secret word 'Jehovah'. The penalty for a misstep is to crash through the floor and plummet into a gaping pit. Attackers not privy to the password would find an exhaustive search less than optimal in this case. When traps are mingled with genuine data, STO can be a powerful disincentive. Such measures do not make a given machine resistant to breach in the long term, any more than medieval moats could ultimately protect their castles. But like moats, tripwire obscurity provides a critical buffer against attackers, allowing defenders room to breathe.
4 Asymmetric cryptography exhibits traits of STO
Despite the notion that asymmetric cryptography such as RSA is 'real' security, in some aspects these methods resemble STO. Indeed, this entire class of cryptography is founded on the hopeful guess that a certain mathematical problem is intractable. The back door into cryptographic methods that rely on multiplying primes is, quite simply, to develop a swift means of factoring those multiples. This NP-time problem must be solved before a private key can b e derived from its corresponding public key, and the notorious difficulty of NP problems leads some supporters to characterize asymmetric cryptography as 'prova bly secure'. This is far from the case - there is uncertainty among mathematicia ns as to whether this problem will even prove non-trivial once approached from t he right angle. Startling progress has been made in solving similar 'impossible' problems using innovative ploys - for example, DNA computers can now solve the Traveling Salesman problem in linear time. Given that asymmetric encryption is used widely in the world's e-commerce infrastructure, the repercussions when this piece of obscurity is cracked are disturbing to contemplate.One telling argument against STO is that it promotes a false sense of security, leading admins into complacency. But the complexity of asymmetric cryptography, combined with reports of its infallibility, can produce much the same effect. Co nsider this social-engineering exploit of digital signing. Using a tool such as m akecert, the cracker generates a root certificate with the name 'Verisign Class 1 Primary CA' and uses it to sign an end-entity certificate with the subject 'CN=Rob Malda, E=malda@slashdot.org' (CT:Please don't. I'm used to posers pretending to be me in Quake, but not on email ;) The cracker then sends the email to an enemy, using a client that does not validate e-mail addresses and spoofing the return address friendly name. The inexpert recipient, thinking all is in order and knowing that digital signatures never lie, trusts the root certificate and hence forth carries on a conversation with a false CmdrTaco. Only scrutiny of the headers will reveal the mail is actually going to a different address. The widely made claim that public-key cryptography is 'real' security and completely unrelated to 'false' STO delivers a more powerful illusion of security than anything an XOR'd password file can provide.
Even brute-force cryptanalysis has parallels in STO. Suppose we wish to conceal the passwords for a number of Swedish bank accounts. We resolve to write them to a secret location on our hard drive, perhaps a few unused bytes in a file sector. Only we, who know the lucky offset, can read the data. This form of concealment is a typical case of secruity through obscurity. The integrity of our secret depends on the ignorance of the cracker, and a trial of all 2^n possible locatio ns compromises the system. But in what way is this fundamentally different from the 'genuine' security of n-bit encryption? To break this form of security, 2^n keys are generated and tried agains t the cipher text until the result is a plain body. Is the difference between this 'true' security and the 'false' STO merely than n is considerably larger in encryption than in the case of hard drives? But this implies that our real error lay, not in reliance upon obscurity, but in having a hard drive of insufficient size!
Another example (Score:2)
However, this is always part of a larger overall scheme to keep intruders out.
Re:Excuse me but... (Score:1)
I think this was a very informative article. I believe it brought out some points that I hadn't thought of before.
Alot of us here at /. don't know everything about security already. I am a programmer and I really like to learn new things. Slashdot isn't just news. It is whatever Rob wants to post. Thanks for the great essay.
The Traveling Salesman has not been solved! (Score:5)
> solve the Traveling Salesman problem in
> linear time.
The Traveling Salesman Problem is NP-Complete. If the DNA computers are able to solve it in linear time, P = NP, and the most important problem in Computer Science would be solved. I believe you meant: "DNA computers can now solve _some_ instances of the TSP in linear time, which is far different from your previous claim. There are, of course, some algorithms that give you a good approximation to the solution, but they don't "solve" the problem either.
Re:Excuse me but... (Score:1)
Yes I know
Re:Excuse me but... (Score:1)
Obscurity can be ONE element for security (Score:2)
The criticism of STO is usually directed against systems that use STO as the primary or only security measure.
-- Robert
urrrgh (Score:5)
The whole concept of STO is based around the idea that your attacker does not know the system that you are using to protect your data.
This is radically different from not knowing a particular piece of information (ie the key) in order to access data.
In the first case an inexpert crypto designer may find that their 'security' system infact contains a large number of clues as to its structure. Take for example a simple substitution cypher, while it might appear to the naked eye to be a random collection letters an experianced attacker would simply build a histogram and break the code based upon the distribution.
Moreover STO can quite easily become an argument for leaving holes (ie possible buffer overflows) open because "nobody knows about it". Quite simply this sort of sentiment has been shown to be very wrong over the years.
I find the arguments about hidden trip wires more interesting - but I would argue that this does not represent STO. The form of security may well be known to the attacker but the actual events which may trigger security alerts could be considered as an equivalent to a key.
STO has had its day - no information which is genuinly important should be protected in this manner.
Given that the normal definition of security is that it should cost the attacker more to breach the defenses than the information itself is worth - information with a very short lifespan may be eligable for some forms of STO and I'm sure that everyone occasionally follows this maxim.
But as a principal and as a technique I would like to see STO burried once and for all.
Re:The Traveling Salesman has not been solved! (Score:1)
Steganography (Score:1)
-- Robert
The problem with STO (Score:5)
So, the logic goes, make it more difficult for the attacker to know what secret they need to guess. Hide the security algorithm from them. Does the safe require a combination, a key, a palm print, or some combination?
The problem is that, by obscuring the implementation, weakness that can signifigantly reduce the amount of secret key the attacker needs to guess are hidden ("Um, it's a bad idea to put the door hinges on the outside of the safe. I don't bother picking the lock- I pop the hinges and simply remove the door.").
And this is the advantage open-source has. It's peer review limits the existance of such backdoors. And fixed faster when they are found.
Do not think for a moment that restricting access to the source code makes it less likely such vulnerabilities will be found. The "black hats" (be they the evil hackers or the evil NSA) always seem to have enough time to reverse engineer the software from the binary. The "white hats" generally have better things to do with their time. By making it harder for the legitimate people to look for security holes, you are simply making it more likely that the people finding the security holes will exploit them, and not announce them. By making it illegal to reverse engineer the products, you're gaurenteeing this.
If you don't beleive me, I recommend Bruce Schneier's "Applied Cryptography".
Re:Linguistically Off Topic (Score:1)
Re:Excuse me but... (Score:1)
As a public service, you may also want to avoid the following stories (they contain a great deal of common knowledge - be careful!)
Essay on Open Source as an Art Form
Sun Claims MS Steals Vision
High Tech Junk
I, like many others I'm sure, was not aware of the Navajo story and also simply enjoyed the way the article was written. I give the guy credit, being a Microserf and posting on
Wow, could this guy have missed the point more? (Score:5)
Granted, this is nothing new, but I thought I'd post something more on topic than the article itself. Stating that encrypted passwords are a form of security through obscurity, as the author does, is just plain silly. If you're going to talk about encryption and STO, it's more relevant to delve into the fact that a closed-source encryption algorithm (a la Clipper) is inherently unsafe because it isn't peer reviewed and therefore has a much greater likelihood of eventually being broken because of the authors' undiscovered mistakes, than does an open-source one which has been examined by a wide audience.
But then, what do you expect...
Security for the non-clued (Score:1)
You missed the point! (Score:1)
I agree with 'carry all obscurity in the key'. But this is better than carry obscurity everywhere. For my house i prefer to have to take care for the key and not for the key AND the door.
When you say to illustrate your talk: "When the tripwire is probed with a SYN packet from a cracker trying to locate the web server, instantly the system goes to full alert. The packet is logged and the admin's pager sounds like an alarm."
It's not STO it may be well know from the attacker without allowing him to bypass this trap.
Your exemple about digital signature is only a way to demonstrate that you have a weak protocol to verify public key. RE-read applied crypto!
Abscence of secret is imposible, but it's different from obscurity.
Re:Excuse me but... (Score:1)
Hmm... (Score:1)
obscurity of methods vs of data (Score:1)
Currently the way you can register a certificate there is no trust between the certificate holder and certification authority, in short certificate this way are bogus, they are just repository of dubious information.
Sure you may put traps in a system to find intruders, but the rest of the system should be secure. Obscurity will gain some time, but it's not the solution, remember it's the way things work that should be open, not the sensitive data itself.
Reality check (Score:1)
Not really a defence of STO (Score:4)
Having said that, his arguments are totally bogus. Saying that passwords are obscurity is nonesense. When we speak of STO we're talking about source code, not passwords, keyfiles, etc. Trying to defend STO by talking about the success of the navajo indian code is stupidity in the extreme. There are working practices available _today_ without using STO, so why would anyone bother with a "time limited" crypto?
So just what _was_ this microserf trying to defend? It seems very unclear to me.
perl -e 'print scalar reverse q(\)-:
Perhaps you mean that STO is more interesting (Score:1)
The point of cryptographic security is that a very large amount of carefully verified work, the work of experts which cannot be easily duplicated, can be invested in the cryptosystem. The system can then be used by anyone, expert or not, any number of times, by just providing a passphrase. STO requires an expert to devise a new intricate ploy each time.
Cryptography relies on certain algorithms having a minimum order-of-magnitude cost, and hence is vulnerable to spectacular algorithmic advances, but the problems are never meant to be intractable in the sense of "mysterious". A properly peer-reviewed cryptosystem is not weakened even if all of the scientists who invented it subsequently become traitors.
PS. Your point about engendering a false sense of security is correct, but the reason is that the users of the system wchoose weak passwords, leak them, etc.
PSS. Your point about encryption vs. hiding data in your drive is a revelation. I have already ordered my 340282366920938463463374607431GB hard drive!
Re:The Traveling Salesman has not been solved! (Score:1)
I'd never heard of DNA computing before, so I followed the link and took a look.
I'm certainly not qualified to know how much of it is really feasible, but it is quite interesting. However I'm not convinced that this technique would really solve the problem in linear time.
My reason for this is just a hunch, but it seems intuitive. They assume that the process of taking n DNA strands, chucking them into a bucket (so to speak), and mixing, will only have a linear cost. I'm not convinced this would be the case.
Visualise n to be fairly big, and each DNA strand to be fairly long. Now picture n strands of this length put into a mixing process. Now I'm not a chemist, but wouldn't tangles and other geometric issues, if not sheer weight of numbers, render the cost of adequate mixing worse than linear?
Put simply, if it takes, say, 10 milliseconds to adequately mix 10 strands, do you think it would really take just 1000 milliseconds for 1000 strands? Or 1000000 for a 1000000? Maybe it would, but I'm unconvinced. If nothing else, I doubt that a linear relationship for this is proven.
Or maybe I just misunderstood the whole thing. Please tell me where I've screwed up :)
Re:Steganography (Score:1)
Steganography doesn't have to completely rely on it, though. Encrypt the data before you hide it, and that will make it look all the more like random noise.
Re:urrrgh (Score:1)
Absurd Definitions (Score:2)
Security through obfuscation relies on a cracker's ignorance of a system vulnerability for protection, as opposed to disclosing the systems specs and subjecting them to rigorous peer review, allowing the vulnerability to be exposed, analyzed, and fixed.
Encryption is the protection of DATA (whether it is a password, data file, or filesystem) through obfuscation of the DATA. Obfuscating DATA is not the same as obfuscating a system architecture in the hopes no one figures it out. To define the two as the same is no different than defining apples and cucumbers to mean the same thing, and leads to the same meaningless results (an inability to differentiate between the two until new terms are invented to compensate for the obfuscated and undermined definitions of the old words). The desire to not disclose confidential data residing on a hard drive does not imply that one is relying on "security through obfuscation" rather than strong, publicly reviewed security approaches. The two concepts are in many ways completely orthogonal to one another.
About the only thing the article got right is the notion that, if the data need only be protected for a brief time, inherently less secure approaches may be used with some success. What is entirely glossed over, however, is that in using a less secure but perhaps more expedient approach one is still taking a terrible gamble, as there is a greater possibility the data will be compromized earlier than desired than if a more secure approach had been used. The probability may be small because of the limited time frame involved (making the risk "worth it" perhaps) but the possibility is nevertheless quite real. What I do not understand is WHY anyone would want to do something like that, when well documented, secure ways exist for protecting both transient and long term data and systems exist, making that sort of gamble unnecessary to begin with.
Digital signatures not a problem (Score:2)
The recipient's email client should check the authority signature of the sender's certificate against the known trusted Verisign certificate. In this case they wouldn't match. You can't make them match unless you know Verisign's private key.
The user will be warned that the identity of the sender could not be verified.
Re:Excuse me but... (Score:1)
Try not to be an "info-snob" and give the guy a break...
Some Counterpoints (Score:3)
Excuse my (potential) ignorance... (Score:1)
I knew there was a reason we were told to keep passwords "uncrackable" (in the brute-force-utility sense of Crack), or to use Kerberos or other means of keeping things secure...
As someone who's had a machine broken into by means of an ethernet sniffer on someone with a weak (crackable) password used in two places, who was saved from a root login by various ttys being insecure, I no longer even let my passwords out from my current domain in plaintext; sometimes they don't go that far either. Ssh is only one means of doing this, but it's a bloomin' nice means.
to them too
Re:Excuse me but... (Score:1)
That P=NP?
Yeah, you'd think news like that would rate its *own* item :-)
(Note: I didn't see anything *on the referenced site* that *claimed* that this method solved the Travelling Salesman problem in linear time. Hint: more cities need longer and more chains.)
Re:The Traveling Salesman has not been solved! (Score:1)
And the link provided does not demonstrate the travelling salesman problem the way I learned it. We learned it such that the travelling salesman _was_ concerned about the distance travelled, which makes the problem MUCH more complex. Plus, with this addition, the travelling salesman is revealed for what it truly represents: circuit design.
The problem is of course VERY simply when there are only 3-10 cities involved, but grows to unsolvable proportions as it grows to 100 cities and beyond. (2^100 ~ 10^30). Note that earth has only been around for approximately 10^27 milliseconds.
The problem showed grows complex only at a linear rate, not n^P... Oh well...
Objections (Score:3)
I'd take objection to his calling the use of NP-complete problems "security through obscurity", specifically his statement that we're depending on the hardness of the problems for security and that they may not be that hard if we approach them right. From what I recall, what we're depending on in reality is the fact that NP-complete problems are harder than any other known problems, and provide an upper bound on the hardness of problems. We don't know that NP-complete problems are neccesarily hard to solve, but we do know that any other problems are easier to solve. Even if someone invents a linear-time method of solving an NP-complete problem they're still harder than any other problems, the upper bound just moved down a lot. This is a problem for cryptography, but it's not solvable without rewriting the rules of mathematics.
As for calling a secret key "security through obscurity", he's missing the point. STO canonically refers to keeping the details of the underlying algorithms and/or implementation unknown. It does not typically refer to the idea that there's some piece of information that a legitimate user possesses that an attacker does not.
It's all STO... all of it I say! (Score:1)
Consider some simple, general purpose Turing machine, so simple you have to write the "program" on the tape as well as your data to make it go (just like a card deck :-) ). Write out your data to be encrypted, your encryption program, and your password onto the tape. Run your machine so that the result is a tape with encrypted data, the program, and the password. With this data either you or your enemy can reverse the process. What part of the tape do you obscure? Usually the password, but in our system that's just a part of the tape.
If you use a unique and clever algorithm for each encryption run, and the same password, you would need to obscure the algorithm to be safe.
One can construct a theoretical framework where it's all STO. By obscuring only the password we simply make the job easier for our customary way of doing things. I don't have to remember and type in my whole decryption/access program, just a short string. If we have a very good encryption algorithm we force the attacker to guess the key, hence we force them to fight by our rules. IMHO it all comes down to that.
Re:Linguistically Off Topic (Score:1)
Re:Steganography (Score:1)
Using a One Time Pad and the low order bits in pictures, audio etc. is 100% provably secure.
It is also possible to exchange information during seemingly innocent cryptographic actions; it is possible to hide information in a DSA signature for example, and even if you look carefully it is impossible to prove that there is hidden information or not.
Only the simplest steganography methods only rely on STO.
Re:Security for the non-clued (Score:1)
Re:The Traveling Salesman has not been solved! (Score:2)
The author did not need to peek ... (Score:2)
Obscure is not mean same as secret. (Score:1)
Well, it is actually, but I will agree that security in the absence of secrets is not strictly possible. There is a difference.
Don't break ping! (Score:3)
Re:Security for the non-clued (Securing Linux) (Score:1)
Re:The Traveling Salesman has not been solved! (Score:1)
> which makes the problem MUCH more complex.
Actually not. There are two variations of the TSP problem: one is to "decide" whether there is a path of less than x units between the cities, and the other is the "optimization": what is the optimal path between the cities. Both are NP-Complete, and in that respect, equivalent. If you can answer the optimization problem in linear time, you can solve the other in linear time also and vice-versa.
yes and no (Score:1)
But I agree that the author's use of "decimate" doesn't read very well.
Glad he works at MS (Score:3)
Full disclosure does not apply to instantiated data
True, but that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about the code that manipulates that data. Saying that STO doesn't apply to passwords is irrelevant.
Full disclosure does not apply to time-limited secrets
Your example is a time-limited method, not merely a time-limited secret. In context, Navaho was used for a very short time. Expecting to use some encryption method for only a short time and not have it cracked is probably a good example against your argument, rather than for. The Japanese didn't have PentiumIIIs and Linux, so a few years was not much time to work on a crack. Doing something like that today would have the algorithm (new and untested, as per your specs) reverse engineered very shortly. You run the risk of having your messages decrypted in realtime before you stop using that algorithm.
Obscurity serves as a tripwire
This example makes no sense. Such trip approaches work because they detect scans; it has nothing to do with the web server, or what port it's on. I'd be willing to bet that a cracker would be able to complete his scan and root your insecure web server before the sysadmin can respond to the page.
Your Indiana Jones example is bogus: attackers wouldn't exhaustively search. They would intentionally break all the tiles, thus revealing which ones were supported. Crackers are not interested in drama. Not until they break in, anyway.
"STO can be a powerful disincentive" is not true; cracker tools don't care.
"But like moats, tripwire obscurity provides a critical buffer against attackers" is not true, either; tripwire only provides detection.
Asymmetric cryptography exhibits traits of STO
"...quite simply, to develop a swift means of factoring those multiples." Isn't that a direct quote from Bill? I would guess you are not a mathematician. (Neither am I) These methods are believed secure because it is believed there is no such "swift means". In math, that usually means you can't just program around it. It means you cannot do it. DNA computers notwithstanding. My DNA computer can barely play my mp3s, much less decrypt my password.
Incorrectly used crypto programs are also not the issue. The issue is that even "correctly" used STO is insecure.
I am not a cryptographer, nor a mathematician. But even I can see your arguments do not stand up on their own merits.
Traveling Salesman: Not linear (Score:3)
I believe he meant to say some subsets (special cases) of the problem can be solved in linear time, which is no big news anyway. For example, the TS problem is easy to solve in linear time in the special case that the graph is a circle.
The question is moot anyway, because the notion that the computer solves the TS problem in "linear time" is correct but deceptive. In Fundamental Algorithms, all CS majors are taught to think of the Theta(N) (order of growth) as the "running time" of an algorithm; they then forget that "running time" is a metaphor for a number of computations. A more correct term for Theta(N) would be "increase in computational resources as input size grows".
A DNA computer uses the chemical and structural properties of DNA to perform an exponential number of calculations in parallel. Thus, it is not computing a linear solution to the Traveling Salesman problem, but merely throwing vastly more computational resources at it. The former is an algorithms problem; the latter is an engineering problem.
(BTW: I suspect that the amount of DNA you need does, in fact, increase exponentially with the data set size but in general this is not a consideration since you can put an insane quantity of DNA in a vat.)
Security to clue your ass (Score:1)
But before I dew((do)doo)d00)
All this STO is big freaking joke.
Well maybe...just maybe if I hide my network vulnerabilities, people will just feel bad that I'm a shitty sys admin too lazy to fix the holes in my system
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www.hackernews.com -- The CNN of the Hacking World
Re:Excuse me but... (Score:1)
Re:The Traveling Salesman has not been solved! (Score:1)
Re:Digital signatures not a problem (Score:1)
Are we being fed FUD on slashdot?
STO fails for the VERY lucky (Score:2)
If I put my gold in a safe and there's a 1 in 6 billion chance of 'guessing' the combination, that means there's a good chance that SOMEONE on the planet can take it - which brings us to security thru superior firepower.
I want to put my gold in a safe that NOBODY can access except me - perhaps a theoritically impossible goal - in which case all security is
just varying degrees of obscurity but we can put up with infinitesimally small amounts of risk for most practical uses. So the issue may resolve to mere semantics.
But I may be hallucinating again...
security through obscurity (Score:2)
Passwords are the basic means of checking authorization, whether the protocol is obscure or not. I don't see why "password would violate the ban on security through obscurity".
I don't see either how shadow login can be considered an obscure protocol. The author admits himself that the protocol is open. Just because the passwords are hidden does not make the protocol obscure. Using the same logic one may argue that any kind of security system is obscure because it restricts access to data.
2 - time-limited secrets
That is correct. However, this approach is rather risky. You never know how long it will take for attackers to crack it. In fact, it would not be secure to use it more then once...
3 - obscurity as tripwire
OK. I get the point. But how can you connect to a web server if you don't know its port?
Besides, "Such measures do not make a given machine resistant to breach in the long term..."
The author concedes that this tactics can be used to *detect* the attack but not to stop it.
4 - Assymetric encryption
That is his strongest point. Assymetric encryption is indeed a form of security through obscurity. Just imagine what would happen if you find an algorithm to quickly factor large numbers into primes... So yes, he does make his point that any security system cannot be completely free of obscurity.
The difference betwen STO and secrets (Score:2)
Others have pointed this out, but I don't think everyone will get the difference even through they are right, so here is my attempt, dumbed down a bit for the less technical.
Imangine for a moment that I capture Rob (cmdTaco ie founder of /.) and tortue him until he gives me the root password on the main /. server. I now have a seceret, and I can get into /., but I do not have enough information to get into User Friendly [userfriendly.org] Even though(if) both run the same version on linux.
Not imangine that I capture an enginerr from Microsoft and torture him until I get a previously unknown security hole in Windows NT. I can now break into any NT server in the world, (assuming the reqrisites for the hole are in place, obviously a system in a locked room not attached to a netwrok is safe)
See the difference? In one area the terriorist got the ability to break into one machine, in the other the terriorist got the ability to break into virtually any machine.
Now It is possibal that some bug exists in Linux that will allow anyone to get into it. With linux, once I discover how someone got into my machine I can fix it, with NT I have to wait for microsoft. So in reality what makes open source better in the face of attack is that I can fix it in a few hours whereas with STO I have to wait for a vender to fix it. If I'm a minor player and nobody else is attacking me, with STO my vender can leave me in the lurch, whereas with open source I can fix it myself.
Re:The Traveling Salesman has not been solved! (Score:2)
questioning is always good (Score:1)
I do not speak for my employer.
- Tim
And if your traps go off? (Score:2)
There is an old but delightful movie called "How to steal a million" that is based on exactly that scenario. Basically, if your traps go off every fifteen minutes, you will not be paying any attention to them very soon.
Yes it has (Score:1)
However quantum computing offers similar tricks using a superposition of quantum states to do an exponential amount of computing without taking an exponential amount of time. The last that I heard that technology was looking more and more feasible in the long-term. But it is still a good 20 years off even if it can be made to work.
As for P=NP, I honestly believe that they are different. As for a proof, well this post is too short...
Ben Tilly
Re:The Traveling Salesman has not been solved! (Score:1)
linear time, but also in constant time!
In fact, even a bigger class of problems,
called the polynomial hierarchy (PH) can be
solved in constant time.
The catch is in the number of processors
required to do so. This translates to the weight (or volume) of the DNA which grows
exponentially in the size of the input.
DNA computing does not give us any additional
power over traditional computing: quantumn
computing does.
Re:The Traveling Salesman has not been solved! (Score:5)
This doesn't even address the question of whether or not the DNA computer is deterministic. In other words, given the same input, will it always produce the same output in the same (exact) running time? For example, I could claim that this message is encrypted with the only provably secure encryption algorithm - a 1-time pad. The fact that you are reading it means that you broke my code in not just polynomial but constant time by guessing the correct key (a string of 0s, as it turns out) does not make the 1-time pad encryption scheme (in general) insecure. I happened to have choosen a cryptographically crappy key.
To continue my rant, the factoring is not "obscure". RSA would be "obscure" if it relied on some "magic" number - that is, in finding this single "magic" number, one could decode *all* messages encrypted with RSA. Since the public key is, well, public, the strength of the algorithm lies in the difficulty of factoring an arbitrary large composite number that has only 4 factors.
I'm just getting warmed up here - the author's example of using social engineering to compromise Verisign's key is invalid. In this case, the underlying cryptographic system was not compromised . To turn the argument, I could just have easily socially-engineered any STO-based system just as easily affecting the same results. The reason that STO is bad is that this is not the only option. For systems using strong (non-STO) crypto, the only option to breaking it is through social engineering.
The quote: "The widely made claim that public-key cryptography is 'real' security and completely unrelated to 'false' STO delivers a more powerful illusion of security than anything an XOR'd password file can provide." particularly ires me. The fact that a cracker knows exactly how a password is encrypted and still can't extract it is a secure system. A password "encrypted" (and I use the term loosely) through an obscure algorithm (that is, once you know the algorithm - not the key - you can get any password) is not secure. Offline, I can reverse-engineer your algorithm and run you SOL.
Next, the example of the Swedish (ObEd: shouldn't that be Swiss?) bank account is totally misrepresented. In an STO system, a cracker would only need to run through the contents of the drive. That is, if the drive were size n, he (and it's always a "he", isn't it?) would take time t. If the drive were size 2*n, he would take time 2*t. If the author has no understanding of the difference between a linear scan of an array and the exponential search required to go through all possible keys of, say DES, then he's a moron. If he stores his Swedish bank account PIN somewhere on a 2^56 bit hard drive, than yes, he has the same security as someone encrypting the PIN with 56-bit DES. The difference of course, is that someone has to "remember" 2^56 bits (plus some to "remember" the offset) to find his PIN, while the other has to "remember" merely 56. That, is the power of strong encryption.
Even if this guy weren't from microsoft, he'd still be an idiot!
It has long been known that one horse can run
faster than another - but which one?
Differences are crucial. -- Lazarus Long
Re:Traveling Salesman: Not linear (Score:1)
fair point
Authentication is NOT Obscurity (Score:3)
In the world of serious computer security, "obscurity" refers to keeping the *mechanism* for storing information secret, not the information itself. In practice, the mechanism should be able to keep the information secret even if the inner workings of the mechanism are known.
For example, the algorithms used in the US government's ill-fated "Clipper chip" were kept secret - security by obscurity. When, under pressure from industry, the algorithms were finally released, significant weaknesses were immediately discovered. RSA, on the other hand, is not obscure. Even having the source code for the actual program used to encrypt data with RSA does not significantly reduce the time required to decrypt it (consider that a PGP-encrypted message states its nature in plaintext, right at the top of the message!)
Another, more MS-vs-OSS example is buffer overflow attacks on daemon programs. The "security through obscurity" approach is to hide the source code, so potential buffer overflows are not obvious. But hiding the source does not *eliminate* them... it just hides them. With patience and educated guesses, they can and will be discovered. By opening the source, potential overflows can be found and discovered. One need look no farther than the recent security reports on the most popular closed-source web server (IIS) and the most popular open-source web server (Apache). Which one has had multiple severe, easily exploitable security holes reported lately? In other words, the obscurity of the IIS source made it harder to find weaknesses, but not impossible. In Apache's case, thousands of eyes have pored over every line of source, and the potential weaknesses were found and eliminated long ago. Which makes you feel safer - code thoroughly studied for weaknesses by thousands of programmers, or code where only the authors have examined it?
Re:The Traveling Salesman has not been solved! (Score:1)
typically DNA machines take quite a long time to process anything, after all there are fixed costs involved in extracting the solution but AFAIK the actual time elapsed during mixing does not grow that fast.
The problem with STO.. (Score:2)
Because it is not, or hardly (only collegues) peer-reviewed, no one has told you if you made any obvious mistakes, and no one can assign an upper- and lowerbound to the difficulty of breaking your "algorithm".
The algorithm you describe where the admin assigns a different port to the HTTP server is not STO; it can be analyzed, and flaws can be found. (And a great many there are)
There are of course problems with these attempts to use a general concept, such as port numbers here, as a key in a secure protocol.
Probably the biggest is that it is not seen as a secret. If Mr. CFO goes to the companies' secret website at port 6301, employee John Doe can walk in an spot the port number in the web browsers' location bar, because the web browser hadn't thought it was a secret.
Probably Mr. CFO is also an average user who doesn't completely grasp the fact that the URL is now an important secret, so he writes it down on a post-it note attached to his monitor.
The other problem is that "innocent" users, such as search engines, may also scan a whole lot of ports to find a webserver, so a) Mr. Sysadmin will get a lot of false alerts on his pager and b) the information will end up for all to see in some Big Search-engine's Database.
The same goes for Joe Hacker who may be detected but has still taken all the necessary information within 4 seconds.
Re:The difference betwen STO and secrets (Score:1)
Remove theloveoftheworld to respond.
Re:Objections (Score:1)
He has a point though, if only by accident. He writes:
The complexity of factoring is an open question, isn't it? It might be easier than NP. A quantum computer using Shor's algorithm could factor quickly (if built), so factoring-based schemes (RSA) would fall apart. This doesn't require that NP-complete problems be solvable quickly.
Re:Don't break ping! (or dest-unreachable) (Score:2)
Fools... (Score:1)
Kyle R. Rose, MIT LCS
Re:The problem with STO (Score:1)
was plagued by certain bugs (or were they features ?) that allowed breaking it -- and the product
had been widely used before someone took the
time to analyze the code deeply enough to
find these bugs.
"Controlled sharing" of passwords is the real STO (Score:1)
What makes a secret secret? (Score:2)
Suppose I hide the exam answers in /home/ebcdic/old/letters. That's STO. But the way you find them is exhaustive search through my directory, just as the way you find my login password is by exhaustive search of character sequences.
The difference of course is the scale of the search. A one character password is no better than an obscure directory.
The important thing is to be able to quantify, or at least make explicit, the effort needed to break in to the system. With prime-product based public key, you can say something like "breaking this requires either solving the discrete log problem or X amount of work using the best known algorithm".
RSA, etc. (Score:1)
Get a clue. For example, read Berkeley security class notes [berkeley.edu]
Actual STO argument (Score:1)
A former coworker and I were discussing STO, and he argued, rather successfully I think, that STO is probably the best way to go for organizations like the NSA, for the following reasons.
First, the NSA employs a great many security experts and crackers. They have enough resources to perform in-house peer review.
Second, the odds of someone outside of the NSA being a friend who would disclose any discovered weaknesses to the NSA for them to fix is not very high.
There is the issue of moles and such leaking the info, or the system being reverse-engineered (by sniffing air-bound packets?) The idea is that, by using their resources and internal peer-review, that they could create an algorithm that would be secure even if the algorithm was known.
So it's not really STO, in the classic sense, but rather _Additional_ security through obscurity. Make your algorithm secure even if known, but don't give your enemies the algorithm for them to play with just to prove your point.
Of course we both agreed that you should never use a STO-dependent system to talk to your bank or credit card company.
STO can be useful (Score:1)
For instance one problem with scripts is the fact that they often have passwords encoded in everywhere. What to do about it? Well in some random spot under an innocuous name, put a program that when passed a series of semi-open secrets by the appropriate user(s) (and possibly only when called by the appropriate program) will return a password, and log attempts to call it inappropriately. In your scripts you can call on that program.
This means that you no longer have the passwords hanging around everywhere, and it additionally means that when you change passwords, you can just change that one program and all of your scripts will continue to work.
This is not, of course, appropriate for a high-security situation or a broadly used solution, but when your need is a trade-off between convenience and true security this judicious use of STO is a hole, sure. But it is a hole that is reasonably hard to take advantage of. (Although if you know the rules for the program it then becomes trivial!)
Ben Tilly
Redefining Obscurity (Score:1)
I toatally agree.
BUT, you're simply redifining 'obscurity' to mean something different than STO defines it to be. STO conventionally means that the attacker doesn't understand your particular setup and/or system; it is 'secure' because your system is of an obscure type. If you want to re-define obscure to apply to secret keys and one-way hashes then you are totally correct; if you are trying to debunk the notion that STO isn't real security, you have failed.
Putting a webserver on another port doesn't buy you much safety. As a worse case scenario, an attacker would be ignored after he attempted to contact an unauthorized port -- the attacker simply needs more IP addresses to complete her attack. Try to say the same thing about the shadow password file.
You can't.
The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Obscurity ISN'T Security (Score:3)
Point number 2 is somewhat valid, if you only need security for a short time, you can get away with STO. However, such situations are rare, and you are just as well off with real security, so why risk STO? Back in WWII, encrypting messages for broadcast was difficult and expensive, so they needed to come up with other ways (Navahos, Enigma, etc.), it no longer is a problem. Speaking of WWII, the German Enigma cypher is a classic example of the utter failure of STO, in a time-limited environment no less.
Point number 3 is not security. Having tripwires in place might be handy against script kiddies, but a well informed hacker can avoid them. Even an uninformed hacker has a statistical chance of avoiding them; just by trying random ports, they might come across the real port before they find any tripwires. Unlike a medieval moat, a digital moat can be just jumped over without any planning or special equipment.
Point number 4 is again based on the just plain wrong "But you keep keys hidden, that's STO" argument, but it makes a few other points as well. Yes, if someone finds a fast way to factor huge products of two primes, public key systems fall apart. Since the best minds in the world have been working on this problem for centuries without finding much, the chance of anyone finding a good solution right away is slim. In the mean time, open, non-STO public key systems with large keys are very secure.
The phony certificate issue is not an issue of "Open Complicated Systems vs STO" it's an issue of "Untrained users can compromise security". Public key systems offer easy ways of protecting against forged certificates, as long as they get used. User training and dillegence is a critical part of any good security system, without it, you don't have security.
The "Swedish Bank Account Number" example isn't an example of STO at all (unless you neglect to mention to anyone that the algorithm is an XOR of a key with the data). It's an issue of key management. On the other hand, using a simple algorithm like XOR would allow a cracker to get some useful information without needing to discover the whole key. More modern security algorithms don't have this hole.
In conclusion, Priestly has shown little understanding of the real issues of security. He has come up with one case where STO is not worse than real security (but also not better), and a bunch of arguments based on misunderstandings that show he should hit some more textbooks.
Exactly my point! (no msg) (Score:1)
Re:The Traveling Salesman has not been solved! (Score:1)
It's just a matter of sorting connections until the string is complete. Enough conditions are given that any computer should be able to solve it in seconds. I suppose if there were 50 thousand cities you wanted to visit without every visiting the same one twice it would be a lot harder... But I think given that a solution exists I can solve anything up to 12 or so cities.
Probalby more.
Uh, that won't work (Score:1)
Re:Don't break ping! (Score:1)
Not quite (Score:1)
Make that not known to be NP complete. It is clearly NP. The question is whether it is complete. To which I note that if, for instance, P=NP then factoring would trivially be an NP-complete problem.
Although it does seem doubtful that it would be NP-Complete.
Re:The problem with STO (Score:1)
Re:urrrgh (Score:1)
Re:The Traveling Salesman has not been solved! (Score:2)
As the problems get more complicated, strands are more likely to break, further compounding the situation.
This makes any real DNA-computer solution of the Traveling Salesman look awfully NP to me.
Re:Excuse me but... (Score:1)
I guess the StO approach gets a bad rep for being the security model you're using when you aren't using a security model.
At any rate, I guess that an awful lot of people rely on obscurity as their safety net. When you do leave a security hole by mistake, at least there's the chance that nobody will notice.
Anyway, isn't obscurity the main weapon of the CIA et al? "need-to-know" and all? You don't see them talking about their spying arrangements openly, just so that people can mail in helpful suggestions...
Re:It's all STO... all of it I say! (Score:1)
So the test that I use, is this: If the thing that I'm obscuring should be made public, how difficult is it to change that thing? If a password gets out, it is very easy to change it and retain the same level of security that we had prior to the disclosure of the information.
But if the security of the thing I'm trying to build is based on secret knowledge of how its built, then I'm in trouble. If the only security that I use is architectural obscurity, then if knowledge of the architecture becomes public, I have to completely rebuild in order to improve security.
For example, imagine a bank puts its electronic vault on a very specific IP address, and using a very specific port, which speaks some strange heretofore unknown protocol, and that's the only security used to protect access to the electronic vault... well that's a bank I'd be pulling my money from. Because if someone found the IP address and found the port, and reverse engineered the protocol, the amount of effort it would take to re-architect that electronic vault is about equivalent to what it took to build it. That bank would be left with few choices.
The latter, to me, is what is meant by STO. Certainly hiding things that people don't need to know about is a good thing, but it better not be the only thing. And part of the other stuff that you use must be easily changed in the event of disclosure of information.
RSA and Obsurity (Score:2)
Actually, I think he was referring to the fact that the PRIVATE key must be kept obscure. Naturally. This likens to his issue of passwords being obscure. You can't tell someone your password, or it's useless. Same with RSA. You can't give out your private key, or it's useless.
In any case, yes, I would say that by this definition, ALL security relies on some amount of obscurity. But big deal. This is more or less axiomatic, and the article's point seems to be moot. If that's all he was trying to say, I think it's safe to say we knew that. But that doesn't say that simple obscurity (such as the web page on a different port) is a good bit of security. It's not. It's highly insecure. But it is cheap, isn't it? As in all things, you must evaluate the need along with the price.
Slight correction... (Score:2)
on the other hand (Score:1)
Re:The difference betwen STO and secrets (Score:1)
Re:Authentication is NOT Obscurity - watermarking (Score:2)
Don't break PMTU discovery! (Score:1)
If you completely disable ICMP, TCL will break, because PMTU discovery doesn't work anymore.
It's safe to disable some ICMP types, but don't disable it completely. More info can be found here:
http://www.worldgate.com/~marcs/mtu/ [worldgate.com]
OS lover
Re:Don't break PMTU discovery! (Score:1)
OS lover
Re:Digital signatures not a problem (Score:1)
Forgive my ignorance about certificates, but isn't the process that assigns certificates automated? If so, couldn't I get a certificate as "Microshaft Corporation"? How closely do people read those certificate pop-ups? If you're like me (I shouldn't admit this), you impatiently click "always trust" after a glance.
Re:Reality check (Score:2)
Public key (asymetrical) encryption is theoretically breakable via mathematical attacks, i.e., that a quantum leap in our knowledge of mathematics could render it worthless. That is because the two keys are mathematically related. There are algorithms available now that are stronger for a given key length than the popular NSA-backed RSA algorithm (see 'eliptical curve technology' for an example), but those simply use a different function to feed the primes into. One reason to use an asymetrical algorithm only to exchange the keys for a symetrical algorithm is that this reduces the amount of text transmitted via the algorithm and thus presumably gives less ability to break it.
In reality, when faced with a 1024-bit key and a modern encryption algorithm, you're not going to decrypt it without the key. But of course there's always side-channel attacks. If you have physical access to one end of the system to be cracked, for example, you can always just "look over the guy's shoulder" as he types in the password unlocking his keychain and reads the decrypted text. This could be via electronic surveillance literally looking over his shoulder, this could be via sneaking a virus into his system that records his keystrokes and records bitstreams coming to and from the hard drive and floppy drive into his encrption program, or it could be via rigging the encryption program itself so that it will EMAIL you the key. Or it could be buying the key from him. In any event, this is by far the most likely way of cracking a secure cryptographic system -- the algorithms themselves are pretty much uncrackable, but key management is always a problem.
And of course the strength of the encryption has nothing to do with the strength of the cryptographic system. For example, one version of MS CHAP encrypted the password and sent it to the server. But -- it did not encrypt a salt that had been sent with the server along with the password. Thus all a bogon had to do was sniff the encrypted password, use it himself, and voila, as far as NT was concerned, the bogon was you.
Re:The Traveling Salesman has not been solved! (Score:1)
Quantum computers (in THEORY, anyway - in THEORY, communism works...) can exhaustively search solution spaces in linear time, using nondeterministic effects of QM (so that the question P=NP is not answered, but they act as a nondeterministic automaton, so they can solve NP, or Nondeterministic-Polynomial problems in polynomial time - as you might expect). Whether there is a limit on how many tracks can be pursued, analogously to the DNA computers, is unclear at this time, since no working models of any useful size have been built. There is no obvious theoretical reason why such a barrier should exist, however.
The applicability of approximate algorithms for solving the TSP to the parallel question of code-breaking is, of course, doubtful. In the case of the TSP, one has a metric by which "approximate" solutions can be judged - and there are algorithms which can guarantee a result within, say, 10% of the best possible answer. In code-breaking, however, a wrong key produces gibberish, and there are no "approximately right" keys which decrypt SOME of the information only.
In other words, barring an engineering breakthrough in quantum computation, the problem P=NP is still the principal weak point in modern cryptosystems - one which remains unanswered. Assuming it holds, and no working, size-unlimited quantum computers can be built (for whatever reason, such as as-yet unclear theoretical limits to maintaining coherence) then increasing the key size will always move the problem of attack beyond the abilities of the largest available computer, while keeping "legitimate" (i.e. key-enabled) decryption and encryption feasible.
Oh, assuming nobody invents time-travel, of course.
Re:Don't break ping! (or dest-unreachable) (Score:5)
As for that BS about routers using "ping"... no they don't -- or more accurately, none that are worth their weight in twinkies. There are much better ways to judge distance -- oh, say, like the TTL in any IP packet. (Note: bind does this already.) Additionally, if you knew anything at all about ICMP, you'd know there is no (zero, none!) transmittion assurance for ICMP traffic. Nothing is going to alert you an ICMP message never got to it's dest. nor will anything ever retransmit an ICMP message. (RFC) Rule #1: NEVER SEND AN ICMP MESSAGE ABOUT AN ICMP MESSAGE.
For the record, the parts that can be turned off without breaking the network stack are:
Note: Turning off address mask info will break HP open spew.
How to tell secrecy from obscurity with theory (Score:1)
If it's, say, a randomly-generated 56-bit DES key, then the answer is easy: 56 bits. If it's a 1024-bit RSA public key, then it's somewhat harder, but the answer will be around the 1000-bit range.
If it's a passphrase, it's probably around 40 bits or worse - people are very bad at choosing passphrases, so some care has to go into making guessing attacks difficult.
But if it's a particular implementation issue, or an encryption algorithm you're keeping secret, how big is the algorithm in bits? In other words, how big and how regular is the space of algorithms from which it's drawn? Are there perhaps a thousand algorithms that you might have been equally likely to choose instead (10 bits)? Or ten thousand, but some are more likely than others (13 bits or less)? It's almost impossible to make a sensible estimate, and so actually working out how much security you get from keeping it secret isn't possible. *That's* what security through obscurity is and why it's bad.
hinges & such (Score:2)
Re:Don't break ping! (or dest-unreachable) (Score:2)
Someone, please! Moderate these posts up!
Because of people blindly blocking all ICMP, PMTUD (path maximum transmission unit discovery) is horribly broken for a large percentage of the internet.
The problem appears when you have a link between yourself and the destination that uses an MTU less than or not equal to (I can't remember which) the common 1500. What usually happens is small transfers work ok, but large transfers don't. So, you may be able to (for example) log in and get a directory listing from FTP sites, and even download small files, but trying to download large files just doesn't work properly. This has frustrated many people, as the problem is not easy to figure out. And once you do figure it out, the only way to fix things is to complain to the offending firewall operator, who will usually give a response like "Everything works fine for me. Must be a problem with your system.", or something similar.
"You're violating RFC xxxx" is just no match for "It works fine for me."
The only real solution is education.
So spread the word. Save the net.
Well-known attacks (Score:2)
You are referring to what are called "side-channel attacks" when you talk about bribing the folks who do the encoding, and you are correct, side-channel attacks are the only effective attack against modern cryptographic techniques. You are referring to what is called a "man in the middle attack" when you set yourself up as the intended recipient of the encoded message, but there are known techniques for dealing with "man in the middle attacks" (read Bruce's book).
A cryptographic algorithm itself does not rely upon obscurity. The data is not obscure, it is effectively randomized. It does rely upon secrecy, in particular, upon the secrecy of the key. But secrecy is a different thing from obscurity -- obscurity is hiding a needle in a haystack in hopes that nobody will find it, while secrecy is carrying the needle around with you in your wallet. The difference is that someone might accidentally stumble over the needle in the haystack, but the needle in your wallet is never going to be stumbled upon by any intruder. Of course, if you leave it sitting on top of your dresser (like most people do with their "secret" keys), it's no longer safe from somebody stealing it! But that's a different issue altogether.
Re:Not really a defence of STO (Score:2)
It's not what I've been seeing all along. I've seen countless articles and rants as to how STO is evil and should be completely abolished, since it keeps people from finding problems to be fixed. I consider this wrong. Problems and such should be fixed, and the system kept as secure as possible, but there is nothing wrong with using obscurity as an additional security measure. For example, running your FTP server on port 22875. Anybody who needs to access your FTP server knows what port it's on (or follows a link with that information in it), but the various script kiddies with their buffer overflow exploits scanning for open port 21's don't find you. You should still patch for all the exploits, of course, but this security through obscurity measure could buy you a few days, months, or years before one of your unpatched vulnerabilities (if you missed one, or are behind) actually gets exploited.